$200,000 Awarded in Coding Bootcamp Scholarships: Apply Today to Ease your Payments

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Nucamp Coding bootcamp scholarships

There's literally money sitting on the table for you.

Can you believe that amount? $200,000.

Over 730 students have received a scholarship in the short 5 years of Nucamp’s existence—especially considering how affordable our bootcamps already are.

Breaking down barriers to entry and bringing affordable education to those previously left out has been nothing short of rewarding for the Nucamp staff and instructors.

If you have applied for traditional university scholarships before, you know that most require hours of effort writing and editing.

That is another barrier Nucamp has broken: complicated scholarships.

Our scholarships are simple and don’t take you all day to complete.

Did you know that we have 6 active scholarships at any given time? Chances are good that you qualify for one right now.

ALSO, it only takes 5-10 minutes to apply to any of them.

Get up to 25% off depending on the scholarship.

Let me show you how easy it is by giving you a brief rundown of each and what their requirements are.

Women in Tech

Women who are 18 years old or older, located in the US, and register for either the Front End or Full Stack bootcamps (one or the other) after September 26, 2022 qualify—that's it!

Google Cloud is funding $150,000 towards the scholarship.

Apply for the Women in Tech Scholarship.

Natives in Tech

With this month (November) being Native American Heritage Month we especially would like to highlight our Natives in Tech scholarship!

Any verified member of a federally recognized tribal nation, is at least 18 years old, and registers for one of the bootcamps listed above (under High School Graduates) qualify—that's it!.

In partnership with Natives in Tech, a non-profit organization working to cultivate a tech ecosystem of Native technologists, Nucamp is proud to offer a $50,000 Natives in Tech Scholarship Fund to support Native communities.

Like the High School Graduates scholarship, you can receive a maximum of 2 scholarships: one for the 4 Weeks Web Development Fundamental Bootcamp, and another one for the 16 Weeks Back end with Python, the 17 Weeks Front End Bootcamp or the 22 Weeks Full Stack Bootcamp.

Apply for the Natives in Tech Scholarship.

High School Graduates

All students who graduated in the last 3 years, are 18 years old or older, and register for one of the following bootcamps qualify—that's it!.

PLUS, you can receive a maximum of 2 scholarships: one for the 4 Weeks Web Development Fundamental Bootcamp, and another one for the 16 Weeks Back end with Python, the 17 Weeks Front End Bootcamp or the 22 Weeks Full Stack Bootcamp.

The High School Graduates Scholarship has a $50,000 fund and it will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until the fund is depleted.

Apply for the High School Graduates Scholarship.

Nucamp's "Nu You" Scholarship

Any students who has applied to a student loan and has been refused in the past 12 months for any reason, is at least 18 years old, and registers for one of the bootcamps listed above (under High School Graduates) qualify—that's it!.

This scholarship has $100,000 funded towards and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Like the High School Graduates scholarship, you can receive a maximum of 2 scholarships: one for the 4 Weeks Web Development Fundamental Bootcamp, and another one for the 16 Weeks Back end with Python, the 17 Weeks Front End Bootcamp or the 22 Weeks Full Stack Bootcamp.

Apply for the "Nu You" Scholarship.

Nucamp's ReSkill America Scholarship

Get a laptop from ReSkill America and a ReSkill America Scholarship from Nucamp.

If you qualify for Career Karma's Reskill America Laptop Initiative, then you qualify for our scholarship.

The same list of bootcamps shown above (under High School Graduates) are eligible and this scholarship also has a $50,000 fund.

Apply for Nucamp's ReSkill America Scholarship.

Warrior Rising Scholarship

To show our appreciation for your service, we want to provide a scholarship to help you launch your journey as a Web Developer.

Nucamp offers a $100,000 Veteran Scholarship Fund in partnership with Warrior Rising, a national non-profit that assists U.S. military veterans in becoming business owners—for any veterans or active duty members—that's it!.

The same list of bootcamps shown above (under High School Graduates) are eligible.

Apply for the Warrior Rising Scholarship.


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.