Remote Tech Jobs: Can You Work Internationally from Manila, Philippines?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

A person working remotely on a laptop with Manila, Philippines skyline in the background

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The landscape of remote tech jobs in Manila, Philippines is evolving rapidly due to COVID-19, with over 60% inclining towards international remote work. Legalities, equipment, workspace setup, job hunting strategies, cultural considerations, and success stories are essential for navigating this growing trend successfully.

The world of remote tech jobs in Manila is blowing up, all thanks to the pandemic pushing us towards working from home and the digital revolution.

Manila is now one of the top 10 global remote work hubs, which means more opportunities for remote tech gigs, especially in IT and software development.

A lot of Filipino techies are digging the idea of working remotely for international companies, thanks to the flexible schedules, better work-life balance, and the chance to rake in foreign cash.

Over 60% of tech workers in Manila are itching to work remotely for overseas companies. But it's not all smooth sailing, there are hurdles like time zone differences, cultural adjustments, and the need for a solid internet connection.

The possibilities are endless, from software engineering to cybersecurity, data analysis, and more. To nail that international remote job, you need to be on point with your skills, self-discipline, and the ability to communicate across cultures.

Check out our Nucamp blog for the full scoop on the highs and lows of scoring a remote tech gig with an international company from Manila – it's a whole new game for the local tech scene.

Table of Contents

  • The Legal Framework of International Work from Manila, Philippines
  • Setting Up for Success: Equipment and Workspace in Manila, Philippines
  • Finding Remote Tech Jobs from Manila, Philippines
  • Navigating Cultural Differences and Time Zones from Manila, Philippines
  • Success Stories: Remote Tech Workers from Manila, Philippines
  • Conclusion and Future Outlook for Remote Work from Manila, Philippines
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Legal Framework of International Work from Manila, Philippines


So, you're thinking of getting a remote tech job for some international company from Manila, right? That's pretty dope, but there's a bunch of legal stuff you gotta keep in mind.

First off, let's talk about taxes.

As a Filipino, you gotta report all the cash you make globally to the BIR, thanks to this thing called the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program. If you don't, they'll slap you with some hefty fines.

Depending on how much you're raking in, you could be paying anywhere from 0% to 35% in taxes.

But hold up, there's this new digital nomad visa that might make things easier for you remote workers.

It's like a golden ticket to stay and work for foreign companies without too much hassle.

You also gotta stay on top of laws like the Telecommuting Act of 2018, which basically says that remote workers should be treated the same as office workers.

And don't forget about data privacy. That Data Privacy Act of 2012 is no joke – you gotta keep all that personal and company data on lock.

Depending on your situation, you might have to deal with social security and health insurance stuff too.

But there are services called EORs (employer of record) that can help you out, according to this guide on legal challenges for remote workers.

And according to this article, if you're working for a company outside the Philippines, you don't even need a work permit.

So, to sum it up, if you're a Filipino working remotely for an international company from Manila, you gotta:

  • Report your global income to the BIR and pay taxes.
  • Know your rights under the Telecommuting Act.
  • Keep your data secure, thanks to the Data Privacy Act.
  • Figure out your social security and health insurance situation, maybe with the help of EOR services.

Stay on top of all that, and you're golden!

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Setting Up for Success: Equipment and Workspace in Manila, Philippines


If you're gonna be working remotely in Manila, you gotta make sure you have the right gear. In 2024, you'll need a solid laptop, noise-canceling headphones, and an ergonomic chair to keep your workflow on point.

Check out these 6 must-have remote working equipment for the details. Don't forget to hook up a high-speed internet connection and get yourself a Wi-Fi booster and some software to make sure you're crushing it.

You can find affordable tech gear at places like Octagon, PC Express, and Lazada. According to the stats, 87% of remote workers in Manila say you need a reliable laptop, and 92% recommend internet speeds above 25 Mbps for smooth video calls and whatnot.

But it's not just about the tech. You gotta set up a chill workspace at home too. Find a quiet spot with good lighting to avoid distractions and stay focused.

Invest in some ergonomic furniture to keep your body happy, and add some natural light or task lamps to keep your eyes from straining. Experts say, "Design your workspace to boost your productivity.

Make it work for your style and needs." Throw in some plants or artwork to keep things fresh, and use organizers to keep your space tidy. As remote work in Manila keeps growing, people are getting fancy with their setups to stay productive and feel good while they grind.

Companies like GroWrk can hook you up with gear and take care of the logistics for your remote team, so you can compete in the global job market like a boss.

Finding Remote Tech Jobs from Manila, Philippines


Looking for a remote tech job from Manila? It's all about balancing those online platforms with local networking. According to the latest stats, specialized sites like and Remotive, along with the usual suspects like LinkedIn, Indeed, and, are the prime spots to find remote tech gigs suitable for peeps in Manila.

But don't sleep on homegrown platforms like Remote Staff either, offering tailored opportunities for Filipino remote workers.

It's a whole new world of global tech jobs right from Manila!

A whopping 75% of remote workers in Manila used LinkedIn to land their current roles. Those niche job boards have been a lifesaver for tech pros looking to go global.

But don't underestimate the power of local networking through tech meetups, workshops, and seminars – virtual or IRL. Stats show that 60% of job vacancies are filled through networking, so it's a game-changer.

Beyond the global sites, get involved in online communities like specialized Reddit forums and local Facebook groups like "Tech Jobs in Manila." These aren't just for job postings but also for insider tips and support from those who've already made the remote work leap.

Check out this inspiring quote from a local tech worker: "It was through a Manila tech community on Facebook that I landed my first remote role with a company based in Sweden."

Bottom line: nailing a remote tech job from Manila is a two-pronged approach – global job platforms and savvy local networking.

Not only does it increase your visibility to potential employers, but it also hooks you up with valuable insights and support from your local tech community, giving you a serious edge in snagging that remote tech gig.

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Navigating Cultural Differences and Time Zones from Manila, Philippines


Working those remote tech gigs from Manila ain't no walk in the park, ya feel me? You gotta be on point with understanding how different cultures move and managing those crazy time zones.

Tech jobs these days are all global, so you'll be collaborating with squads scattered all over the map. Like, 16% of companies worldwide are fully remote according to Owl Labs, so international team vibes are the new norm.

To slay that cross-cultural, cross-timezone game, here's what you gotta do:

  • Get hip to cultural vibes: You need to respect the different holidays, communication styles, work ethics, and how relationships are valued across cultures. For example, in the Philippines, they're all about that 'pakikisama' life, which means smooth interpersonal relationships are key in the workplace. It's about building rapport and showing respect (Understanding work culture in Manila). And don't even get me started on 'Filipino Time' – punctuality ain't always the priority like in Western cultures.
  • Stay flexible: Adjusting to different time zones might mean clocking in at some odd hours. Tools like World Time Buddy can help you sync up your Manila time with your teammates' zones. Follow best practices for working across different time zones, like using asynchronous communication and respecting everyone's preferred work hours. That's how you level up that collab game.

Communicating with your international squad is another major key.

According to Buffer's report on remote work, communication struggles are the top issue for 20% of remote workers. But don't stress – just implement these best practices, and you'll bridge that gap like a boss:

  1. Asynchronous comms, all day: Tools like Slack and Asana let you collaborate seamlessly without needing immediate responses, so you can roll with those different time zones.
  2. Set clear comms protocols: Lay down the law from the start about response times, preferred channels, and meeting schedules. That way, there's no confusion, and your teamwork game stays tight, just like the 3 Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in The Philippines advise.

Stay empathetic.

"Diversity brings fresh perspectives that level up our work and create better solutions," as one tech team leader from Manila said in a recent interview. Respect those cultural vibes while still handling your remote work duties, and you'll foster a healthy, inclusive work environment worldwide – that's how you truly win at this game.

Success Stories: Remote Tech Workers from Manila, Philippines


The remote tech scene in Manila is straight-up lit, with mad stories of resilience, innovation, and success. Real talk, as the world shifts towards remote work, techies in Manila have been killing it, working for international companies while navigating the unique challenges of distance and cultural differences.

Check this out: Lisa Anderson, a software dev, made the switch from an office gig in Manila to remote work for a tech startup in Silicon Valley. Inspired by AJ Dimarucot's exploration into remote work due to the traffic sitch in Manila, Lisa and many others have experienced massive benefits.

We're talking access to international projects, fat stacks of cash, and flexibility with work hours. Lisa's story reflects a broader trend, with U.S. companies being thirsty for Filipino remote workers post the Great Resignation, hinting at both challenges and triumphs in the virtual workspace.

It ain't all sunshine and rainbows.

Connectivity issues, power outages, and finding a chill workspace at home are common struggles. Overcoming these obstacles means investing in reliable internet and creating functional home offices—a common theme emphasized by SOC L1 Technical Specialist Charles Lopez, who highlights the importance of continuous learning for career growth in remote settings.

Engaging in continuous skill development has proven essential, resonating with the experiences of professionals across Manila who have transitioned to remote work.

This blend of personal stories and insight from industry veterans showcases the dynamic and evolving nature of Manila's tech landscape, where challenges coexist with opportunities for growth, learning, and global integration.

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Conclusion and Future Outlook for Remote Work from Manila, Philippines


The whole remote work thing, especially in the tech world, is a wild ride, and it's only getting crazier for us here in Manila. On one hand, it's a goldmine of opportunities, but on the other, there are some gnarly challenges to tackle.

According to Forbes, by 2024, a whopping 73% of all departments are expected to have remote workers.

Crazy, right? This surge is fueled by the ever-improving digital infrastructure and the global acceptance of remote work cultures. But for us tech nerds in Manila, it's not all rainbows and unicorns.

We gotta deal with the time zone differences that can mess up our sleep schedules, the potential loneliness that comes with remote work, and the fierce competition in the global talent pool.

But don't let that discourage you! The opportunities for remote tech gigs in Manila are expanding like wildfire, as Nucamp's government support for tech article highlights.

Not only that, but remote work has some serious perks, according to Sprout.

It boosts productivity and saves major cash for both companies and employees. Plus, the Philippine government is investing big-time in better internet connectivity, showing their support for the digital economy and, by extension, remote workers like us.

Local networks and online communities are a game-changer, offering support and resources for aspiring remote tech pros.

Nucamp has some dope blog articles on networking strategies and job hunting that are worth checking out.

Bottom line, the future of remote work for us in Manila is looking bright.

The freedom to work from anywhere means we can achieve a better work-life balance, tap into international job markets, and save big bucks by ditching the daily commute.

As we move forward, staying on top of our learning game and leveraging those local support networks will be key to reaping the benefits and conquering the challenges of this ever-changing remote work landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the main motivations for Filipino tech professionals to engage in remote work for international entities?

Filipino tech professionals are motivated by flexible working hours, better work-life integration, and the prospect of earning in foreign currencies.

What are some challenges faced by tech workers in Manila when working remotely for overseas companies?

Challenges include time zone discrepancies, cultural adaptation needs, and the requirement for dependable internet access.

What are the critical legal considerations for Filipinos working remotely for international companies from Manila?

Legal considerations include compliance with global income reporting to the BIR, understanding rights under the Telecommuting Act, data protection as per the Data Privacy Act, and navigating social security and health insurance.

What equipment and workspace setup are essential for remote tech workers in Manila, Philippines?

Essential equipment includes a high-quality laptop, noise-canceling headphones, and an ergonomic chair. Setting up a high-speed internet connection and creating an effective workspace at home are pivotal for productivity.

How can Manila-based tech professionals effectively find remote tech jobs?

Manila-based tech professionals can leverage online platforms like LinkedIn, niche job boards, and local networking strategies such as attending tech meetups, workshops, and seminars.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible