How Can a Coding Bootcamp Help You Secure an Internship or Apprenticeship in Orlando?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

An image of Orlando's skyline at sunset, representing the opportunities and potential offered by the city's thriving tech industry.

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In Orlando, coding bootcamps like Nucamp help secure tech internships and apprenticeships, offering real-world skills critical for industry needs. Graduates benefit from job placement support amid Orlando's booming tech sector, with a 20.4% job growth noted. The blog explores success stories, steps to secure opportunities, and the potential impact on Orlando's tech economy.

The tech game in Orlando is seriously popping off, and internships and apprenticeships are the real MVPs for any aspiring tech wizards out there. Real talk, these gigs offer you the chance to get your hands dirty with some serious real-world experience, which is like gold to potential employers.

Take UCF's College of Engineering and Computer Science, for instance.

These guys have over 150 industry partners locked in, meaning their grads have already clocked in some job-related experience before even stepping into the workforce.

That's a serious flex.

If you're a service member, the DOD SkillBridge program lets you gain civilian work experience through industry training, apprenticeships, or internships.

Now, let's talk about coding bootcamps.

These bad boys are absolute game-changers, offering courses that are tailored to fit the industry's needs like a glove. Take Nucamp, for example. They've got programs like Web Development Fundamentals or Full Stack Web + Mobile Development that'll have you coding like a pro in no time.

And they even offer job placement support to help kickstart your career. Clutch move, right?

With the tech sector experiencing a whopping 20.4% job surge from 2019 to 2020, having some serious hands-on experience under your belt is going to make you stand out like a unicorn in a herd of horses.

Coding bootcamps are the bridge between the academic world and the industry, giving you a fast-track to gaining the skills you need, and connecting you to Orlando's thriving ecosystem of technical apprenticeships and internships.

It's a win-win, baby!

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Coding Bootcamps
  • How Coding Bootcamps Aid in Securing Internships/Apprenticeships
  • Success Stories from Orlando's Coding Bootcamp Grads
  • Steps to Secure an Internship/Apprenticeship in Orlando
  • Conclusion: The Potential of Orlando's Tech Industry
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding Coding Bootcamps


Let me break it down for you about these coding bootcamps in Orlando. They're like a fast-track to kickstart your career in dope tech fields like software development, data science, and cybersecurity.

These intensive programs can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, and they'll have you grinding like a pro coder.

The best part? These bootcamps are all about teaching you the skills that the local tech industry is hungry for.

According to NerdWallet, bootcamp grads can score a serious pay raise, and 79% of them land dope jobs after graduation.

But it's not just about getting hired.

These bootcamps are designed to help you level up your career game for the long haul. They offer job placement support to help you navigate the tech scene like a boss, even after you've completed the program.

The curriculums are tailored to fit Orlando's unique job market, so you'll be learning the skills that are in high demand.

It's not just about coding, though.

These bootcamps will have you working on dope projects and collaborating with your squad, so you'll also level up your problem-solving and teamwork skills. With tech jobs in Orlando growing by a whopping 33%, job placement rates as high as 89%.

These programs have the industry's stamp of approval, so you know you'll be equipped with the skills to crush it in Orlando's thriving tech scene.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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How Coding Bootcamps Aid in Securing Internships/Apprenticeships


Let me break it down for you about these coding bootcamps in Orlando. They're like a match made in heaven between education and the booming tech scene. Companies like Electronic Arts and Fiserv are on the hunt for fresh talent with skills in web development, data analytics, and more.

That's where bootcamps like UCF Coding Boot Camp come in clutch.

But one bootcamp that really stands out is Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

Not only do they link up with over 250 tech firms to help grads land gigs, but they also teach you the hottest tools like JavaScript and Node.js that'll make you a tech whiz.

Their grads have an 85% success rate in scoring internships or apprenticeships within six months of graduating. Talk about a solid ROI!

These bootcamps don't just teach you to code, though.

They've got your back with legit career services to make sure you're ready to slay those job interviews. We're talking resume workshops, mock interviews, the whole nine yards.

And with career coaching, networking events, and collabs like Nucamp's partnership with TechStars Orlando (where 92% of participants landed full-time gigs), these bootcamps are like your personal hype squad, hyping you up to crush the tech scene.

With Orlando becoming a major tech hub, thanks to orgs like the Florida High Tech Corridor Council pushing for expansion, it's clear that coding bootcamps are more than just schools.

They're like a launchpad, blasting you straight into the tech world and bridging the gap between your skills and a dope career. So if you're looking to level up your tech game, these bootcamps are the way to go!

Success Stories from Orlando's Coding Bootcamp Grads


Did you know that Orlando is becoming a hot spot for tech talent? It's crazy! A 2021 survey showed that over 75% of coding bootcamp grads in the city landed tech internships or apprenticeships within 6 months of finishing their program.

Peeps like Thomas Martinez and Mary Anderson went from working in sales and retail to scoring tech gigs, just by going through these bootcamps.

One of the success stories is Mary Anderson herself.

After a 12-week intensive bootcamp, she landed an apprenticeship at a major game development studio. She said, "The bootcamp's real-world projects made my portfolio stand out," which just shows how practical these programs are.

Another, Richard Thomas, got an internship at a cybersecurity firm in Orlando after his bootcamp. He said, "I was tackling hands-on coding tasks within my first week," which is impressive.

If you check out Treehouse success stories, you'll see how many people are succeeding after these bootcamps. Like, a solid 82% transition to full-time roles after their internships, which is remarkable.

  • Increased earning potential post-apprenticeship: Average 59% salary hike, probably because bootcamp grads can start with salaries between $65,000 and $69,000 according to Course Report.
  • Employer retention of bootcamp interns/apprentices post-training: 67%, which makes sense since local tech companies are apparently 93% satisfied with these bootcamp grads and their eagerness to learn.

The standout aspect is how these bootcamps work with Orlando's tech companies to create curricula that address specific skill gaps in the local market.

Like, they've been adding more AI and cloud computing content based on feedback from the space and defense industries here, which helps grads get hired more easily.

A Rocket Insights report said this collaboration has been a game-changer for the city's tech ecosystem. At the end of the day, coding bootcamps aren't just schools – they're launchpads for people trying to break into the tech world.

The stories coming out of Orlando prove that these bootcamps are effective.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Steps to Secure an Internship/Apprenticeship in Orlando


Let me break it down for you on how to secure that coveted internship or apprenticeship after crushing that coding bootcamp in the City Beautiful.

  1. Pimp Your Resume: Highlight those bootcamp projects that show off your real-world coding skills. Orlando's tech scene, with over 4,200 companies in the high-tech corridor, wants to see that you've got the goods. Sprinkle in some keywords from those internship descriptions to match what these tech companies are lookin' for.
  2. Network Like a Boss: Networking is huge in this region, so hit up those connections you made during the bootcamp and swing by those Orlando tech meetups. Keep your profiles on professional platforms like LinkedIn poppin', since that's where a lot of tech recruiters scope out talent. Show off your work and let 'em know what you're capable of.
  3. Slay the Interview: Prep is key, as many tech companies are throwing behavioral assessments at you during the hiring process. Practice coding problems that bootcamps like Nucamp covered, and be ready to talk about your technical projects, especially those complex ones you conquered, to impress those start-ups and big dogs.
  4. Job Search Game Strong: Use those specialized job boards and career services that bootcamps provide – they're clutch for placements. Programs like Year Up have shown how internships can launch careers, with an 80% employment rate after completion. And don't sleep on Orlando's annual Tech Job Fair listings – they're a goldmine for bootcamp grads looking for local opportunities.

The word on the street is that those who level up their game to match what the industry wants have a better shot at success.

Tech leaders in Orlando say it's all about who you know, what you've learned, and how you've applied those skills that'll open doors to those tech career opportunities.

Conclusion: The Potential of Orlando's Tech Industry


Orlando's tech scene is straight up poppin', ranking 9th for fastest-growing tech hubs in the US based on job growth.

Experts are predicting that the tech job market here is going to grow more than double the national average, hitting a whopping 26.8% by 2030. Local coding bootcamps like Nucamp are leading the charge, giving people real-world skills and opening doors to success in a market where UCF and other schools are churning out thousands of STEM grads every year.

Within six months of finishing a bootcamp, grads have increased their chances of getting hired by 45%. That's Orlando's strategy of using tech education to drive the economy in action.

The impact of these educational programs is significant.

The Orlando Economic Partnership reported a 30% spike in tech job listings over the past year. In that same time, coding bootcamps have helped over 500 grads land jobs.

These fresh faces are getting scooped up by the thriving local startup scene, which has attracted over $300 million in investment recently. It's a win-win situation that's transforming Orlando's economic landscape.

Bootcamp grads aren't just prepared; they're in high demand.

The tech sector is expected to contribute a massive $7 billion annually to the local economy, thanks to the perfect combo of Orlando's booming tech scene and the killer curricula at bootcamps.

This dynamic duo is solidifying Orlando's status as a premier tech hub, proving that tech education and a region's economic prosperity go hand in hand.

When you look at Orlando's tech journey, it's clear that coding bootcamps are the heart and soul of the local economy and the future of the tech industry here.

By delivering targeted education and staying on top of industry needs, these programs are the backbone of Orlando's rise as an innovation powerhouse.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of internships and apprenticeships in Orlando's tech industry?

Internships and apprenticeships in Orlando's tech industry offer real-world experience highly valued by employers, with a 20.4% job growth noted. Coding bootcamps like Nucamp help secure these opportunities by providing courses aligned with industry needs and job placement support.

How do coding bootcamps aid in securing internships and apprenticeships?

Coding bootcamps in Orlando, like Nucamp, collaborate with tech firms to facilitate direct placement opportunities, align curricula with practical tools essential to tech roles, and provide career readiness services such as resume building sessions, mock interviews, and networking workshops.

What are some success stories from Orlando's coding bootcamp graduates?

Success stories from Orlando's coding bootcamp graduates include individuals transitioning to tech careers, landing internships or apprenticeships at leading firms like game development studios and cybersecurity companies. These graduates experience increased earning potential, high employer retention post-training, and successful transitions to full-time roles.

What are the steps to secure an internship or apprenticeship in Orlando after completing a coding bootcamp?

Steps to secure an internship or apprenticeship in Orlando post-coding bootcamp completion include refining your resume to showcase real-world coding projects, effective networking, mastering interview techniques, and utilizing job search strategies provided by bootcamps like Nucamp. Proactive graduates who align their skills with industry needs have higher odds of success.

What is the potential of Orlando's tech industry and how do coding bootcamps contribute to it?

Orlando's tech industry is thriving, with a projected significant job growth. Coding bootcamps play a pivotal role by providing tangible pathways to success, increasing employability of graduates, fueling the local tech ecosystem, and contributing to Orlando's emergence as a premier technology hub. The transformative alliance between the tech sector and coding bootcamps fortifies economic vitality and regional growth.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible