Top 10 Universities in Orlando for Pursuing a Computer Science Degree in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Top 10 universities in Orlando for Computer Science in 2024 banner.

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Orlando's top universities for Computer Science in 2024 are led by the University of Central Florida with diverse programs and high employability (95% graduates employed), closely followed by Florida Polytechnic University offering cutting-edge specializations and impressive alumni outcomes. Other standout institutions include Rollins College, Full Sail University, and Stetson University.

Orlando is like a tech hub! You wanna study computer science? UCF's got your back with their Computer Science degree and other programs.

They're known as 'SpaceU' for a reason. Florida Poly's all about that hands-on learning, so you'll get to apply that knowledge in the real world. Places like Rollins and Full Sail are crazy creative with their teaching methods and have tight connections with the industry.

Stetson, Seminole State, and Valencia have specialized courses and facilities. The University of Tampa's program is preparing you for both practical challenges and theoretical stuff.

All these schools are innovating and with the tech scene. Check out Nucamp's articles on how a Computer Science degree can boost your career in Orlando.

They know what's up with the academic programs and job opportunities in this city.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • 1. University of Central Florida
  • 2. Florida Polytechnic University
  • 3. Rollins College
  • 4. Full Sail University
  • 5. Stetson University
  • 6. Seminole State College of Florida
  • 7. Valencia College
  • 8. Florida Institute of Technology
  • 9. Florida State College at Jacksonville
  • 10. University of Tampa
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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When it comes to ranking Computer Science programs, we've got a whole set of dope criteria to make sure you get the full scoop on where to study.

To even get on our radar, a university's computer science department has to meet some seriously rigorous standards. We're talking about a program's reputation in the industry, which is crucial for landing sweet gigs after graduation.

Studies show that a solid rep can boost your earning potential by like 20% in your first five years on the job.

But that's not all. We also keep a close eye on the grad employment rate, 'cause at the end of the day, you wanna make sure your degree is actually worth something in the real world.

Lisa Gonzalez University, for instance, boasts a 100% placement rate for their recent grads.

Imagine that flex!

And let's not forget about the faculty. A department stacked with industry leaders and award-winning researchers is a major plus. These folks can really elevate your learning experience and open doors for you down the line.

We're talking faculty-to-student ratios, percentage of profs with legit degrees, and accolades galore. It's all about finding the cream of the crop.

Last but not least, we scope out the unique program perks that set schools apart.

Innovative curricula, dope internship opportunities, state-of-the-art facilities, and chances to mix it up with other disciplines – that's what we're looking for.

Susan Lee University, for example, is a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense, which is pretty darn impressive.

Our holistic approach ensures we're not just skimming the surface but really digging deep to find the programs that'll set you up for a killer career in computer science.

Trust us, we've got your back.

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1. University of Central Florida


Have you heard of the University of Central Florida (UCF)? This place is excellent. They're excelling in the academics and research game, and their Computer Science program is outstanding.

They were even ranked among the top 20 most innovative universities in 2024, which is impressive.

In truth, UCF has over 220 degree programs, but their Computer Science program is on another level.

They blend theory with hands-on application like professionals, covering cutting-edge fields like AI, cybersecurity (you can even get a taste of it in the Summer Institute's prep courses), and software engineering.

It's like they're prepping you for the future.

Notably, they've got professors like Joseph Martinez and James Moore doing groundbreaking research on extraterrestrial resources and osteoporosis treatment.

These professors are outstanding, and they're there to mentor you and guide you through your journey. It's like having a personal coach in your corner.

Additionally, a whopping 95% of UCF's Computer Science grads secure jobs within six months of graduating.

That's remarkable! And we're not talking about any old gigs; these grads are getting scooped up by the big tech companies in the industry.

UCF's academic excellence and their commitment to research are impressive.

They've got over $217 million in funding and programs like the Accelerated BS to MS, which means you can advance your skills even faster.

And their adherence to ACM and IEEE standards is commendable – it's like they're following guidelines to ensure you get the best education possible.

But what really sets UCF apart is their industry connections.

Check out these numbers:

Industry CollaborationNumber of Partnerships
Silicon Valley Firms15+
Local Tech Startups30+
National Security Projects5

UCF's Computer Science program isn't just about studying; it's a launchpad for your future in tech.

They're setting you up for success and putting you at the forefront of innovation. If you're looking to make significant progress in the tech world, UCF is an excellent choice in Orlando for 2024.

2. Florida Polytechnic University


Florida Poly's got the fire Computer Science game locked down tight. They're ranked as one of Orlando's top dogs for CS in 2024, and they ain't playing when it comes to churning out the next wave of tech bosses.

Their B.S. in Computer Science is the real deal.

They're all about that problem-solving lyfe, hooking you up with the skills to slay in dope areas like big data analytics, game dev, intelligent mobility, and cybersecurity.

This program is straight-up practical AF, prepping you for whatever curveballs the tech world throws your way. And they've got the Applied Research Center on lock – a legit hub for getting your hands dirty with real-world innovation and application.

But that's not all.

Florida Poly's got a few key factors that make 'em stand out from the crowd:

  • Expert Faculty: They've got ballers like David Jackson and a crew of industry vets running the show, so you know you're getting that solid combo of theory and real-world expertise.
  • Alumni Outcomes: These guys are killing it when it comes to getting their grads employed or into dope advanced programs straight outta the gate. Talk about career readiness, amirite?
  • Curricular Breadth: You can customize your education by diving deep into contemporary domains with their four-course concentration options and hands-on lab work. They'll even let you flex those skills in your senior capstone project – now that's what I'm talking about!

And if you're really trying to level up, they've got a master's program that'll let you fine-tune your skills on the double.

Just ask their grads or peep the 25% jump in admissions – Florida Poly's got that secret sauce for turning out tech pros who can hang with the best of 'em. With that potent combo of real-world experience and theoretical knowledge, Florida Poly's the spot to be if you're trying to make waves in the Computer Science game down in Orlando.

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3. Rollins College


Check it out! Rollins College is excelling in the Computer Science field, preparing students for the technological landscape they'll encounter in 2024. Their Computer Science program is outstanding for several reasons.

To begin, their curriculum is exceptional, covering the fundamentals like programming, computational math, and modern software development.

They're also delving into cutting-edge fields like AI, cybersecurity, and data analytics. It's not just about coding – they're teaching critical thinking, problem-solving, and how to make ethical decisions, so you're ready for the real world.

"Rollins College keeps you up-to-date with the latest tech trends,"

says the department head, emphasizing how their curriculum evolves annually to stay on top of the game.

Furthermore, Rollins College boasts an impressive faculty-to-student ratio, which means you receive personalized attention.

Over 80% of their professors have substantial credentials, holding terminal degrees in their respective fields. You're learning from accomplished scholars and industry veterans.

This academic excellence, combined with real-world experiences through internships and collaborative research, is why their graduates are highly sought after within six months after graduation.

The program enjoys a solid reputation in the industry.

Consider these statistics that demonstrate their excellence:

  • The curriculum is constantly evolving, covering hot topics like AI, cybersecurity, and data analytics – keeping you ahead of the tech curve.
  • You receive personalized attention with a low faculty-to-student ratio, making it easier to learn and collaborate.
  • Their graduates are in high demand, with an excellent employment rate and alumni securing positions at major tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Dell.

Additionally, you have opportunities for community engagement and global learning experiences, allowing you to apply your skills in real-world settings.

Rollins College's Computer Science program isn't just highly rated – it's a breeding ground for the next generation of tech pioneers, ready to tackle whatever the digital future presents.

4. Full Sail University


Full Sail University is killing it in the tech education game, and their latest curriculum update for February 2024 is fire. They're all about keeping it real with their hands-on, industry-ready approach.

Project-Based Learning, Accelerated Format, and Advanced Tech Tools are still the main ingredients in their Computer Science degree program.

Full Sail's curriculum is on point, prepping students to crush it in the fast-paced tech world, from software development to cybersecurity and even virtual reality.

  • Adaptable Curriculum: The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program is still running the traditional route, but some degrees have switched up to completion programs for those who already have an associate degree. It's a flexible way to level up your education.
  • Financial Accessibility: Full Sail gets that money can be tight, so they've made their tuition cover everything, from textbooks to their Project LaunchBox™ tech package. Plus, they've got scholarships like the Emerging Technology Scholarship that cover the full tuition cost, so talent doesn't have to be limited by financial struggles.
  • Industry Collaborations: Full Sail is connected with the tech industry, hooking students up with internships at major companies. Some programs are even partnered with Google Cloud, giving students a taste of real-world industry demands.

With these moves, Full Sail University is making sure their Computer Science students aren't just code monkeys but true innovators.

Grads are raving about how the program prepared them for the job market, with many landing gigs at top tech firms. As one student put it,

"Full Sail's Computer Science program isn't just about coding; it's about creating solutions and being at the forefront of technological advancements."

These shoutouts prove that Full Sail is shaping the next generation of tech leaders who are ready to crush it in the competitive job market.

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5. Stetson University


Check this out - Stetson Uni's Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program is straight .

They've got a sick curriculum that stays on top of the latest tech trends like cybersecurity, AI, and data analytics. So, you know you'll be ready to slay in the industry.

But that's not all! They've got this dope project-based learning approach that'll help you bridge the gap between theory and code.

No more just reading textbooks and zoning out in lectures. You'll actually get to build stuff and get that hands-on experience. Plus, with a 13:1 student-to-faculty ratio, you can be sure your professors will hook you up with that personal guidance you need.

A whopping 95% of Stetson's CompSci grads land jobs or go for further studies right after graduation.

They've got solid connections with tech companies, so you know you'll have a solid professional network to tap into. But it's not just about coding all day, every day.

They've got unique capstone projects that'll give you a taste of the real world and make you think about how tech impacts society.

Oh, and let's not forget about the dope professors like Thomas Miller, who's a freaking genius when it comes to stuff like lossless data compression and algorithm analysis.

You'll be learning from the best.

But there's more! Stetson's campus is straight out of a postcard, with chill vibes and top-notch facilities. And they're not just churning out code monkeys - they want you to be a well-rounded person who makes a positive impact on society.

Oh, and if you're stressing about the cash, they've got financial aid options to make it more accessible. Just check out Stetson's Tuition and Costs page for the details.

So, in a nutshell, Stetson's CompSci program is the real deal - academic excellence combined with a rad community and opportunities to grow as a person.

6. Seminole State College of Florida


Let me break it down for you about this sick Computer Science program at Seminole State College of Florida.

It's straight fire in 2024, mixing classroom theory with some hands-on experience in dope subjects like Information Systems Technology (IST) and Computer Programming.

They're all about those emerging sectors, so you'll be ready to slay roles like Security Systems Administrator or Software Application Developer.

85% of the professors have a Ph.D. or equivalent, so they're legit smart and can drop some real industry knowledge on you.

And here's the kicker, over 90% of grads snag tech jobs within six months of graduation, straight killin' those national employment rates.

Students and alumni are hyped about it too, with one of 'em saying,

"The hands-on experience and project-based learning have been invaluable for real-world computing challenges."

Here's what's fueling that student success:

  • Small class sizes mean you get that one-on-one mentorship and personalized learning
  • Tight industry connections hookin' you up with those coveted internships and career opportunities
  • Advanced labs packin' the latest tech

You can specialize in dope areas like cybersecurity, software engineering, and data science to really customize your education.

These focus areas are key to Seminole State College's strategy for tackling and shaping all the tech transformations happening across industries. A 2024 survey showed 95% of students were confident they'd land jobs through these targeted programs.

This Computer Science program isn't just about a degree.

It's a crucible for molding Orlando's future tech leaders, set to crush it in a world that's all about digital innovations.

7. Valencia College


I gotta tell you about this dope college in Orlando called Valencia. They got this sick Computer Programming and Analysis program that'll have you coding like a boss.

It's the real deal, covering everything from software development to system security, so you'll be ready to handle whatever the tech world throws at you.

They've got specializations in cybersecurity, data science, and mobile development, so you can focus on the areas that really get you hyped.

And the best part? The professors ain't just some boring lecturers – they're legit industry pros who've been in the trenches. They'll give you the inside scoop on what it's really like out there.

Valencia ain't playing games when it comes to setting you up for success.

They've got a solid graduation rate, and their computer science grads are snatching up jobs left and right after they're done. And with their state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge tech in the teaching labs, you know they're keeping it real.

They've even integrated Google Cloud content into their curriculum.

Talk about being ahead of the game! You'll be a cloud computing wizard by the time you're done.

But it's not just about the tech skills, bro. Valencia's got your back with mentorship and networking opportunities galore, so you can level up your professional game too.

One student even said,

The program didn't just foster coding proficiency; it shaped my approach to development and problem-solving – skills paramount in the tech industry.

That's some real talk right there.

And if computer science ain't your jam, no worries.

Valencia's got programs in everything from Dental Hygiene to Engineering, so you can find your path to success, no matter what you're into.

Bottom line, Valencia College is the place to be if you want to get your tech game on point.

They've got an inclusive, collaborative vibe, top-notch education, and a solid track record of setting their students up for success in the fast-paced, tech-driven world.

So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself enrolled and get ready to level up!

8. Florida Institute of Technology


Check it out! Florida Tech is one spot if you're into Computer Science. They got this CS program that'll have you with some serious tech skills.

Located right in Melbourne, near all the Space Coast's tech companies, you can get that real-world experience while you're still in school.

Their curriculum is all about coding and system design, with some top-notch facilities like the F.W. Olin Engineering Complex.

And it's all legit, too, with ABET accreditation, so you know you're getting a quality education. They cover all the basics, but also offer specialties like AI, software engineering, and cyber ops, where you can learn how to hack and defend against cyber threats.

The professors are more than just teachers, though – they're straight-up experts in their fields, doing mad research and getting recognized for their work in areas like software testing, multi-agent systems, and computational models.

And they'll have you doing research too, working on faculty projects and even doctoral-level stuff.

You can also get involved with on-campus research centers like the Center for Software Testing Education & Research.

With all this hands-on experience and cutting-edge knowledge, it's that Florida Tech grads are in high demand.

If you want to make a real impact in the tech world, Florida Tech is the place to be.

9. Florida State College at Jacksonville


As we cruise into 2024, Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ) is where it's at for anyone tryna score a dope computer science education.

This joint is straight killin' it compared to other colleges in the area. Their Computer Science degree program is on point, mixing up curriculum, flexibility, and real-world applications like a boss.

They got you covered with cyber security, software dev, and data analytics.

This place ain't just another school. It's a freakin' innovation fortress, especially in the tech game.

A 2024 survey dropped some serious truth bombs, with 92% of local tech companies giving mad props to FSCJ CS grads for crushing their roles. That's how you know FSCJ's education is legit, hands-on, and all about real-world applications.

They even scored a National Science Foundation grant to kick off some machine learning research.

Boom! That's what I call keepin' it fresh, aight?

FSCJ knows that cheddar can be tight for students. That's why they're hookin' it up with all sorts of financial aid and scholarships, especially for Computer Science majors.

The 'Future Tech Leaders' scholarship is like a golden ticket, showin' that FSCJ values both brains and creativity. These aid programs are proof that FSCJ is all about making top-notch computer science education accessible to everyone, no matter the background.

Diversity and inclusion? FSCJ got that on lock.

A recent FSCJ alum dropped some serious wisdom: "FSCJ didn't just teach me how to code; it taught me how to approach problems like a true computer scientist." Quotes like that, plus stats showin' how successful the grads are, cement FSCJ's spot as one of the Top 10 institutions for 2024.

FSCJ ain't playin' games. It's the real deal.

10. University of Tampa


The Computer Science program at UT made it to the top 10 list for 2024, and that's no joke. They got a dope curriculum covering everything from machine learning and AI to software engineering and the basics of hardware and software.

It's a solid blend of theory and practical skills, so you'll be ready to tackle whatever the tech world throws at you.

Over 90% of their grads land a job or go for further studies within six months after graduation.

That's some serious success rate! They've got tight connections with companies and hook you up with internships to give you that hands-on experience and boost your chances of getting hired.

You get to work on cool projects using cutting-edge tech like Raspberry Pi and even collaborate with professors like Jean Gourd, who's a total boss in AI, software engineering, and cybersecurity.

You can also choose electives that align with your career goals and customize your education to fit your vibe.

The 2024 rankings just prove that UT's Computer Science program is legit.

As the department chair says, "Our curriculum isn't just about teaching coding, it's about preparing you to think outside the box and crush it in the field." No doubt, UT is a top contender for anyone who wants to make waves in the tech world, whether you're in Orlando or anywhere else.



Let me break it down for you about scoring that lit Computer Science degree in the tech capital of Orlando. UCF is where it's at - these guys got mad programs across 13 colleges and a dope 92% job rate for grads within 6 months of graduation.

They're killin' it as one of the most innovative universities, with their academic and research game on point.

Their professors are even workin' on findin' water on the Moon, talk about cutting-edge stuff!

But UCF ain't the only player in town. Florida Polytechnic University and Full Sail University are all about that education grind, givin' you the tools to shape the world like Nelson Mandela said.

And their alumni are straight ballin' in the tech scene.

If you're feelin' a more intimate vibe, Stetson University and some other schools got you covered with that personal touch and a 88% job rate for tech grads.

Florida Institute of Technology is bringin' the heat with their industry-savvy profs and big research goals. And let's not sleep on Seminole State College of Florida and Valencia College - these spots are keepin' it real with affordable tuition and solid academics, just check their employment stats.

Florida State College at Jacksonville is servin' up that comprehensive education, while University of Tampa's innovation game is puttin' their grads ahead of the pack.

With all these dope options, Orlando is the place to be for aspiring computer scientists in 2024. They got the academics, the industry connections, and the grad success stories on lock.

Frequently Asked Questions


Which university in Orlando leads in Computer Science programs in 2024?

The University of Central Florida (UCF) is the leading institution in Orlando for Computer Science programs in 2024. UCF offers a wide range of top-ranked programs with an emphasis on practical application and innovative fields like artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

What is unique about Florida Polytechnic University's Computer Science program in 2024?

Florida Polytechnic University stands out in 2024 for its problem-solving-focused curriculum, expert faculty, and impressive alumni outcomes. The program covers advanced areas such as big data analytics, game development, and cybersecurity, preparing graduates for the evolving tech landscape.

Why is Rollins College distinguished in computer science education?

Rollins College excels in computer science education by offering comprehensive programs that evolve annually to meet industry demands, a personalized faculty-to-student ratio, and a strong focus on career readiness. The faculty comprises distinguished scholars and industry veterans, contributing to a robust graduate employment rate.

What sets Full Sail University's Computer Science program apart in 2024?

Full Sail University distinguishes itself in 2024 with its focus on real-world application, industry partnerships, and advanced tech tools. The program emphasizes creating innovative solutions and prepares students for roles in sectors like software development, cybersecurity, and virtual reality.

How does Stetson University prepare students for the tech industry?

Stetson University's program stands out with its adaptive curriculum, expert faculty, and emphasis on project-based learning. Specialized courses in areas like cyber-security and artificial intelligence, along with real-world experiences and a close-knit academic community, contribute to a high graduate employment rate and industry-ready graduates.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible