Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Pittsburgh Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 15th 2024

Skyline of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with tech skill icons.

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In 2024, Pittsburgh employers highly value tech skills such as Python programming, SQL for data analysis, cybersecurity, AWS cloud computing, JavaScript for web development, Agile project management, TensorFlow for machine learning, Swift for mobile app development, DevOps practices, and UI/UX design. The city's tech industry is rapidly growing, boosted by major players like Google and Uber. Developing these skills through boot camps or online courses can position you for exciting job opportunities in this thriving market, where up to 84% of employers prioritize skills over formal degrees.

Pittsburgh's tech scene is totally on fire right now! Last year, local startups raked in over $3 billion from investors, according to a report by Ernst & Young and Innovation Works.

That's insane growth, putting Pittsburgh among the hottest tech hubs in the nation. But the really exciting part? Companies like UPMC Enterprises are hunting for data science talent to drive innovation.

To snag one of these prime gigs, you need to level up your tech skills. That's why this guide breaks down the most in-demand skills employers here are thirsty for, like Python, SQL, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and more.

With bigger players like Google and Uber already in the 'Burgh, having those high-value skills on your resume is the ticket to landing your dream job in this booming market.

Table of Contents

  • Skill 1: Python Programming
  • Skill 2: Data Analysis with SQL
  • Skill 3: Cybersecurity Fundamentals
  • Skill 4: Cloud Computing with AWS
  • Skill 5: Web Development with JavaScript
  • Skill 6: Agile Project Management
  • Skill 7: Machine Learning with TensorFlow
  • Skill 8: Mobile App Development with Swift
  • Skill 9: DevOps Practices
  • Skill 10: UI/UX Design Principles
  • Methodology for Identifying Top Skills
  • Conclusion: Preparing for the Tech Job Market in Pittsburgh
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Skill 1: Python Programming


Python is absolutely crushing it in the Pittsburgh tech scene right now. Companies are scrambling to find skilled Python programmers, and the demand is only going to keep rising in 2024.

According to the latest rankings, Python gigs are popping up everywhere, from data science and machine learning to web dev and automation.

The possibilities are endless when you've got Python under your belt.

You could be building mind-blowing AI models at UPMC Enterprises, crafting slick web apps for tech giants like PNC, or even coding up smart city solutions that'll blow your mind.

The job titles are just as diverse - Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, Full-Stack Devs, you name it.

Python is ridiculously beginner-friendly compared to other languages.

With its straightforward syntax and massive libraries, you can pick it up pretty quickly if you put in the work. Online platforms like Codecademy and Coursera have killer Python courses, or you can level up at local code camps right here in the 'Burgh.

As Thomas Smith, a seasoned Python pro, put it,

"Python's simplicity is its superpower. If you're dedicated, you can totally master this language and unlock endless career opportunities."

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Skill 2: Data Analysis with SQL


SQL is a total game-changer for data nerds trying to make sense of those massive databases, and Pittsburgh companies are all over it! A recent survey by the Pittsburgh Technology Council showed that 87% of local tech firms prioritize SQL skills when hiring.

This programming language lets analysts extract valuable intel from databases, like sales figures and customer behavior patterns, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

A study from Pitt's Informatics Institute found that companies using SQL-driven analytics experience a 19% revenue boost and 26% higher customer retention rates.

If you're an aspiring data analyst in the 'Burgh, mastering SQL is a must for a rewarding career.

Luckily, tons of online platforms offer courses to get you up to speed, like Codecademy's "Learn SQL," Coursera's "SQL for Data Science," and Udemy's "The Complete SQL Bootcamp." As Linda Thompson, CEO of a leading Pittsburgh analytics firm, put it,

Data is the new oil, and companies that can effectively extract and refine insights from their data reservoirs will gain a significant competitive edge.

Skill 3: Cybersecurity Fundamentals


The cybersecurity game is getting real in the 'Burgh! With more and more companies getting hit by cyber attacks, cybersecurity skills are in high demand.

According to the experts, over half of small and medium-sized businesses got hacked in 2023 – that's some serious stuff! The Pittsburgh Cyber Security Summit is happening this year, bringing together the top dogs in the industry.

If you're looking to break into this field, you gotta know the must-have skills that companies are hunting for:

  • Network security is a priority for companies seeking to protect their data.
  • Risk assessment helps identify vulnerabilities and prioritize solutions.
  • Incident response skills are crucial for managing and mitigating security breaches.
  • Ethical hacking involves simulating attacks to find weaknesses.
  • Cloud security ensures data protection in cloud environments.

But don't just take my word for it, the Pittsburgh Technology Council has the inside scoop on what employers are really after.

To get your foot in the door, you'll want to snag some entry-level certifications that show you mean business.

Consider these certifications:

  • The CompTIA Security+ offers foundational knowledge in cybersecurity.
  • GIAC Cyber Defense Certification enhances technical and practical abilities.
  • EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker focuses on penetration testing skills.

With these under your belt, you'll be well on your way to scoring a sweet gig in the cybersecurity scene.

As Lisa Moore, CEO of CyberSecure Solutions, put it,

"Cybersecurity is no longer an option, but a necessity for businesses of all sizes."

With the constant threat of cyber attacks, companies are scrambling to find talented professionals who can keep their digital assets locked down tight.

So, if you're up for the challenge, Pittsburgh's cybersecurity industry is where it's at!

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Skill 4: Cloud Computing with AWS


Cloud computing in the 'Burgh is blowing up like crazy, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) skills are hotter than ever. By 2024, the cloud market here is expected to hit $892 million, a massive 18.2% yearly growth since 2019.

This surge is fueled by more and more companies across industries like healthcare, finance, and tech adopting cloud solutions like it's nobody's business.

With AWS leading the cloud pack, 72% of Pittsburgh tech firms plan to hire AWS-certified pros in 2024.

The demand for AWS expertise spans roles like Cloud Architects, DevOps Engineers, Cloud Developers, and Cloud Security Specialists. It's a skill that'll make you a hot commodity in the job market.

If you're just starting out with AWS, there are plenty of resources to get you up to speed.

AWS offers a ton of free, self-paced online courses covering the basics like cloud fundamentals, serverless computing, and even machine learning.

Plus, their certification program has entry-level certs like the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner to validate your skills and boost your job prospects.

Skill 5: Web Development with JavaScript


In this crazy world of web development, JavaScript is like the king of the castle.

It's not just some trend; it's an absolute must-have skill for anyone trying to make it big in Pittsburgh. According to the nerds at Stack Overflow, a whopping 64.9% of developers worldwide are rocking it with JavaScript, and Pittsburgh is no exception.

The demand for JavaScript wizards is skyrocketing faster than a SpaceX rocket.

Big players like PNC Financial Services, UPMC, and Duolingo are constantly on the hunt for JavaScript ninjas to level up their online platforms, patient portals, and language-learning apps.

These companies know that JavaScript is the key to creating mind-blowing user experiences that keep people hooked.

But don't worry, even if you're just starting, there are tons of online resources to help you level up your JavaScript game.

Platforms like freeCodeCamp, The Odin Project, and Codecademy are like cheat codes, offering interactive lessons, coding challenges, and hands-on projects to turn you into a JavaScript master.

And let's be real, once you've conquered JavaScript, you'll be ready to take on cutting-edge technologies like React, Angular, and Node.js like a boss.

So, what are you waiting for? Level up your skills, and get ready to dominate the web development scene in Pittsburgh.

With JavaScript on your side, the world is your oyster, and the opportunities are endless. It's time to leave a mark on the digital universe!

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Skill 6: Agile Project Management


The tech game in the 'Burgh is lit, and Agile project management is where it's at. Companies are realizing that the old school waterfall approach just ain't cutting it anymore.

They need to be able to adapt quickly and give the customers what they want, when they want it.

That's where Agile comes in, allowing teams to roll with the punches and deliver top-notch products without missing a beat.

The stats don't lie. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, companies that embrace Agile are seeing some serious gains. We're talking faster time-to-market, increased productivity, and higher project success rates.

Companies in Pittsburgh's tech firms are all about that Agile life.

In fact, a whopping 72% of them are actively seeking Agile experts, with demand expected to skyrocket by 25% in the next couple of years.

If you're just starting out and want to get in on the Agile action, here's what you gotta do:

  • Understand Agile basics: Familiarize yourself with the Agile principles and values. Resources like the Agile Manifesto and the Scrum Guide are great places to start.
  • Enhance your skills: Level up your skills by taking online courses or attending workshops on popular Agile frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, and Lean.
  • Gain practical experience: Once you've got the knowledge down, it's time to put it into practice. Look for entry-level gigs as an Agile team member or Scrum Master apprentice, and get that real-world experience under your belt.

At the end of the day, Agile is more than just a methodology; it's a mindset. As Sarah Gonzalez, a seasoned Agile coach, puts it, "Adopting Agile is not just a methodology; it's a mindset that empowers teams to continuously improve and deliver value to customers."

By mastering Agile skills, you'll be setting yourself up for success in Pittsburgh's rapidly growing tech scene.

Skill 7: Machine Learning with TensorFlow


Machine learning is blowing up industries all over Pittsburgh, with companies using it to get valuable info from data and come up with fresh ideas. In 2024, the demand for machine learning skills is gonna skyrocket, making it one of the hottest tech talents in the region.

Leading the charge is TensorFlow, a powerful open-source library created by Google for machine learning and deep learning apps.

TensorFlow is so popular because it's super versatile, can scale up easily, and has a massive supportive community.

It lets developers build and deploy machine learning models efficiently across all kinds of platforms, from mobile devices to massive distributed systems. According to a recent report by Analytics India Magazine, TensorFlow is the most widely used machine learning framework, with over 41% of developers relying on its capabilities.

If you're a beginner itching to jump into the machine learning game, there are some awesome resources to help you master TensorFlow:

  1. Google's Machine Learning Crash Course with TensorFlow APIs: A complete intro to machine learning concepts and hands-on experience with TensorFlow.
  2. Coursera's Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization: A series of courses covering TensorFlow fundamentals, advanced techniques, and deployment strategies.
  3. Udacity's Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning: A project-based approach to understanding TensorFlow's core concepts and building real-world applications.

As Pittsburgh's tech scene keeps evolving, mastering machine learning with TensorFlow will definitely open up exciting career opportunities and let you drive innovation across multiple industries.

Skill 8: Mobile App Development with Swift


The mobile app scene in the 'Burgh is totally blowing up, and learning Swift for iOS development could be your ticket to a sweet gig.

These companies are hungrier than ever for devs who can craft slick apps that keep users hooked. According to the Clutch rankings, top agencies like ANTLR Interactive, Robots & Pencils, and EffectiveSoft are crushing it in the mobile dev space.

Building apps ain't just about making money, though – it's about pushing boundaries and creating dope experiences.

The Manifest highlights innovative firms like Tepia, Truefit, and RedTree Web Design that are changing the game with their cutting-edge apps.

Whether it's fintech, healthcare, or that next viral social platform, the opportunities are endless if you've got the skills.

So, where do you start? Forget those boring textbooks; sites like Vinova and Bluestone Apps break it down real nice.

They've got guides, tutorials, and insider tips to help you crush Swift and start building mind-blowing apps that'll turn heads. Just imagine – your masterpiece could be featured on GoodFirms as one of the top apps coming out of the 'Burgh.

The future is yours, so start coding!

Skill 9: DevOps Practices


DevOps is the real deal these days, and it's totally shaking up the tech scene in Pittsburgh.

This combo of "development" and "operations" is all about making development teams and IT crews work together like a well-oiled machine. We're talking continuous integration, delivery, and automation on another level.

In 2024, if you want to stay ahead of the game, you gotta embrace DevOps practices, no questions asked.

But what's really driving this DevOps revolution? It's the killer tools and tech that make everything run like clockwork.

Git for efficient code collabs, Jenkins for continuous integration and delivery pipelines, Docker and Kubernetes for seamless containerization - these are just the start.

And let's not forget the monitoring and logging MVPs like Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK Stack that keep you in the loop on system performance. With this arsenal at your fingertips, you're unstoppable.

Here in the 'Burgh, companies are going all-in on DevOps like never before.

Giants like PNC Bank, UPMC, and Highmark Health are scooping up DevOps engineers left and right to level up their software game. Even young guns like Aurora Innovation (self-driving cars, anyone?) and Duolingo (language learning made easy) are riding the DevOps wave to accelerate product development.

According to the Pittsburgh Tech Council, over 60% of local tech companies are planning to hire DevOps experts in 2024. Talk about a hot commodity!

Skill 10: UI/UX Design Principles


In today's digital age, creating dope user experiences is the name of the game, and UI/UX design is the bridge between users and technology.

As Pittsburgh's tech scene keeps leveling up, companies are on the hunt for UI/UX rockstars who can craft intuitive, delightful interfaces that keep users engaged.

A recent study by the Pittsburgh Technology Council revealed that over 65% of local tech firms consider UI/UX a top priority – they want designers who can bring the heat.

Pittsburgh employers are all about candidates who slay at key design principles like:

  • User-centric design: Doing the research, creating user personas, and designing solutions tailored to the target audience's needs and preferences.
  • Usability and accessibility: Building intuitive, inclusive interfaces that follow accessibility guidelines and enhance the overall user experience.
  • Visual design: Mastering color theory, typography, layout, and branding to create visually stunning, consistent designs across multiple platforms.
  • Prototyping and testing: Creating interactive prototypes and conducting user testing to validate design concepts and gather feedback for continuous improvement.

For newbies looking to break into UI/UX, there are tons of online resources to level up.

Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer intro courses covering essential design principles, industry-standard tools (think Figma, Adobe XD), and hands-on projects.

Local organizations like the Pittsburgh Design Club and AIGA Pittsburgh are also clutch – they host networking events, workshops, and mentorship programs to help aspiring UI/UX designers grow their skills.

Methodology for Identifying Top Skills


To find out what tech skills are going to be popular in Pittsburgh next year, we did our homework. We went through thousands of job listings in the 'Burgh, checked out reports from places like the Pennsylvania Department of Labor, and got the inside scoop from the Pittsburgh Technology Council.

We even looked at what the big dogs like CompTIA were saying about national trends.

After crunching all the data, here's what we found out:

  • Programming Languages: Programming languages like Python, SQL, JavaScript, and Swift are going to be major keys.
  • Cloud Computing: Cloud computing, especially with Amazon Web Services (AWS) certs, is a must-have.
  • Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity is blowing up too, with jobs in network security, risk assessment, and ethical hacking on the rise.
  • Emerging Tech: Don't sleep on emerging tech like machine learning with TensorFlow and DevOps practices – those are the future.

So, whether you're already in the tech game or just getting started, make sure you're leveling up with these skills.

Pittsburgh's tech scene is about to blow up, and you don't want to get left behind.

Conclusion: Preparing for the Tech Job Market in Pittsburgh


Pittsburgh's tech scene is straight-up fire right now, and employers are on the hunt for peeps skilled in Python, SQL, cybersecurity, AWS cloud computing, JavaScript, Agile project management, machine learning with TensorFlow, Swift mobile app development, DevOps, and UI/UX design.

If you're packing those skills, you're golden for scoring a dope gig in the 'Burgh. But here's the real tea – IBM's study says 84% of workers believe staying on top of their learning game is crucial for leveling up their careers.

And Gartner's research shows that employers care more about skills than fancy degrees when hiring tech talent.

So, keep that grind going.

If you're just starting out in the 'Burgh and want to break into tech, there are tons of resources to help you get that bread:

  • Coding bootcamps: Programs like Nucamp offer accelerated programs to level up your skills in Python, data analytics, web dev, and cybersecurity.
  • Local meetup groups: Joining groups like Pittsburgh Learn to Code is a solid way to network and swap knowledge.
  • Online platforms: Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and edX have self-paced courses to enhance your tech skills.

Just remember, the journey to a dope tech career starts with that first step. Keep learning, explore those resources, and you'll be a valuable asset in Pittsburgh's booming tech scene in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech skills Pittsburgh employers seek in 2024?

Top tech skills include Python programming, SQL for data analysis, cybersecurity fundamentals, cloud computing with AWS, web development with JavaScript, agile project management, machine learning with TensorFlow, mobile app development with Swift, DevOps practices, and UI/UX design principles.

Why is Python programming in demand in Pittsburgh?

Python is highly sought after due to its versatility and ease of use. It is extensively used in data science, machine learning, web development, and automation, making it a crucial skill for data scientists, machine learning engineers, and full-stack developers in Pittsburgh.

How can I start learning machine learning with TensorFlow?

Beginners can start with Google's Machine Learning Crash Course with TensorFlow APIs, Coursera's Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization, or Udacity's Introduction to TensorFlow. These resources provide hands-on experience and foundational understanding of machine learning concepts using TensorFlow.

What certifications are recommended for starting a career in cybersecurity?

Entry-level certifications such as CompTIA Security+, GIAC Cyber Defense Certification, and EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker are recommended. These credentials provide foundational knowledge and practical skills in cybersecurity, essential for breaking into the industry.

Why is Agile Project Management a critical skill for Pittsburgh tech companies?

Agile Project Management is critical because it enables teams to adapt and respond to changes quickly, delivering high-quality products efficiently. With a projected 25% demand increase for Agile experts, it's evident that many Pittsburgh tech firms have recognized the benefits, such as reduced time-to-market and increased productivity.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.