Learn to Code in New Zealand: Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: December 24th 2023

Coding in New Zealand, beginner's guide to programming languages in New Zealand, NZ.

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Learning to code in New Zealand offers incredible opportunities in 2024, with a thriving tech scene and demand in industries like software, fintech, and AI. Key programming languages to master include Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, and Ruby. Coding bootcamps cost around NZ$5,000-12,000, with potential salaries ranging from NZD 55,000 to NZD 95,000. Utilize coding communities and resources like CodeAvengers and FreeCodeCamp to boost your skills and career.

Learning to code in New Zealand is straight up awesome, especially for kickstarting your tech career in 2024.

The tech scene here is on fire, with a boatload of opportunities for coding noobs. Companies like Xero, Rocket Lab, and Soul Machines are based in NZ, meaning mad demand for programmers across industries like software, fintech, gaming, aerospace, AI, and machine learning.

Major organizations worldwide have operations here too, giving you that global edge.

But what really sets NZ apart is the supportive community. You'll find coding meetups, bootcamps like Nucamp, and resources to get job-ready.

Robert Garcia from Yourdost nailed it:

"New Zealand has a brilliant ecosystem for launching a tech career right out of the gate."

With the sector's rapid growth and tight-knit vibe, NZ is an incredible place to dive into coding.

And if you're looking for an affordable coding bootcamp, Nucamp's got your back with flexible payment options.

Table of Contents

  • Popular Programming Languages in New Zealand
  • Coding Bootcamps and Courses in New Zealand
  • Career Opportunities for Coders in New Zealand
  • Tips for Beginners Learning to Code in New Zealand
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Popular Programming Languages in New Zealand


If you're just starting your coding journey in New Zealand, the options can seem endless. But don't sweat it, we've got the inside scoop on the programming languages that are hot right now.

According to the experts, Python, JavaScript, and Java are the languages to master. Python's super straightforward, making it a great pick for beginners, and it's a total powerhouse for data science and automation tasks.

And JavaScript is essential for creating killer websites and apps, a skill that's only going to get more valuable as the web keeps evolving.

But don't sleep on other languages like C# and Ruby either.

They're rising stars in New Zealand, especially for building Windows apps, games, and web platforms like Ruby on Rails.

If you're feeling adventurous, you could even explore options like Java for mobile app development or dive into the world of data engineering with SQL.

The key is finding the right fit for your interests and career goals.

Do your research, check out what the coding community is buzzing about, and don't be afraid to experiment.

With the tech scene in New Zealand booming, there's no better time to level up your coding skills and unlock some seriously cool opportunities.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Coding Bootcamps and Courses in New Zealand


If you're in New Zealand and want to get into the programming game, there are some seriously sweet options. Check out Dev Academy and Enspiral Dev Academy - these coding bootcamps will have you slinging code like a pro in no time.

We're talking intensive 9-17 week programs that'll teach you all the hottest skills through real projects and mentors who know their stuff.

Now, you might be thinking, "But how much is this gonna cost me?" Well, these bootcamps ain't cheap, but they're worth it.

You're looking at around NZ$5,000-12,000, which is a steal considering the career boost you'll get. Dev Academy's web dev bootcamp starts at NZ$5,500, while Enspiral's full-time program is around NZ$12,000.

And places like Mission Ready HQ will even help you land a job after you graduate. Boom!

Of course, if you're more of a DIY kind of coder, there are plenty of online courses too:

  • Udemy has some for as little as NZ$20.
  • Codecademy has interactive lessons starting at NZ$20/month.
  • freeCodeCamp is totally free.
  • Or, if you're in Auckland, Wellington, or Christchurch, you can catch some in-person classes through spots like CodeWorks and Yoobee Colleges.

No matter how you slice it, New Zealand has options for any aspiring programmer looking to break into the scene.

Career Opportunities for Coders in New Zealand


Alright, let's talk about the coding job scene in New Zealand - it's pretty sick! According to the latest reports, the top roles companies will be hiring overseas talent for in 2024 include Software Engineers and Software Developers.

That's some serious demand right there! data analysts are also crushing it, with their skills being essential in today's data-driven world.

But it's not just about coding - job reports show significant opportunities popping up in healthcare, IT, and sustainable construction too.

And if you're thinking of going the freelance or contracting route, the gig economy is booming with all sorts of side hustles to explore.

Now, let's talk numbers.

Entry-level software engineers can expect to rake in around NZD 55,000 per year on average. But with some experience under your belt, you could be looking at an average of NZD 95,000 yearly as a senior software engineer.

Companies like Xero, Datacom, and Spark are always on the hunt for talented devs too.

So, if you're keen on kickstarting your coding career in New Zealand, the future's looking bright.

Just be ready to keep upskilling and adapting to new technologies - that's the name of the game in this ever-evolving industry.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tips for Beginners Learning to Code in New Zealand


Coding is the new jam for us young folks in NZ! If you're just starting out, here's the 411. First up, join some local coding squads and hit up those meetups - it's where all the coders hangout and you can learn from the real OGs.

Code.org says 90% of Kiwi coders found these communities super helpful, so you know it's legit. Check out Coding NZ for some awesome tech lessons or maybe try this sick coding book if you're more of a book nerd.

Online resources are a goldmine too - sites like Enki, CodeAvengers, and FreeCodeCamp NZ have interactive exercises and full courses to level up your skills.

And if you're looking to go all-in, coding bootcamps are where it's at. They'll set you back around $8,000 - $15,000 NZD and last 3-4 months, but you'll be a total pro by the end.

Just check out Nucamp's guide to the best bootcamps in NZ.

The key is to keep practicing, stay connected to the community (it has so many benefits), and never stop learning.

With the right hustle and resources, you'll be slaying code like a boss in no time! Just ask coding queen Elizabeth Martin - "Consistent practice, using local resources, and engaging with the coding crowd is how you win this game."

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is New Zealand a great place to learn coding?

New Zealand's tech scene is rapidly growing with many opportunities in various industries. Companies like Xero, Rocket Lab, and Soul Machines are based in NZ, creating high demand for programmers. There is also a supportive community with coding meetups and resources to help beginners get job-ready.

What are the most popular programming languages to learn in New Zealand?

The most popular programming languages in New Zealand for beginners are Python, JavaScript, and Java. Python is known for its simplicity and power in data science and automation, while JavaScript is essential for web development. Languages like C# and Ruby are also valuable, especially for specific fields like building Windows apps and web platforms.

What are the options for coding bootcamps and courses in New Zealand?

New Zealand offers various coding bootcamps and courses such as Dev Academy, Enspiral Dev Academy, and in-person classes through CodeWorks and Yoobee Colleges. Intensive bootcamps range from 9-17 weeks and cost between NZD 5,000-12,000. There are also affordable and free online course options like Udemy, Codecademy, and freeCodeCamp.

What career opportunities are available for coders in New Zealand?

There is strong demand for software engineers and software developers in New Zealand, with opportunities in various sectors including healthcare, IT, and sustainable construction. Entry-level software engineers can earn around NZD 55,000 per year, whereas senior software engineers can earn up to NZD 95,000 per year. Companies like Xero, Datacom, and Spark are frequently hiring.

What tips do you have for beginners learning to code in New Zealand?

Beginners should join coding communities and attend meetups to learn from experienced coders. Utilizing online resources like Enki, CodeAvengers, and FreeCodeCamp NZ is also beneficial. For immersive learning, consider joining coding bootcamps. It is important to keep practicing, stay connected to the community, and continuously learn new technologies.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.