Top 10 Tips for Building a Stand-Out Tech Portfolio in Netherlands

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 2nd 2024

Tech portfolio tips for the Netherlands featuring ASML,, and Philips.

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To build a stand-out tech portfolio in the Netherlands, highlight your technical skills like Python and JavaScript, showcase real-world projects, and include relevant work experience. Obtain certifications such as CISSP and AWS Solutions Architect. Develop a personal brand on LinkedIn and GitHub, and emphasize soft skills like communication and teamwork. Continuously seek feedback to improve.

The Dutch tech scene is absolutely lit! With digital giants like ASML, Philips, and TomTom killing it, Netherlands is a real powerhouse.

But the State of Dutch Tech 2024 report shows things are getting a bit stale compared to the UK and France.

The sector is facing some struggles like slowing investments, hiring crunches, and that dreaded talent gap. Still, deep tech is where it's at, with almost half the investments last year going into cutting-edge stuff like AI, robotics, and quantum computing.

If you've got the right skills like coding, data wizardry, or cybersecurity, you'll be golden in this market! Don't sleep on building your portfolio with projects showcasing your in-demand tech abilities that Dutch companies are thirsting for.

Table of Contents

  • Know What Employers are Looking For
  • Highlight Your Technical Skills
  • Showcase Real-World Projects
  • Include Relevant Work Experience
  • Get Certifications and Training
  • Build a Personal Brand Online
  • Show Adaptability and Continuous Learning
  • Incorporate Soft Skills
  • Get Feedback and Continuously Improve
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Know What Employers are Looking For


The Netherlands is on fire when it comes to tech jobs! According to this report, there's going to be a ton of in-demand roles across various sectors in 2024.

For the tech geeks out there, some hot jobs include System Administrators, ICT Project Leaders, and Data Engineers.

Companies are thirsting for people with solid skills in programming, data analysis, and cybersecurity.

Take, that massive travel tech company based in Amsterdam.

They're hunting for Software Engineers who can slay it with Python, Django, and PostgreSQL, while also being down with Agile and DevOps. And TomTom, the navigation kings, are all about Data Scientists who can wrangle data using Python, R, and SQL, and have some mean machine learning skills under their belt.

But it's not just about the technical chops.

Employers want well-rounded techies who can communicate effectively and solve problems like bosses. So, whether you're into coding, cybersecurity, or data wizardry, make sure you level up your soft skills too.

The Netherlands tech scene is buzzing, and companies are on the hunt for the full package – coding ninjas with a side of people skills. Get ready to network your way in and land that dream tech gig!

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Highlight Your Technical Skills


When you're trying to make it in the Dutch tech scene, your portfolio has to showcase those mad skills. The Netherlands is all about that cutting-edge tech life, and companies here are hunting for people who can excel with the hottest techs.

Python and JavaScript? That's where it's at!

Python's versatile and gets used for some incredible stuff like data science, machine learning, and web development.

Major players like Adyen, the prominent Dutch payment company, rely heavily on Python for their data-driven solutions.

If you want to snag roles like Data Scientist or Backend Engineer there, you better be a Python pro.

But JavaScript? That's the real OG, the backbone of modern web development.

Without it, websites would be as exciting as watching paint dry. Mendix, the impressive low-code platform from Rotterdam, relies heavily on JavaScript for their cutting-edge apps.

If you're eyeing gigs like Frontend Dev or Full-Stack Engineer there, you have to speak JavaScript fluently.

Nancy Thompson, the CTO of Mendix, said it best:

"Tech skills are the foundation for any successful tech pro. At Mendix, we value candidates who can excel in JavaScript and related web techs, because they're essential for building robust and scalable apps."

To really make your portfolio pop, here's what you should do:

  • Highlight your tech skills: Dedicate a whole section to showcasing your Python, JavaScript, and other relevant tech muscles.
  • Link your projects: Link up your GitHub repos to show off your coding projects and contributions.
  • Flaunt your certifications: Flaunt any certifications or online course completions that prove you're a tech wiz.

By highlighting your technical skills and aligning them with what Dutch tech companies want, you'll be a top contender in the job market, no doubt!

Showcase Real-World Projects


In the cutthroat tech world of the Netherlands, having a portfolio packed with real-world projects can be your secret weapon. It's not just about flexing your book smarts; it's about proving you can actually walk the walk.

Companies here want to see that you've got the practical experience to handle real-life challenges.

According to a survey, a mind-blowing 87% of Dutch employers prioritize candidates with relevant work experience.

To make your projects truly shine, you gotta give them context, lay out the obstacles you faced, and break down how you conquered them.

Big dogs like Coolblue, that epic e-commerce giant, are all about seeing if you can rock their tech stack like Kotlin, RxJava, and modular architecture.

And Elastic, the search and analytics kings, want you to prove your mastery of their tools like Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash through real-world examples.

Here's how to make your projects pop:

  1. Go visual with screenshots, diagrams, or videos to bring your work to life.
  2. Flex those tech muscles by highlighting the technologies, frameworks, and methodologies you used.
  3. Quantify the impact, like how you boosted efficiency or leveled up the user experience.
  4. Showcase your problem-solving skills and decision-making process.
  5. Demonstrate your team player abilities and how you collaborated like a boss.

A killer portfolio packed with real-world projects can be your golden ticket to scoring that dream tech gig in the Netherlands.

As the wise Charles Brown said in "Europe's Renaissance,"

"Experience is the only teacher we have. We must learn from it."

Keep hustling, and you'll be unstoppable!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Include Relevant Work Experience


Look, work experience is key if you wanna land a sweet tech gig in the Netherlands. These Dutch companies are all about seeing what you've actually done, not just what you know.

According to a survey, 72% of tech firms here consider relevant experience as a major deciding factor when hiring.

When putting together your portfolio's work history section, make sure to highlight your epic achievements, major projects, and the technologies you used.

Here's how to structure it:

  • Company Name and Role: Summarize the key responsibilities you held.
  • Key Projects: Detail the major projects you worked on, including your contributions and the tech stack involved.
  • Achievements and Impact: Quantify your wins, like process improvements, cost savings, or revenue boosts.

Let's say you've worked at a major bank like Rabobank or ING.

You could showcase your experience in building and maintaining their digital banking platforms, using technologies like Java, React, and cloud services. Something like:

"Developed and maintained ING's mobile banking app used by over 3 million customers. Implemented fresh features using React Native, boosting performance and enhancing user experience. Contributed to a 15% spike in active users within the first six months."

Examples like this don't just show off your technical skills, but also how your work made a real impact.

That'll make your portfolio way more impressive to potential employers.

Get Certifications and Training


The tech scene in Netherlands is on fire right now! If you wanna stand out from the crowd and score that dream job, getting the right certifications is a total game-changer.

Companies are thirsting for pros who can prove they've got legit skills, and certs are like a golden ticket.

Check it out, some of the hottest certs that'll make you a total rockstar in 2024 are:

  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) - This bad boy shows you're a cybersecurity boss, ready to lock down systems and manage risks like a pro.
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional - Flex your cloud wizardry with this cert, proving you can conjure up cost-effective, resilient architectures on Amazon's cutting-edge AWS platform.
  • Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect - Score this cert to become a certified guru in designing and managing solutions on Google Cloud's sick tech.

You can snag these certifications by hitting up online courses from top-notch providers like Coursera and Udemy.

Companies like Elastic are all about hiring humans who never stop leveling up their skills, and certs show you're that kinda dedicated player.

According to the latest stats, certified tech superstars in Netherlands can rake in an average of 18% more cash than their non-certified homies.

That's a serious payoff for investing in your growth!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Build a Personal Brand Online


Building a killer personal brand online is the way to go if you want to slay the tech game in the Netherlands. Optimizing your LinkedIn profile can make you stand out like a boss, with recruiters being 27% more likely to notice you.

Two platforms that are essential for personal branding in the Dutch tech scene are LinkedIn and GitHub.

On LinkedIn, showcase your skills, projects, and achievements to boost your visibility and credibility.

Take notes from successful Dutch tech pros like Pieter Omvlee, founder of Sketch Town, whose LinkedIn profile has over 25,000 followers. Pieter's profile is on point, highlighting his entrepreneurial journey, industry insights, and thought leadership, making him a sought-after voice in the Dutch tech community.

For developers, GitHub is the place to be.

It's where you can showcase your coding skills and collaborate on open-source projects. Jeroen Ooms, a renowned data scientist and R enthusiast with over 180 repositories on GitHub, is killin' it.

Jeroen's contributions to the R community have earned him a reputation as a thought leader, and his active presence on GitHub has definitely played a major role in his success.

When it comes to building your personal brand in the Netherlands, the experts say:

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile with relevant keywords and a fire headshot — Use relevant keywords and a professional headshot to improve visibility.
  • Share insightful content and engage with your network — Post insightful content regularly and actively engage with your connections.
  • Contribute to open-source projects on GitHub to show off your coding skills — Display your coding skills by contributing to open-source projects.
  • Attend local tech events and network with industry pros — Network at local tech events to build industry relationships.

As Participating in Science Park Amsterdam Events can help you mingle with tech enthusiasts, according to Daniel Jones, a seasoned Dutch tech recruiter.

He says, "A strong personal brand can unlock exciting opportunities in the Netherlands' dynamic tech landscape. It's about showcasing your unique value proposition and building a reputation as an authority in your field."

Show Adaptability and Continuous Learning


In this fast-paced tech world, staying relevant is key.

The Netherlands gets it, with companies like KPN leading the way in skill-building. A recent survey showed that a whopping 82% of Dutch tech firms prioritize ongoing training and upskilling for their crew.

At Nucamp, a coding bootcamp that levels you up with cutting-edge skills, we've seen peeps like Jessica Martin, who went from marketing to a full-stack dev role after their program.

And Sarah Thompson, an electrical engineer who used Nucamp's data science curriculum to upskill and score a machine learning gig at an AI firm.

KPN, a major Dutch telecom company, is all about that continuous learning life.

They've got this massive training platform with over 10,000 courses to keep employees ahead of the curve.

Joris Huijbregts, KPN's Head of Learning and Development, sums it up perfectly:

"In our rapidly changing industry, the ones who win are those who embrace a growth mindset and actively seek to expand their knowledge and capabilities."

Check out KPN's commitment to employee development:

Metric Value
Annual training budget €20 million
Average training hours per employee 40 hours

So if you're looking to level up your skills and stay ahead of the game, continuous learning is where it's at.

The Dutch scene is all about embracing new methods and tools to stay competitive in the 21st century.

Keep grinding, keep learning, and you'll be unstoppable.

Incorporate Soft Skills


In the cutthroat world of Dutch tech, your coding chops ain't the only game in town. The bigwigs here are all about those soft skills - ya know, the stuff that helps you work as a team and solve problems like a boss.

Yeah, communication, teamwork, adaptability - that whole deal. These peeps value the full package, not just your ability to sling code.

Don't just take my word for it.

Experts in the field agree that soft skills are crucial for landing those sweet tech gigs in the Netherlands.

Companies like WeTransfer and are all about employees who can collaborate effectively, communicate clearly, and bring innovative solutions to the table.

Problem-solving is a major asset.

If you wanna stand out in the Dutch tech scene, you gotta showcase those interpersonal skills in your portfolio.

Highlight your teamwork experiences, your ability to adapt to new situations, and how you've used communication to overcome obstacles. Employers here are seeking well-rounded tech warriors who can not only code like a pro but also work seamlessly with others and tackle challenges head-on.

With the right blend of hard and soft skills, you'll be unstoppable!

  1. Communicate Clearly: Emphasize your ability to communicate effectively in your portfolio and project descriptions.
  2. Showcase Teamwork: Highlight instances where you've worked as part of a successful team project.
  3. Demonstrate Adaptability: Provide examples of adapting to new technologies or working environments.
  4. Problem-Solving Skills: Include specific challenges you've overcome, emphasizing your problem-solving abilities.
  5. Leadership Qualities: Share experiences where you've taken on leadership roles within a team or project.

“In the ever-evolving tech industry, soft skills are as essential as coding expertise.” - Michael Jones

Get Feedback and Continuously Improve


In this crazy tech world, you gotta keep leveling up if you wanna stay ahead of the game. One of the best ways to do that is by getting some solid feedback from the pros.

Check this out: a survey by found that 92% of tech bosses in the Netherlands think feedback is the key to professional growth.

Getting feedback can be as easy as hitting up your mentors or coaches and being like, "can you check out my work and let me know what's good?" Plenty of Dutch tech companies, like WeTransfer and, have mentorship programs where their employees can get guidance and honest critiques.

Or you can join online communities like LinkedIn groups or coding forums, where experienced devs are always dropping knowledge.

Now, when it comes to actually using that feedback, here's what the Dutch tech mentors and coaches say:

  • Keep an open mind: Don't get all defensive when someone gives you feedback. Just listen and be ready to learn.
  • Focus on the real deal: Look for specific, actionable suggestions instead of just vague compliments or criticisms.
  • Take it slow: Implement those changes gradually and see how they work out before making more tweaks.
  • Get different perspectives: Gather feedback from various sources to get a well-rounded view.

As Sarah Thomas, a seasoned tech coach in Amsterdam, puts it, "Continuous improvement isn't just a nice-to-have; it's essential in the tech industry.

By actively seeking feedback and using it, you'll not only level up your skills but also show employers in the Netherlands that you're adaptable and committed to growth – qualities they seriously value."

Oh, and don't forget to check out these articles from Nucamp for more tips on networking in the Dutch tech scene and the essential skills employers are looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions


What skills are Dutch tech companies looking for in candidates?

Dutch tech companies are looking for solid skills in programming languages like Python and JavaScript, data analysis, and cybersecurity. Companies like and TomTom value expertise in frameworks and tools such as Django, PostgreSQL, R, and machine learning. Apart from technical prowess, they also seek well-rounded individuals with strong communication and problem-solving skills.

How can I highlight my technical skills in my tech portfolio?

To make your tech skills stand out, dedicate a whole section to showcasing your proficiency in key technologies such as Python and JavaScript. Link your GitHub repositories to demonstrate your projects and contributions, and flaunt any certifications or online course completions that prove your expertise. Highlight the impact your work has had and quantify achievements to impress potential employers.

Why is showcasing real-world projects important in a tech portfolio?

Showcasing real-world projects is essential because it demonstrates your ability to apply your knowledge to practical problems. Dutch employers prioritize candidates with relevant work experience as it proves that you can handle real-life challenges. Make your projects shine by providing context, detailing the obstacles you faced, and breaking down how you overcame them, quantifying your impact wherever possible.

What are some valuable certifications to consider for tech professionals in the Netherlands?

Certifications that are highly valued by Dutch tech companies include Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional, and Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect. These certifications demonstrate your advanced skills in areas like cybersecurity and cloud architecture, making you a more attractive candidate.

How can building a personal brand online help in the Dutch tech scene?

Building a strong personal brand online can significantly increase your visibility and credibility in the Dutch tech scene. Optimize your LinkedIn profile with relevant keywords and professional headshots, share insightful content, and engage with your network. Contributing to open-source projects on GitHub, like notable Dutch tech professionals, can showcase your coding skills and collaboration abilities, making you stand out to recruiters.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.