How to Switch from a Non-Tech Background to a Tech Job in Pittsburgh

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 15th 2024

Skyline of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with tech icons representing a career transition.

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Switching to a tech job in Pittsburgh from a non-tech background is achievable with the booming local tech scene offering over 1,154 new jobs and a 203% growth surge. Start by leveraging your existing skills, pursuing coding bootcamps or university courses, and engaging in networking events. Highlight communication and problem-solving skills on your resume. Gain real-world experience through internships, projects, or freelancing. Attend meetups like Pittsburgh Tech Meetup and utilize local resources for interview preparation to successfully transition into Pittsburgh's dynamic tech industry.

Pittsburgh's tech scene is straight-up blowing up, and you'd be crazy not to get in on the action. We're talking a $7.38 million investment in 60 local startups last year, plus 1,154 fresh new jobs! And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The total deal value for 2023 hit a whopping $3.12 billion, a 203% spike from the previous year.

We're talking serious cash flowing into game-changing fields like robotics, AI, and autonomous vehicles.

Pittsburgh attracted 57 new investors from around the globe in 2023, putting us on the map as a legit tech hub.

And let's be real, the cost of living here is way more chill than places like San Fran or NYC, so your paycheck stretches further. Plus, the community is welcoming to fresh faces trying to break into the scene.

Just check out these coding bootcamps with job guarantees and guides on landing remote tech gigs from Pittsburgh.

The opportunities are endless, and the vibe is inclusive.

Table of Contents

  • Assess Your Current Skills and Interests
  • Explore Educational Opportunities in Pittsburgh
  • Networking in Pittsburgh's Tech Community
  • Gain Relevant Experience in Pittsburgh
  • Tailoring Your Tech Resume for Pittsburgh Jobs
  • Preparing for Tech Interviews in Pittsburgh
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Assess Your Current Skills and Interests


Look, switching to a tech gig without any prior tech experience might seem tough, but the first step is scoping out the skills you already got. Pittsburgh's tech scene is all about diversity, so your non-tech skills could be a perfect fit.

According to a survey, employers hiring for tech roles value mad problem-solving and analytical thinking (82% of respondents), teamwork (77%), and communication skills (73%).

These are abilities that non-tech pros like project managers and customer service reps already have on lock.

So, you could be a prime candidate to make that switch to Pittsburgh's tech world. To get a solid read on your strengths, check out resources like CareerOneStop's Skill Matcher, which compares your talents to different gigs, including tech roles.

The Workforce Development Board of Western PA also offers skill assessments and career counseling tailored to the local job market.

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Explore Educational Opportunities in Pittsburgh


If you're starting from scratch and looking to get into tech in Pittsburgh, there are tons of options to get you up to speed. Coding bootcamps are a popular way to get intensive training in web dev, data science, cybersecurity, and more.

According to the Pittsburgh Technology Council, over 65% of local tech companies have hired bootcamp grads. Programs like Academy Pittsburgh and others have great reviews, averaging 4.7 out of 5 stars on review sites.

The universities in town also offer a range of tech courses and degrees for different interests and levels.

Carnegie Mellon's Integrated Innovation Institute and Pitt's Computer Science Department are known for their cutting-edge programs.

If online learning is more your thing, platforms like Coursera and edX have courses from top Pittsburgh schools, plus networking events and virtual meetups for local students.

Networking is huge in tech, and Pittsburgh has an active community.

Here are some valuable resources for aspiring techies in the city:

  • Pittsburgh Tech Meetup: The Pittsburgh Tech Meetup with over 6,000 members hosts regular events and workshops.
  • Code & Supply: Code & Supply is a membership-based community with a collaborative workspace, mentorship, and professional development opportunities.
  • Pittsburgh Technology Council: The Pittsburgh Technology Council organizes events and initiatives to support the local tech ecosystem.

Tapping into these educational and networking resources can give you a solid foundation for breaking into tech in Pittsburgh.

Networking in Pittsburgh's Tech Community


Pittsburgh's tech scene is buzzing, and networking is the key to unlocking some serious opportunities. According to the Pittsburgh Technology Council, a whopping 85% of tech pros in the city say networking helped them score their dream job.

It's not just about making connections; it's about tapping into a goldmine of knowledge, mentorship, and potential job leads.

This city is packed with meetups and events catering to every tech interest out there.

Check out:

  • Pittsburgh Tech Meetup: These monthly shindigs bring together tech geeks, founders, and professionals from all walks of life.
  • Pittsburgh Women in Tech: Empowering the ladies in the tech game, with workshops, mentorship programs, and events galore.
  • Pittsburgh Data Science Meetup: Data nerds unite! Dive deep into the latest data science trends and techniques.

But it doesn't stop there! Major conferences like the Pittsburgh Tech Fest and Pittsburgh AI Summit are prime hunting grounds for networking, learning from the best, and staying ahead of the curve.

As local tech mogul Elizabeth Rodriguez put it,

"Building genuine connections is the key to success in Pittsburgh's tech community."

It's all about fostering relationships based on mutual support and shared goals.

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Gain Relevant Experience in Pittsburgh


If you're trying to switch careers to tech in Pittsburgh, getting some real-world experience is clutch.

For those hunting for intern gigs in 2024, many local tech companies have you covered. We're talking big names like Argo AI (self-driving cars, baby!) and Duolingo (the language learning app everyone's using).

The Pittsburgh Technology Council keeps a fresh list of internship openings at dope local tech firms.

But if internships aren't your vibe, no sweat.

Organizations like Code & Supply and the Civic Software Foundation let you volunteer on legit tech projects while leveling up your skills.

You'll be contributing to real solutions for non-profits and community groups, getting exposed to all kinds of tech challenges. A recent survey said over 60% of Pittsburgh volunteers felt way more confident in their technical abilities after these projects.

Pretty solid, right?

Platforms like Upwork and are packed with tech gigs from Pittsburgh companies and clients. Some in-demand skills for 2024 include:

  • Web Development: Front-end and back-end roles using frameworks like React, Angular, and Node.js.
  • Mobile App Development: Building native and cross-platform apps for iOS and Android.
  • Data Science and Analytics: Data mining, visualization, and predictive modeling jobs.

As local tech boss John Davis puts it,

"To make it in Pittsburgh's tech scene, you gotta be willing to learn and have a passion for solving problems. Hands-on experience through internships, volunteering, or freelancing? That'll make you stand out in this competitive job market."

Tailoring Your Tech Resume for Pittsburgh Jobs


We're about to level up your tech resume for those sick Pittsburgh jobs. Check it - the Career Center at Pitt University knows what's good.

They say your resume needs to be on point, introducing your skills and experiences to employers in a way that makes 'em go "damn, we gotta snag this one!"

First things first, you gotta flaunt those tech skills that local companies are thirsty for.

We're talking problem-solving abilities (87% of companies want that), coding skills like Python, Java, and JavaScript (81% need that fire), and experience with cloud platforms like AWS or Azure (75% are all over that).

If you've got projects or coursework showcasing any of those, make sure to highlight 'em.

Carnegie Library's got your back with resume help and career guidance.

They say to get creative if you don't have direct job experience. Classes, group projects, even unrelated past gigs - all of that can demonstrate transferable skills that companies dig.

And here's a pro tip: ITI Technical College suggests stressing your teamwork abilities.

Remote work is huge these days, but collaboration skills are still a major key. Show off how you communicate effectively, manage your time, solve problems, and think critically.

That's gonna make you stand out like a boss.

Finally, don't sleep on tailoring your resume for each specific job you're applying to.

Different roles need different skill highlights, so make sure you're tweaking that document to match what the company is looking for. With a little finesse and some killer content, your resume will have hiring managers saying "now that's what I'm talking about!"

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Preparing for Tech Interviews in Pittsburgh


If you're looking to land a sweet tech gig in the 'Burgh this year, you gotta nail those interviews.

Let's break down the top questions you might face, straight from the tech pros themselves.

  1. Experience with Agile Methodologies: They'll wanna know about your experience with agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban. Be ready to show off your project management skills and how you keep things organized.
  2. Handling Team Conflicts: Next, they'll test your people skills by asking how you'd handle conflict within a team. Don't sweat it, just be real about your approach to communication and problem-solving.
  3. Data Security Concerns: Of course, data security is a biggie, so prep some solid examples of how you'd protect sensitive info.
  4. Debugging Process: Get ready to walk through your debugging process for complex software issues—this is where you can flex your tech muscles.
  5. Staying Informed on Latest Trends: You gotta stay on top of the latest trends, so have a few examples ready of how you keep your skills fresh.

To really set yourself up for remote success, check out local resources like the PGH Tech Interview Prep crew.

They'll hook you up with mock interviews, resume reviews, and even mentors to guide you through the process.

The Pittsburgh Code Academy is another solid option, with workshops covering behavioral questions, technical assessments, and the inside scoop on local hiring trends. Their "Cracking the Pittsburgh Tech Interview" series is super popular, so definitely look into that.

The Pittsburgh tech community has your back.

Whether you're switching careers or fresh out of school, there are tons of resources to help you crush those interviews and score your dream job.

Just stay focused, prep hard, and let your skills shine through!

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Pittsburgh a good city to switch to a tech career?

Pittsburgh's tech scene is rapidly growing, with significant investments in robotics, AI, and autonomous vehicles, leading to over 1,154 new jobs. The cost of living is also lower compared to cities like San Francisco and NYC, providing a better quality of life. The community is inclusive and welcoming to newcomers.

What skills are valued by tech employers in Pittsburgh?

Tech employers in Pittsburgh highly value problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and communication skills, which are often possessed by individuals from non-tech backgrounds, making it viable for them to transition to tech roles.

What educational opportunities are available in Pittsburgh for tech career switchers?

Aspiring tech professionals can explore various educational opportunities in Pittsburgh, including coding bootcamps and university programs at Carnegie Mellon and Pitt. Additionally, online courses from platforms like Coursera and edX offer access to Pittsburgh’s top schools.

How important is networking in Pittsburgh's tech scene?

Networking is crucial in Pittsburgh's tech community. With multiple meetups, events, and conferences like the Pittsburgh Tech Meetup and Pittsburgh AI Summit, networking helps build relationships, gain mentorship, and access job opportunities.

What are some tips for tailoring a tech resume for jobs in Pittsburgh?

To tailor a tech resume for Pittsburgh jobs, highlight relevant skills such as problem-solving, coding abilities, and experience with cloud platforms. Include any projects or coursework that demonstrate these talents, and customize the resume for each specific job application.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.