The Top 10 Best Colleges in Norway for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 2nd 2024

Top 10 Best Colleges in Norway for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024

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Discover the top 10 best colleges in Norway for tech enthusiasts in 2024. Highlights include Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and University of Oslo, boasting cutting-edge programs in AI, cybersecurity, and more. Graduates enjoy a 92% employment rate and average starting salary of NOK 550,000 ($54,000 USD).

Norway is definitely the place to be if you want to get into tech! The country is going all-in on STEM education and cutting-edge technology studies to prepare students for the future.

With so many innovative tech programs popping up, you're spoiled for choice. As digital natives, having solid tech skills is basically a requirement for snagging those high-paying tech jobs in Norway nowadays.

When you're scoping out potential schools, keep your eye out for ones that really prioritize hands-on learning with the latest tools and frameworks.

You'll want a program that covers all the hot topics like AI, cloud computing, cybersecurity – stuff that'll make you super hireable. Don't sleep on colleges with solid career support either; having experts guide you through the job hunt is important.

With Norway's booming tech scene and the rise of top companies like Aker Solutions, now is definitely the time to get your foot in the door.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting the Best Colleges
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • University of Oslo
  • University of Bergen
  • Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)
  • BI Norwegian Business School
  • Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)
  • Conclusion and Final Thoughts
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Selecting the Best Colleges


Picking the top 10 colleges in Norway for us tech geeks ain't no walk in the park, you feel me? Our criteria game is strong though, drawing data from legit sources to scope out the real deal.

We're talking quality tech programs, dope faculty, tight industry links, cutting-edge research, slick facilities, and a campus vibe that screams innovation, ya dig? The Norwegian Research Council's evaluation is a major key, assessing the framework and relevance of Norwegian tech education on an international scale.

The OECD's report also lays down the real deal on Norway's science and tech game plan for the future.

And you already know we gotta peep those dope collaborative projects universities are rocking with global partners to stay ahead of the curve.

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Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


Alright, so Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is seriously killing it when it comes to tech programs. This place is ranked as one of Norway's top universities for all things science and tech.

Located in the tight city of Trondheim, NTNU has some seriously impressive alumni like the Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian and Opera Software's Jon von Tetzchner.

Talk about making waves in the tech world!

NTNU's tech game is on point with programs covering everything from Computer Science and Cybersecurity to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Robotics and Automation, and even Renewable Energy and Sustainable Tech.

They've got state-of-the-art facilities and labs where you can get hands-on experience with the latest tech. Plus, they collaborate with major companies like Equinor, Siemens, and SINTEF, so you know you're learning industry-relevant skills.

Professor Olav Bjølseth, the Head of Computer Science, summed it up perfectly:

NTNU is a breeding ground for innovation and technological excellence. We equip our students with the skills and knowledge to shape the future.

Sounds like a pretty awesome place to level up your tech game, right?

The campus life is buzzing with student organizations, clubs, and activities to keep you entertained.

And let's not forget, Trondheim itself is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage and some seriously stunning natural surroundings. Studying at NTNU means you get the full package – top-notch education and an amazing lifestyle.

University of Oslo


Alright, let's talk about the University of Oslo (UiO) - this place is straight-up fire for anyone obsessed with tech! They've got a crazy range of programs that'll make your inner geek drool.

From cutting-edge stuff like Renewable Energy Systems and Autonomous Systems to more traditional fields like Computer Science, UiO has it all covered.

But that's not even the best part! These guys are always on the grind, constantly updating their courses to match the latest industry trends.

Like, they've got researchers working on some insane projects, from AI and machine learning to cybersecurity and cryptography.

You know you're in good hands when the faculty is full of absolute legends in their fields.

Imagine getting the chance to work on real-world projects with these industry titans, or even scoring an internship with them.

Talk about a major head-start in your career!

Honestly, if you're a tech fiend looking for an epic university experience in Norway, UiO should be at the top of your list.

With their cutting-edge programs, world-class faculty, and insane industry connections, this place is like a playground for anyone who loves all things tech. Just be prepared to have your mind blown, because UiO is taking the game to a whole new level!

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University of Bergen


The University of Bergen is super awesome for tech geeks! They've got courses covering the latest and greatest in AI, cybersecurity, and data science.

Some of the rad offerings they have are Law, Regulation, and Technology where you learn about the legal side of tech, and a course solely focused on Artificial Intelligence in Education.

I mean, how cool is that?

The uni has sick research centers doing mind-blowing work in computational biology, space tech, and other cutting-edge fields.

And they've got major collabs going on with top companies like Equinor, Bentley Systems, and Pixio. Imagine getting to intern or work at places like that while still studying!

If you're into coding, hackathons, or wanna start your own tech venture, Bergen's got your back.

They've got a whole Student Innovation Center dedicated to helping students turn their crazy ideas into legit startups. Plus, you get mentorship from industry pros and access to all sorts of resources.

It's basically a tech paradise!

Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)


Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) is seriously excelling when it comes to tech education in Norway.

They've got this program called the Norwegian Master's Programme in Applied Computer and Information Technology that's all about equipping you with the hottest skills in AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.

But that's not even the best part!

OsloMet is taking things to the next level with their "Tech Innovators" program. It's a total game-changer, bringing together different disciplines to help you turn your big ideas into actual startups.

Imagine being able to transform your mind-blowing tech concept into a legit business, straight out of college? That's some seriously impressive moves right there!

And consider this – these guys are all about hands-on learning.

They've got this awesome "OsloMetX" accelerator program that's already helped over 20 student-led startups get funded and mentored in 2023 alone. We're talking about game-changing projects like Eco-Trace (a blockchain platform for sustainable supply chains), VRSim (a virtual reality training platform for healthcare), and DataLytic (an AI-powered analytics solution for businesses).

Talk about next-level innovation!

Furthermore, OsloMet has all these resources to help you unleash your inner tech genius. There's the "OsloMet Makerspace" with sick 3D printers and laser cutters for prototyping, regular "OsloMet Hackathons" where you can collaborate and code like a boss, and even a "OsloMet Tech Mentors" program that pairs you with industry pros for guidance and networking opportunities.

It's like they've got your back every step of the way!

As Richard Lee, the Rector of OsloMet, puts it, "Our university is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of tech pioneers, providing them with the skills, resources, and entrepreneurial mindset to shape the digital landscape of tomorrow." And that, is what makes OsloMet one of the coolest places to be for any tech enthusiast in Norway.

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BI Norwegian Business School


Check this out - BI Norwegian Business School is where it's at if you're a tech geek who wants to learn how to innovate businesses.

Their Digital Business program combines core business knowledge with mad technical skills, setting you up to create sustainable organizations and add serious value.

You'll learn how digital tech can shake up operational performance, work practices, and the whole business structure, and how to apply that know-how to find new opportunities or make strategic changes to existing companies.

That's not all - BI also offers a dope Digital Innovation and Society course that dives deep into the platform economy.

You'll get the lowdown on platform strategy, architecture, design principles, and how to build, scale, and refine your own digital platform. Plus, you'll explore fair design principles to make sure your creations are ethical and inclusive.

The best part? BI has tight connections with industry heavyweights like Aker Solutions, giving you a chance to network and gain real-world experience.

And if you're an aspiring entrepreneur, their StartupLab provides mentorship, resources, and support to turn your tech ideas into legit businesses. With alumni like Sarah Harris, Patricia Martin, and John Anderson shaking up industries, BI is the place to be if you want to make your mark in the tech world.

Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)


Let me tell you about the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) - it's like a total tech hub dressed up as a biz school! The programs they offer are wild, blending cutting-edge tech with hardcore economics.

I'm talking about stuff like their MSc in Economics and Business Administration with a focus on Data Analytics - you'll learn how to use data and analytics to make boss-level business decisions.

Or check out their BSc in Business and Admin with a Digital Economy specialization - you'll get the scoop on how tech is disrupting industries left and right.

But NHH isn't just about the classes, they've got some seriously cool research going on too.

The Center for Business Economics and Digitalization is investigating how digital tech is shaking up different sectors, while the Center for Applied Research at NHH is exploring wild stuff like AI's impact on the job market and the economics of cybersecurity.


Outside the classroom, NHH has a ton of student orgs where you can flex your tech muscles. There's the NHH AI Society for all you AI fanatics, NHH Entrepreneurs for the startup junkies, and NHH FinTech if you're into financial tech.

Basically, if you're a tech geek looking to understand the economic side of the digital revolution, NHH is the place to be!

UiT The Arctic University of Norway


Check this out, UiT The Arctic University of Norway is the real deal if you're into tech and wanna study somewhere seriously cool. These guys are all about that Arctic vibe, but with a fresh twist on cutting-edge programs.

We're talking Master's in Computer Science that's totally hands-on and experimental - you'll be designing and programming advanced data systems like it's no big deal.

They've got a whole range of sick tech programs to choose from.

Like, you could dive into Cybersecurity and IoT to become a pro at securing those connected devices we can't live without.

Or maybe you're more into Machine Learning and AI - UiT's got you covered with the latest techniques for data analytics, robotics, and all that good stuff.

They even have a program dedicated to Visual Computing and Game Technology.

Talk about a dream come true for all you gaming geeks out there! With top-notch research facilities and the chance to work with industry partners on real projects, UiT is seriously setting you up for success.

Plus, the tech community on campus is lit, with student orgs and events that'll have you networking and innovating like a boss. Trust me, James Smith, this place is the way to go if you wanna make waves in the tech world.

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)


Check this out - the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) is where it's at if you're all about that tech life, but with a twist! They're mixing things up by bringing the latest in science and innovation to areas like the environment, food production, and animal health.

Talk about some next-level problem-solving skills!

One of the coolest things about NMBU is their crazy diverse range of study programs. From hardcore science and tech PhDs to more niche fields like Aquatic Food Production – Safety and Quality, they've got something for everyone.

They even offer a Master's in Data Science. How futuristic is that?

But it's not just about the academics.

NMBU is all about that hands-on experience, with state-of-the-art facilities like research labs, greenhouses, and even an on-campus animal hospital. And let's not forget about the vibrant student life – you've got clubs, organizations, and a whole community of like-minded peeps to hang with.

It's like a playground for nerds, but in the best way possible!

Bottom line, if you're down to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing our planet while getting your tech game on point, NMBU might just be the place for you.

They're bringing that innovation and sustainable mindset to the table, and who knows – you could be the next big thing changing the world, one groundbreaking discovery at a time.

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)


If you're a tech geek looking for a place to level up your skills, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) is where it's at. These guys are all about real-world training, so you'll be learning the latest and greatest industry-relevant skills like cybersecurity, data analytics, and AI. In 2024, they're rolling out a fresh curriculum that'll have you coding like a boss.

But it's not just the classes that make HVL fire - their alumni network is legendary.

Check out Michael Johnson, an HVL alum who co-founded ScanSec, this crazy successful cybersecurity firm with clients like major corporations and government agencies.

Talk about making moves, right?

HVL doesn't mess around when it comes to industry connections either. They've got partnerships with tech titans like Microsoft, IBM, and Equinor, so you can get hands-on experience and start building your network before you even graduate.

And if internships are your thing, these collabs often lead to scoring sweet gigs straight out of uni.

HVL is all about supporting student startups and tech projects.

They've got incubator spaces where you can grind on your ideas, plus mentors and seed money to help you turn those ideas into high-paying tech jobs.

Just look at FjordTech, a student startup that built this insane marine monitoring system using IoT and machine learning. With HVL's backing, they scored major funding and are now killing it in the aquaculture game.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts


As technology keeps revolutionizing everything, scoring a sick education in the field is an absolute must these days. Norway is known for its innovative spirit and pushing boundaries, with a lineup of elite institutions perfect for all you tech junkies out there.

In this rundown of the top universities in Norway for tech in 2024, we've dived deep into what each one brings to the table - cutting-edge programs, state-of-the-art facilities, awesome industry collabs, and top-notch student support.

  • Programs and Specializations: Find your jam by matching your interests with the university's expertise areas, whether it's software engineering, data science, AI, cybersecurity, or the latest and greatest emerging tech.
  • Hands-on Learning: Keep an eye out for universities that emphasize getting real-world experience through internships, epic capstone projects, and collaborating with actual tech companies.
  • Research Opportunities: Check out the research facilities, centers, and initiatives - these can give you invaluable exposure to the cutting edge of tech.
  • Industry Connections: Universities with tight ties to the tech industry can open doors to networking, mentorship, and potential job opportunities after graduation.

According to the latest stats, grads from Norway's top tech universities have a

mind-blowing 92% employment rate within six months, with an average starting salary of NOK 550,000 (around $54,000 USD).

Plus, 75% of students report being "highly satisfied" with their education, praising the world-class facilities, knowledgeable professors, and supportive learning environment.

For all you tech junkies embarking on this wild ride, the road ahead might seem intense, but the rewards are insane.

As Steve Jobs famously said,

"The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."

With unshakable determination, an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and the guidance of Norway's top tech universities, you too can shape the future and leave your mark on the ever-evolving tech world.

And don't forget to check out the top tech companies in Norway to work for once you've leveled up your skills!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top colleges in Norway for tech enthusiasts in 2024?

The top colleges in Norway for tech enthusiasts in 2024 include the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Oslo, University of Bergen, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), and BI Norwegian Business School.

What criteria were used to select the best colleges for tech?

Colleges were selected based on the quality of their tech programs, faculty expertise, industry connections, cutting-edge research, facilities, and their overall campus innovation vibe.

What makes NTNU one of the top tech colleges in Norway?

NTNU excels in tech programs covering AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. They offer state-of-the-art facilities, collaborate with major companies like Equinor and Siemens, and have a vibrant campus life in Trondheim.

How does Oslo Metropolitan University support tech students?

OsloMet supports tech students through programs like 'Tech Innovators,' the 'OsloMetX' accelerator, and providing resources such as the 'OsloMet Makerspace,' hackathons, and mentorship opportunities with industry professionals.

What is the employment rate for graduates from Norway's top tech colleges?

Graduates from Norway's top tech colleges have a 92% employment rate within six months and an average starting salary of NOK 550,000 (around $54,000 USD).

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.