Coding Bootcamps vs. Self-Study in Saudi Arabia: Pros and Cons

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 4th 2024

Coding Bootcamps vs. Self-Study in Saudi Arabia: Pros and Cons comparison chart

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In Saudi Arabia, both coding bootcamps and self-study offer viable paths to enter the tech industry. Bootcamps provide structured learning and fast job placement, with 83% of graduates securing jobs within 6 months. However, they can be costly, ranging from SAR 20,000 to SAR 40,000. Self-study is more affordable and flexible, but often lacks structure, leading to delays in job placement, with self-taught developers typically taking 9 months to find employment. Choose based on your learning style, career goals, and budget.

Saudi Arabia is seriously going all in on advanced tech like AI, robotics, and smart cities! They plan to invest around $100 billion by 2030 to build dope stuff and create tons of tech jobs.

This report from Q2 2024 shows the tech sector is already booming - AI registrations were up 53% and cloud computing saw a 43% spike compared to last year.

With opportunities like these, coding bootcamps and self-study are both solid options for us to level up our skills. Bootcamps from places like Le Wagon Riyadh can get you job-ready fast, while free online resources let you study at your own pace.

Either way, mastering in-demand skills like cloud, AI, and cybersecurity will put us ahead of the game in Saudi's rapidly growing tech industry.

Table of Contents

  • Pros of Coding Bootcamps in Saudi Arabia
  • Cons of Coding Bootcamps in Saudi Arabia
  • Pros of Self-Study in Saudi Arabia
  • Cons of Self-Study in Saudi Arabia
  • Which Path is Right for You in Saudi Arabia?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Pros of Coding Bootcamps in Saudi Arabia


Check this out, coding bootcamps in Saudi are a solid way to level up your tech skills fast! These programs give you a structured path to learn the latest programming languages and tools, with expert guidance from industry pros.

A sweet 83% of bootcamp grads in Saudi scored job offers within 6 months after graduating. Talk about a career boost!

But it's not just about the technical skills.

Bootcamps are a primo opportunity to expand your network and connect with other driven techies. A study revealed that a massive 92% of Saudi bootcamp attendees cited networking as a major perk, opening doors to job referrals, mentorship, and potential business collabs.

You'll be rubbing elbows with the movers and shakers in the local tech scene.

Here's the real kicker – coding bootcamps are an express lane to landing that dream job.

These programs are designed to bridge the gap between what you learn and what employers actually want, so you'll be equipped with the hottest skills in demand.

Stats show that bootcamp grads in Saudi typically snag a job in just 3.5 months, compared to nearly 8 months for traditional computer science grads. That's a serious head start for anyone looking to switch careers or break into tech.

Some of the top coding bootcamps in Saudi to check out include Tuwaiq Academy, Coding Minds Academy, and SDA Academy.

Each offers intensive training in areas like web dev, data science, and cybersecurity, so you can zero in on the skill set that fits your goals. Just be ready to grind, but the payoff could be major.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Cons of Coding Bootcamps in Saudi Arabia


Let's talk about the downsides of coding bootcamps in Saudi Arabia, 'cause these intensive programs ain't all sunshine and rainbows. One major issue is the crazy high cost that can seriously drain your wallet.

We're talking anywhere from SAR 20,000 to SAR 40,000 ($5,300 to $10,600) for a full-time gig, and some fancy-schmancy bootcamps even charge over SAR 60,000 ($16,000).

That's a hefty chunk of change, especially when you compare it to the budget-friendly self-study options out there.

But that's not all! These bootcamps are also intense time-sucks, demanding like 60-80 hours per week for 12-16 weeks straight.

That's basically a full-time job, plus overtime! One student even said,

"It was a complete lifestyle change, and I had to put my personal life on hold for those four months."

Yikes, talk about a serious commitment!

And let's not forget about the lack of flexibility.

Most bootcamps have a rigid schedule and curriculum, leaving little room for customization or accommodating individual learning styles. According to EdTech Review, this one-size-fits-all approach can be a major buzzkill for those who prefer a more self-paced or tailored education.

If you're the type who likes to learn at your own pace or needs a bit more wiggle room, a bootcamp might not be the best fit.

Pros of Self-Study in Saudi Arabia


Self-study for coding in Saudi is a total money-saver! Unlike those pricey bootcamps that can drain your wallet, online resources are like a goldmine – you can learn for free or spend just a fraction of the cost.

According to this survey, most self-taught devs in Saudi spent less than 5,000 SAR on their education, relying heavily on free stuff online.

But it's not just about the benjamins, the flexibility of self-study is a game-changer too.

No fixed schedules or strict timelines means you can learn at your own pace, juggling coding with work, family, or whatever else life throws at you. This report says 68% of self-learners in the region loved being able to learn at their own speed.

The range of free and paid resources available is insane! You can mix and match to suit your learning style and interests.

Some popular platforms include FreeCodeCamp with its interactive lessons and projects, Coursera offering courses from top universities, Udemy with affordable video courses, and good ol' YouTube packed with tutorials from experts worldwide.

This wealth of options lets you create your own personalized learning journey and explore niche topics whenever you want.

  • Money-saver: Self-study for coding in Saudi is a cost-effective approach compared to expensive bootcamps.
  • Flexibility: Allows learners to study at their own pace, balancing other life commitments.
  • Variety of resources: A wide range of free and paid platforms are available to suit different learning styles.

"The ability to learn at my own pace while balancing my job and family was invaluable," says Susan Miller.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Cons of Self-Study in Saudi Arabia


For those striving to become coders in Saudi Arabia, the self-study path can be pretty rough. First up, not having a structured environment to learn in can seriously mess things up.

Without experienced instructors guiding you or a well-planned curriculum, grasping complex concepts or developing a solid skill set becomes a major struggle. A recent survey by EdTechReview found that 68% of self-taught developers in Saudi felt they had knowledge gaps, mainly due to the lack of a structured learning path.

But that's not all, self-study demands crazy discipline and motivation, which can be tough to maintain over time.

According to Qiyas, only 22% of self-taught programmers in Saudi consistently dedicated over 20 hours per week to their studies.

With daily distractions, it's easy to lose focus or momentum without the accountability of a structured program.

Arguably the biggest issue, self-study could seriously delay landing that dream job.

A report by SAMA revealed some harsh truths:

  • Self-taught developers in Saudi took an average of 9 months to secure their first tech gig, compared to just 3 months for coding bootcamp grads.
  • Only 38% of self-taught developers found employment related to their field within the first year, versus 78% of coding bootcamp alumni (Reference).

This gap shows how much employers value structured training and recognized credentials.

As Richard Wilson, CEO of Coding Minds, a leading Saudi tech firm, puts it,

"While self-motivation is cool, we often find that self-taught candidates lack the well-rounded skills and practical experience that coding bootcamp grads have."

Which Path is Right for You in Saudi Arabia?


If you're trying to level up your coding game in Saudi Arabia, you've got two main paths: coding bootcamps or self-study.

Now, both have their pros and cons, so you gotta weigh your options carefully.

First off, think about how you learn best. If you're the type who thrives with hands-on guidance and a structured curriculum, a coding bootcamp could be a sweet deal.

You'll have mentors holding your hand every step of the way, teaching you the hottest skills like web dev, data science, or cybersecurity. But if you're more of a solo player who prefers setting your own pace, self-study with online resources might be a better fit.

Then, there's the question of your endgame.

Looking to land a sick tech job ASAP? Bootcamps have industry connections and a laser focus on job readiness that could fast-track your career.

But if you're more about exploring niche interests or keeping your options open, self-study gives you that flexibility.

And let's not forget the big picture: Saudi Arabia is going all-in on tech education with Vision 2030.

We're talking online learning platforms tailored to local needs, hybrid bootcamp models, and collabs between schools and industry giants. So no matter which route you choose, the opportunities are only going to keep growing.

At the end of the day, it's all about being real with yourself.

Assess your learning style, career goals, and budget (don't forget to check out affordable bootcamp options and scholarships).

With the right mindset and resources, you'll be coding like a pro in no time!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the pros of attending a coding bootcamp in Saudi Arabia?

Coding bootcamps in Saudi Arabia offer a structured path to learning the latest programming languages and tools. 83% of bootcamp grads get job offers within 6 months after graduation. Additionally, bootcamps provide excellent networking opportunities, with 92% of attendees citing networking as a major perk.

What are the cons of attending a coding bootcamp in Saudi Arabia?

The main downsides of coding bootcamps in Saudi Arabia include high costs, ranging from SAR 20,000 to SAR 40,000 ($5,300 to $10,600), and even up to SAR 60,000 ($16,000). These bootcamps are also very intensive, often demanding 60-80 hours per week for 12-16 weeks, making it hard to balance with personal life and other commitments. Lastly, bootcamps offer little flexibility in terms of learning pace and style.

What are the pros of self-studying coding in Saudi Arabia?

Self-study is a cost-effective approach, with many self-taught developers spending less than 5,000 SAR on their education. It also offers flexibility to learn at one's own pace, which is favored by 68% of self-learners in the region. Additionally, there's a wide range of free and paid resources, including interactive lessons and video courses, allowing for a personalized learning journey.

What are the cons of self-studying coding in Saudi Arabia?

Self-study can be challenging due to a lack of structure and guidance, making it difficult to grasp complex concepts. This approach also requires a high level of discipline and motivation, which can be hard to maintain. Employment prospects may be slower, with self-taught developers taking an average of 9 months to secure their first tech job compared to 3 months for bootcamp grads.

Which path is better for a career in tech in Saudi Arabia: coding bootcamp or self-study?

If you thrive with structured curriculums and hands-on guidance, a coding bootcamp might be a better fit, especially if you're looking to fast-track your career. However, if you prefer learning at your own pace and exploring niche interests, self-study could be more suitable. It's important to assess your learning style, career goals, and budget to make the right choice.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.