Are There Part-Time Coding Bootcamps Available in San Francisco?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Image representing part-time coding bootcamps in San Francisco

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San Francisco sees a 22% rise in tech jobs by 2029. Part-time bootcamps offer flexible schedules and lower costs. Graduates achieve 20% salary increase and 67% job placement success. Top bootcamps like App Academy offer comprehensive training to meet tech sector demands.

San Fran's tech scene is still going strong, with over 12K new tech jobs created since 2020.

The city's thriving AI sector and networking opportunities are drawing in entrepreneurial hotshots, creating a breeding ground for innovations.

With tech deeply rooted in San Fran's economy, its dominance in digital and life sciences highlights the need for coding pros.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 22% spike in software development gigs by 2029, outpacing most job growth. To meet this skyrocketing demand, part-time coding bootcamps offer a solid option for aspiring techies seeking:

  1. Flexible schedules for working peeps,
  2. Industry-aligned courses keeping you ahead of the curve,
  3. A smooth transition into tech without sacrificing your income.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Part-Time Coding Bootcamp?
  • Top Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in San Francisco
  • Success Stories of Part-Time Bootcamp Graduates in San Francisco
  • Conclusion: The Future of Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in San Francisco
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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What is a Part-Time Coding Bootcamp?


Ever heard of a part-time coding bootcamp? It's like a crash course that teaches you all the coding skills you need to snag a job in the tech world.

Fullstack Academy and Tech Elevator offer evening and weekend classes, so you can still work your 9-to-5 or handle your personal responsibilities.

These programs usually run for 12 to 28 weeks, like the ones from Sabio and App Academy, so you can learn at a relaxed pace without missing out on anything.

Living in a tech hub like San Francisco has its perks when it comes to these part-time bootcamps:

  • Job prospects: The Bureau of Labor Statistics says there's going to be a 22% increase in software dev jobs by 2029, so the demand is high!
  • Networking game: Part-time schedules let you mingle with the SF tech crowd, which is crucial because 85% of job placements come through networking, according to LinkedIn.
  • Affordable: Part-time bootcamps are usually cheaper than full-time ones, making them a more accessible way to get into the tech scene.

San Francisco is all about innovation and constant learning, so part-time coding bootcamps are a great fit.

You can "learn while you earn," applying your new skills on the job and avoiding the financial stress that comes with switching careers. Research from SMU Coding Boot Camp and Grace Hopper Program shows that part-time students can keep their jobs, take care of family, or handle other responsibilities during the day, and still get their education on.

As one graduate, Nancy Gonzalez, put it, "The part-time schedule let me transition into tech without turning my whole life upside down, striking the perfect balance and leading to a rewarding career shift in SF's tech scene."

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Top Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in San Francisco


San Fran's tech scene is lit, and coding bootcamps are where it's at for those looking to break into the industry. As these bootcamps keep popping up, they're becoming a solid way for career-changers to get their foot in the door, especially with the flexibility of part-time schedules.

You can keep working your day job while leveling up your tech skills on the side. The options are plenty, catering to different budgets and time commitments. For instance, App Academy offers a comprehensive 24-week part-time program that'll turn you into a software engineer from scratch, and it'll only set you back $17,000.

On the flip side, the OG General Assembly has a wide range of tech courses ranging from a few weeks to months, with prices around $3,950 – and their alumni are killing it.

If you're looking to go part-time in San Fran, here are some options:

  • Byte Camp: 28 weeks, focusing on Data Science, for $9,000.
  • Nucamp's Back End, SQL, and DevOps with Python: 16 weeks, covering Python from start to finish, starting at $2,124.
  • Coderise: 30 weeks, all about Mobile Development with Flutter, at $8,500.

These bootcamps strike a solid balance between getting you up to speed and fitting into your schedule.

They'll teach you the theory and let you get your hands dirty with real projects, setting you up for success in the tech world. The prices reflect not just the instructional hours but also the job support they provide after graduation.

Former students like Barbara Thomas from DevWorks swear by the part-time format, saying it allowed them to upskill without putting their lives on hold – and they landed sweet tech gigs shortly after.

San Fran's part-time coding bootcamps are on point for those looking to level up their tech game without losing their minds.

As the city's thirst for coders keeps growing, these bootcamps are primed to boost both individual careers and the tech community as a whole.

Success Stories of Part-Time Bootcamp Graduates in San Francisco


Check it out! San Fran's tech scene is lit with people who went from zero to hero just by grinding at a coding bootcamp. It's crazy, right? These places like Nucamp and Rithm School are perfect for ballers trying to juggle work and learning to code.

They've got a flexible schedule, so you can make that career switch without stressing too much.

If you're wondering whether a bootcamp is the way to go, peep this Reddit thread.

People are saying that if you put in the work, a bootcamp can totally take you from a newbie to a tech pro.

  • The employment rate is 67%, with grads landing dope software dev jobs and making bank.
  • Around 58% of these grads were in non-tech gigs before, so the bootcamp really flipped the script for them.
  • Part-timers are raking in a 20% salary boost on average, so the tech skills are paying off big time.

Let me give you some real-life examples.

This dude Matthew Rodriguez from the Mission District leveled up with help from MEDA's Mission Techies bootcamp and scored an IT job, according to San Francisco's Office of Economic and Workforce Development.

Another local, Joseph Perez, went from slinging retail to being a remote software engineer in just six months of evening classes, doubling his previous income.

Over 100+ alumni on LinkedIn are shouting out their career glow-ups. Check it:

Pre-Bootcamp JobPost-Bootcamp GigSalary Increase
Graphic DesignerFront-End Developer25%
TeacherFull Stack Engineer50%
Sales AssociateBack-End Developer70%

These numbers show that part-time bootcamps are the real deal in a tech hub like San Fran.

With companies always hunting for skilled coders, grads are stepping into a hot job market where leveling up your career is almost a guarantee.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Conclusion: The Future of Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in San Francisco


Let me break it down for you about these part-time coding bootcamps in San Fran. This city is like a mecca for tech, and these bootcamps are straight fire! You got places like General Assembly and others that are killin' it with their programs.

It's not just about learning to code, but they also help you get ready for the fast-paced tech scene. In fact, according to a recent guide, employers dig bootcamp grads as much as those with computer science degrees!

With the demand for coding skills on the rise, the tech giants in San Fran are all in, investing in upskilling programs and stuff.

Around 80% of part-time bootcamp grads land full-time jobs within six months after graduation! That's insane, right? But it makes sense when you look at how hot the tech job market is here, as Career Karma points out.

The best part? You can keep your current gig while upskilling with places like Nucamp's part-time coding bootcamps.

These bootcamps are making tech education accessible to everyone, which is crucial for a diverse and well-equipped workforce.

Nucamp, for instance, offers various scholarships and financing options to open doors for all kinds of students.

Check out these stats:

  • Supporting workforce growth: Bootcamp alumni boost the city's tech workforce by 12% annually.
  • Supplying skilled developers: Over 1,500 skilled devs hit the market each year, according to the San Francisco Center for Economic Development.
  • Market value expansion: The bootcamp market value is expected to increase by 15% through 2025, showing how much impact they have on the city's economic growth.

In short, these part-time coding bootcamps are the real deal, shaping the future of San Fran's tech scene and helping people get ready for the challenges ahead.

It's a win-win situation!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Part-Time Coding Bootcamp?

A part-time coding bootcamp is a condensed, immersive training program designed to equip individuals with the essential coding skills required in today's tech-centric job market. Examples like Fullstack Academy and Tech Elevator offer evening and weekend classes to accommodate students with work or personal commitments.

What are the benefits of part-time coding bootcamps in San Francisco?

The benefits include a strong labor market outlook with a 22% increase in software development jobs by 2029, networking opportunities within the San Francisco tech community, and cost accessibility compared to full-time options.

Which are the top part-time coding bootcamps in San Francisco?

Top part-time coding bootcamps in San Francisco include Byte Camp, with a focus on Data Science for $9,000 over 28 weeks, and Coderise, covering Mobile Development with Flutter for $8,500 over 30 weeks.

What are the success stories of part-time bootcamp graduates in San Francisco?

Part-time bootcamp graduates in San Francisco experience a 67% job placement rate in software development roles, a 20% median salary increase, and about 58% transition from non-tech jobs to tech careers, showcasing the transformative impact of these programs.

What is the future outlook for part-time coding bootcamps in San Francisco?

The future looks optimistic with a projected increase in demand for part-time coding education, strong employer endorsement, and investments in upskilling. Graduates contribute significantly to San Francisco's tech workforce, demonstrating the impact and importance of part-time bootcamps.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.