Are Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps in Orlando Suitable for Career Changers?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

An image of coding students at Nucamp's Bootcamp in Orlando.

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Orlando is a top city for STEM professionals with a growing tech market. Nucamp offers coding bootcamps catering to career changers with high job placement rates, hands-on projects, and industry connections. Courses cover web and mobile development, preparing graduates for tech careers with a median salary increase of 51%.

The tech scene in Orlando is lit AF, and it's been ranked as the #1 spot for STEM pros according to WalletHub's 2021 report. This growth has been matched by the rise of coding bootcamps in the area, and Nucamp Coding Bootcamp has been killing it.

Their flexible and accessible training programs cater to all kinds of people looking to switch careers in Orlando, and their Bootcamp reviews show that people are stoked with the practical, job-relevant curricula and projects that give them real-world experience.

They offer courses in everything from basic web dev to advanced full stack and mobile dev, focusing on independent learning and hands-on projects, solidifying Nucamp as a legit path to landing a tech job.

Orlando's tech scene is ripe for Nucamp grads, and networking through groups like Orlando Tech and Beer highlights the community's love for specialized tech education - a perfect match for bootcamp alumni looking to make a career change.

Course Report's "The 58 Best Coding Bootcamps of 2023" shows that bootcamp curricula are in sync with market demands, so Nucamp is prepping their grads to crush it in the industry, embodying Orlando's innovative spirit.

If you're ready to dive into Orlando's thriving tech ecosystem, Nucamp's bootcamps are the key to unlocking a meaningful career switch.

Table of Contents

  • Why Choose a Coding Bootcamp?
  • Nucamp’s Coding Bootcamps in Orlando: Course Details
  • Benefits of choosing Nucamp's Coding Bootcamp in Orlando for career changing
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Why Choose a Coding Bootcamp?


Choosing where to get your coding chops can be a game-changer. The numbers don't lie – 75% of coding bootcamp grads land full-time gigs using the skills they picked up during their intense training.

Orlando's tech scene is straight fire right now, with a 9% spike in tech jobs over the past year.

The local tech giants here are all about scooping up coding bootcamp alumni.

They dig the hands-on coding expertise that programs like Nucamp offer. Here's why coding bootcamps are the move:

  • Intensive Curriculum: Bootcamps serve up concise, skills-focused curricula tailored to what employers want, giving you a serious edge in tech job markets like Orlando.
  • Market Relevance: They keep you up to speed on cutting-edge technologies, with curricula that adapt to the current and future needs of Orlando's buzzing tech scene.
  • Speed to Market: You can fast-track your way into the tech field, scoring credentials in months instead of years, putting you on the express lane to a dope new career.

A server in Orlando landed a full-time software dev role four months after finishing a bootcamp.

They said,

"The hands-on experience at Nucamp was invaluable,"

crediting the bootcamp with their career glow-up. Grads see an average salary boost of 51%.

That's some serious cash! With the support to build your tech network and Orlando's booming market, a coding bootcamp here is more than just learning to code; it's a launchpad for a fresh career in tech.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Nucamp’s Coding Bootcamps in Orlando: Course Details


Check it out! Right in the heart of Florida's tech scene, Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps in Orlando are guiding career-changers through the wild world of web development with a top-notch curriculum and flexible schedules.

Here's what they're offering:

  • Web Development Fundamentals: This vital 4-week crash course covers HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, laying the foundation for aspiring devs — and it's on sale at just $458.
  • Front End Web + Mobile Development: Spanning 17 weeks, this program dives deep into JavaScript, React, and React Native, offering a solid base and Google Cloud scholarships for those looking to craft slick interfaces.
  • Full Stack Web + Mobile Development: This extensive 22-week course goes beyond the surface to cover back-end systems like NodeJS and Express, with comprehensive database management lessons.

Designed with working folks in mind, classes are held at night and on weekends.

Students emerge ready to build dynamic web and mobile apps, with a solid grasp of server logic, making them job-ready in a competitive market. Nucamp prides itself on affordability, with the Full Stack course available at an early bird rate of $2,604, way cheaper than traditional bootcamps.

Here's a handy table to break it down:

Course Duration Tuition Fee (Early Bird)
Web Development Fundamentals 4 weeks $458
Front End Web + Mobile Development 17 weeks $2,124
Full Stack Web + Mobile Development 22 weeks $2,604

And here's what one alum had to say:

"Nucamp hooked me up with the skills I needed to land a sweet remote developer gig in Orlando's booming tech scene."

Sounds like they're doing something right!

Benefits of choosing Nucamp's Coding Bootcamp in Orlando for career changing


Changing your career can be a real grind, but if you're down with Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps in Orlando, you're in for some sick perks that'll make the switch a breeze.

Success stories from those who've been there and done that are proof that Nucamp's flexible programs are tailored for career changers.

78% of the grads land a job within nine months after finishing the bootcamp. That's some serious job placement game right there!

But it's not just about the employment stats, Nucamp's bootcamps hook you up with:

  • Practical Experience: You'll get your hands dirty with hands-on projects that mimic the real deal, so you'll be ready to slay those coding challenges like a boss.
  • Personalized Attention: Small class sizes mean you'll get that personalized mentorship on lock. Fact: 90% of the grads credit their career switch success to the instructors.
  • Networking Opportunities: Custom job board and regular events to connect students with the hottest junior dev roles at local and national tech companies. It's all about who you know.

Nucamp's got your back with a comprehensive approach to helping you make that career pivot into tech.

They're not just about the education grind, it's a whole life-changing experience. With a laser focus on job placement, Nucamp partners up with the big dogs in Orlando's tech scene to make sure you're on the radar of the movers and shakers.

One grad even said,

"The network I built at Nucamp was clutch; it wasn't just the skills I learned but also the connections I made that scored me my tech gig in Orlando."

If you're ready to switch up your career game, Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps in Orlando will hook you up with the skills and the squad to level up in the tech world.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.



Let me hit you with the real deal about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps in Orlando. They've been keeping it with their remote learning game, keeping their curriculum fresh and on point with the latest trends.

And they've got a 78% job placement rate for their alumni within nine months of graduation. That's some serious fire!

But that's not all.

Nucamp's got your back whether you're a total noob or a coding wizard. Their curriculum covers the whole spectrum, from beginner to advanced levels, so you'll be ready to crush it in the job market.

And they're not messing around – some of their grads have landed gigs at big-name companies like PayPal and IBM. Straight up ballers!

Here's the real kicker, though: Nucamp's bootcamps won't break the bank, and they offer flexible online schedules and full-on support.

We're talking career coaching, resume reviews, and even a custom job board. It's like having a personal hype crew to get you pumped and ready to slay the tech game.

And the stats don't lie – alumni have seen their salaries spike by 20% after completing the bootcamp.

With that 78% employment rate in tech roles and the salary boost, Nucamp's leaving other bootcamps in the dust.

They're the real deal, setting grads up for success in Orlando's thriving tech scene.

As the digital world keeps evolving, Nucamp's got your back, giving you the skills, tools, and confidence to crush it in the tech industry. It's like a coding oasis, guiding you straight to that sweet, sweet tech career.

Ain't no stopping you now!

Frequently Asked Questions


Are Nucamp's coding bootcamps suitable for career changers in Orlando?

Yes, Nucamp's coding bootcamps in Orlando are suitable for career changers. With high job placement rates, hands-on projects, and industry connections, Nucamp offers courses covering web and mobile development, preparing graduates for tech careers with a median salary increase of 51%.

What are the key course offerings of Nucamp's coding bootcamps in Orlando?

Nucamp's coding bootcamps in Orlando include courses such as Web Development Fundamentals (4 weeks), Front End Web + Mobile Development (17 weeks), and Full Stack Web + Mobile Development (22 weeks). These courses equip students with skills in web and mobile development, server logic, and database management.

What are the benefits of choosing Nucamp's coding bootcamp in Orlando for career changing?

Choosing Nucamp's coding bootcamp in Orlando for career changing offers benefits such as practical experience through hands-on projects, personalized attention with small class sizes, and networking opportunities for job placements. Nucamp's high job placement rate and success stories from alumni showcase the effectiveness of their bootcamps for career changers.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible