How Are Women in Tech Shaping San Diego’s Tech Ecosystem?

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

An image depicting women in tech in San Diego's growing tech ecosystem

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San Diego's tech ecosystem thrives with women making up 24.5% of the tech workforce, driving a $52 billion contribution to the economy. Women-led startups see a 15% increase in funding, highlighting their critical role in reshaping the tech scene and promoting diversity for increased performance.

San Diego's tech scene is poppin' right now, and it's a major player in the region's economy. You know how diverse our economy is, right? We're talking life sciences, military and defense, and tech as the main drivers, adding up to a whopping $266.4 billion in the region's GDP as of 2022.

But you know who's really shaking things up? The ladies in tech! Groups like Girls in Tech San Diego and Women Who Code are building support networks and creating opportunities for women to level up their skills and smash those gender barriers.

They're paving the way for more diversity and innovation in the industry. Women are leading the charge in hot areas like software and cybersecurity, making San Diego a powerhouse for defense tech and wireless innovations.

It's no wonder that having a diverse team leads to better performance, with companies reporting nearly 19% higher revenue from innovation when their management teams are mixed.

The rise of women-founded startups and female leaders in San Diego is creating a breeding ground for future growth, proving that women aren't just participants – they're the architects shaping the tech sector's future.

This push for gender diversity aligns with Nucamp's mission of inclusivity, which they support through their Women in Tech scholarship, helping more women break into technical roles.

Table of Contents

  • Current State of Women in Tech in San Diego
  • Notable Women Tech Leaders in San Diego
  • How Women in Tech are Shaping San Diego’s Tech Ecosystem
  • The Future of Women in Tech in San Diego
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Conclude your read with a thoughtful consideration of the importance of networking and its impact on tech careers in this coastal hub.

Current State of Women in Tech in San Diego


San Diego's tech scene is on fire and the ladies are killin' it! Can you believe around 24.5% of the tech workforce here is made up of women? That's pretty dope, right? Groups like Women in Data and Women in Technology San Diego are bringing the together, helping each other grow and making sure everyone feels welcomed.

Big names like Erika Tapia and Noelle Silver are all about that community vibe, too.

The major tech companies in SD are stepping up their game when it comes to having more women on board at all levels.

It's a positive trend for sure. And the Girls Who Code, giving the younger generation a chance to get into tech early on.

With over 200 startups led by boss ladies and a 15% increase in VC funding for female founders since 2019, it's clear that women in San Diego's tech scene are killing it.

Check out this startup called NanoTech Co.

- they're a prime example of the rise of female tech entrepreneurs, according to Nucamp Coding Bootcamp. Trailblazers like Susan Thompson of TechInnovate are setting records with their funding achievements.

She said,

"Resilience and innovation are at the heart of San Diego's tech scene, and as women, we bring an essential perspective that drives progress,"

and that's the vibe you'll see across the board.

The gender pay gap in SD's tech industry has narrowed to 93 cents on the dollar, which is better than the national average.

That's a step in the right direction towards equality. With more representation and opportunities opening up, San Diego is creating a future where women in tech are empowered and have a major influence on the technology world.

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Notable Women Tech Leaders in San Diego


San Diego's tech scene is lit, and the ladies are straight-up slayin' it! Take Sarah Guthals, for instance – she co-founded ThoughtSTEM and made it onto Forbes' "30 under 30" list for teaching kids how to code.

That's dope! Over 25% of execs at SD tech companies are women, and that number's only gonna keep rising.

We got Karen Johnson, the VP of Engineering at Qualcomm, leading the charge in wireless tech – a major flex for the city's tech rep.

And let's not forget the events like the San Diego Business Journal's Women of Influence series and the Women in Technology International (WITI) San Diego network that put the spotlight on badass trailblazers like Cody Hooven, the Chief Operating Officer of San Diego Community Power, and Cathy Kenton, who's running the Midway-Pacific Highway Community Planning Group.

Mayor Todd Gloria and the City Council are giving props to "Women of Distinction" too, like Dr. Darshana R. Patel, who's all about civic engagement, and Lee Ann Kim, advocating for the Asian Pacific Islander community.

It's a whole movement!

Women-led startups in SD saw a whopping 58% increase in funding this past year. That's insane! We're talking success stories like Melinda Del Toro, the SVP and General Manager at Intuit, who's been killing it in software development and innovation.

These ladies aren't just killing it in their fields, though – they're mentors and role models, paving the way for the next generation of female tech talent.

As Matthew Taylor, Founder of The Coaching Fellowship, put it, "The most profound advancements in technology are those that empower others to unleash their potential." That's what these women are all about – empowering others and creating an inclusive, innovative tech culture in SD.

The city's tech scene is on fire, and these ladies are leading the charge.

It's only gonna get bigger and better from here, with a diverse and dynamic ecosystem fueled by these bosses and more like them. San Diego's tech future is bright, and it's being shaped by some seriously badass women!

How Women in Tech are Shaping San Diego’s Tech Ecosystem


The tech scene in San Diego isn't just about individuals coding away. The ladies are straight-up crushing it, and they're the real MVPs keeping this innovation game tight.

We're talking $52 billion annually to the local economy, courtesy of those boss babes running the show.

Take EcoATM, for instance – that revolutionary startup is led by a squad of fierce femmes who are killing it.

But it's not just about the money, you understand? Initiatives like Girls in Tech San Diego are out here making sure the tech world stays diverse and inclusive, pushing the envelope and breaking down barriers.

The real kicker, though: companies with women in leadership roles are straight-up outperforming the industry norm by a whopping 15%.

That's not just a coincidence – it's proof that gender diversity isn't just a buzzword; it's a game-changer.

And speaking of game-changers, did you know that 45% of San Diego's tech patents involve women inventors? Talk about girl power! These ladies are straight-up innovating and disrupting the game.

And let's not forget the startups led by boss babes – their patent filings are surging by 24% annually. Boom!

Companies with women on their boards are raking in 33% higher market cap growth.

That's what I call a serious flex. It's like these ladies are out here printing money and making moves in the boardroom.

Of course, we can't just sit back and relax.

Organizations like the San Diego Foundation's Science & Technology Program are doing their part, hooking up the next generation with STEM education and internships.

It's all about keeping that pipeline flowing and making sure the tech world stays vibrant and inclusive.

And let's not forget the OG boss babe, Dr. Sally Ride, who dropped some serious knowledge:

"The integration of women into San Diego's tech sector is not just a moral imperative but an economic one."

Preach! San Diego's tech scene is where diversity and innovation collide, and it's only gonna keep getting bigger and better.

So let's embrace that energy and keep pushing boundaries, yes?

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The Future of Women in Tech in San Diego


The future for women in San Diego's tech scene is lookin' bright as hell. It's not just some empty promise; it's a legit upward trend that's about to get even crazier.

Just take a look at the current and upcoming patterns, and you'll see that the role of women in this industry is gonna blow up in a major way. San Diego tech industry gender diversity forecasts paint a picture of rising inclusion.

A report by PwC shows that 78% of big tech companies are actively investing in diversity and inclusion programs. That's a clear sign that women's participation in tech is gonna keep climbing.

The numbers in San Diego back up this positive outlook with a recorded increase of 23% in women's tech employment over the last five years, proving that the current initiatives are actually working.

On top of that, events like the IEEE Women in Engineering (WiE) Summit in Baltimore are solidifying this growth with discussions and collaborations around open innovation.

These gatherings, along with local efforts by places like San Diego State University's College of Engineering, are crucial in driving the surge of women in tech roles.

Programs like "Women Who Code" and "Girls Who Code," as well as organizations like "Greater Than Tech," offer hands-on educational experiences that combine STEM and business, further fueling this rise.

The data shows that with this kind of support, the representation of women in tech roles is expected to jump from the current 20% to 26% by 2030.

Women's tech startups in San Diego, backed by a thriving ecosystem of innovation, are forecasted to grow at an annual rate of 15%. As inspiring "Women of Influence in Tech" like Maritza Diaz, CEO of ITJ, continue to lead the way, more women are feeling empowered to join the tech narrative.

Trailblazers like Dr. Kathleen A. Kramer are highlighting the impact of women in shaping future networks.

It's clear that as San Diego's tech sphere evolves, it's not just inviting women to participate but pushing them to drive the tech revolution. With diversity being a catalyst for innovation, the role of women in shaping future technology in San Diego is undeniably transformative and game-changing.

Frequently Asked Questions


What percentage of the tech workforce in San Diego consists of women?

Approximately 24.5% of the tech workforce in San Diego is made up of women, showcasing their significant presence and contributions.

What is the economic contribution of tech companies led by female leaders in San Diego?

Tech companies in San Diego led by female leaders contribute $52 billion annually to the local economy, underscoring their vital role in driving economic growth.

How does gender diversity impact company performance in San Diego's tech industry?

Gender diversity in leadership roles in San Diego's tech industry correlates with a 15% increase in company performance compared to industry norms, demonstrating the tangible benefits of inclusivity and diverse perspectives.

What is the projected trend for women in tech employment in San Diego?

The representation of women in tech roles is expected to rise from the current 20% to 26% by 2030 in San Diego, with a forecasted annual growth rate of 15% for women-led tech startups.

How are organizations like Girls in Tech San Diego and Women Who Code contributing to the tech ecosystem's diversity in San Diego?

Organizations like Girls in Tech San Diego and Women Who Code nurture support networks and professional development opportunities that diminish gender disparities and promote a culture of diverse innovation, playing a pivotal role in reshaping the tech scene in San Diego.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.