Scholarships and Funding for Coding Bootcamps in Portugal

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 3rd 2024

Students in Portugal studying coding with the help of scholarships and funding for coding bootcamps.

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Discover scholarships and funding for coding bootcamps in Portugal, where the government invested over €5 million in 2022, and private entities like the Gulbenkian Foundation and Social Impact Bond contribute significantly. With options like employer sponsorships, crowdfunding, and job guarantees, you can pursue coding education affordably and effectively.

Chasing that coding dream ain't cheap, but Portugal's got your back with some sweet scholarships to make it happen.

The Portuguese government is throwing serious cash at STEM students - we're talking over €5 million in 2022 alone! That's major. Programs like Academia de Código's bootcamps are backed by a €723,500 investment from the Portugal Social Innovation Social Impact Bond.

Private investors like Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation are also chipping in to support coding education. It's a whole movement! Nucamp's coding bootcamps in Portugal offer unique advantages too.

With options like job guarantees and affordable pricing, you can level up your skills without going broke. It's a no-brainer, really.

Table of Contents

  • Government-Backed Scholarships for Coding Bootcamps in Portugal
  • Private Organizations Offering Scholarships in Portugal
  • Crowdfunding and Community Support in Portugal
  • Employer Sponsorships for Coding Bootcamps in Portugal
  • Tips for Securing Funding for Coding Bootcamps in Portugal
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Government-Backed Scholarships for Coding Bootcamps in Portugal


Let's talk about scoring free money for coding bootcamps in Portugal! The government here is totally hooking it up with a fully-funded scholarship that covers tuition and provides a monthly allowance for living expenses.

Imagine learning to code and getting paid at the same time, how insane is that?

To qualify, all you need is to have completed the required education level for the program you're applying to – high school for a bachelor's, bachelor's for a master's, and so on.

They're open to international students from anywhere, as long as you can prove your skills in Portuguese or English. Just gather your transcripts, references, and other docs, and you're set to apply online by September 30th, 2024.

Beyond just the financial support, this scholarship gives you access to top-notch education at prestigious Portuguese universities.

You'll be surrounded by brilliant minds and resources to help you level up your coding game. Plus, you get to experience the rich culture and maybe even pick up a new language.

It's an opportunity that can truly change your life and open doors to kickass tech careers both in Portugal and globally.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Private Organizations Offering Scholarships in Portugal


When it comes to scoring scholarships for coding bootcamps in Portugal, you've gotta look beyond the government programs. There are a bunch of private organizations stepping up to help aspiring coders like us get the tech training we need without breaking the bank.

Here's the scoop:

First off, check out Academia de Código.

They've got this sweet deal called the Portugal Social Innovation Social Impact Bond that's backed by private investors. It's helped dozens of people land coding jobs after just 14 weeks of bootcamp training in places like Fundão.

Then you've got Le Wagon in Lisbon and Porto, offering local scholarships and discounts for Portuguese residents.

They believe in making tech more accessible to homegrown talent, so they hook you up with 5% off the total tuition fees.

Companies like Ironhack also have limited Income Share Agreement (ISA) options, where you study now and only start repaying once you've landed a sweet coding gig after graduation.

Pretty clutch, right?

Just remember, these scholarships and funding opportunities are competitive, so you gotta stay on top of your game. Do your research, build a killer portfolio, and make sure you're applying early and following all the instructions to a T. With a bit of effort and determination, you could be well on your way to a high-paying coding career without drowning in debt.

Crowdfunding and Community Support in Portugal


Crowdfunding and community support are a huge deal for aspiring coders in Portugal who want to level up their skills at coding bootcamps. It's not just about the cash flow, it's about being part of a tight-knit crew that's got your back.

Platforms like GoGetFunding have helped people across Portugal raise funds for all kinds of causes, including coding education.

Just check out the success stories of Rafael's Journey and the Pink Walk breast cancer fundraiser - pretty inspiring stuff.

But it's not just online platforms killing the game.

Local communities like Porto.Code and LXCoders are all about bringing coders together for events, workshops, and networking. They've got your back with mentorship, job opportunities, and a solid support system.

And let's not forget grassroots initiatives like CodeForPortugal - these guys are connecting aspiring coders with mentors and resources to help you level up.

If you're looking to crowdfund your coding education, the experts say you gotta have a killer campaign story that grabs potential backers' attention. Offer unique rewards or perks to sweeten the deal. And don't sleep on social media - leverage those personal networks for maximum reach. Keep your backers in the loop with regular updates on your progress, and they'll be stoked to see you succeed. Just take a page from Sharing Education Fund's playbook - they're helping people invest in education and even score a Golden Visa. Talk about a win-win situation!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Employer Sponsorships for Coding Bootcamps in Portugal


Getting that employer sponsorship for a coding bootcamp is a total game-changer! It's like having a golden ticket to level up your skills and score your dream tech job.

According to this article, a whopping 65% of Portuguese tech companies have sponsored coding bootcamps for their crew in the past three years.

That's insane!

You gotta play it smart if you want to land that sweet sponsorship deal. Start by scoping out companies that vibe with your interests and career goals.

Check out their tech stack, product roadmap, and company culture. Then, craft a killer proposal that shows how your coding skills will be a massive asset to the company.

Highlight your passion for learning, explain how the bootcamp will give you the practical skills they need, and emphasize your willingness to take on more responsibilities post-bootcamp.

As one former coding bootcamp student in Lisbon said, "The employer sponsorship was a total game-changer for me. It allowed me to transition into a rewarding tech career without the financial burden of tuition fees."

It's a win-win situation! Companies get access to a pipeline of skilled tech talent without breaking the bank, plus they get to keep their employees happy and engaged by investing in their growth.

And for you, not only do you level up your coding game, but you also get to build valuable connections within the company, increasing your chances of landing that full-time role after graduation.

Start researching those companies and crafting that killer proposal today!

Tips for Securing Funding for Coding Bootcamps in Portugal


Securing the bag for a coding bootcamp in Portugal can be a total game-changer, opening up a world of insane tech careers. To maximize your chances of nailing that scholarship, here are some tips for crafting a fire application and leveraging that network game:

Craft a Killer Application:

  • Show your passion for coding and tech through a personal statement that pops.
  • Flex those achievements, projects, or any coding experience you've got under your belt.
  • Make it clear how the bootcamp aligns with your long-term career goals, so they know you're serious.
  • Lay out that financial need and your budget plan, so they understand your situation.
  • Get that application feedback from mentors or industry pros, so it's polished to perfection.

Network and Build Connections:

  • Hit up local tech events, meetups, or coding workshops to connect with the industry's finest.
  • Leverage platforms like LinkedIn to link up with bootcamp alumni and potential sponsors.
  • Reach out to local tech companies or startups and ask about those sweet employer sponsorships.
  • Consider setting up informational interviews to get the inside scoop on funding opportunities.

According to a recent study, successful applicants who scored scholarships dedicated around 20 hours to their applications and networked with at least 10 industry professionals.

As Nancy Jackson, a recent bootcamp grad, says, "Networking was vital for securing funding.

The connections I made opened up opportunities I never knew existed." So, make those connections, because financing options are waiting for you to seize them!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What government-backed scholarships are available for coding bootcamps in Portugal?

The Portuguese government offers scholarships that cover tuition and provide a monthly allowance for living expenses. These scholarships are open to both domestic and international students, provided they meet the educational requirements and can prove their proficiency in Portuguese or English.

Are there private organizations offering scholarships for coding bootcamps in Portugal?

Yes, various private organizations and foundations like the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation offer scholarships to support coding education. Some programs even come with job guarantees and discounted tuition fees for residents.

Can I get employer sponsorship for a coding bootcamp in Portugal?

Yes, about 65% of Portuguese tech companies have sponsored coding bootcamps for their employees in the past three years. To secure sponsorship, tailor your proposal to show how your new skills will benefit the company.

What are the options for crowdfunding and community support for coding bootcamps in Portugal?

Crowdfunding platforms and local coding communities like Porto.Code and LXCoders offer support through events, workshops, and mentorship. Successful crowdfunding campaigns often include compelling stories and unique rewards to attract backers.

What tips can help me secure funding for a coding bootcamp in Portugal?

Creating a strong application that showcases your passion for coding, aligning the bootcamp with your career goals, and building a network through local tech events and platforms like LinkedIn can significantly improve your chances of securing funding.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.