Getting a Job in Tech in Raleigh in 2024: The Complete Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 17th 2024

Raleigh, North Carolina tech job guide 2024

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Raleigh, North Carolina is a booming tech hub in 2024, with tech job growth expected to surge by 9.5%. A thriving startup scene ranks Raleigh among the top 20 in the U.S. for innovation. Major tech companies like IBM and Cisco offer vast opportunities, while coding bootcamps and networking events enhance skill acquisition. Over 10,000 current open tech positions and a predicted 15% job increase highlight the city's potential, particularly in software development, data analytics, and cybersecurity. Raleigh's affordable talent pool and vibrant community make it the ideal place for tech career advancement.

Raleigh is the place to be if you're looking to score a sick tech job in 2024! This city is like a magnet for major tech giants like IBM, Cisco, and Red Hat, creating a wealth of opportunities across different tech fields.

According to CompTIA, tech jobs in Raleigh are expected to skyrocket by 9.5% by 2024, leaving the national average of 6.5% in the dust.

But what really sets Raleigh apart is its buzzing startup scene, ranked among the top 20 in the US by the Kauffman Foundation.

This breeding ground for fresh ideas and innovative thinking gives driven individuals a prime chance to kickstart their careers and make their mark. Here are some key moves to snag a tech role in Raleigh:

  • Connect locally. Get connected at local meetup groups and industry events to network and stay in the loop about job openings.
  • Upgrade skills. Level up your skills through coding bootcamps like Nucamp or online courses, focusing on in-demand techs like AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.
  • Customization is key. Tailor your resume and online presence to showcase relevant skills and projects that align with what Raleigh's tech scene needs.

As Karen Miller, CEO of Varay Yarns (a Raleigh-based AI startup), puts it:

"The tech talent pool in Raleigh is overflowing with potential. With the right mindset and preparation, ambitious individuals can carve out rewarding careers here."

Table of Contents

  • Why Raleigh is a Thriving Hub for Tech Jobs
  • Steps to Get a Tech Job in Raleigh, US
  • Understanding the Tech Job Market in the United States
  • How Many Tech Job Openings Are There in Raleigh, North Carolina?
  • Top Tech Companies Hiring in Raleigh
  • Networking in the Raleigh Tech Community
  • Leveraging Educational Resources in Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Remote Tech Job Opportunities from Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Conclusion: Embarking on Your Tech Career in Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Why Raleigh is a Thriving Hub for Tech Jobs


Raleigh is seriously killing it when it comes to the tech scene! This place is a paradise for anyone trying to make moves in the industry.

First off, Raleigh is like the epicenter of the Research Triangle Park (RTP) region, which is home to over 300 companies including tech titans like IBM, Cisco, and NetApp.

We're talking a massive hub of innovation that's pumping $37 billion into the state's economy every year.

Talk about a tech powerhouse!

But that's not all. Raleigh consistently ranks among the top cities for job opportunities and quality of life. According to Forbes, it secured the #2 spot on the "Best Places for Business and Careers" list in 2022.

With its low cost of living and killer business climate, it's no wonder tech talent and companies are flocking here like crazy.

And let's not forget about the educational institutions in Raleigh.

We've got powerhouses like NC State, Duke, and UNC Chapel Hill churning out top-notch talent and driving innovation through research and development. It's like a constant supply of fresh blood for the tech workforce.

According to CompTIA, Raleigh is expected to add like 3,000 new tech jobs by 2025, with a huge demand for skills in cybersecurity, data science, and cloud computing.

That's some serious growth potential right there.

"Raleigh's tech sector is thriving, and the future looks even brighter. The city offers a unique blend of top-tier talent, cutting-edge innovation, and an exceptional quality of life that is hard to beat." - John Martinez, CEO of Raleigh-based tech company TelVue

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Steps to Get a Tech Job in Raleigh, US


Getting a sweet tech gig in Raleigh ain't no joke, but it's totally doable if you play your cards right. First things first, you gotta level up your skills, especially in areas like Python, Java, and cloud computing.

These are the hottest skills companies are drooling over in 2024, according to the folks at NC RIoT. A coding bootcamp like Nucamp could be your ticket to mastering these bad boys in no time.

But skills alone won't cut it – you gotta network like a boss.

Raleigh is a hub for tech events, from the Triangle Tech Expo to the Raleigh Innovators Program Meetup. Get your face out there, connect with peeps in your field, and let 'em know you're the real deal.

Did you know that 67% of tech pros in Raleigh landed their current job through networking? Crazy, right?

When it's time to apply for those dream roles, tailor your resume and cover letter like a pro.

Highlight your relevant skills and projects, quantify your achievements with hard numbers, and show 'em you know the company inside and out. Oh, and don't forget to proofread – nothing screams "unprofessional" like typos and errors.

And don't sleep on those interviews! Prep like a champ by practicing coding challenges, brushing up on common tech interview questions, and being ready to explain your problem-solving approach.

According to the folks at CyberCoders, 83% of tech pros who did mock interviews felt way more confident and nailed the real deal.

So there you have it – the keys to scoring your dream tech job in Raleigh.

Stay persistent, keep learning and adapting, and you'll be living that tech life in no time. Let's get it!

Understanding the Tech Job Market in the United States


The US tech job market is on fire for 2024! Over half of hiring managers are planning to beef up their IT squads in Q1 - that's a massive demand for tech talent.

Even with a minor slowdown in Q2 last year, CompTIA predicts the need for IT pros will keep rising, reaching 61% by year's end.

But it's not just about the numbers game.

Companies are getting creative to attract the best. Over 50% of recruiters are now hiring internationally, tapping into global talent pools.

And job sites are their go-to source for sourcing qualified candidates.

The skills in highest demand? Full-stack devs, backend engineers, and AI/ML specialists top the list, along with mid-level and junior devs.

Jobs like software development, cybersecurity, data science, and cloud computing are red-hot. CompTIA estimates the US will need around 350,000 tech workers annually to fill roles and replace those leaving the field.

While the market is booming, there are some mixed signals with layoffs happening too.

But overall, the outlook is promising, especially for those with niche expertise. By continuously upskilling and adapting to market needs, go-getters can stand out in Raleigh's thriving tech scene and secure rewarding careers in 2024 and beyond.

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How Many Tech Job Openings Are There in Raleigh, North Carolina?


Raleigh is absolutely killing it when it comes to tech jobs, and it's only going to get better. According to the latest job market data, there are over 10,000 open tech positions in the city right now.

That's insane! It just shows how Raleigh is quickly becoming a major tech hub, with companies and startups flocking here like crazy.

But it gets even better.

Experts are predicting a 15% increase in tech job openings by the end of 2024. That's a massive jump, and it's all thanks to the city's commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

The latest IT Job Trends Dashboard paints a clear picture of just how hot the tech job market is in Raleigh right now.

Now, let's talk about the skills that are in high demand.

Companies in Raleigh are on the hunt for software developers who are skilled in languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript, as well as frameworks like React and Angular.

Data analytics and big data professionals are also highly sought after, with companies needing experts in data mining, statistical analysis, and data visualization.

  • Software Developers: Companies are actively looking for skilled developers with proficiency in Python, Java, and JavaScript.
  • Data Analytics Professionals: There is a high demand for experts in data mining, statistical analysis, and data visualization.
  • Cloud Computing Experts: Competence in AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud is essential as businesses shift to the cloud.
  • Cybersecurity Specialists: Increased cyber threats necessitate the hiring of specialists to safeguard digital assets.

So, if you're a tech-savvy person looking for an exciting career opportunity, Raleigh is definitely the place to be.

The job market is scorching hot, and the opportunities are endless. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so make sure you bring your A-game and get ready to take the tech world by storm!

Top Tech Companies Hiring in Raleigh


Raleigh is where it's at when it comes to snagging a sweet tech gig in 2024. This city is buzzing with over 10,000 tech companies, and they're all looking to hire fresh talent.

From giants like IBM and Cisco to up-and-coming startups like Pendo and Bandwidth, there's no shortage of opportunities for us techies.

Let's talk about the big players first.

IBM and Cisco are always on the hunt for software engineers, data analysts, and cybersecurity pros.

These companies are all about innovation and collaboration, so if you're into that kind of vibe, they're definitely worth checking out. And let's not forget about Red Hat and SAS Institute – they're known for their awesome work cultures and tantalizing benefits packages.

But the real excitement lies in Raleigh's startup scene.

Companies like Pendo, Bandwidth, and Spreedly are disrupting their industries, and they need talented folks like us to keep pushing the envelope. According to the startup gurus at F6S, Raleigh is one of the hottest startup hubs globally, so you know there's plenty of action happening here.

Now, when it comes to landing these coveted tech roles, skills are king.

Companies in Raleigh are all about hiring problem-solvers who can hit the ground running. They're looking for expertise in areas like software development, cloud computing, data science, and cybersecurity.

So, if you've got the chops in any of those domains, you're already ahead of the game.

But even if you're not a coding wizard or a data ninja just yet, don't sweat it.

Raleigh tech companies are all about fostering growth and providing opportunities for continuous learning. As long as you've got the passion and the drive, they're more than happy to help you level up your skills.

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Networking in the Raleigh Tech Community


In this tech-savvy world, networking is everything when it comes to landing that dream job or leveling up your career, especially in a thriving tech hub like Raleigh.

I mean, who doesn't want to be a part of the action where innovation and opportunities are popping off? Check this out – the North Carolina Technology Association (NC TECH) is like the ultimate plug, offering access to job boards, mentorship programs, and online networking that'll have you connecting with the right folks in no time.

The North Carolina Technology Association (NC TECH) is packed with epic networking events that cater to every tech interest imaginable.

You've got heavyweights like Raleigh Innovators and Triangle Tech Breakfast bringing together industry leaders for some serious knowledge-dropping. And if you're into a more niche vibe, there are meetups dedicated to Java development, augmented reality, and all sorts of cutting-edge specialties.

It's like a buffet of networking goodness, letting you mingle with like-minded techies and stay on top of the latest trends.

Online platforms like LinkedIn and Meetup are also clutch for expanding your network and staying in the loop about upcoming events.

Plus, the NC TECH website is a goldmine of resources to help you navigate the job-hunting game. Seriously, with all these networking opportunities at your fingertips, you'll be making power moves and building connections that could lead to some incredible career milestones.

At the end of the day, success is sweeter when you've got a solid crew to share it with.

So, embrace the networking hustle. Raleigh's tech community is thriving, and by getting out there and making those valuable connections, you'll be setting yourself up for a future that's nothing short of epic.

Leveraging Educational Resources in Raleigh, North Carolina


If you're trying to get into the tech game in Raleigh, this city's got some solid options to level up your skills. Check it out - North Carolina State University is a total powerhouse when it comes to computer science and engineering programs.

Their curriculum and professors will hook you up with the knowledge you need to crush it in programming, data analysis, and cutting-edge tech. But if you're looking for a quicker route, Wake Tech Community College offers associate's degrees and certificates that won't break the bank.

If you're more of a hands-on learner, Raleigh's coding bootcamps are where it's at.

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is killing it with their full-stack web dev, data analytics, and cybersecurity programs. They'll hook you up with the skills and career support you need to land that dream job.

But they're not the only game in town - there's also Tech Talent South and Momentum Learning, both offering intense training in development, data science, and UX/UI design.

And if you're already in the tech scene but want to keep leveling up, Raleigh's got your back.

Big names like IBM, Cisco, and SAS Institute host workshops, seminars, and certification programs to help you stay sharp. Plus, organizations like the Research Triangle Park and NC TECH always have events and networking opportunities to help you connect with other tech pros.

Raleigh is serious about nurturing tech talent.

Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned pro, this city's got the resources to help you crush it in the ever-evolving tech world. As one respected educator put it,

"Raleigh's commitment to nurturing talent is truly remarkable, enabling individuals to continuously evolve and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing technological landscape."

Remote Tech Job Opportunities from Raleigh, North Carolina


Check it out! If you're looking to score a sweet tech job without leaving Raleigh, remote work is where it's at. According to Built In, there are like 10,000+ remote tech jobs up for grabs in the Raleigh-Durham area.

Major companies like IBM, Cisco, and Red Hat are all about that remote life, offering opportunities to work from the comfort of your crib.

Working remotely from Raleigh is a total game-changer.

No more stressing about traffic or wasting time commuting, you can just roll out of bed and get straight to grinding. And let's be real, who doesn't want to work in their pajamas? Plus, with all that extra time you save, you can actually have a life outside of work.

Seriously, remote jobs in Raleigh pay pretty decent too, with some offering six-figure salaries.


Of course, remote work isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Staying focused and motivated when you're not in an office can be tough, and you might start feeling a little isolated.

But that's where the hustle comes in – set up a dedicated workspace, stay connected with your team using video calls and collabs, and don't forget to take breaks and socialize, even if it's virtual.

Companies in Raleigh are stepping up their game too, offering online resources, mentorship programs, and mental health support to keep their remote workers fresh.

At the end of the day, remote tech jobs in Raleigh are the future, and if you want to stay ahead of the game, you gotta embrace it.

Develop those remote skills, stay on top of the latest tools and trends, and you'll be unstoppable in the job market. Just remember, with great flexibility comes great responsibility – but you got this!

Conclusion: Embarking on Your Tech Career in Raleigh, North Carolina


The tech scene in Raleigh is absolutely lit! 2024 is shaping up to be a massive year for job opportunities in this industry. According to reports, there's gonna be a 16% surge in tech job postings compared to late 2023.

That's insane growth, and it means Raleigh is the place to be for anyone looking to level up their career.

What makes Raleigh so special? Well, it's a total goldmine for affordable tech talent.

Companies are flocking here because they can snag top-notch developers for way less than places like Silicon Valley.

And with the low cost of living, your paycheck stretches further too. Plus, the city is packed with amazing resources like coding bootcamps from Nucamp to help you transition into a tech role seamlessly.

But it's not just about the jobs and affordability. Raleigh has this incredible community that supports and uplifts tech professionals. From meetup groups to networking events, there are so many ways to connect with like-minded people and learn from the best. Just ask John Taylor, who went from customer service to software developer by tapping into Raleigh's resources. He said, "Raleigh's tech ecosystem is truly remarkable. From coding bootcamps to meetup groups, the resources available empowered me to upskill and make invaluable connections."

If you're ready to make moves in the tech world, Raleigh is definitely the place to be.

With major players like IBM, Cisco, and Red Hat calling it home, the opportunities are endless. Just remember to stay dedicated, keep learning, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there.

The future is looking brighter than ever for tech careers in Raleigh.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Raleigh considered a thriving hub for tech jobs in 2024?

Raleigh is a major tech hub due to its role as the epicenter of the Research Triangle Park, housing giants like IBM and Cisco, and its vibrant startup scene. It ranks highly for job opportunities and quality of life, offering a low cost of living and top educational institutions such as NC State, Duke, and UNC Chapel Hill. Tech jobs in Raleigh are projected to grow by 9.5% by 2024.

What are the steps to get a tech job in Raleigh?

To secure a tech job in Raleigh, focus on upgrading your skills in high-demand areas like AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing through coding bootcamps. Networking is crucial, so participate in local tech events and meetups to connect with industry professionals. Customize your resume to highlight relevant skills and tailor it to the specific company and role you're applying for. Additionally, practice coding challenges and prepare for interviews thoroughly.

How many tech job openings are there in Raleigh, North Carolina?

Currently, there are over 10,000 open tech positions in Raleigh, North Carolina. Experts predict a 15% increase in these openings by the end of 2024, primarily due to the city's commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

Which tech companies are hiring in Raleigh?

In Raleigh, major tech employers like IBM, Cisco, and Red Hat are frequently hiring for roles in software engineering, data analysis, and cybersecurity. The city is also home to a vibrant startup scene with companies like Pendo and Bandwidth actively seeking new talent.

What educational resources are available in Raleigh, North Carolina?

Raleigh offers a range of educational resources for those looking to enter the tech industry. NC State University provides strong programs in computer science and engineering. Coding bootcamps such as Nucamp and Tech Talent South offer training in web development and data science. Established companies like IBM and Cisco provide workshops and seminars to help tech professionals stay updated with the latest industry trends.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.