Which San Antonio Companies Are Hiring Remote Workers in Tech?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

San Antonio skyline showing tech growth

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San Antonio's tech sector witnessed a 150% surge in remote job postings from 2019-2021. Leading firms like Rackspace Technology and USAA are now embracing remote work, offering various positions. The job market is expanding with a growing demand for remote tech professionals.(identifier)

Let me break it down for you about the tech scene in San Antonio. With the pandemic shaking things up, our city is becoming a hotspot for remote work in the tech world.

Between 2019 and 2021, we saw a massive 150% spike in remote tech job postings—that's insane! It's a clear sign that the way we work is changing, and companies are adapting to what employees want.

This remote work trend is happening nationwide, and it's opening up opportunities beyond just the major tech hubs. OG companies like Rackspace and USAA are getting on board, offering loads of remote gigs for techies who can roll with the punches.

But it's not just the big dogs—start-ups and mid-size companies are also tapping into this global talent pool, thanks to remote work.

With better internet access and incentives for remote workers, San Antonio is positioned to thrive in this new tech landscape. Through this series, we'll break down the remote work game and give you the knowledge to slay the San Antonio tech job market.

Table of Contents

  • San Antonio: Tech Hub of Texas
  • Companies Hiring Remote Workers
  • Judging The Job Market
  • Preparations for Remote Work
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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San Antonio: Tech Hub of Texas


San Antonio's tech scene isn't just about reliving the past - it's a glimpse into the future! Since the early 2000s, this city has been building a tech ecosystem that's impressive.

Remember when Port San Antonio transformed an old Air Force base into a tech and aerospace hub? That was a game-changer, attracting major players like Rackspace Hosting in 2001.

From there, it just kept snowballing! According to Tech Bloc, by 2020, the tech industry was raking in a whopping $11 billion annually, with a 36% surge in companies.

San Antonio is becoming an innovation powerhouse!

But that's not all - check out these epic moves fueling this growth:

  • The launch of SAMSAT, the San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology, putting STEM education on the map.
  • San Antonio's rep as 'Military City USA' luring in cybersecurity giants - a strategic move for national defense!
  • A flood of venture capital investments pumping up San Antonio's startups and tech scene.

With coding schools like Codeup and tech-focused programs at Port San Antonio churning out skilled workers, the city's job market is thriving.

The San Antonio Economic Development Foundation supports job creation and drives innovation. And with forward-thinking projects like Tech Port San Antonio, plus SAMSAT and Port San Antonio's aerospace initiatives pushing boundaries, San Antonio's tech industry is just getting started.

This perfect storm of history, community, and visionary moves is paving the way for a tech future that's exceptional!

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Companies Hiring Remote Workers


The tech scene in San Antonio is going all-in on the remote work wave, and it's totally shaking up the job market. In 2023, major tech companies in San Antonio are casting a wider net to snag talent, and they're not just looking for office dwellers anymore.

Big guns like Rackspace Technology, who are all about maximizing the cloud's potential, are leading the charge in embracing remote work.

They're championing a more flexible and distributed approach to digital transformation. And Jungle Disk, they're killing it with their remote-friendly vibe, especially if you're into cybersecurity and want to work from your crib.

The shift to remote work is legit, and the numbers don't lie:

  • Collaborative Growth: Major business and tech hubs like Codeup are teaming up with local companies that are all about remote and flexible hiring.
  • Supporting Statistics: Job listings for remote IT support roles have skyrocketed by 25% in Q1 of 2023, proving that virtual tech support is in high demand.
  • Startup Funding: Remote-friendly startups are raking in some serious cash, which means they're expanding their operations and proving that remote work is a key part of corporate strategies these days.

Need more proof? Check out healthtech companies like Digital Defense.

They've fully embraced remote work as a core part of their strategy and company culture.

San Antonio's tech firms aren't just dipping their toes in the remote work pool; they're diving in headfirst and reshaping their business models around it.

The job market here is hot for tech pros looking to score remote gigs, with a ton of opportunities in the ever-growing virtual workspace.

Judging The Job Market


San Antonio's tech scene is booming! Companies all across the city are on the hunt for remote tech talent, tapping into the national trend of valuing skills and productivity over being tied to the office.

According to Built In's 2023 report, San Antonio has a diverse lineup of top-notch tech companies, from cybersecurity and logistics to software and consulting, all contributing to the surge in remote opportunities.

This digital wave has led to a massive 22% increase in remote tech job listings in the area since last year, showing that companies are embracing more flexible employment strategies.

Let's break it down:

  • The salary range for remote tech roles in the city is $70,000 to $120,000, depending on your expertise and the specific tech subdomain.
  • Major companies have seen a 30% growth in remote tech teams, indicating a significant expansion of telecommuting practices.
  • According to the Tech Hiring Trends, a solid 40% of tech employers in San Antonio are adopting remote work, signaling a trend towards more flexible work arrangements.

The data doesn't just show a growing acceptance of remote work but also reveals an investment in a continuously evolving distributed workforce model.

Beyond corporate growth, government and educational institutions are paving the way for workforce development and cybersecurity.

The United States Courts has job openings in the judiciary field, and the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) is contributing cutting-edge research to address emerging vulnerabilities in smart devices.

The combination of private sector expansion and public sector support creates a fertile ground for tech professionals who want both a superior work-life balance and the chance to boost San Antonio's standing as a leading tech hub.

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Preparations for Remote Work


Let me break it down for you on how to slay that remote tech gig in San Antonio. You have to be strategic with your skills.

Cloud tech and cybersecurity are where it's at these days.

Companies are all about that digital security vibe, so level up your skills in those areas. Python, JavaScript, databases, APIs - get that knowledge on lock.

But it's not just about the tech side.

You have to work on your communication game too. Zoom calls and Slack collabs are the new normal, so make sure you can express yourself clearly, whether it's written or verbal.

Setting up a dope home office is key. Get yourself a comfy setup - trust me, it'll boost your productivity by like 42%! Time management and self-discipline are also clutch when you're working remotely without anyone breathing down your neck.

Don't forget to keep leveling up. The tech scene in San Antonio is always changing, so stay hungry for knowledge and new certs.

Networking is crucial too.

Get out there and connect with the local tech community, and pimp your LinkedIn game. Remote opportunities in San Antonio's tech sector are up by 30%, so make sure you're visible.

As one industry boss said,

"Remote work ain't a temporary fad, it's the future of tech."

So get with the program, and embrace that flexible yet disciplined hustle if you want to be part of San Antonio's innovative tech scene.



Let's talk about the remote tech scene in San Antonio. This city's been making serious moves, and it's all thanks to some forward-thinking peeps like the greater:SATX Regional Economic Partnership who've been pushing for tech growth.

San Antonio's tech industry isn't just blooming; it's straight-up becoming a remote worker's paradise. CBRE's report backs it up, showing a crazy uptick in remote job postings.

The resilience of tech roles during economic ups and downs, plus the rise of remote listings, proves San Antonio's tech sector is booming, while still being affordable and offering a dope quality of life, which is attracting talent from all over.

When you look at how remote work is impacting San Antonio's economy, it's wild.

Remote working strategies are cutting down on traffic and emissions, while local businesses – from startups to cybersecurity, software, and consulting OGs – are thriving by supporting remote infrastructure.

With the growth of companies like Rackspace Technology and the influx of top tech players, the local tech scene is straight-up diverse and poppin'.

San Antonio had over 1,000 advertised remote tech roles last quarter, proving it's keeping up with national trends of tech decentralization.

This lines up with Nucamp's insights on high-paying remote opportunities and the importance of building a solid resume in a competitive market.

Salaries are seeing a 25% increase, and 40% of local tech companies have gone remote. As we move forward, San Antonio's combination of progressive economic policies and the tech industry's remote work transition is setting the stage for a solid and long-lasting job market, reflecting a city that's really invested in building a sustainable tech ecosystem.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Which companies in San Antonio are hiring remote tech workers?

Prominent companies such as Rackspace Technology, USAA, Jungle Disk, and Digital Defense are actively hiring remote tech workers in San Antonio. The city's tech sector is witnessing a surge in remote job opportunities.

What is the growth trend of remote tech job postings in San Antonio?

San Antonio experienced a 150% increase in remote tech job postings between 2019 and 2021, reflecting a significant shift towards remote work modalities in the tech industry.

What skills are in demand for remote tech positions in San Antonio?

Skills in cybersecurity, cloud technology (e.g., Google Cloud), proficiency in programming languages like Python and Javascript, strong communication skills, and remote work setup and self-management abilities are highly sought after for remote tech positions in San Antonio.

How is the San Antonio job market embracing remote work?

The San Antonio job market is adapting to remote work by offering a variety of remote tech roles, witnessing a 22% increase in remote tech job listings in the area. Over 40% of tech employers in San Antonio have adopted remote work practices to accommodate the evolving work landscape.

What preparations can tech professionals make for remote work in San Antonio?

Tech professionals preparing for remote work in San Antonio should focus on developing technical proficiency in key areas, enhancing communication skills, setting up a productive home office environment, practicing self-management, and continuously upgrading skills to stay relevant in the rapidly evolving tech scene of the city.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.