Top 10 Effective Job Hunting Strategies for New Zealand Tech Professionals

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 2nd 2024

Tech professionals in New Zealand job hunting using laptops and networking at a conference

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Top job hunting strategies for New Zealand tech professionals include optimizing your LinkedIn profile (used by 92% of recruiters), networking through local meetups, leveraging job boards with 80% market share, and working with recruitment agencies. Tailor resumes, attend key conferences, build a strong GitHub portfolio, participate in hackathons, and invest in continuing education with certifications to stay competitive.

New Zealand's fintech industry is on fire, raking in a whopping $2.64B in revenue and surpassing even healthtech to become the biggest tech sector! And we're talking some crazy growth rates here - fintech revenue is projected to more than double by 2028.

With the upcoming open banking laws, this fintech boom is only going to get bigger. The 2024 TIN Fintech Report is set to be an absolute must-read, packed with expert insights, biz profiles, and all the juicy details on this rapidly evolving scene.

But fintech isn't the only game in town.

Reports from NZTech show the entire tech industry is killing it, contributing a massive $16.2B to our GDP back in 2021 and employing over 120K proud Kiwis.

We're talking software dev, cybersecurity, cloud computing - you name it, we're dominating it. And let's not forget the opportunities coming our way - roles like cybersecurity specialists, cloud architects, data scientists, and full stack devs are in crazy demand.

Just check out these networking tips and portfolio pointers from Nucamp if you need a hand getting job-ready!

Table of Contents

  • Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile
  • Networking Through Local Tech Meetups
  • Leveraging Job Boards and Career Websites
  • Tailoring Your Resume for the New Zealand Market
  • Attending New Zealand Tech Conferences
  • Working with Recruitment Agencies
  • Building a Strong GitHub Portfolio
  • Participating in Hackathons and Coding Challenges
  • Continuing Education and Certification
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile


Real talk, having a sick LinkedIn profile is crucial for landing your dream tech gig in New Zealand.

Like, 92% of recruiters use LinkedIn to scope out talent, so you gotta make sure your profile is on point. For starters, ditch the boring job title in your headline and craft something eye-catching that shows off your skills and what you bring to the table.

Think "Full-Stack Wizard | React, Node.js, and Cloud Slayer."

Next up, flaunt those mad tech skills you've got. LinkedIn lets you list out all the programming languages, frameworks, and tools you're a pro at.

Get your colleagues to endorse them too, so recruiters know you're legit. And don't just sit back - build a solid network by connecting with industry peeps, joining groups, and engaging with content.

As they say, your network is your net worth, right?

But here's the real kicker - use that "About" section to tell your story. Share your professional journey, proudest achievements, and what gets you pumped about tech.

It'll help employers see if you're a culture fit. Need some inspo? Check out local legends like Karen Perez at Xero or Michael Nguyen at Spark. Their profiles are on another level, showcasing their expertise and projects in a way that'll make you go "Damn, I want that job!"

So yeah, put in the work to optimize your LinkedIn game, and you'll be landing interviews left and right.

Just don't go overboard with the tech lingo or start every sentence with "As a solutions architect..." Keep it real, keep it concise, and let your skills do the talking.

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Networking Through Local Tech Meetups


Okay, so you wanna get your foot in the door of New Zealand's tech scene? The key is networking. According to this Meetup data, there are like 12,587 members across 29 tech groups in NZ. That's a ton of potential connections! The biggest groups are Deep and Meaningful Conversations Meetup in Auckland with 2,558 members, Automated Testing Auckland with 2,129 code breakers, and NZ GovTech in Wellington with 1,038 members.

These meetups are where it's at for making connections and learning about job openings that might not even be advertised yet.

Plus, you can get the inside scoop on industry trends and find mentors to guide you. It's not just about finding a job; it's about building a community of like-minded peeps who can support you on your journey.

Leveraging Job Boards and Career Websites


Alright, tech pros hunting for gigs in New Zealand! Leveraging the right job boards and career sites is crucial for snagging that dream role. Leading the pack is, dominating with over 80% market share in the country.

Other top contenders are TradeMe Jobs and, packed with tech openings across various fields.

Set up personalized alerts based on your desired job title, location, and industry to stay ahead of the game.

For a laser-focused search, check out niche tech career sites like, exclusively listing IT and software dev roles., an international platform, also serves up a solid selection of New Zealand tech gigs, including contract and remote options.

And don't sleep on, the offshoot of ComputerWorld magazine, offering a sweet spot for tech pros in the region.

Now, to really stand out, craft a killer profile and optimize your resume for those Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Load it up with relevant keywords tailored to the roles you're gunning for, and quantify your achievements to show off your skills. And while you're at it, consider these pro tips for maximizing your job board game:

  • Set up job alerts: Stay ahead of the curve with real-time notifications on hot new listings.
  • Leverage advanced search filters: Narrow it down by location, salary range, job type, and industry for a streamlined search.
  • Network and connect: Many job boards let you link up with industry pros and potential employers, so don't sleep on that opportunity.
  • Track and follow up: Keep tabs on your applications and follow up with hiring managers to show your hustle and enthusiasm.

By leveraging the right job boards and career websites in New Zealand, coupled with a polished online presence and savvy search techniques, you'll be well on your way to scoring that coveted tech role in the region.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tailoring Your Resume for the New Zealand Market


Crafting a killer resume for the New Zealand job scene is crucial if you want to score that dream gig. The Kiwi employers ain't messing around - they want to see you've put in the effort to make your resume fit their vibe.

It's all about showing them you're the perfect match for the role.

First things first, do your research on the company and the role. Check out their website, social media, and anything else you can find to get a feel for their culture and what they're looking for.

Then, tailor that resume to match their language and highlight the skills and experience they want to see.

But don't just stop there - customize that bad boy for each application.

Swap out the generic stuff for specifics that show you're a perfect fit for that particular role. Use the same keywords and phrases from the job description, and make sure your achievements and projects are relevant to what they're looking for.

And remember, Kiwi employers dig a clean, concise resume - usually one to three pages max.

Pack it with measurable accomplishments and quantifiable results, not just a list of responsibilities. And for the love of all things tech, ditch that cringeworthy email address from high school.

Keep it professional, people!

Put in the effort to make your resume stand out, and you'll be landing interviews left and right with the top tech companies in New Zealand.

As that Head of Talent at Xero, Susan Rodriguez, said, a tailored resume shows you're serious about the role and the company. So, what are you waiting for? Get customizing and let's get that bread!

Attending New Zealand Tech Conferences


Attending tech conferences in New Zealand is the move if you want to level up your career and connect with people in the industry.

New Zealand has a dope tech scene, and there are some big events happening every year that you can't miss out on. In 2024, some of the top conferences to check out are:

  • Dev Day Aotearoa (Auckland): A multi-day event with workshops, tech talks, and coding challenges to test your skills.
  • CDAO New Zealand (Auckland): Focused on data science, AI, and analytics, with experts sharing their knowledge.
  • Kiwi PyCon (Invercargill): All about Python development, with sessions and labs for beginners to pros.

Attending these events is a no-brainer.

As industry veteran Linda Thomas says, "Tech conferences let you learn from the best, discover new tech, and grow your network." It's not just about learning, though.

You'll also meet potential employers, partners, or mentors who could help you take your career to the next level.

To make the most of these conferences, here's what the pros recommend:

  1. Have a solid elevator pitch ready to introduce yourself and your skills.
  2. Ask questions during Q&A sessions and talk to speakers after their presentations.
  3. Don't skip the social events and networking mixers – that's where you'll make valuable connections.

Embracing the tech conference scene in New Zealand can be a game-changer for your career.

Start planning your attendance now and get ready to level up!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Working with Recruitment Agencies


Recruitment agencies are the real MVPs when it comes to scoring your dream job in New Zealand's booming tech scene. With the tech industry raking in a solid $16 billion for the country's GDP, there's a serious demand for skilled techies like us.

These agencies are the matchmakers, hooking up companies with the best talent. Here are some of the top players in the game:

  • Absolute IT - Specializing in everything from software dev to cybersecurity, they've got your back in the IT world.
  • Potentia - A big name in the biz, with a dedicated squad for tech and digital gigs, both contract and permanent.
  • Recruit IT - Focused on landing you IT roles from helpdesk support all the way up to the executive level.

But here's the thing, you gotta be proactive to make the most of these agencies.

Start by crafting a killer CV that showcases your mad tech skills, certs, and projects. "A well-written, tailored CV is the key to getting a recruiter's attention," says Sarah Smith from Potentia.

And don't sleep on your LinkedIn game – recruiters are always scoping out that platform for fresh talent.

Tip Description
Stay Responsive When a recruiter hits you up, don't leave them hanging. Respond quickly to show you're interested and available.
Prep for Interviews Treat interviews with recruiters like you would with a potential employer. Bring your A-game and let your knowledge and enthusiasm shine.
Keep in Touch Keep recruiters in the loop about your job search progress and any changes to your availability or requirements.
By teaming up with these recruitment pros and keeping communication tight, tech superstars like us can streamline the job hunt and tap into the endless opportunities in New Zealand's thriving tech landscape.

Building a Strong GitHub Portfolio


Having a killer GitHub Portfolio is a total game-changer if you're looking to land that dream tech job.

It's your chance to show off all the rad coding projects you've been working on and prove you've got the skills to pay the bills.

The purpose of this portfolio is to showcase your technical skills and projects while demonstrating your qualifications for a desired role.

You want to make sure you've got a diverse range of repositories that highlight different technologies and coding languages. Employers will be checking out your GitHub to see if you've got the goods, so make it count!

Here are some pro tips for making your GitHub Portfolio pop:

  • Highlight your best work: Pin your top 3-6 repositories to the top of your profile – these should be your most impressive and polished projects.
  • Clear documentation: Write clear and concise README files that explain what each project is all about, how to use it, and any cool features it has.
  • Active participation: Contribute to open-source projects and maintain a consistent commit history to show you're an active and passionate coder.
  • Show organizational skills: Utilize GitHub's Project Boards and Issues to demonstrate your project management skills – employers love to see that kind of organization.

Now, let's talk about some killer examples of GitHub repositories that will have employers drooling.

Check out the Microsoft Terminal repo, which has over 77k stars and showcases top-notch documentation, clean code, and a thriving open-source community.

Or take a look at Google's filelinelib, a simple library for reading and writing file-line data with over 1k stars and a comprehensive README file.

By putting in the effort to build an impressive GitHub Portfolio, you'll be boosting your visibility, proving your coding chops, and showing potential employers that you're a passionate developer who's ready to crush it in the tech world.

Start polishing those repos and get ready to land that dream job!

Participating in Hackathons and Coding Challenges


New Zealand's tech scene is poppin' with hackathons and coding challenges all year round. These events are the real deal for devs to flex their skills, connect with other techies, and maybe even score a sick job! You got events like GovHack, UNIHACK, and the AI for the Environment Hackathon that are must-attend happenings:

  • Level Up Your Skills: These challenges will push you to solve complex problems on the fly, leveling up your critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management abilities like a boss.
  • Network Like a Pro: You'll rub shoulders with industry pros, potential employers, and fellow tech enthusiasts, opening doors for collabs and connections that can take you places.
  • Build an Epic Portfolio: The dope projects you create during these hackathons are portfolio gold, showcasing your coding prowess and creativity to future employers.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Get the inside scoop on the latest tech trends, challenges, and innovations, keeping you at the cutting edge of the industry.

Preparation is key if you want to crush it.

Here are some tips to help you slay:

  1. Know the Rules: Study the event's theme, guidelines, and judging criteria like it's your religion, so you can tailor your approach accordingly.
  2. Assemble the Dream Team: Surround yourself with a diverse squad that brings different skills and expertise to the table, tackling the challenge from all angles.
  3. Practice Makes Perfect: Level up your problem-solving game on sites like HackerRank and CodinGame, where you can grind coding challenges until you're unstoppable.
  4. Stay Ahead of the Curve: Keep your finger on the pulse of the latest tools, frameworks, and programming languages, so you're always equipped with the skills to slay.

By getting in on the hackathon and coding challenge action, tech pros in New Zealand can gain invaluable experience, expand their network, and maybe even land their dream job in this thriving tech ecosystem.

Continuing Education and Certification


If you wanna stay on top of the game in New Zealand's tech scene, continuous learning is where it's at.

Employers here are all about that upskilling life, and over 60% of them see it as a major factor when hiring, according to the New Zealand Digital Skills Forum.

Keeping your skills fresh is the way to go if you want to level up your career.

For those of us in the tech world, getting industry-recognized certs is a total power move for 2024.

Here are some heavy hitters to check out:

  • Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) from (ISC)² - This cert shows you know your stuff when it comes to baking security into the software dev cycle. Learn more.
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate from Amazon Web Services (AWS) - With cloud computing taking over, this cert proves you're a pro at AWS cloud solutions. Learn more.
  • ITIL 4 Foundation from AXELOS - Get certified in managing IT services across organizations like a boss. Learn more.

Major players in New Zealand offering sick tech programs include the University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington, and Unitec Institute of Technology.

From software dev to cybersecurity, they've got options to level up your skills.

As Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella said,

"The true scarce commodity of the near future will be human skills."

By investing in continuous education and certs, us tech pros in New Zealand can future-proof our careers and stay ahead of the curve in this ever-changing job market.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can optimizing my LinkedIn profile help me land a tech job in New Zealand?

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is crucial because 92% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find talent. Ensure your headline showcases your skills, list out all your programming languages and tools, and fill out the 'About' section with your professional journey and achievements. Engaging with industry professionals and content on LinkedIn can also expand your network.

What are the benefits of attending local tech meetups in New Zealand?

Attending local tech meetups in New Zealand helps you make valuable connections, find mentors, and get inside information on job opportunities that might not be advertised. It's also a great way to stay updated on industry trends and become part of a community of like-minded professionals.

Which job boards and career websites are best for finding tech roles in New Zealand?

Leading job boards in New Zealand include Seek, Trade Me Jobs, and Hays, which are packed with tech openings. For a more focused search, try niche tech career sites like IT Job Board and JobNet. Additionally, setting up personalized job alerts and optimizing your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems enhances your job search.

How should I tailor my resume for the New Zealand market?

To tailor your resume for the New Zealand market, research the company culture and specific job role. Use keywords from the job description and focus on relevant skills and experiences. Keep your resume concise, one to three pages, and highlight measurable accomplishments. Customizing your resume shows employers you are serious and well-prepared.

Why is participating in hackathons and coding challenges beneficial for tech professionals in New Zealand?

Participating in hackathons and coding challenges helps tech professionals in New Zealand to improve their problem-solving skills, network with industry experts, and build impressive portfolios. These events provide opportunities to showcase your abilities, stay updated with the latest industry trends, and possibly secure job offers.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.