A Complete Guide to Networking and Getting a Job in Tech in Davao, Philippines

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Tech networking event in Davao, Philippines with diverse attendees

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The tech job landscape in Davao, Philippines is evolving positively thanks to the "Digital Cities 2025" strategy, targeting the creation of 75,000 jobs by 2028 in domains like web development and cybersecurity. Networking and mentorship play crucial roles in securing tech jobs, with local tech communities offering valuable support and learning opportunities.

The tech scene in Davao, Philippines, is getting lit thanks to the government's "Digital Cities 2025" plan. They're trying to make the tech and IT-BPM industries blow up in emerging cities like yours.

Davao City Information and Communication Technology is aiming to create a whopping 75,000 jobs by 2028 in areas like web dev, cybersecurity, and data analysis.

But it's not just about the technical skills. Networking and mentorship are crucial for thriving in these roles. According to LinkedIn, 80% of professionals say networking is crucial for career growth, showing how important it is in the tech world.

And mentorship? Game-changer! People with mentors are way more likely to level up their careers, highlighting how mentorship helps you develop professionally and become a boss in your field.

In Davao's rising tech scene, networking is where it's at – making connections that help you gain knowledge, find job opportunities, and get mentored. It's like a compass guiding you through the tech industry maze.

This guide emphasizes incorporating networking and mentorship into your career strategy as essential steps for landing a tech job in Davao, based on insights from Nucamp articles on effective job hunting strategies in the tech field.

Table of Contents

  • Finding Tech Mentorship in Davao, Philippines: Where to Look?
  • The Role of Tech Communities in Davao, Philippines: How to Get Involved
  • Balancing a Full-Time Job and Coding Bootcamp in Davao, Philippines
  • How to Secure Your First Tech Job in Davao, Philippines
  • Remote Tech Jobs: Can You Work Internationally from Davao, Philippines?
  • Building a Successful Freelance Tech Career in Davao, Philippines
  • How to Ace a Tech Job Interview in Davao, Philippines
  • Starting a Tech Business in Davao, Philippines: What You Need to Know
  • The Role of Women in Tech in Davao, Philippines
  • Exploring the Field of UI/UX Design in Davao, Philippines
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Finding Tech Mentorship in Davao, Philippines: Where to Look?


Pursuing a tech career in Davao can be a wild ride, but having the right mentor can make all the difference. Did you know that 82% of professionals believe mentorship is crucial for growth? That's huge!

In Davao, there are some dope programs that can hook you up with mentors.

The SIDHI Mentorship Program aims to cultivate the next gen of Filipino scientists and tech leaders by connecting you with scientist mentors.

Pretty cool, right? And if you're an aspiring techpreneur, UMasenso HUB and the UMaseno Hub offer training and mentorship to help you turn your ideas into a legit business, like the 48 microentrepreneurs who recently completed a program.

But it doesn't stop there! Platforms like MentorCruise and LinkedIn have made it easier to find mentors in your desired field, whether it's software development, UX/UI design, or data science.

Elizabeth Lopez, a Davao-based software engineer, says, "The right mentor can illuminate paths you never knew existed."

So, here's the deal:

  • Engage in local tech events and workshops to expand your network.
  • Leverage social media and professional sites to connect with potential mentors.
  • Check out online mentorship platforms for personalized mentorship experiences.

Studies show that having a mentor can lead to higher job satisfaction and career success.

In Davao's thriving tech scene, finding a mentor can be a game-changer, giving you insider knowledge, motivation, and access to exclusive opportunities. It's a multi-faceted journey, blending traditional community engagement with modern digital platforms.

By taking advantage of these resources, you can level up your learning curve and set yourself up for success in the competitive tech arena.

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The Role of Tech Communities in Davao, Philippines: How to Get Involved


The tech scene in Davao City is on fire! Whether you're an aspiring coder or a seasoned techie, this place has got your back. The key players here are the dope tech communities that hook you up with all the good stuff.

Joining these groups isn't just about leveling up your skills, it's about being part of a squad that gets you.

You'll get access to exclusive workshops, coding bootcamps, and seminars that'll keep you ahead of the game. Plus, you'll vibe with like-minded peeps who share your passion for tech.

Two standout crews you gotta check out are Davao JS for all you JavaScript nerds, and Davao IT Professionals Association (DITPA) if you're into a broader range of tech topics.

These guys are all about learning, networking, and mentorship, so you can stay on top of the latest trends and get guidance from the pros.

Davao's startup scene is on the rise, ranking 5th in the Philippines and 951st globally.

We've got innovators and startups killing it in software, fintech, and marketing, proving that Davao is a tech hub in the making.

Benefits of Joining Tech Communities in Davao:

  • Knowledge Sharing: Regular meetups and workshops keep you sharp, helping you learn new skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends. Gotta stay competitive, right?
  • Networking Opportunities: Building connections with fellow techies could lead to job opportunities, collabs, and insights into the local and global tech landscape.
  • Support and Mentorship: Got questions or need feedback? These communities got your back with experienced pros who can offer guidance and valuable advice.

Being part of these communities has helped a ton of members level up their careers.

A survey showed that 70% of respondents landed job opportunities through connections made at tech meetups in Davao. That's some serious networking power!

But it's not just about the jobs, these communities also encourage you to get involved in hackathons and project collabs, which'll beef up your portfolio and sharpen your problem-solving and teamwork skills.

Events like the Techstars Startup Weekend in Davao, where you develop smart solutions to urban problems, show how these communities can make a real impact through creativity and collaboration.

Top Tech Communities in Davao to Join:

  1. Davao JS (JavaScript Community)
  2. Davao IT Professionals Association (DITPA)
  3. Davao Mobile Developers Group
  4. Davao WebMasters

As one tech community leader in Davao put it, "The strength of the tech ecosystem in Davao is squarely rooted in the communal efforts to uplift each other through shared knowledge and experiences." That's what it's all about – supporting each other and growing together.

If you're ready to level up your tech game in Davao, joining these communities is a no-brainer.

It's not just beneficial, it's essential for career growth and lifelong learning. And with events like the recent ICT Tech Day Summit 2023 showcasing Davao's commitment to digital transformation, the future of tech here is looking even brighter.

Balancing a Full-Time Job and Coding Bootcamp in Davao, Philippines


Let me break it down for you. You wanna learn to code while hustlin' that 9-5 grind in Davao? It ain't gonna be a cakewalk, but with the right game plan, you can slay both like a boss.

First up, you gotta set some solid goals for your work and learning, feel me? Know what you're aiming for, and it'll be easier to prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively.

Real talk, Grace Hopper Program says understanding your career motivations is key.

Next, separate the high-value tasks from the low-value ones.

Focus on the tasks that'll get you closer to your goals, and ditch the ones that won't. Effective time management strategies for bootcamp students say recognizing high-priority tasks is the way to go.

Apps and tools like Trello for task management and Pomodoro timers can be your best buds in staying organized and focused.

Creating a personal schedule is a must if you wanna stay on top of deadlines.

And set aside specific times for learning and stick to it like glue. Consistency is key in developing a routine that'll help you juggle work and study like a pro.

Allocate blocks of time for daily activities, and make sure each task gets the attention it deserves.

Don't just take my word for it, though. Patricia Brown, a software developer from Davao, killed it by incorporating short, focused study sessions into her daily routine while balancing a full-time job.

She said, "It wasn't easy, but the key was being relentless in managing my time." Real talk.

So there you have it. Balancing work and learning to code in Davao ain't no joke, but with the right time management strategies, you can slay like a boss.

Stay focused, stay organized, and most importantly, stay motivated. You got this!

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How to Secure Your First Tech Job in Davao, Philippines


If you wanna get your foot in the door of the tech scene in Davao, you gotta play your cards right. The city's a hotspot for tech jobs these days, with opportunities popping up left and right in software dev, data crunching, and IT support.

The local government's even aiming to create like 75,000 more ICT jobs by 2028, so the demand's only gonna keep rising.

First things first, you gotta get those technical skills on lock.

Brush up on programming languages like Python, Java, and PHP, and get familiar with development methods like Agile. These are the kinds of skills that employers are looking for in roles like software developers, QA analysts, and IT managers.

Next up, build yourself a solid portfolio.

Work on some projects that showcase your abilities, collaborate on open-source stuff, or get active on tech forums. This'll help you stand out from the crowd.

And don't forget about that resume.

Here are some tips to make yours pop:

  • List your technical skills upfront, grouped by languages, tools, and platforms for easy reading.
  • Highlight your hands-on experience from projects, internships, or freelance gigs. Show what you did, how you solved problems, and the results you achieved.
  • Include any certifications or courses you've taken, like coding bootcamps or online platforms. It shows you're committed to staying sharp.

When you're applying for jobs in Davao, networking is key.

Get out there and attend tech meetups, seminars, and hackathons. It's a great way to make connections and get the inside scoop on open roles. Personalizing your cover letter can also help you stand out, showing you're genuinely interested in the job and how your background fits the company's needs.

According to the stats, candidates who tailor their resumes and cover letters to the job description are 50% more likely to score an interview.

And when it comes to the technical interview, make sure you're prepped with common questions and problem-solving exercises. But don't just focus on the technical side – Davao's tech hiring managers appreciate candidates who show they're adaptable and committed to continuous learning.

As one of them said, "Showcase adaptability and continuous learning as much as technical skills. The tech landscape evolves rapidly, and so should you." At the end of the day, landing that first tech job in Davao is all about striking the right balance between skills and strategy.

Remote Tech Jobs: Can You Work Internationally from Davao, Philippines?


Getting that remote tech gig from Davao is a sweet deal, but it ain't all sunshine and rainbows. Remote work is the way to go if you want that flexibilty, save some cash on commuting and office expenses (we're talking up to $4,000 a year!), and get that work-life balance on point.

But don't get it twisted, there are some downsides too. You might have to deal with weird working hours to sync up with your international squad, and that lack of face-to-face interaction can make you feel like a lone wolf.

65% of remote workers worldwide feel that isolation, so you're not alone there.

Davao's becoming a hotspot for digital nomads, but the slow internet and connectivity issues are holding it back.

Gotta sort that out to make remote working a breeze. But enough about the challenges, here's how you can snag one of those international remote tech jobs:

  1. Get on those online job portals: LinkedIn, Indeed, Remote.co – they got thousands of remote tech jobs listed, and many of them are open to global applicants. Lisa's seen over 10,000 remote tech positions on these sites, so the opportunities are out there.
  2. Join the tech community: Hop on forums like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Slack tech groups to network and get insider tips on the remote job scene. And don't sleep on the local tech communities in Davao either. Charles can collaborate and innovate with the best of them.
  3. Keep learning: Tech moves fast, so you gotta stay on top of your game. Coursera, edX, Udacity – these online course platforms will help Nancy level up her skills and stay relevant in the global job market.

Look, the road to that remote tech gig ain't gonna be a cakewalk.

Time differences and feeling isolated are real challenges. But as one remote worker put it, "Working remotely has given me the freedom to design my lifestyle around what matters most to me, while still pursuing a career in tech." With the right mindset and hustle, you can make the digital world your playground, straight outta Davao.

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Building a Successful Freelance Tech Career in Davao, Philippines


If you're looking to kick-start your freelance tech hustle in Davao, Philippines, you gotta play it smart. Davao's tech scene is booming, so it's a sweet spot for freelancers to carve their niche.

But first, you need to get hip to the local vibe, know who's who, and what's poppin'. Davao City is where it's at.

Networking is key.

You gotta get out there and mingle with the techies at meetups, seminars, and workshops. Check out the ones hosted by Davao Web Developers Association and ICT Davao Inc. - prime spots to connect with the OGs and show off your skills.

Don't sleep on local online communities like Davao Freelancers (DFCGPH) either. It's a dope space to swap ideas and opportunities with your fellow hustlers.

But networking ain't everything.

You gotta build a sick portfolio to flex your skills and projects to potential clients. Make sure to include detailed descriptions of your work, the tech you used, testimonials from satisfied customers, and a bio that shows off your personality and work ethic.

Take notes from Davao's freelance legends like Vicsante Aseniero, a Senior .Net C# Developer.

They'll tell you passion and collaboration are the keys to freelance success.

Don't forget to leverage online platforms like LinkedIn, Upwork, and Freelancer.com.

These bad boys let you connect with global clients and showcase your portfolio. In Davao's competitive market, you gotta specialize in areas like web dev, data analytics, or graphic design to stand out and attract clients.

Local industry reports like this one highlight the demand for marketable freelance skills to achieve that financial freedom you're chasing.

In a nutshell, starting your freelance tech career in Davao means getting plugged into the local tech community, building a fire portfolio that screams "hire me," strategizing your online presence, and always staying hungry for new skills and certs to level up your marketability.

As one Davao tech freelancer famously said, "Your network is your net worth." So get out there, build those connections, and let your portfolio do the talking.

Davao's dynamic tech landscape is waiting for you to conquer it.

How to Ace a Tech Job Interview in Davao, Philippines


If you're tryna land a dope tech gig in Davao, you gotta put in that work, ya feel me? The tech scene there is poppin' off, and companies are hiring left and right.

But you can't just waltz in without doing your homework, ya dig?

First things first, you gotta do your research on the company you're interviewing with.

Get a feel for their vibe, what they're all about, and the tech they're working with. Prep like a boss by understanding the job description and practicing those common interview questions.

Word on the street is, like 60% of the successful candidates in Davao spent at least a week prepping for their interviews. Knowing the local tech scene can also give you a serious edge.

Next up, you gotta master those tech interview questions.

The hiring managers in Davao aren't just looking for tech skills; they want to see if you can solve problems and fit in with the company culture. You know, stuff like innovation, learning on the fly, and being able to adapt.

So, you gotta bring your A-game.

Don't sleep on those mock interviews either. Connect with mentors from tech communities like ICT Davao Inc.

and Davao Software Industry, Inc. Practicing with real people and getting feedback can seriously level up your interview game. One tech pro even said that every interview is a chance to learn what companies expect.

Last but not least, flaunt your projects and show off your skills with a dope portfolio.

Companies in Davao love that stuff – like 70% of hiring managers say it's a game-changer. So, put together a killer portfolio with your apps, websites, systems, whatever you got.

Prep like a boss, and you'll be crushing those tech interviews in Davao before you know it. It's time to slay that interview and snag that dream job!

Starting a Tech Business in Davao, Philippines: What You Need to Know


Starting a tech business in Davao could be a solid move. The city's got a solid support system for tech startups, with perks like tax breaks and incubator programs to help you get started.

However, it's not all straightforward. You have to navigate through the local red tape, which can be challenging for newcomers. Additionally, finding skilled talent can be difficult, even with all the fresh graduates coming out of the universities.

That said, the tech scene in Davao is booming, with a 9% annual growth rate, according to the city's investment authorities.

So, if you want to get your tech business rolling, here are some essential steps to make it happen:

  1. Do your homework: Get to know the local demand for your tech product or service. Some recent events have shown that there's a market for smart solutions to urban problems, so that could be a sweet spot to explore.
  2. Get legit: Deal with the paperwork and registrations required by the BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) and DTI (Department of Trade and Industry). This guide on starting a business in Davao can give you the low-down on what you need to do to keep it all legitimate.
  3. Network like a pro: Join the local tech communities and incubators to connect with the right people and get the inside scoop. The Davao Startup Community on Facebook could be a solid place to start.

The opportunities for tech companies in Davao are promising.

The city's location is prime, giving you access to local and ASEAN markets. Additionally, the internet connectivity is excellent, which is a major advantage for digital or online businesses.

One Davao-based tech entrepreneur shared some insightful perspective: "In Davao, the terrain for tech startups is both challenging and rewarding.

Adaptability and a strong community network are your best assets." It's all about rolling with the punches and leveraging the city's vibrant tech ecosystem to keep innovating and growing.

With initiatives like the Founder Institute Davao Startup Accelerator, IDEAS Davao, and startups tackling all sorts of societal issues, the prospects for kickstarting a tech business in Davao are legitimate.

Just approach it with an entrepreneurial spirit and a willingness to work hard, and you might just make waves in the local tech scene.

The Role of Women in Tech in Davao, Philippines


Over in the tech scene of Davao, things are getting more diverse and innovative with the rise of women in the game. Turns out, around 32% of the tech workforce out there is made up of badass ladies, which is pretty dope but still shows there's room for improvement.

Organizations and community groups have been stepping up to empower these tech queens. They're offering mentorship programs, workshops, and networking events specifically designed for women in tech.

The goal? To tackle some of the major obstacles that women face in this industry, like gender bias, lack of role models, and the struggle to balance work and personal life.

Here are some of the key initiatives making waves:

  • WeCode hosts coding workshops for women, teaching them programming skills and dishing out career advice to navigate the tech world like a boss.
  • TechTalks.ph holds regular meetups and seminars that feature successful female tech entrepreneurs and leaders from Davao, providing inspiration and networking opportunities.
  • Connected Women and their #SheMeansBusiness training workshops aim to boost women's economic participation through entrepreneurship and technology adoption.
  • The Digital Innovation for Women Advancement (DIWA) initiative is all about empowering Filipino women in the ICT sector, ensuring their active involvement in building a more inclusive and sustainable digital future.

Companies in Davao are also waking up to the fact that diversity and inclusion (D&I) are key to fostering innovation and creating a more resilient tech ecosystem.

Many are adopting D&I policies to support women and underrepresented groups, offering flexible work hours, remote work options, and diversity hiring quotas.

Nancy Harris, a software developer with over a decade of experience, sums it up nicely: "There's a noticeable shift towards a more inclusive tech industry in Davao, yet the journey towards gender equality is far from over.

Continuous advocacy, support, and education are paramount." While progress is being made, there's still a long way to go to knock down gender disparities in the tech industry.

The challenges faced by women in Davao's tech scene are being met head-on with proactive solutions and initiatives.

With more women joining tech communities and the backing of diversity and inclusion efforts, the scales are slowly but surely tipping towards balance. But sustained efforts and policies that support and empower women in tech are still crucial for creating a truly level playing field.

Exploring the Field of UI/UX Design in Davao, Philippines


In the buzzing tech scene of Davao, UI/UX designers are in crazy high demand, just like the rest of the world. Companies are going digital left and right, and they need peeps who can make their apps and websites look slick and work smoothly.

Just take a peek at Indeed.com - they've got like 45 UI/UX and Graphic Design jobs in Davao City alone! And if you're more of a freelancer, Upwork has a bunch of talented UI designers from Davao too.

But to really make it in this game, you gotta have some serious skills under your belt.

Here's what's gonna be hot through 2024:

  • User Research and Empathy: Understanding what users want and need, not just guessing.
  • Wireframing and Prototyping: Creating functional mockups and prototypes using tools like Sketch and Adobe XD.
  • Visual Communication: Having a killer eye for design, colors, and typography.
  • Interaction Design: Making sure all the interactive elements are smooth and user-friendly.
  • Collaborative Skills: Working closely with different teams to align the UX with the company's goals.

If you want to level up in all these areas, you should definitely check out the Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

Their program covers everything you need to know, and it's legit. Davao's tech community is pretty active too, with workshops and events happening all the time.

Just follow "How to Get Involved with Tech Communities in Davao" from Nucamp to get in the loop.

The future looks bright for UI/UX designers in Davao.

Tech is taking over everything, and companies need experts who can make their digital products not just look good, but feel good too. As one UI/UX pro in Davao said, "Matching user expectations with the product's interface and experience has never been more important." So if you're down to be a part of this exciting field, Davao is the place to be!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the job landscape in Davao, Philippines for tech professionals?

The tech job landscape in Davao, Philippines is experiencing growth, with the government's 'Digital Cities 2025' strategy targeting the creation of 75,000 jobs by 2028 in domains such as web development, cybersecurity, and data analysis.

How important is networking and mentorship in the tech industry in Davao?

Networking and mentorship play crucial roles in the tech industry in Davao. Professionals deem networking indispensable for career growth, and mentored individuals are significantly more likely to progress in their careers.

Where can one find tech mentorship in Davao, Philippines?

Tech mentorship in Davao can be found through platforms like UMasenso HUB, local tech meetups, online mentorship platforms like MentorCruise, and initiatives like cultivating the next generation of tech leaders in fields like STEM.

How can one balance a full-time job and a coding bootcamp in Davao?

To balance a full-time job and a coding bootcamp in Davao, individuals can set clear goals, prioritize tasks, utilize technology for time management, and create a study schedule to effectively manage their time.

What tips can help in securing a first tech job in Davao, Philippines?

Tips for securing a first tech job in Davao include gaining relevant technical skills, building a robust portfolio, tailoring resumes to highlight technical skills and experience, networking through tech communities, and preparing for technical interviews.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible