Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Meetups and Conferences in Nashville

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 13th 2024

Skyline of Nashville with tech icons representing meetups and conferences.

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Discover the top 10 tech meetups and conferences in Nashville, including Tech on Tap, Nashville Software School Open House, and PyTennessee. Experience a vibrant community with events like Music City Code, Nashville UX Design Meetup, and Agile Nashville. Engage with industry experts, expand networks, and explore insights into AI, UX, Python, and more. Connect with Nashville's booming tech scene, which contributes $8 billion to the local economy, through gatherings hosted by the Nashville Tech Council and BarCamp Nashville. Make valuable connections and stay ahead in tech trends.

Alright, so Tech on Tap is Nashville's go-to monthly event for anyone interested in techie stuff. It's a chill networking session where you can connect with other tech enthusiasts, catch up on the latest trends, and maybe even score your next job opportunity.

The vibe is super relaxed, with insightful talks and workshops, but also plenty of chances to just kick back with a drink and swap stories.

Some of the recent highlights have been pretty sweet, like a panel discussion on Nashville's buzzing startup scene, a hands-on coding workshop focused on building chatbots with Python, and even a talk by a former NASA engineer about the future of space tech.

But it's not all just lectures and presentations – Tech on Tap is all about fostering a sense of community and letting your inner nerd shine.

As Mary Lee, a regular attendee, puts it: "Tech on Tap is more than just a meetup – it's a tribe of passionate people who live and breathe tech, and aren't afraid to show it." Whether you're an experienced pro or just starting to explore the world of technology, Tech on Tap is definitely worth checking out.

It's the perfect place to expand your network, gain valuable insights, and maybe even learn some insider tips for breaking into Nashville's thriving tech scene.

Table of Contents

  • Nashville Software School Open House
  • Music City Code
  • Nashville UX Design Meetup
  • PyTennessee
  • Agile Nashville
  • Nashville Tech Council Annual Meeting
  • BarCamp Nashville
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Nashville Software School Open House


Check this out – Nashville Software School (NSS) is where it's at if you wanna level up your coding game. Their Open House is like a sneak peek into the dope stuff they've got going on, and let me tell you, it's fire.

First off, they've got this sick Full-Time Web Developer Bootcamp that'll have you building badass web apps in no time.

We're talking front-end, back-end, the whole shebang. And they even teach you how to rock that job hunt like a pro. But that's not all. NSS also dishes out a mean Data Analytics Bootcamp that'll turn you into a data-crunching wizard.

You'll be slaying Excel, Python, SQL, and all those fancy tools like it's nothing. Talk about leveling up your career game! The best part? NSS is all about that community vibe.

They've got coding meetups, hackathons, and networking events galore, so you can connect with other techies and soak up all that knowledge. It's like having your own crew of code slayers backing you up.

So, if you're ready to take your skills to the next level, you gotta hit up one of NSS's Open House events. Trust me, it'll be an eye-opener, and you might just find your calling in the world of tech.

Just don't sleep on it, alright?

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Music City Code


In the heart of Nashville, the DevOpsDays Nashville 2024 conference is happening on July 10-11, and it's gonna be epic! This two-day extravaganza at the Music City Center is a must-attend for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the game in the world of DevOps and IT. Get ready to dive deep into mind-blowing topics like Conversations - A Crucial Element to Invigorate your DevOps Practice, Chaos Engineering in Action, and Navigating the Digital Evolution.

With speakers like Jennifer Johnson and Camilla Martins dropping knowledge bombs, you'll be inspired to take your skills to the next level.

This conference is more than just a conference – it's a chance to connect with other tech enthusiasts, share ideas, and maybe even land your dream job.

You can network your way into Nashville's buzzing tech scene, and who knows, you might even discover the next big startup to join.

And if you're looking to level up your skills, check out the top coding bootcamps in Nashville – they've got immersive programs that'll turn you into a coding wizard in no time.

Nashville UX Design Meetup


Let me tell you about this dope Nashville UX Design Meetup group! It's a massive community with over 1.2 million members across 1,300+ groups worldwide.

These guys are all about bringing UX pros and enthusiasts together to talk shop, share ideas, and stay ahead of the game.

In Nashville, their meetups are a must-attend for anyone into user experience design.

They cover everything from the latest UI trends to conducting legit user research.

It's the perfect place to network, swap stories, and learn from the experts.

What's really cool is that they dive deep into hot topics like human-centered design, accessibility, and design systems.

They're all about creating products and services that put the user first, no matter their abilities or background. And let's be real, building cohesive and scalable design systems is key for maintaining that brand consistency across different platforms.

  • Interactive meetups - It's not just lectures and presentations. These meetups are interactive AF, with hands-on workshops, design critiques, and Q&A sessions with industry pros.
  • Networking opportunities - You get to collaborate, get feedback, and really level up your skills.

One attendee said, "The Nashville UX Design Meetup has been a game-changer for my professional growth. Being able to connect with seasoned UXers and learn about the latest trends has taken my skill set to new heights."

And that's just one of many glowing testimonials from the crew.

If you're serious about UX design, this meetup group needs to be on your radar. It's the perfect place to stay in the loop, make connections, and elevate your game in the ever-evolving world of user experience.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Have you heard about Kiwi PyCon? It's the epic Python conference happening in Wellington, New Zealand from August 23rd to 25th.

This year's event is gonna be off the charts! They've got a packed schedule with workshops, talks, panel discussions, and even lightning sessions for those rapid-fire presentations.

On Friday, they're hosting four intense full-day workshops, plus a coding competition and social event in the evening.

Saturday and Sunday are the main conference days, with a total of 30 and 45-minute talks covering all kinds of Python topics for every skill level. They've also got a panel discussion lined up for Saturday to discuss the future of Python in AI and machine learning.

And on Sunday, get ready for a barrage of lightning talks – a series of 5-minute presentations that are sure to blow your mind.

But here's the best part – Kiwi PyCon is all about making the event accessible to everyone.

They offer financial aid to help those who might not be able to attend otherwise.

The deadline to apply for financial aid is May 23rd, 2024, so don't sleep on it.

If you're interested in being a speaker or presenting a poster, the call for proposals is open until May 23rd, 2024 for talks and June 30th, 2024 for posters.

This is your chance to share your Python knowledge with the community and network with some of the rising stars in the tech scene.

Speaking at Kiwi PyCon is an experience you won't want to miss.

Agile Nashville


Check it out, the Agile Nashville User Group is where it's at for anyone in Nashville tryna level up their Agile game.

With over 1,500 members, this crew is legit and always has something poppin' off. They host monthly luncheons that are totally chill, just an open discussion on whatever Agile topic everyone wants to dig into.

But that's not all, they also throw events throughout the year to keep things fresh.

Like this upcoming one on August 12th, it's called "Getting To The Problem" and it's all about how Agile can help you identify issues quicker so you can actually solve them.

Sounds like a solid move.

The best part? It's free to join and they even provide lunch at their meetings. Can't beat that, right? So if you're looking to connect with other Agile enthusiasts, swap stories, and just immerse yourself in that Agile community vibe, then Agile Nashville is definitely the move.

These folks know their stuff and are all about sharing that knowledge.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Nashville Tech Council Annual Meeting


The Nashville Technology Council Annual Meeting is the place to be if you're into tech and big on connecting with the coolest people in Nashville's scene.

This shindig, organized by the tech-savvy folks at the Nashville Technology Council, is all about bringing together the city's tech community for some serious networking and future-shaping.

At this meetup, you've got industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and techies galore, all fired up to discuss the latest trends and find ways to take Nashville's tech game to new heights.

The speakers and panels tackle everything from cutting-edge innovations like AI and blockchain to strategies for nurturing a skilled workforce and supporting startups.

Nashville's tech scene is booming, contributing a massive $8 billion to the local economy and employing over 64,000 people (according to the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce).

The Nashville Technology Council is a driving force behind this growth, advocating for policies that foster innovation and providing a space for collaboration.

But this event isn't just about listening to talks; it's about getting involved.

You can network like a pro, find mentors, or even volunteer for council initiatives. It's the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the tech community and stay ahead of the curve.

As James Davis, the council's President and CEO, puts it:

"The Annual Meeting is a catalyst for progress, bringing together the region's brightest minds to shape the future of our tech ecosystem."

BarCamp Nashville


Buckle up, Nashville's tech scene is about to get wild with BarCamp Nashville, the unconventional conference that flips the script on traditional events.

Unlike those stuffy, curated agendas, BarCamp lets the attendees run the show. It's a melting pot of tech pros, enthusiasts, and fresh perspectives, all coming together to collaborate and innovate.

The real magic happens with the unconference format.

You pitch session ideas, lead discussions on the hottest trends and tech, and tackle real-world challenges head-on. The content stays on point, catering to what really matters in our ever-changing tech landscape.

Here's how a typical BarCamp Nashville agenda might play out:

  1. Session Pitching: 9:00 AM - Opening remarks and pitching your ideas for sessions.
  2. Concurrent Sessions: 10:00 AM - Sessions like "AI in Healthcare," "Blockchain 101".
  3. Networking Lunch: 12:00 PM - Open discussions and mingling.
  4. Interactive Workshops: 2:00 PM - Workshops like "Building Progressive Web Apps," "Data Viz with R".
  5. Lightning Talks: 4:00 PM - Closing remarks and lightning talks.

At BarCamp Nashville, you're not just an attendee; you're a contributor shaping the dialogue.

This collaborative vibe fosters innovation by encouraging the free flow of ideas, networking opportunities, and a sense of community in our thriving tech ecosystem.

As Charles Jones, a seasoned software dev, put it, "BarCamp Nashville is a breath of fresh air. It's a space where we can learn from each other, challenge conventional thinking, and spark the next big idea."

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your tech journey, BarCamp Nashville offers a chance to dive into the city's vibrant tech scene.

By embracing the unconference format, this event empowers attendees to drive the conversation, cultivate connections, and contribute to the collective growth of Nashville's tech community.

Check out Nucamp's article on the top coding bootcamps in Nashville to kickstart your journey into this exciting world.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is 'Tech on Tap' in Nashville?

'Tech on Tap' is a monthly event in Nashville for tech enthusiasts. It's a relaxed networking session featuring insightful talks, workshops, and opportunities to connect with others in the tech community. The event fosters a sense of community and is geared towards sharing ideas and networking.

What does the Nashville Software School Open House offer?

The Nashville Software School Open House provides a preview of their coding programs and community events. They offer comprehensive training in web development and data analytics, including front-end and back-end technologies, job hunting skills, and more. The Open House also showcases their collaborative learning environment and networking opportunities through coding meetups and hackathons.

What is the focus of the Music City Code conference?

The Music City Code conference, held in Nashville, focuses on DevOps and IT. It features talks from industry experts, like Jennifer Johnson and Camilla Martins, covering advanced topics and providing networking opportunities. The conference is ideal for tech professionals looking to enhance their skills and connect with peers.

What makes the Nashville UX Design Meetup noteworthy?

The Nashville UX Design Meetup is a significant networking and learning event for UX professionals and enthusiasts. It features interactive workshops, design critiques, and discussions on user-centered design, accessibility, and design systems. The meetups are a platform for sharing ideas, gaining insights, and progressing professionally in the UX field.

What is BarCamp Nashville?

BarCamp Nashville is an unconventional 'unconference' where attendees participate in creating the agenda by pitching session ideas and leading discussions. It is a collaborative event that encourages innovation and creativity, offering sessions and workshops driven by the interests of participants, and fostering a dynamic community atmosphere.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.