What tools do remote workers use in Orlando?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Image representing remote work tools in Orlando

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Remote workers in Orlando rely on tools like Trello and Asana for project management, Slack for communication (80%), Zoom for meetings (78%), Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams for collaboration, and VPN services for cybersecurity (63%). Orlando's tech job market has grown by 22% with a 15% rise in salaries post remote work adoption.

In this day and age, the remote work game is where it's at in O-Town, and the local peeps are straight-up killin' it with the digital tools they're rockin'. Almost 3 out of 4 remote workers are usin' stuff like Trello and Asana to keep their tasks on lock.

And when it comes to instant messaging, Slack is the go-to app for 80% of the workforce, so they can stay connected like that.

While Zoom is still poppin' with 78% of the remote crew using it for virtual meetups, the battle for the best productivity suite is tight AF. Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams are both pullin' in about half the remote worker crowd, so it's a toss-up.

But 63% of the remote are keepin' it secure with VPNs like NordVPN and ExpressVPN, cuz cybersecurity ain't no joke.

Staying on top of that time management grind is key, so over half the peeps are rockin' apps like Toggl to keep their hustle on point.

Even the big dogs at FEMA are gettin' in on the remote work action, so you know it's legit. Companies like Relativity Space and Blue Team are reppin' Orlando's tech scene hard, bringin' that innovative fire and keepin' it ethical at the same time.

At the end of the day, the remote warriors in O-Town are all about findin' the dopest tools that keep the communication flowin' and the projects poppin', while lockin' down that productivity on a whole new level.

Table of Contents

  • How Has Remote Work Impacted the Tech Job Market in Orlando?
  • How is Artificial Intelligence Shaping Job Opportunities in Orlando?
  • Top 10 Remote Work Platforms That Orlando Professionals Love in 2024
  • What Remote Job Listings Should Orlando Residents Keep an Eye On?
  • Which E-Learning Platforms Are Popular Among Orlando's Tech Community?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

How Has Remote Work Impacted the Tech Job Market in Orlando?


Check it out! The remote work grind has totally shaken up the tech job scene in O-Town, bringing on a whirlwind of changes to how people get hired, how much they make, and how many jobs are popping up.

According to a recent study by the Orlando Tech Association, there's been a 22% spike in remote job listings since the beginning of 2021, with a mad rush for software devs, data analysts, and cybersecurity wizards.

This ain't just about numbers – it's a whole culture shift, especially in the tech world. At first, people were sketched out about this new way of working, but it's actually opened up the talent pool, letting Orlando companies tap into the hottest talent from all over the nation and even globally.

The reports are in, and they're showing a 15% boost in average tech pay since companies went remote.

Part of the reason is that Orlando tech businesses are now competing with companies in pricier cities that traditionally offered fatter paychecks. Now, Orlando techies can score those high-paying gigs without having to relocate, making the city even more attractive to top talent.

Plus, a study on remote work perks shows that workers can save anywhere from $2,500 to $4,000 annually – that's some serious cash incentive driving this job growth.

The tech job growth rate is now at 8%, outpacing a lot of other industries in the area. In 2023 alone, this job boom was a major factor in Orlando's economic flex, with a local tech CEO saying, "Remote work hasn't just filled jobs; it's sparked a whole new era of innovation and growth in our tech community."

The employment stats don't lie – Orlando's tech scene is at a major crossroads, where remote work isn't just a perk but the new normal.

With big players like UCF acting as academic and economic partners, Orlando's growth and identity are tightly linked to technological advancement and an expanding tech workforce.

The ability for techies to prioritize job security and work for companies outside the traditional tech hubs has been highlighted by recent layoffs, showing that remote work is becoming more valued among tech workers.

Reflecting this shift:

  • Around 70% of tech businesses in Orlando have gone hybrid or fully remote.
  • There's been a 30% drop in office space costs for tech firms that have embraced remote work.
  • Remote work has led to a 25% spike in job satisfaction among Orlando's tech workers, backed by the growth of local tech companies focused on employee well-being and engagement.

This shift to remote work has been called a "competitive necessity" at a recent economic forum, highlighting how adapting to remote work is key to business resilience.

The way remote work has been integrated into the Orlando tech job market has undeniably reshaped the employment landscape,

inflated salary norms, and opened up access to a broader talent pool, fostering a more dynamic and sustainable tech ecosystem in the city.

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How is Artificial Intelligence Shaping Job Opportunities in Orlando?


Are you ready to hear about how AI is shaking up the job scene in Orlando? It's wild! The rise of tech hubs here is no joke, with a projected 26.8% growth in tech industry jobs.

And you know what's driving that surge? AI-driven industries like healthcare, aerospace, and entertainment.

The demand for AI pros is skyrocketing, with a 35% increase in AI job postings over the past year.

We're talking roles like AI engineers, data scientists, and machine learning experts. The AI technology employment trends in Orlando are forecasted to grow annually by 20% over the next five years, leaving other sectors in the dust.

But it's not just the tech industry that's feeling the AI wave.

Even traditional industries like tourism are integrating AI to level up their customer experience game and boost efficiency. Right now, 45% of tech job listings in Orlando value AI literacy, making it a must-have skill for anyone looking to climb the career ladder in tech.

AI is even influencing jobs in marketing, finance, and customer service, where they're using AI tools for some serious data analysis and strategy wizardry.

Orlando is becoming a hotspot for AI-centric startups and sectors like FinTech, simulation technology, and even MedTech.

It's also known as a hub for simulation and training, which is directly feeding into AI's growing adoption. The demand for skills in robotics and natural language processing is off the charts, shaping the local job market like never before.

Orlando's tech firms are all about that AI integration life, making cognitive tools and technologies a vital part of the city's evolving tech scene.

Check out what this exec from a major Orlando-based tech company said:

"We are heavily investing in AI to stay at the forefront. The demand for AI talent here is surging, and with our ongoing expansion into AI-driven services, this trend is set to continue,"

That's some real talk about the booming AI job market and the career opportunities for AI-savvy pros.

In short, the Orlando job market is going through a major glow-up, fueled by data-driven insights that are creating a wealth of opportunities.

Embracing AI is not only multiplying job prospects but also elevating the quality of job roles, positioning Orlando as a prime spot for cutting-edge technology and career advancement.

Top 10 Remote Work Platforms That Orlando Professionals Love in 2024


Let me break it down for you about this whole remote work scene that's poppin' off in the City Beautiful. With all the dope tech companies like The Aerospace Corporation and Universal Orlando Resort leading the charge, 78% of the tech peeps in O-Town are killin' it with their remote work game.

Check out the top tools they're rockin' to stay connected and get sh*t done:

  1. Slack - 65% use it to chat and collab like bosses.
  2. Zoom - 60% hop on for those virtual meetings, keepin' it face-to-face.
  3. Asana - 55% rely on this bad boy to keep their projects on track.
  4. Trello - 50% dig the Kanban flow for task management.
  5. Microsoft Teams - 45% rock this for Office 365 integration and teamwork.
  6. GitHub - 40% of the dev crew use it for code sharing and collabs.
  7. Google Workspace - 35% go with the G-Suite for productivity on the go.
  8. Notion - 25% are catching on to this note-taking and database king.
  9. Basecamp - 20% keep it simple with this project management OG.
  10. Monday.com - 15% flex with this versatile workflow solution.

According to the 2024 Orlando Remote Work Tools Survey, these platforms are the real MVPs, helping companies tap into the remote market and level up their game.

As one local tech boss, Patricia Perez, put it, "The right remote work tools are more than just apps; they're the glue that holds our scattered squad together and keeps our culture tight."

With major players like TECHSPO and Microsoft's AI events going down in the city, Orlando is flexing its tech muscles and cementing its status as a remote work paradise.

The future is remote, and O-Town is leading the way!

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What Remote Job Listings Should Orlando Residents Keep an Eye On?


If you're a 20-something in Orlando and looking to score a dope remote gig, you gotta stay on top of the best job listings out there. The remote work scene has been blowing up in 2024, with a 15% spike in remote job postings from companies like Universal Orlando Resort and Best Buy, offering everything from entertainer roles to tech specialist positions.

With Orlando's booming tech industry and the growing demand for flexible work, job platforms have become the go-to spots for remote job hunters.

FlexJobs has seen a 22% rise in Orlando users, while Remote.co and We Work Remotely have experienced a combined 30% traffic surge from the Orlando area.

  • LinkedIn is killing it, with a 40% increase in remote tech job listings alone.
  • Glassdoor's salary data shows that remote work has boosted the average pay in Orlando's tech industry by a solid 18%.
  • Indeed has a variety of roles on deck, including customer service, software development, digital marketing, and even healthcare gigs through platforms like VA Careers.

Big players like Lockheed Martin and Siemens Energy are leading the charge, offering remote positions that attract talent from all over the country.

And it's not just local companies – Orlando-based remote workers are making waves at giants like Amazon and Google, where remote roles have grown by 25% and 20%, respectively.

According to Orlando Tech, the hottest remote jobs are in data, cloud, and cybersecurity.

Leveling up your skills through resources like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp could be a game-changer:

Remote Job Title Percentage Increase Average Salary (USD)
Data Analyst 35% 68,000
Cloud Engineer 30% 112,000
Cybersecurity Specialist 27% 85,000

As Jessica Johnson, a career expert at Orlando's Sunshine Career Workshops, puts it, "In such a competitive market, being aware of where to look is half the battle." Sites like AngelList, catering to startups, have seen a 33% jump in remote job listings, reflecting Orlando's booming startup ecosystem.

Tech communities also recommend platforms like Stack Overflow and GitHub Jobs for developers hunting remote roles.

For Orlando's 20-somethings, remote work isn't just a fad – it's a game-changer, offering unprecedented flexibility and opportunity.

Stay on top of these job listings, understand the market trends, and recognize the hottest sectors – that's the key to scoring your dream remote career.

Which E-Learning Platforms Are Popular Among Orlando's Tech Community?


In this tech hub we call Orlando, e-learning platforms have become an absolute must-have for remote workers looking to level up their IT skills and stay ahead of the game.

Recently, we surveyed the tech community in Orlando, and here's the lowdown: Coursera, Udemy, and Pluralsight are the top e-learning platforms, with a user base growth of 28%, 35%, and 18% respectively over the past year.

These platforms are excellent because they offer courses that keep up with the latest tech trends, which is a major plus for professionals who want to keep their skills fresh.

Coursera's partnership with top institutions means you can get legitimate certifications, while Udemy's strength lies in its massive library of courses created by industry experts.

Tech pros in Orlando are also utilizing specialized platforms like Codecademy and Treehouse, which have seen a 22% and 15% growth among Orlando residents.

These platforms offer tailored learning paths in web development, data science, and machine learning – skills that are in high demand in the Orlando tech job market.

Plus, Treehouse has interactive online coding classes and a new React Basics course, which is excellent. And let's not forget the Learning Guild, where tech enthusiasts in Orlando can find the latest information on learning and development trends.

Check out these stats:

  • E-Learning for Certification: 80% of Orlando-based tech pros use e-learning to gain new certifications.
  • Interactive Learning: 65% prefer e-learning platforms that offer interactive, project-based learning.
  • Advanced Tech Focus: 40% are enrolled in courses focusing on AI and machine learning like the ones found on the comprehensive Discovery Education platform, which includes virtual field trips and a ton of multimedia content to boost your tech education.

These numbers show that e-learning isn't just a side activity – it's a crucial part of career growth in the tech sector.

Orlando's tech professionals, including those trained through Nucamp's innovative bootcamps, know that staying up-to-date with the latest knowledge is key to keeping their edge in the global market.

With access to platforms like Nucamp and Treehouse, the remote work opportunities have no boundaries.

To conclude, the surge in e-learning platform usage among Orlando's tech community shows that virtual learning environments are essential for the continuous professional development of today's remote workforce.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are some popular project management tools used by remote workers in Orlando?

Remote workers in Orlando primarily use Trello and Asana for project management, with 73% employing them for streamlined task organization.

Which communication platform is widely used by remote workers in Orlando?

Slack is the preferred communication platform among remote workers in Orlando, with 80% utilizing it for instantaneous messaging capabilities.

What is the top tool for virtual meetings among remote workers in Orlando?

Zoom is the top tool for virtual meetings among remote workers in Orlando, with a user base of 78% for their meeting needs.

Which collaborative productivity suites are favored by remote workers in Orlando?

Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams are each favored by approximately half of the remote-working population in Orlando for collaboration.

What percentage of remote workers in Orlando rely on VPN services for cybersecurity?

63% of remote workers in Orlando rely on VPN services like NordVPN and ExpressVPN to safeguard their digital endeavors for cybersecurity.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible