How to Land a Remote Tech Job from Orlando: A Step-by-Step Guide?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Orlando city illuminated at night with a backdrop of a laptop symbolizing remote tech work.

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Orlando's tech job market is evolving with a 14% growth post-pandemic. Remote tech roles have surged by 35% yearly, offering perks like work-life balance. Key skills include JavaScript, Python, Git, and Docker. Networking and certifications are vital. The shift to remote tech jobs in Orlando shows sustainable growth opportunities.

Orlando's tech scene is going through some serious changes, and remote work is becoming a major player. According to this study by Brookings Institution (check it out), tech hubs are no longer just limited to the usual suspects.

Cities like Orlando are seeing a spike in tech job growth. While the big coastal cities like San Francisco and New York still dominate, the balance is shifting, and tech jobs could be spreading out more evenly after the pandemic.

At the same time, companies like Comcast are embracing remote work, which means more opportunities for tech talent in Orlando to work for companies outside the city.

Nucamp's coding bootcamp is prepping people for these remote roles, so they can capitalize on this trend.

Since the pandemic started, tech employment in Orlando has grown by 14%, which is pretty impressive. With the local economy thriving and remote work becoming more common, Orlando tech enthusiasts have more options than ever to level up their careers without leaving the city.

Orlando is definitely on the rise as a tech hub, and with remote work gaining traction, the future looks bright for this sunny city's tech scene.

Table of Contents

  • The Current State of Remote Tech Jobs in Orlando
  • Skills Needed for Remote Tech Jobs
  • How to Acquire Necessary Skills
  • Building Your Network in Orlando
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Current State of Remote Tech Jobs in Orlando


The tech scene in O-Town is seriously popping off these days, with a massive surge in remote tech gigs flooding the market. In 2023, the number of remote tech job openings in Orlando has skyrocketed, reflecting the national and global trend toward remote work opportunities in the tech industry.

FlexJobs just dropped a list of the top 100 companies hiring for remote roles, with the remote job market going absolutely buck wild since the pandemic hit in 2020.

The number of available remote tech positions in Orlando has seen a 35% year-over-year increase, showing that the city's tech industry is seriously embracing the remote work movement.

This shift isn't just because tech jobs are naturally more flexible, but also because companies like TTEC and others are recognizing the major benefits of remote work for their operations and employees.

CBRE's Orlando office is highlighting the rise in tech talent demand and remote hiring trends amid the economic shifts.

For techies in Orlando, remote jobs offer some serious perks, like cutting out those soul-crushing commutes, achieving a better work-life balance, and having access to a wider range of job opportunities without worrying about location.

Here's the scoop on the current landscape:

  • Remote software developer positions are leading the pack with a 40% share of all remote opportunities in the area.
  • Cybersecurity expertise is in high demand, with a 50% increase in job postings since last year.
  • Data analytics remote roles have grown by 25%, highlighting the need for data-driven decision-making skills.

On top of that, Orlando's tech industry has seen a 22% growth compared to last year, with remote opportunities playing a major role in that expansion.

One local tech exec summed it up perfectly, saying, "Orlando's tech ecosystem is perfectly positioned to leverage the benefits of remote work, creating an environment where innovation can thrive beyond the physical office space." Integrating Orlando's tech talent into remote roles is not only boosting individual career growth but also contributing to the overall state economic development, cementing remote tech jobs as a seriously viable and attractive option for workforce expansion in the region.

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Skills Needed for Remote Tech Jobs


If you're a tech geek in the 407 tryna snag some remote gigs, you gotta lock down these key skills. According to this Dynamite Jobs analysis, coding chops like JavaScript, Python, Ruby on Rails, and C++ are major players, making up a whopping 20.61% of remote job postings.

For remote software devs, knowing your way around Git, Docker, and AWS is non-negotiable, 'cause that DevOps, cloud, and containerization game is where it's at.

But it ain't just about coding.

In the IT world, technical wizardry like network security, data analysis, and cybersecurity is where the money's at for remote roles.

That said, slaying the remote game ain't just about technical skills. Soft skills like communication, time management, and self-motivation are crucial for killing it in those virtual team collabs.

And when it comes to certs, CompTIA and stuff like Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals, as suggested by Emsi Burning Glass reports, can seriously level up your tech career in the Orlando market.

So, to sum it up, here's what you gotta focus on:

  • Identify core programming skills: Get your hands dirty with JavaScript, Python, Java, Ruby on Rails, C++
  • Understand development tools and practices: Master Git, Docker, AWS, and embrace that DevOps life
  • Essential IT tools: Level up your network security, data analysis, and cybersecurity game
  • Key soft skills: Nail that communication, time management, and self-motivation hustle
  • Valuable certifications: Snag CompTIA, Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals, and other industry-standard certs

"In today's rapidly transforming remote job market, these technical and non-technical skills are the pivot of success for any tech professional," highlights insights from tech industry trends.

With these essential qualifications on lock, Orlando's tech job seekers can be at the forefront of this digital working revolution.

Mastering this curated set of skills and accreditations not only ups your worth in the job market but also aligns with the global move towards flexible and remote work, making it a solid investment for major returns in the cutthroat world of remote tech employment.

How to Acquire Necessary Skills


The tech game is changing faster than you can swipe on Tinder, and if you're trying to score a sweet remote gig, you gotta hustle hard to level up your skills.

Lucky for you, this city is packed with resources to help you become a tech ninja.

First up, check out Orange Technical College. They got all kinds of career training programs that'll have you job-ready in no time.

And the best part? New classes start every nine weeks, so you can jump on that grind ASAP. Valencia College is another solid option with their Accelerated Skills Training programs in fields like manufacturing and healthcare – talk about a booming industry! By 2026, healthcare is expected to grow by 18%, so you could be raking in the dough while helping people out.

But it's not just about sitting in a classroom.

Orlando is teeming with hands-on learning opportunities that'll give you the real-world experience employers drool over. You can even get paid to learn through apprenticeships at Orange Technical College.

Construction and maintenance programs are a surefire way to land a high-paying gig too. And don't sleep on networking events and the RISE Employment & Training Program – they'll hook you up with coaching, resources, and all the connects you need to make it big.

Of course, if you're a self-starter, the world is your oyster.

Attend webinars, get involved in open-source projects, join tech forums on social media – whatever keeps you grinding. Bootcamp grads swear by local workshops and tech communities for leveling up their skills.

By tapping into Orlando's training ecosystem, you'll be cooking up skills that'll have you ahead of the curve and ready to dominate the tech game.

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Building Your Network in Orlando


Networking is the real MVP when it comes to landing a dope career in the tech world, especially if you're looking to score a remote gig. For all my fellow techies in O-Town, building a solid network is the key to tapping into that sweet, sweet remote job market.

With Orlando's tech scene blowing up, backed by organizations like Orlando Tech and Orlando Tech Meetup, the opportunities to connect are endless.

Just peep all the sick events listed on sites like Eventbrite – from workshops to tech summits, there's something for everyone, whether you're a noob or a seasoned pro.

  • Get your network on at local tech events: Hitting up spots like 'Orlando Tech and Beer' and '1 Million Cups Orlando' is a surefire way to boost your networking game and rub shoulders with industry legends.
  • Level up at workshops and conferences: Events like the Orlando Codecamp show just how stacked Orlando is with IT and tech-related gatherings.
  • Tap into online communities: Join the Orlando Tech Community's Slack channel or Meetup groups to score job leads and potential collaborations.

According to a LinkedIn survey, 85% of jobs are filled through networking, so having the right connections is crucial for leveling up your career.

A local Orlando Tech recruiter dropped some truth bombs, saying

"The strength of your network often determines how your job search plays out, especially for remote tech positions,"

which just goes to show that a strong network can open up a world of opportunities and collaborations.

In Orlando, where technology and community go hand-in-hand, being a networking boss is a must-have skill if you want to snag those remote roles. Research even shows that professionals with solid local networks are way more likely to land remote jobs, so get out there and start connecting!



What's up? I'ma keep it real with you about landing those remote tech gigs from The City Beautiful. First things first, you gotta level up your skills, ya dig? Nucamp's coding bootcamp will hook you up with the hot skills like Python, JavaScript, and cloud computing.

Once you've got that solid foundation, you'll be a straight-up tech resume beast, and your chances of catching an employer's eye will go up by a whopping 45%.

Next up, it's time to hit those job boards like LinkedIn and Indeed.

Orlando's tech scene is poppin' off with over 3,000 remote opportunities every month. But don't sleep on networking either, cuz the Orlando Tech Council says that's how 70% of tech roles get filled.

Get your schmooze on at tech meet-ups and online forums. And when it's time for interviews, make sure you're prepped to the max, cuz those who practice have a 25% better chance of killing it.

Now, don't get discouraged if you're not landing offers left and right.

Jobvite says you gotta shoot your shot with 10-15 applications to hit that sweet spot. Orlando's got your back, though. It's a city that's all about that hustle, with plenty of ways to get support, like job placement assistance and bootcamps like Nucamp.

Remember what Anthony K. Tjan said:

It's not just about putting in the hours, but practicing with purpose that'll level you up.

Keep that grind mentality, stay strategic, and stay adaptive.

For those trying to snag a remote tech gig in Orlando, the opportunities are lit.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the current state of remote tech jobs in Orlando?

Remote tech job opportunities in Orlando have seen substantial growth, with a 35% yearly increase. Key data points include a 40% share of remote software developer positions, a 50% increase in cybersecurity job postings, and a 25% growth in data analytics remote roles.

What skills are needed for remote tech jobs in Orlando?

Key skills for remote tech jobs in Orlando include proficiency in languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby on Rails, and C++, expertise in Git, Docker, and AWS for software developers, and technical skills in network security, data analysis, and cybersecurity. Non-technical skills such as communication, time management, and self-motivation are also essential.

How can one acquire the necessary skills for remote tech jobs in Orlando?

Orlando residents can acquire necessary skills through resources like Orange Technical College and Valencia College, attending workshops, joining tech forums, and obtaining relevant certifications such as CompTIA and Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals.

How to build a network in Orlando for remote tech job opportunities?

Building a strong network in Orlando can be achieved through local tech events, workshops, conferences, online communities like the Orlando Tech Community's Slack channel, and leveraging platforms like LinkedIn. Networking plays a crucial role, with 85% of jobs filled through networking.

What are the key steps to securing a remote tech job in Orlando?

The key steps to securing a remote tech job in Orlando include mastering necessary skills, showcasing experience and projects, utilizing job platforms like LinkedIn, robust networking, rigorous interview preparation, and perseverance in job applications. Strategic actions and a proactive mindset are essential for success in transitioning to a remote tech job in Orlando.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible