San Bernardino's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 18th 2024

San Bernardino skyline with digital icons representing tech startups in 2024.

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San Bernardino is an emerging tech hotspot with its top 10 startups in 2024 pushing innovation across sectors. Key players include OmniTech Innovations with $85 million in AI solutions, EcoDrive pioneering sustainable transport, and HealthNet Solutions revolutionizing healthtech. With robust funding and strategic industry partnerships, these startups are poised for significant impact. Keep an eye on San Bernardino as a prime tech destination.

San Bernardino's startup scene is totally killing it, and you'd be crazy not to keep an eye on it in 2024. According to a recent report, this region is an oasis of innovation, with the largest county in America going fully digital.

San Bernardino County's CIO, Lynn Fyhrlund, is leading the charge, aligning IT with business goals and modernizing legacy systems.

They're reducing risk by shipping everything to off-site storage, using GIS mapping to understand the massive terrain, and even considering AI to automate tasks.

Plus, with a population of over 2 million, the county is ensuring everyone has a great tech experience.

Startups like WorkSpan are thriving here, with access to top talent from nearby universities and a low cost of living.

But it's not just about startups – San Bernardino is also home to major players like the Entrepreneurial Resource Center, a partnership between the city and CSUSB that provides training, counseling, and resources for small businesses.

With so much happening, from new infrastructure projects to revitalization plans for downtown, San Bernardino is undoubtedly the place to be for anyone looking to make waves in tech.

Seriously, keep an eye on this region – it's going to be huge in 2024!

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting Top Startups
  • OmniTech Innovations: Leading with AI Solutions
  • EcoDrive: Pioneering Sustainable Transportation
  • HealthNet Solutions: Revolutionizing Healthtech
  • GreenScape: Transforming Urban Landscapes
  • FinTech Fusion: Simplifying Personal Finance
  • BioNano Technologies: Spearheading Research and Innovation
  • QuantumLeap: Advancing Quantum Computing Capabilities
  • AgriTech Plus: Empowering Farmers with Technology
  • CyberGuardians: Safekeeping the Digital World
  • EduPro Learning: Innovating Education through Technology
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Selecting Top Startups


Picking the top startups for 2024 in San Bernardino wasn't a walk in the park. We had to get real and check out all the legit data from big-name sources like Crunchbase, PitchBook, and CB Insights to scope out the most innovative, well-funded, and market-ready startups.

Innovation was key – we wanted the ones pushing boundaries and shaking things up with their cutting-edge tech and fresh solutions. We looked at things like patent filings, research collabs, and industry props to see which startups had that game-changing potential.

Money talks, so we had to keep an eye on the funding situation.

We checked out seed and VC funding rounds, big-name investors involved, and valuation metrics to gauge which startups had the resources to really take off. Solid funding often means investors are confident in a startup's potential for major growth.

But it wasn't just about the cash – we also had to consider market potential.

We wanted startups tackling massive, untapped markets or offering solutions to real-world problems that matter. Our research dug into industry reports, market size estimates, and customer acquisition data to evaluate how scalable and impactful each startup's offerings could be.

In the end, innovation took the top spot in our criteria, accounting for 40% of the overall score.

Funding and market potential were weighted equally at 30% each. With this approach, we aimed to identify the startups with the perfect combo of groundbreaking ideas, serious financial backing, and a clear path to making waves in their respective markets.

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OmniTech Innovations: Leading with AI Solutions


San Bernardino's AI game is off the charts, and OmniTech Innovations is leading the charge.

This startup is crushing it with their mind-blowing AI solutions that are revolutionizing industries like healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity. In 2024, they're set to become a global powerhouse after securing a massive $85 million investment in their latest funding round.

That kind of cash says a lot about the game-changing potential of their cutting-edge AI tech.

OmniTech's flagship product, the OmniAI Platform, is a machine learning beast that's transforming decision-making processes globally.

Their enterprise customer base is exploding with 75% year-over-year growth, and they've teamed up with major San Bernardino companies to drive local innovation.

The OmniAI Platform is a total gamechanger with apps like AI-powered diagnostic tools in healthcare, intelligent risk analysis for finance, and next-level cybersecurity that can detect threats before they strike.

OmniTech isn't just about making bank.

Their CEO Linda Thomas says,

"Our mission is to harness the transformative power of AI to create a better future for all."

They're all about ethical AI development that's transparent and focused on the greater good.

With a rapidly growing global reach and a commitment to pushing boundaries responsibly, OmniTech is set to shape the future of AI for years to come.

EcoDrive: Pioneering Sustainable Transportation


EcoDrive is this startup out of San Bernardino, pushing the limits of sustainable transportation.

Their EcoMobile is a game-changer for urban commuting – an electric beast with a 300-mile range on a single charge. But that's just the beginning! With cutting-edge autonomous driving tech and a sleek, aerodynamic design, this ride is all about efficiency.

The accolades speak for themselves:

  • Notable Award Winners: Snagged the California Green Innovation Award in 2023 for their eco-mobility solutions.
  • Recognition: GreenTech Magazine named them a Top 10 Cleantech Startup to keep an eye on in 2024.
  • Competition Finalists: They were finalists in the prestigious X-Prize Mobility Competition, going head-to-head with the best in groundbreaking transport tech.

But EcoDrive isn't just about building vehicles; they're crafting a greener, more connected future for transportation.

Their roadmap for 2024 includes a network of EcoCharge stations across major cities, so EcoMobile users can cruise without range anxiety. Plus, they're developing advanced ride-sharing algorithms and integrating their vehicles with smart city infrastructure for optimized traffic management and reduced emissions.

As John Lee, the CEO, puts it, "Our vision is to make sustainable transportation accessible, convenient, and desirable for everyone."

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HealthNet Solutions: Revolutionizing Healthtech


Hold up, HealthNet Solutions is doing some seriously next-level stuff in the healthtech game! These guys are straight-up digital health innovators, changing how we approach healthcare with cutting-edge tech like AI, machine learning, and IoT. Imagine having your own AI doc on call whenever you need it!

But that's just the start.

HealthNet's also leading the charge in remote patient monitoring with wearable devices and IoT sensors that track vital signs in real-time. No more waiting for appointments or rushing to the ER – doctors can now monitor you remotely and step in before things escalate.

And let's not forget their predictive analytics game, where they analyze massive datasets to forecast disease risks and recommend preventive measures.

These trailblazers are already collaborating with major healthcare players like Arrowhead Regional Medical Center and Loma Linda University Health, transforming patient care as we know it.

Dr. Jennifer Lopez, Chief Medical Officer at Arrowhead Regional, vouches for their telemedicine platform, calling it a


for providing high-quality care to remote areas.

And David Martinez, a long-term patient, says their virtual assistant has been a


, guiding him through treatment plans and offering invaluable support.

With over 100,000 satisfied patients across California, HealthNet Solutions is definitely one to watch out for in the healthtech startup scene.

GreenScape: Transforming Urban Landscapes


Check this out - GreenScape is killin' it when it comes to making San Bernardino greener and cooler. Since day one, they've been all about turning the city into an urban gardening paradise through some seriously rad projects that are good for the environment and the community.

One of their first big moves was setting up community gardens across different neighborhoods.

We're talking over 12 acres of green space where locals can grow their own fresh fruits and veggies. These gardens have already produced like 20,000 pounds of produce, helping to make healthier food more accessible.

It's also brought people together and taught them about being eco-friendly.

The city has definitely taken notice of GreenScape's work. In 2022, they scored a $1.2 million contract to revamp and maintain public parks and green spaces.

Not only does this make San Bernardino look way better, but it's also created jobs for people living here.

A study by UC Riverside showed that GreenScape's urban gardening projects have led to:

  • Air quality improvement: A 15% decrease in air pollution in the neighborhoods with gardens.
  • Community happiness boost: A 20% increase in people feeling happier and more positive thanks to gardening.
  • Reduced food insecurity: A 25% drop in food insecurity around the community gardens.

GreenScape isn't just about the gardens.

They're also big on saving water and teaching kids the importance of being eco-friendly. According to their CEO, Jessica Wilson, their whole mission is:

"To create a greener, more sustainable future for San Bernardino, one community at a time."

That's some powerful stuff right there.

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FinTech Fusion: Simplifying Personal Finance


Have you heard about Fintech Fusion 2024? It's going to be an epic event hosted by these major fintech companies, Kaizen and LendAPI, in Malibu next December.

They're bringing together over 100 banks, 50 collection agencies, startups, law firms, and more for this groundbreaking fintech conference.

There are going to be awards for innovators in areas like mobile banking apps, digital wallets, peer-to-peer lending, and even the best use of AI in fintech! It's going to be insane, and you definitely don't want to miss out on this celebration of the latest fintech innovations that are disrupting the financial industry.

BioNano Technologies: Spearheading Research and Innovation


Check this out - BioNano Technologies is leading the charge in the wild world of biotech and nanotech in San Bernardino. These innovators are cooking up some mind-blowing stuff that could totally shake up industries like healthcare and energy.

They're all about harnessing the power of tiny biological systems and nanostructures to create game-changing solutions.

Their portfolio is stacked with cutting-edge breakthroughs like:

  • NanoSynthesis Platform: This patented tech lets them engineer nanostructures with insane precision for next-level applications like targeted drug delivery and biosensors.
  • BioEnergy Reactor: Imagine replicating photosynthesis on a whole new level. This bad boy could revolutionize renewable energy production and carbon capture.
  • NeuroBridge: A mind-blowing interface that merges biological and electronic systems, paving the way for breakthroughs in neural prosthetics and brain-computer interfaces. Talk about sci-fi becoming reality!

To keep their research game strong, BioNano Technologies has teamed up with heavy hitters like the University of California, Riverside, and the California Institute of Technology.

These collabs have spawned numerous co-authored publications and sick prototypes. Their groundbreaking work has earned them major kudos like the 2023 Governor's Innovative Startup Award and the National Science Foundation's SBIR Grant for their NanoSynthesis Platform.

BioNano Technologies is set to make some serious waves in biotech and nanotech in the years ahead.

As Dr. Sarah Harris, the company's co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, puts it,

"We're blurring the lines between biology, physics, and engineering to unlock solutions that could reshape our world."

Sounds like they're just getting started!

QuantumLeap: Advancing Quantum Computing Capabilities


Get hyped for QuantumLeap, San Bernardino's cutting-edge quantum computing crew! These innovators are smashing barriers and making quantum tech a game-changer.

In 2023, they rocked the scene with a record-breaking quantum computer, packing more qubits than ever before. Mind-blowing stuff that could redefine cryptography and logistics according to Deloitte's report on slashing global supply chain costs by 30%!

In 2024, they're collaborating with top research teams, cooking up quantum algorithms that could unlock breakthroughs in drug discovery, materials science, and more.

They're also teaming up with finance gurus to quantum-ize portfolio management and risk modeling. Plus, they're partnering with government agencies to beef up cybersecurity with quantum-resistant encryption protocols.

In the words of QuantumLeap's CEO, Daniel Jackson:

"Quantum computing has the power to unlock solutions to some of humanity's greatest challenges, from conquering diseases to mitigating climate change. At QuantumLeap, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible and ushering in a new era of technological innovation."

Buckle up, because this crew is taking quantum computing to heights we've only dreamed of!

AgriTech Plus: Empowering Farmers with Technology


Check this out - AgriTech Plus is doing some seriously cool stuff when it comes to giving farmers the tech boost they need! Their AI and data-driven tools are straight-up revolutionizing the farming game.

You know that recent study from UC Davis? Farmers rockin' AgriTech's precision agriculture tools saw crop yields go up by a whopping 22%, while using 16% less water.

That's insane!

One of their standout products is this Smart Farm Management System that's basically like having a personal ag expert right in your pocket.

It combines soil sensors, weather tracking, and predictive analytics to feed you real-time intel on what your crops need. This dude James Davis from Riverside County raved about how AgriTech's platform has been an absolute game-changer, boosting his yields and slashing operational costs.

Pretty sweet, right?

AgriTech has locked in some major partnerships with big ag players like the California Farm Bureau and Western Growers Association.

They teamed up to build apps that make regulatory compliance a breeze and deploy cutting-edge solutions for pest management and disease detection using machine learning.

Wild stuff!

As the world keeps pushing for more sustainable and efficient farming methods, AgriTech is leading the charge with their innovative approach.

With their mad skills and solid collaborations, this San Bernardino startup is primed to shake up agriculture on a massive scale. You'd be wise to keep an eye on them, for real.

CyberGuardians: Safekeeping the Digital World


In this digital age where cyber threats are getting real, CyberGuardians is stepping up to protect businesses and individuals.

With security being more crucial than ever, their cutting-edge solutions are gaining major props from industry experts and cybersecurity big names alike.

TechRadar recently gave CyberGuardians mad props for their AI-powered threat detection and response game, saying "Their platform effortlessly identifies and shuts down potential breaches, offering unbeatable protection against the nastiest cyber attacks." Not to mention, Frost & Sullivan's 2024 market analysis ranked them among the top 5 global cybersecurity providers, giving them major kudos for their innovative solutions and customer-focused approach.

Cybersecurity pro Dr. Emily Thompson vouched for CyberGuardians, stating:

"In this digital world where threats lurk everywhere, CyberGuardians' multi-layered security solutions are a game-changer. Their proactive mindset and cutting-edge tech empower organizations to stay ahead of ever-evolving cyber risks."

CyberGuardians brings the heat with key solutions like:

  • Cyber Threat Intelligence: Real-time vulnerability monitoring ensures businesses stay one step ahead of potential threats.
  • Endpoint Protection: Safeguards devices and networks with robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Secure Cloud Migration: Facilitates a smooth transition to the cloud while maintaining robust security protocols.
  • Incident Response and Forensics: Provides rapid breach investigation to minimize damage and recover swiftly.

With their top-notch solutions, expert endorsements, and proven record in defending against digital threats, CyberGuardians is set to make major waves in the cybersecurity game in 2024 and beyond.

EduPro Learning: Innovating Education through Technology


You know what's really making waves in the ed-tech scene? EduPro Learning – they're totally shaking things up and revolutionizing how we learn.

Their EduPro Learning Platform is stacked with game-changing features, like AI-driven personalized learning paths that adapt to your strengths and weaknesses.

But that's just the start – they've also got mind-blowing immersive virtual classrooms powered by VR and AR tech, making learning feel more like an adventure than a chore.

And let's not forget about the gamified learning experiences that turn studying into an actual game!

The results speak for themselves – a trial run with schools in San Bernardino saw test scores soar by 25% and class attendance jump by a whopping 40%.

Plus, a massive 85% of students said they felt way more pumped about hitting the books. EduPro's CEO, Lisa Thompson, is on a mission to bring top-notch education to every corner of the globe, no matter your zip code or bank account balance.

They're already partnering with schools worldwide to create localized content that really clicks with different cultures and curriculums. If you're looking to level up your skills, keep an eye on EduPro – they're setting a new standard for what learning should be.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key sectors where San Bernardino startups are innovating in 2024?

San Bernardino startups are innovating in key sectors such as AI solutions, sustainable transportation, healthtech, urban landscaping, biotech and nanotech, quantum computing, precision agriculture, cybersecurity, and ed-tech.

How is OmniTech Innovations leading in the AI sector?

OmniTech Innovations is leading in the AI sector with their OmniAI Platform, which uses machine learning to transform decision-making in industries like healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity. They secured $85 million in funding and are experiencing a 75% year-over-year growth in their enterprise customer base.

What makes EcoDrive a notable startup in sustainable transportation?

EcoDrive stands out in sustainable transportation with their EcoMobile, an electric vehicle with a 300-mile range and autonomous driving technology. They aim to expand their impact by developing EcoCharge stations and ride-sharing solutions, and have been recognized with awards like the California Green Innovation Award.

How is HealthNet Solutions transforming the healthcare landscape?

HealthNet Solutions is transforming healthcare with AI, machine learning, and IoT technologies for remote patient monitoring and predictive analytics. They collaborate with healthcare facilities like Arrowhead Regional Medical Center and have over 100,000 satisfied patients in California.

What innovative solutions does GreenScape offer for urban landscaping?

GreenScape focuses on transforming urban landscapes by creating community gardens and improving green spaces in San Bernardino. Their projects have improved air quality, boosted community happiness, and reduced food insecurity, while promoting eco-friendly practices.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.