Top 10 Schools & Coding Bootcamps to Learn to Code in Cebu, Philippines

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Top 10 coding schools and bootcamps in Cebu, Philippines

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Cebu, Philippines is a growing tech hub. Top schools & coding bootcamps like University of San Carlos, CIT-U, and Zuitt offer comprehensive coding courses. Institutes focus on quality education, industry partnerships, and job placements. Programs cater to global tech trends, making graduates competitive in the tech job market.

Cebu is poppin' off as the new coding capital of the Philippines! With tech taking over the world, knowing how to code is like having a superpower in today's job market.

The Philippines is all about pushing the digital revolution, and Cebu is leading the charge as a rising tech hub in Asia.

The tech scene in Cebu is blowing up, creating tons of jobs and bringing in mad cash for the local economy.

If you wanna get in on the action and secure a dope tech career, learning to code is a must.

Coding bootcamps and programs are popping up all over Cebu, teaching everything from beginner programming languages to advanced software dev skills. It's like a cheat code to level up your abilities and get hired by companies going digital.

Cebu is the spot to gain those coding superpowers and become a tech talent superhero for the Philippines and Southeast Asia!

Table of Contents

  • University of San Carlos - School of Computing
  • Cebu Institute of Technology - University Computer Studies
  • Asian College of Technology - Information Technology Education
  • University of the Philippines Cebu - Computer Science Program
  • University of Cebu - School of Information Technology
  • Cebu Technological University - Institute of Computer Studies
  • Zuitt Coding Bootcamp Cebu
  • Coding Bootcamp Philippines Cebu
  • NexSeed Cebu - IT and English Education
  • UV Gullas College of Medicine
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

University of San Carlos - School of Computing


If you're a tech geek looking for the real deal, the University of San Carlos (USC) - School of Computing is where it's at. Officially known as the Department of Computer, Information Sciences, and Mathematics and the Department of Computer Engineering, this place is a total vibe.

Nestled in the heart of Cebu City, USC's campuses are a perfect blend of modern facilities and chill green spaces, creating an awesome atmosphere for you to unleash your inner code ninja.

Whether you're into Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, Web Development, Data Science, or Computer Engineering, USC has got you covered with a sick range of courses to choose from.

These dope programs will help you level up your skills and become a coding boss. USC's alumni have gone on to slay in top tech companies, both locally and internationally.

That's what we call a solid track record!

Wanna join the squad? Here's the drill:

  1. Submit your online application, along with your personal deets and academic records.
  2. Pass the School of Computing's entrance exam, which tests your logical thinking and basic coding skills.
  3. Attend an interview where you can show off your passion for tech and problem-solving abilities.
  4. Upon acceptance, complete your enrollment by submitting the required docs and paying the tuition fee.

But USC isn't just about hitting the books hard.

They've got sick facilities like high-tech computer labs, dedicated libraries for coding resources, and collaborative work zones where you can team up with your squad and hustle together.

Plus, they've got connections with industry players, hooking you up with internships and real-world projects to gain that valuable experience. USC is all about prepping you to be a tech titan, not just a code monkey.

"The University of San Carlos School of Computing continues to set the bar high for computer education, not only in Cebu but across the Philippines,"

says a faculty member.

If you're serious about coding and want to make waves in the tech scene, USC is the place to be. They're setting the standard for computer education, so why not join the movement and become a coding legend?

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Cebu Institute of Technology - University Computer Studies


You gotta check out this dope uni in Cebu City called Cebu Institute of Technology - University (CIT-U). It's like a techie's paradise! They've got some sick programming and computer science courses that'll make you a coding wizard.

We're talking bachelor's and master's programs that'll prep you for the tech world.

It gets better! Their Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) programs are the real MVPs.

You'll learn all about software development, system analysis, and network design – basically everything you need to be a tech boss. And if that's not enough, they've got specialized tracks in Cybersecurity and Game Development, so you can dive into the latest tech trends.

CIT-U ain't playing around when it comes to programming specializations.

They've got Data Science, Cybersecurity, and Game Development tracks that'll make you a pro in big data analytics, machine learning, and even game development.

Imagine being a data guru or creating the next hit video game! Plus, their BSCS program is a four-year journey that'll cover everything from intelligent systems to software engineering, with a dope capstone project to cap it all off.

Here's the real kicker – CIT-U grads are killing it in the tech scene.

We're talking software engineers at global companies, IT project managers at top Philippine firms, and more. These peeps have taken the skills they learned at CIT-U and turned them into epic career paths.

It's like they unlocked the cheat codes to success.

If you're ready to join the CIT-U crew, the enrollment process is straightforward:

  1. Fill out the online application on their website.
  2. Submit your academic records and any other required docs.
  3. Ace the college entrance exam, which tests your math, analytical, and language skills.
  4. Attend a career orientation session to learn about the programs and job prospects.
  5. Nail the interview process to secure your spot and find your perfect fit.

CIT-U's Vice President for Academics, Dr. Gregorio Escario, says it best: "Our mission is to mold innovative leaders in technology who are not only proficient in their technical skills but also embody the values of integrity and social responsibility." They're not just creating tech wizards – they're building leaders who'll change the game.

So, if you're ready to level up your tech skills and join the ranks of the digital elite, CIT-U is the place to be!

Asian College of Technology - Information Technology Education


Check this out! Cebu's got this tech school called Asian College of Technology (ACT). If you're into coding, programming, and all that techie stuff, this place is a must.

They've got a ton of Bachelor's programs covering everything from IT and Computer Science to Programming and Electronics Technology.

Their College of Computer Studies is where the real action happens, with courses on coding languages like Java and C++, as well as more specialized fields like Information Systems.

The faculty at ACT are industry vets who bring their real-world experiences to the classroom, so you're not just learning theory but also how to apply it in the real world.

And they've got some seriously facilities, with advanced computer labs, collab spaces for group projects, and top-notch internet for your research and dev needs.

Getting into ACT is pretty straightforward – just fill out the online application, submit your academic records (make sure they're solid for computer studies), ace the interview with the admissions team to show them you're serious, and crush the entrance exam testing your IT knowledge and logical thinking skills.

All the details are on their official page, so you know what to expect.

ACT isn't messing around when it comes to quality education.

Their curriculum is on point, and their alumni are killing it at major tech companies around the world. These guys are all about keeping up with the latest trends and innovations in the tech world, so you can be sure you're learning the most up-to-date skills and knowledge.

If you want to be a coding rockstar and stay ahead of the game, ACT is the place to be in Cebu, Philippines.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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University of the Philippines Cebu - Computer Science Program


Let me tell you about this dope university in Cebu that's totally killing it in the Computer Science and IT game. UP Cebu is straight-up one of the top universities in the Philippines for Computer Science, and they're all about keeping things innovative and relevant to society's needs.

They're not just teaching you how to code; they're equipping you with the skills to make a real difference.

Their Computer Science Program is stacked with courses that cover everything from the basics of Programming to mind-blowing topics like Data Analytics and AI.

You'll learn how to design and manage software projects, create and maintain websites, and even dive into cutting-edge technologies like Machine Learning.

They've got your back when it comes to protecting data and information systems too. And if that's not enough, they're always staying ahead of the curve by incorporating the latest and greatest topics in computer science into their curriculum.

But it's not just about the courses.

UP Cebu is all about that Research and Development (R&D) life. They encourage their students to work on projects that push the boundaries of tech while also tackling real-world problems.

Like, they've got this sick disaster response app in the works that shows how they're using technology to make a positive impact. You'll get the chance to apply what you've learned in practical scenarios, which is a surefire way to level up your problem-solving and innovative thinking skills.

Now, getting into UP Cebu's Computer Science Program is no joke.

You gotta absolutely crush the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) and meet their other criteria. They're looking for the cream of the crop, so you better have a solid background in Math and Science if you want a shot at getting in.

But hey, that just means you'll be surrounded by the best of the best, and that's the kind of environment where you'll really thrive.

As one of their graduates put it,

"The UP education is not just about learning codes and algorithms; it's about developing solutions that matter."

That's what sets UP Cebu apart – they're not just churning out code monkeys; they're cultivating innovative leaders who are ready to use technology to make a real difference in the world.

If you're looking for a top-notch computer science education that's going to set you up for success and let you change the game, UP Cebu is definitely where it's at.

University of Cebu - School of Information Technology


The University of Cebu - School of Information Technology is the place to be if you're aiming to excel in coding. They offer a wide range of IT and computer science programs that will equip you with the skills to thrive in the tech world.

Whether you're interested in the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) or the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS), or even want to specialize in Software Development or Network Administration, they have you covered.

It's not just about the classes.

This place has a solid support system for coding students. They have state-of-the-art computer labs and a digital library where you can gain hands-on experience with the latest programming languages and software development techniques.

They have connections with some major partner organizations for internships.

We're talking companies like Accenture, IBM, and Globe Telecom. So you can get real-world experience and start building your network before you even graduate.

"Our partnership with top IT companies ensures that our students are not just ready for the job market but are desirable candidates for it," says the Dean of the School of Information Technology.

If you're interested in applying, the admission process is straightforward.

You need to pass an entrance exam, submit your academic records, and do a personal interview. They have made it easy with an online application process, so you can upload your documents and keep track of your status without any hassle.

This place takes accreditations and global partnerships seriously.

Their BSIT program has Level II Accreditation from the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP), which means they are legitimate. And they have connections with international institutions, so you can gain a global perspective and be ready to excel in the tech world, no matter where you end up.

In the end, the University of Cebu - School of Information Technology is the place to be if you want to make strides in the tech industry.

They will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and connections to succeed. If you're in Cebu, Philippines, and coding is your passion, you know where to go.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Cebu Technological University - Institute of Computer Studies


Check this out! If you're into coding and all that tech stuff, the Cebu Technological University - Institute of Computer Studies is where it's at.

These guys are killing it with their specialized coding courses. They've got everything from web dev and software engineering to data science and cybersecurity, so you can level up your skills and get ready for the digital world we're living in.

But it's not just about hitting the books.

They've got hands-on training opportunities with state-of-the-art labs and project-based learning. So you'll be getting that real-world experience along with the theory.

And let's not forget the range of IT, ComSci & Programming courses they offer, like the Bachelor's in Information and Communications Technology.

They're all about that balance, you know?

Here's the real tea, though: these guys have got some serious clout when it comes to job placements.

Their grads are getting hired left and right by top tech companies, both locally and internationally. We're talking:

  • Over 85% of grads landing jobs in tech within six months of graduating.
  • Connections with over 50 companies for internships and job hooks.
  • A steady average annual growth rate of 7% in grad salaries over the past five years.

That's some serious bread.

And it just shows how legit their training is. These guys have even been recognized as a Center of Excellence in Information Technology by the big wigs at CHED. So you know they're doing something right.

If you're feeling this and want to get in on the action, the application process is pretty straightforward:

  1. Fill out the online application form on their website.
  2. Submit your academic docs and ID papers.
  3. Crush the entrance exam on logic, math, and basic programming.
  4. Ace the interview and show them you're ready to grind.

One of the professors put it best: "This isn't just about learning to code; it's about setting yourself up for a killer tech career." These guys are all about that holistic approach, helping you build a solid foundation for success.

With their undergraduate programs, they're putting the Philippines on the map in the global tech game.

Zuitt Coding Bootcamp Cebu


Let me break it down for you about this dope coding bootcamp in Cebu called Zuitt. They're all about that innovative and immersive vibe when it comes to teaching you the ropes of coding, with a major focus on web development.

Whether you're a full-time hustler or just a part-time player, Zuitt's got your back with flexibility to fit your schedule. They offer courses in Frontend and Backend Development, Full Stack Web Development, Mobile Development, and even UI/UX Design, so you can level up your skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, and MongoDB. By the time you're done, you'll be a coding beast, able to build complex web apps from scratch.

Zuitt's got your back when it comes to landing that dream job.

They're rocking a crazy high employment rate for their graduates, thanks to their tight career support game. You'll get personalized mentorship, help pimping your resume and portfolio, interview prep, and even direct connections to all the hottest tech companies and startups.

Zuitt's got connections, so you know they're keeping it real with a curriculum that's on point for the industry. Check out Zuitt Coding Bootcamp and see how they're killin' it in the tech scene.

Getting into Zuitt is a breeze.

As long as you're 18 or older, got a high school diploma or equivalent, and can handle a basic coding challenge and interview, you're in! They're all about making coding education accessible to anyone who's got that passion for tech.

Peep the course details and application process to get your coding journey started.

And don't even sweat the financial stress.

Zuitt's got flexible payment options to make their programs affordable for everyone. With a solid curriculum and an inclusive approach, Zuitt is the go-to spot for aspiring coders in Cebu and beyond.

Just listen to what one grad had to say: "Joining Zuitt was the best decision for my career. The hands-on learning experience, coupled with exceptional instructor and career advisor support, fast-tracked my leap into a web development role." That's the kind of hype you want to get behind, right? Check out more on Zuitt's CourseReport page and get ready to level up your coding game.

Coding Bootcamp Philippines Cebu


Let me tell you about this dope coding bootcamp in Cebu that's straight fire. The Coding Bootcamp Philippines Cebu is where it's at if you wanna learn to code like a boss.

They teach you the ins and outs of programming languages like Python and Java, and – their intensive program can get you job-ready in just 6 months! It's like a cheat code to enter the tech world.

These guys don't mess around.

They'll take you from coding noob to pro developer in no time. You'll learn all the basics and then dive into some serious coding techniques, including web dev stuff like NobleProg Philippines teaches.

Python and Java are their main focus, and for good reason – these languages are highly sought-after in the job market. Python's got a simple syntax but it's crazy versatile, opening doors to web dev, data science, AI, and more.

Java's all about portability and scalability, making it a go-to for mobile apps, enterprise software, and big systems. With specialized courses, you'll become a pro in these languages and learn how to tackle real-world coding challenges, just like the Coding Boot Camp Philippines prepares you for.

But it's not just about coding – this bootcamp will teach you how to think like a developer.

Their alumni have landed sick gigs at top tech companies, and some have even started their own businesses. Talk about leveling up! These success stories show that the bootcamp equips you with the skills and mindset to solve problems and innovate like a boss.

Wanna join the crew? Here's how it goes:

  1. Online Application: Fill out an online form and share your background and why you're hyped about coding.
  2. Assessment Test: Show off your logical thinking and basic coding skills in a test.
  3. Interview: If you impress, you'll get to chat with the team and let them know you're serious about this.
  4. Enrollment Confirmation: If they dig your vibe, you'll get an offer to join the bootcamp and handle the enrollment formalities.

This coding bootcamp is more than just learning to code – it's about setting yourself up for a future in tech.

With its fire curriculum, focus on Python and Java, inspiring alumni stories, and a clear path to enrollment, the Coding Bootcamp Philippines Cebu is the place to be if you want to turn your coding dreams into reality.

One graduate summed it up perfectly: "This bootcamp didn't just teach me how to code; it taught me how to think like a developer." If you're ready to level up your coding game, this bootcamp's got your back.

NexSeed Cebu - IT and English Education


Check out this dope tech school in Cebu called NexSeed Cebu. It's like a one-stop-shop for coding and English skills.

They've got this intense Full-Stack Development Course that'll turn you into a coding beast, covering frontend stuff like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and backend tech like Node.js and Express.

Plus, you'll learn how to work with databases using MongoDB.

NexSeed's got your back when it comes to landing a sweet job in tech. They've got a solid career support system, with one-on-one mentoring, resume workshops, interview prep, and exclusive job fairs.

Their grads are landing gigs at top tech companies all over the place, both locally and internationally.

NexSeed is all about creating an inclusive learning environment where you can level up your coding and English skills, prepping you for the global tech scene.

The application process is straightforward:

  1. Fill out the online application form on their website.
  2. Ace the personal interview to show you're a good fit.
  3. Crush the technical assessment to prove your basic IT knowledge.
  4. Get accepted and complete your enrollment by submitting the required docs and fees.

It's open to anyone, no matter your background, so you can chase that tech dream.

One of their alumni said it best: "NexSeed didn't just teach me how to code; it taught me how to thrive in the world of tech." They're all about producing well-rounded tech superstars ready to make their mark in the industry.

UV Gullas College of Medicine


Technology is taking over our lives, especially in the medical field. That's why UV Gullas College of Medicine in Cebu, Philippines, is leading the way by combining hardcore medical knowledge with cutting-edge coding and informatics education.

They're known for churning out top-notch doctors, but now they've stepped up their game by offering courses in medical informatics and health information systems.

This move is all about equipping future healthcare pros with the tools to use tech to improve patient care. Check out their syllabus – it's a comprehensive blend of core subjects and modern tools like informatics, showing that they're serious about keeping up with global standards in medical education.

But it's not just about theory.

UV Gullas College has made sure that their curriculum is globally recognized and includes an American-based medical syllabus, so you get a hands-on, practical approach to learning.

By focusing on real-world clinical practice, they're preparing you for a range of careers in health informatics, like data analysis, project management, and even becoming a chief information officer in a healthcare facility.

This exposure to real-world applications is crucial for keeping up with the ever-changing tech demands of modern healthcare systems.

Now, getting into these innovative programs isn't a walk in the park.

They're looking for people who are genuinely interested in blending tech with healthcare. Requirements include a complete application form, academic transcripts, a personal interview, and English proficiency.

UV Gullas wants individuals who are dedicated to making a real impact in healthcare through technology, so they're paving the way for future medical professionals who are skilled in both medical knowledge and informatics.

The graduates from UV Gullas College of Medicine are proof of the quality education they provide, and their contributions to healthcare show how crucial tech-savvy professionals are in today's digital world.

As a recent alum said, "Embracing technology to enhance healthcare delivery has never been more crucial." UV Gullas College of Medicine may not be a traditional coding institution, but their forward-thinking approach to medical informatics education puts them at the forefront of healthcare innovation, promising a future where technology and healthcare delivery go hand in hand.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the enrollment requirements for the University of San Carlos - School of Computing?

Prospective students need to submit an online application, pass an entrance examination assessing logical reasoning and basic programming knowledge, and attend an interview evaluating their passion for technology and problem-solving skills.

What makes the Cebu Institute of Technology - University Computer Studies programs unique?

CIT-U offers specialized programming specializations like Data Science, Cybersecurity, and Game Development, preparing students for the demands of the tech industry. Their curriculum includes emerging fields reflecting global tech trends.

What distinguishes Zuitt Coding Bootcamp Cebu from other coding bootcamps?

Zuitt stands out for its robust job placement support, offering mentorship, resume enhancement, interview preparation, and networking opportunities. They focus on web development and offer flexible schedules for students.

How is admission to Coding Bootcamp Philippines Cebu structured?

Prospective students must complete an online application, pass an assessment test on coding skills, attend an interview, and upon acceptance, finalize enrollment by submitting required documents and fees.

What are the enrollment steps for NexSeed Cebu - IT and English Education?

The enrollment process involves completing an online application, attending an interview, undergoing a technical assessment, and upon acceptance, finalizing enrollment by submitting required documents and fees.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible