Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Orem Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 14th 2024

Illustration showing top tech skills for Orem employers in 2024, including cloud computing and cybersecurity.

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In 2024, Orem employers seek tech skills like AWS and Python proficiency, which are increasingly essential. AWS skills appeared in over 500 job openings in Q1 2023, while Python is required in 65% of software roles. Orem's tech industry thrives with companies like Adobe and Vivint, making demand for cloud computing and programming higher than ever. To excel, consider mastering data analysis tools, cybersecurity fundamentals, and mobile app development. With Python developers earning an average salary of $92,000 in Utah, cultivating these skills can open doors to lucrative tech careers.

If you're a 20-something looking to make it big in the tech world of Orem, you gotta know the skills that are red hot right now. Orem's tech scene is booming, with the industry supporting over one in seven jobs in the state, according to the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute.

And with major players like Adobe, Vivint Smart Home, and Pluralsight calling Silicon Slopes home, the opportunities are endless.

But here's the real scoop: cloud computing skills, especially with Amazon Web Services (AWS), are what Orem employers are drooling over.

Python programming expertise is another hot commodity, with applications in data science, web development, and automation. Don't believe me? Check out these mind-blowing stats:

  • Central Theme: AWS skills are in high demand.
    In Q1 2023 alone, Orem had over 500 job openings requiring AWS skills.
  • Central Theme: Python is a critical skill.
    A whopping 65% of software engineering roles in Orem listed Python as a must-have or preferred skill.
  • Central Theme: High earnings for Python developers.
    The average Python developer salary in Utah is a jaw-dropping $92,000 per year, according to PayScale.

As the tech scene in Orem keeps evolving, mastering these essential skills is the key to unlocking the door to some seriously awesome career opportunities.

Even the HR Manager at Vivint Smart Home said they're always on the hunt for candidates who know their way around cloud computing and programming languages like Python.

So if you're looking to score a sweet tech gig in Orem, you better start leveling up those cloud and Python skills!

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Identifying Top Tech Skills
  • Skill #1: Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Skill #2: Proficiency in Python Programming
  • Skill #3: Data Analysis and Visualization Tools
  • Skill #4: Cybersecurity Fundamentals
  • Skill #5: Mobile App Development with Swift and Kotlin
  • Skill #6: Understanding of Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Skill #7: Experience in DevOps Tools like Jenkins and Docker
  • Skill #8: Database Management with SQL and NoSQL
  • Skill #9: Proficiency in JavaScript and Modern Frameworks
  • Skill #10: Understanding of UX/UI Design Principles
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Identifying Top Tech Skills


We did some serious digging to figure out the hottest tech skills that Orem employers are hunting for in 2024. First up, we scoured through hundreds of job listings within a 25-mile radius of Orem, getting the inside scoop on what companies are really looking for.

But we didn't stop there - we also hit up seasoned tech recruiters from major players like Oracle and Adobe to get their expert take. According to Randstad Enterprise's global research, skills like AI, cloud computing, and data science are totally crushing it right now.

To make sure we had all our bases covered, we cross-checked our findings with solid sources like the Bureau of Labor Statistics, CompTIA, and industry reports from companies like Upwork.

Their insights revealed that data analytics, machine learning, and full-stack development are among the most sought-after skills for 2024. With this multi-angle approach, combining job data, expert interviews, and authoritative sources, we've got a comprehensive view of the tech skills that'll have you landing your dream job in Orem this year.

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Skill #1: Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Look, cloud computing is huge right now, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) is leading the way. According to the University of Utah, over 65% of tech companies in Utah are planning to boost their cloud budgets by 2024, and AWS is their top choice.

It's easy to see why - AWS gives businesses the power to scale up or down quickly without being tied to physical hardware. That flexibility allows companies to save big on operational costs while staying agile enough to launch new products fast.

The demand for AWS skills in Orem is off the charts.

A survey by the Orem Tech Association found that 82% of local employers consider AWS certification a must-have when hiring tech talent. Cloud computing is transforming industries like healthcare, finance, and retail, and AWS is at the forefront.

Companies need professionals who can leverage AWS to securely store and analyze data, manage sensitive information, and build seamless customer experiences.

Jennifer Thomas, a tech recruiter in Orem, summed it up perfectly:

"AWS proficiency is no longer just a nice-to-have – it's a game-changer for companies seeking to future-proof their operations and stay competitive."

If you're serious about a career in tech, especially in Orem, mastering AWS should be a top priority.

With the right skills, you could land a high-paying job as a Cloud Solutions Architect or Full Stack Developer, roles that are in high demand and command impressive salaries in Orem's booming tech scene.

Skill #2: Proficiency in Python Programming


Have you checked out the 12 reasons why Python is the real deal? It's going absolutely wild in the tech world, and Orem ain't no exception.

Python's versatility and massive community support make it a no-brainer for companies looking to stay on the cutting edge.

From data science to web development, this programming language is crushing it across industries.

Take data science, for instance. Python's got a ton of powerful libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn that make crunching numbers and building machine learning models a breeze.

And let's not forget about web dev - frameworks like Django and Flask are absolute game-changers for creating slick, secure, and scalable web apps. Job postings for Python devs in Orem have skyrocketed recently.

But that's not all. Python also shines in areas like automation, AI, and data analysis, with major players like Google, Netflix, and Spotify leveraging its power. And with the rise of generative AI, mastering Python is gonna be crucial for AI development in 2024 and beyond.

Bottom line? If you're looking to level up your tech game in Orem, Python should be at the top of your list.

Companies here are hungry for professionals who can wield this versatile language, so get ready to unlock some serious career opportunities.

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Skill #3: Data Analysis and Visualization Tools


The tech game in Orem is getting real tight with data! Companies are on the hunt for peeps who can crunch numbers and whip up fire visualizations.

The demand for data wizards is skyrocketing, with a projected 18% jump by 2024, according to the Orem Tech Scene crew.

The hype? Well, these data viz gurus unlock game-changing insights that help businesses level up their strategy and efficiency.

We're talking 25% faster decisions, 32% tighter operations, and a whopping 27% boost in productivity, based on a study by the U of U brainiacs.

It gets better! A survey by the Data Viz Society revealed that 89% of the big bosses see data visualization as a crucial asset for crafting and executing their business game plans.

That's some serious cred right there!

With tech giants like Adobe and Oracle calling Orem home, the demand for number-crunching rockstars skilled in tools like Tableau and Power BI is off the charts.

Job postings for these roles have spiked 27% year-over-year, according to the Utah Workforce crew.

Karen Martinez, the CEO of DataViz Solutions, summed it up perfectly: "In this fast-paced biz world, data viz is a total game-changer. Companies that can harness the power of tools like Tableau and Power BI will dominate the competition, making these skills an absolute must-have for any tech pro."

Skill #4: Cybersecurity Fundamentals


Cybersecurity is where it's at these days! The digital world is constantly evolving, bringing new opportunities and risks. In Orem, Utah, companies are laser-focused on cybersecurity to protect their valuable data and systems.

According to the Utah Cyber Security Center, 71% of businesses in the state experienced a cybersecurity incident last year, so skilled pros are in high demand.

Top cybersecurity skills that Orem employers are hungry for include threat analysis and risk management.

Being able to identify potential threats and implement solid strategies to mitigate them is crucial. Major players like Adobe and Oracle are investing heavily in their cybersecurity teams, recognizing how vital these experts are for protecting sensitive data and keeping operations running smoothly.

With Orem's booming tech industry, companies have to stay compliant with strict regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Cybersecurity pros who know the ins and outs of these laws are highly sought after to help organizations avoid costly penalties.

The rise of remote work and cloud computing has also created new security challenges.

As Orem companies adopt these technologies, they need experts skilled in cloud security, network monitoring, and incident response.

According to a report from the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), Utah is expected to have around 3,500 unfilled cybersecurity positions in 2024, so the demand is real.

Here are some non-negotiable skills for aspiring cybersecurity experts:

  • Threat analysis: Professionals must analyze potential cyber threats by assessing security risks.
  • Risk management: They should implement strategies to reduce risks to acceptable levels.
  • Regulatory compliance: Knowing regulations like GDPR and CCPA keeps companies compliant.
  • Cloud security expertise: Knowledge in securing cloud services is crucial because cloud adoption is rising.
  • Network monitoring: Monitoring and analyzing network traffic helps in identifying irregular activities.
  • Incident response: Handling and responding to security breaches quickly is vital for minimizing damage.

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Skill #5: Mobile App Development with Swift and Kotlin


Mobile apps are the real deal, and if you want a slice of that juicy career pie, leveling up your skills in Swift and Kotlin is an absolute must-have.

According to fresh stats, mobile commerce sales are projected to hit a mind-blowing $710 billion by 2024, nearly doubling since 2021. With phones being the gateway to the world, companies are scrambling to build sleek mobile apps that keep users hooked.

In Orem's booming tech scene, devs who can craft top-notch mobile experiences with Swift (for iOS) and Kotlin (for Android) are in high demand.

Leading tech powerhouses like Adobe and Oracle are on a relentless hunt for mobile app wizards to conjure up cutting-edge solutions.

Job postings reveal a 20% spike in the need for Swift and Kotlin ninjas compared to last year. With mobile apps dominating the ecommerce market at a whopping 66% share, the career opportunities are endless – from crafting seamless shopping apps to revolutionizing healthcare with telehealth solutions or even pushing the boundaries of entertainment with mind-bending mobile games.

Thomas Jackson, a senior recruiter at Adobe, put it, "Mobile is where it's at, and we're all about finding devs who can unleash the full potential of Swift and Kotlin to deliver insane user experiences." By mastering these essential skills, aspiring Orem techies can ride the wave of mobile innovation and secure their spot in this thriving industry.

Skill #6: Understanding of Machine Learning Algorithms


Machine learning is the future, and Orem is where it's at! By 2024, being a pro at machine learning algorithms will be a must-have skill for scoring those sweet tech jobs.

It's all about creating systems that can learn from data, spot patterns, and make decisions without someone coding every little thing.

We're talking automation on a whole new level.

A McKinsey study states that machine learning could automate up to 30% of work by 2024, which means more productivity, cost savings, and a competitive edge for businesses smart enough to embrace it.

Plus, it's driving some mind-blowing innovations in fields like healthcare, finance, and transportation, allowing for data-driven decisions and personalized experiences that'll blow your mind.

In Orem, the demand for machine learning experts is skyrocketing.

Just check out the job postings on LinkedIn and Indeed – there was an 85% increase in roles requiring machine learning skills between 2019 and 2022! Tech giants like Adobe, Oracle, and Pluralsight are all over Orem, and they're hunting for talent who can handle:

  • Supervised learning algorithms such as linear regression, logistic regression, and decision trees.
  • Unsupervised learning techniques like clustering and dimensionality reduction.
  • Mastering deep learning and neural networks.
  • Developing skills in natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision.

As Orem's tech scene keeps growing, the need for machine learning wizards will only get bigger.

As Joseph Anderson, an Adobe data scientist, said,

"Machine learning is no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses to thrive in the digital era. Those with a solid grasp of these algorithms will be well-positioned for a successful career in tech."

So, if you want to be a part of the future, better start learning those machine learning algorithms!

Skill #7: Experience in DevOps Tools like Jenkins and Docker


The tech scene in Orem is on fire, and DevOps is the hottest skill to have! Companies are going all-in on streamlining their software game, and that means bringing developers and IT ops together for a smooth, automated workflow.

According to recent stats, a whopping 68% of businesses now use DevOps to speed up software delivery, boost efficiency, and tighten security.

When it comes to essential DevOps tools, Orem employers are all about Jenkins and Docker.

Jenkins is this open-source powerhouse that automates the entire software lifecycle, from building and testing to deployment. It's a game-changer for catching defects early, enabling team collaboration, and keeping those CI/CD pipelines flowing smoothly.

Docker, on the other hand, is a containerization beast that packages apps and their dependencies into portable containers, ensuring consistent performance no matter the environment.

Employers love how Docker simplifies deployment, optimizes resource usage, and modernizes legacy apps with microservices architecture.

As Orem's tech hub continues to boom, DevOps skills have become essential for companies looking to accelerate software delivery, boost quality, and bridge the gap between dev and ops teams.

Michael Martin, a senior DevOps pro at Oracle, nails it:

"DevOps is vital for organizations that want to stay ahead of the curve."

Skill #8: Database Management with SQL and NoSQL


Companies in Orem can't get enough of SQL and NoSQL ninjas. SQL databases are all about structure, with data neatly organized in tables, rows, and columns.

They use SQL to handle queries and manage relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL. On the other hand, NoSQL databases are more flexible, storing data in formats like key-value pairs, documents, or graphs without a fixed schema.

Think MongoDB, Cassandra, and the gang.

A recent study shows the NoSQL market could hit $8.2 billion by 2024, growing at a crazy 25.6% annually! Companies need to handle massive amounts of unstructured data and enable lightning-fast queries for real-time apps.

In Orem alone, demand for SQL skills skyrocketed 37% year-over-year, while NoSQL expertise saw a whopping 51% surge. It's clear that mastering both SQL and NoSQL is the key to unlocking career opportunities in this tech hub.

Skill #9: Proficiency in JavaScript and Modern Frameworks


In the world of tech, JavaScript is highly popular, especially in Orem, Utah. This coding language is the real MVP of modern web dev, delivering excellent user experiences across devices.

Local tech companies can't get enough of skilled JS devs to take their web projects to the next level.

According to the insiders at the Orem Chamber of Commerce, the demand for JavaScript experts in the city is set to skyrocket by a whopping 27% in 2024, leaving the national average in the dust.

This surge is all thanks to the rise of cutting-edge JS frameworks like React and Angular, which have become the real deal in Orem's tech scene.

A recent survey of the top tech firms in Orem revealed that a staggering 68% of them are actively hunting for React pros, while 46% are on the lookout for Angular experts.

These frameworks are game-changers, giving devs the ultimate toolbox for building dynamic single-page apps (SPAs) and crafting slick user interfaces. Companies know they need these skills to deliver mind-blowing digital experiences.

A tech recruiter at Oracle put it best:

"React and Angular have completely transformed the web dev game. Their component-based architecture, lightning-fast rendering, and vast ecosystem of libraries make it a breeze for devs to build scalable, high-performance apps. Orem companies get that these frameworks are pure gold, driving the massive demand for skilled pros in this domain."

As Orem's tech scene keeps blazing, mastering JavaScript and modern frameworks like React and Angular has become an essential skill for devs looking to cash in on the city's booming job market.

By staying ahead of the curve and leveling up their skills in these powerful tools, aspiring tech pros can secure their spot at the top of the game in this fast-paced industry.

Skill #10: Understanding of UX/UI Design Principles


In '24, understanding UX/UI design principles is a must-have skill for techies in Orem. With the rise of user-centric tech, companies want talents who can create dope digital experiences that are smooth and engaging.

According to a study, businesses that invest in UX/UI see a 67% lower dropout rate compared to those slacking on design.

For tech products to slay in Orem's competitive scene, UX/UI designers need to nail these core principles:

  • Usability: Creating user flows and interfaces that are a breeze, minimizing mental gymnastics.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring products are inclusive and easy to navigate for users with disabilities.
  • Visual Design: Using colors, fonts, and layouts that enhance aesthetics and reinforce branding.

As David Johnson, UX Manager at Adobe Orem, puts it:

"In '24, UX/UI design will be a game-changer. Users expect experiences that are intuitive and delightful, and companies that drop the ball will quickly fall behind."

Local job data backs this up, with UX/UI roles in Orem seeing a 35% year-over-year spike.

Top skills in demand include mastery of design tools like Figma and Adobe XD, plus frameworks like Material Design and Human Interface Guidelines. Employers also value skills in user research, prototyping, and design systems.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech skills Orem employers are seeking in 2024?

The top tech skills that Orem employers are seeking in 2024 include cloud computing with AWS, proficiency in Python programming, data analysis and visualization tools, cybersecurity fundamentals, mobile app development with Swift and Kotlin, machine learning algorithms, experience in DevOps tools like Jenkins and Docker, database management with SQL and NoSQL, proficiency in JavaScript and modern frameworks, and understanding UX/UI design principles.

Why is Python programming considered a critical skill in Orem's tech industry?

Python programming is considered a critical skill in Orem because it is widely used in data science, web development, and automation. A significant percentage of software engineering roles in the area list Python as a must-have or preferred skill. Moreover, Python developers in Utah earn an average salary of $92,000 per year.

How important is AWS certification for tech jobs in Orem?

AWS certification is highly important for tech jobs in Orem, as over 500 job openings in Q1 2023 required AWS skills. Additionally, 82% of local employers consider AWS certification a must-have, as cloud computing is transforming industries such as healthcare, finance, and retail.

What is the demand for mobile app development skills in Orem?

The demand for mobile app development skills in Orem is high due to the booming mobile commerce market, projected to reach $710 billion by 2024. Developers skilled in Swift (for iOS) and Kotlin (for Android) are particularly sought after, with a 20% increase in job postings for these skills compared to last year.

Why are UX/UI design skills essential for tech professionals in Orem?

UX/UI design skills are essential for tech professionals in Orem because companies are focusing on creating user-centric digital experiences. Strong UX/UI design can significantly enhance user satisfaction and business performance. Skills in design tools like Figma, frameworks like Material Design, and proficiency in user research are in high demand.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.