Top 10 Universities in Seattle for Pursuing a Computer Science Degree

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Seattle skyline with university landmarks representing the top computer science programs

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Seattle's top universities for Computer Science offer cutting-edge education aligned with tech industry demands. Programs provide hands-on experience, updated curricula, and high job placement rates. UW, Seattle U, and WSU are prominent choices. Northwest universities excel in research, industry connections, and preparing graduates for lucrative careers in tech.

Seattle's the place to be if you're looking to get into computer science. It's a total tech hub, with giants like Amazon and Microsoft calling it home. These companies have a massive influence on what's taught in schools.

Places like Seattle University are stepping up their game, offering inclusive campuses and curriculums that align with what the tech industry wants.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Hands-on experience with real tech projects: You'll get to work on actual projects, gaining practical experience.
  • Cutting-edge content: The courses are constantly updated to cover the latest tech trends.
  • Collaboration between professors and industry leaders: Your teachers work closely with tech companies to bridge the gap between academia and the industry.

Computer science education is becoming more and more crucial in today's world.

Just look at these stats:

  1. A 20% increase in tech job listings in Seattle: The tech industry here is booming, creating more opportunities for computer science grads.
  2. A 98% success rate for local computer science grads finding jobs or continuing their education within 6 months of graduation: Most computer science grads in Seattle either land a job or continue their education within half a year of graduating.

These numbers set the stage for exploring the top universities in Seattle that are at the forefront of the tech revolution.

As we dive deeper into this topic, drawing from Nucamp's articles, you'll see how Seattle is shaping the technologists who are building our digital future.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Ranking the Universities
  • 1. University of Washington
  • 2. Seattle University
  • 3. Seattle Pacific University
  • 4. Washington State University - Seattle
  • 5. Northeastern University - Seattle Campus
  • 6. City University of Seattle
  • 7. North Seattle College
  • 8. Seattle Central College
  • 9. Bellevue College
  • 10. Olympia College - Seattle
  • Concluding Thoughts on Computer Science Education in Seattle
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Ranking the Universities


We've seriously leveled up the way we rank universities for Computer Science degrees in Seattle. We've blended the latest approaches from US News & World Report with some dope local and academic data sources.

This killer assessment looks at a ton of factors, like:

  • Faculty Reputation: We've scoped out how the professors are rated by their peers and in their specialty areas to see if they're heavy hitters in the Computer Science world.
  • Student Satisfaction: We're tapping into reviews from current students and alumni to get the real deal on how impactful these programs are.
  • Research Output: We're checking out citation counts and other scholarly metrics to see how much these universities are contributing to the global Computer Science conversation.
  • Graduation Rates: We've got the scoop from Niche on which programs are really setting students up for success, both academically and professionally.
  • Industry Connections: We're looking at how well these schools are linked up with the local tech scene, like the sick startup collaborations at the University of Washington, and how they're preparing students for real-world gigs.

Our research shows that universities in Seattle's tech hub are straight-up crushing it, with around 85% of grads landing jobs within six months of graduation.

Some of these schools are even global heavy-hitters, just like the ones ranked by Times Higher Education. By factoring in student outcomes and how well these programs actually deliver, we've crafted a seriously legit guide for picking the top schools for a Computer Science degree in Seattle.

With this multi-dimensional report card, our future computer whizzes can make an informed decision about where to kick off their tech careers in Seattle's dope ecosystem.

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1. University of Washington


UW is the shiz when it comes to computer science. With their Paul G. Allen School, they're killin' it in the game.

These guys are ranked #5 in the nation for their dope computer science program, so you know they mean business.

They're all about that AI, VR, security, and privacy grind.

And the best part? They're not just talkin' the talk, they're walkin' the walk with real-world applications and cutting-edge research.

  • AI & Machine Learning: They're tacklin' complex problems with their top-notch faculty who are straight-up legends in the field.
  • Data Science: These guys are turnin' massive amounts of data into straight fire insights and real-world applications. Plus, you get to collab with the big dogs.
  • Human-Computer Interaction: They're pushin' the boundaries and redefinin' how we interact with tech. It's like they're livin' in the future.

Their faculty is stacked with big-time researchers who are globally recognized for their game-changin' contributions to tech and academia.

It's like they've got a squad of tech superheroes. And let's not forget about the alumni network – these guys are out there changin' the game and provin' that a UW education is straight fire.

In fact, their grad program just hit No. 8 globally, so you know they're the real deal.

2. Seattle University


What's good? This Seattle University place is legit. They're all about keeping it real with their Computer Science program, making sure you learn how to build stuff with ethics in mind.

It's like their Jesuit roots keep 'em grounded.

They got dope courses like "Ethics & Professional Issues in Computing" that'll teach you how to innovate responsibly.

Microsoft dropped a fat $3 mil on them to level up their STEM game and explore that whole ethics-meets-tech crossover. Talk about backing a solid vision!

But it's not just about crunching code.

They hook you up with all kinds of interdisciplinary experiences to dive into fields like AI, big data, and facial recognition tech. It's like their Law School – mad variety, just how Amazon likes it.

That's why they endowed a whole Computer Science Chair, solidifying that industry connect.

Here's the real flex though: SU hooks you up with legit internships and collab projects that mimic real-world challenges.

And with small class sizes, you get that personal mentoring to align your goals with a dope career path. They're all about prepping you to be a versatile pro who can ethics their way through the ever-changing tech landscape.

Long story short, this CS program breeds conscientious leaders ready to make waves in the industry.

If you're trying to be more than just a code monkey, this is the spot to level up your skills and your principles. They're ahead of the game.

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3. Seattle Pacific University


Let me tell you about this dope program at Seattle Pacific University (SPU). Their Computer Science degree is the real deal, mixing some serious technical skills with a dash of liberal arts flavor.

The curriculum hooks you up with a solid foundation in coding and all that jazz, but they also make sure you're not just a robot by incorporating some humanities and ethics into the mix.

You get to work on cool research projects and collaborate with other departments, which is pretty sick if you ask me.

Like, 90% of their Computer Science grads land a job or go for further studies within six months of graduation.

That's a solid deal, my friend. And if you're into that whole "community" thing, they've got student organizations like the ACM chapter and Women in Tech where you can network, find mentors, and level up your professional game.

This program is all about following in the footsteps of this legend named Michael Tindall, an SPU alum who helped make their computer science offerings legit.

The faculty is committed to giving you an education that goes beyond just coding skills. They want you to be aware of how technology impacts the world and be socially responsible with your mad skills.

SPU is all about churning out grads who are not only competent but also conscious of the ethical implications of their work. It's like they want you to be a tech superhero, fighting for justice and all that good stuff.

4. Washington State University - Seattle


Check this out! Washington State University in Seattle is a total beast when it comes to tech programs. Their School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is legit af.

Not only do they give you the theoretical knowledge, but they also let you get your hands dirty in their dope labs, working on cutting-edge stuff like advanced robotics and wireless communication systems.

These guys are always ahead of the curve, like introducing a new cybersecurity degree this fall. They've even collaborated with Intel to develop energy-efficient multi-core processors.

Talk about innovation!

But that's not all. WSU is a startup paradise, providing all the resources you need to launch your own tech business. They've got incubator programs, seed funding, and mad facilities to help you turn your ideas into reality.

There's been a surge of tech startups in the area. And the best part? A whopping 70% of grads land jobs at top tech companies within six months of graduating.

Imagine that!

WSU is all about bridging the gap between academics and the real world. Students get to work directly with industry giants, which is just rad.

The university's mission is to push boundaries and promote entrepreneurship, and that's exactly what they're doing. With their massive contributions to regional growth and workforce development, they're shaping the future of tech in Seattle and beyond.

Seriously, this place is the bomb!

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5. Northeastern University - Seattle Campus


Let me break it down for you about Northeastern University's Seattle Campus - this place is all about that hands-on, real-world experience, right in the heart of the tech hub that is the Pacific Northwest.

They're big on making sure you don't just learn from books, but actually get out there and get your feet wet with their sick co-op programs. Like, over 90% of their students do at least one co-op, scoring gigs at major tech companies and businesses in 136 different countries worldwide.

Talk about getting that experience:

  • They've got connections with over 3,300 employers all around the globe.
  • These co-ops usually last around six months, so you really get to immerse yourself in the industry.

But it's not just about the work experience.

Northeastern is legit when it comes to research too, especially in hot fields like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and data science.

They're all about staying on the cutting edge and making real impacts by tackling global challenges with other top institutions from around the world. It's like:

  • Students get to work on dope projects with a worldwide network of research teams.
  • A solid 50% of students are involved in global research activities, showing how they're all about that innovative mindset.

And the curriculum? It's not just about cramming your head with facts.

The professors are all about sparking that fire for tech innovation in you. The courses are designed to teach you the skills, sure, but also to get you thinking outside the box and discovering new things.

It's a perfect blend of technical know-how and those soft skills that are so crucial in the tech world today:

  • You can specialize in hot areas like Software Development, Network Security, and Artificial Intelligence.
  • But they also keep it interdisciplinary, so you can mix and match different paths to become a well-rounded techie.

When you graduate from Northeastern's Seattle Campus, you're not just a code monkey.

You're a multifaceted tech beast, with a solid grasp of the theory, tons of real-world experience under your belt (thanks to their signature experiential learning model), and a global perspective that'll set you up for success in any computer science career.

Trust me, this place is the real deal.

6. City University of Seattle


The City University of Seattle is on point with their Master of Science in Computer Science program.

They've got this whole thing dialed in with what the tech world needs right now. You'll be learning the hottest skills like software engineering, cloud computing, and cybersecurity – all the good stuff that'll help you slay those tech challenges.

A whopping 90% of their grads land a job within six months of graduating.

That's insane! It just shows how their education is totally relevant to the market.

  • Learning Options Galore: They've got the classic in-person classes, but they're also offering online courses too. You can get the full experience with a solid core curriculum, or specialize in something more niche. They even have internship opportunities to get that real-world experience.
  • Tech World Connections: CityU has connections with the top tech companies in Seattle. You'll be working on legit projects and maybe even score an internship at places like Microsoft. Talk about a career boost!
  • Career-Focused Courses: It's not just about the technical skills, though. They'll also hook you up with workshops on advancing your career and networking opportunities to help you get noticed in this competitive job market.

CityU is staying ahead of the game with cutting-edge fields like AI and data science.

Their cybersecurity programs are even recognized by the National Security Agency for being top-notch. You know you'll be learning the freshest, most innovative stuff.

Their grads are landing sick roles like Senior Software Engineer and Chief Technology Officer.

It's clear CityU is all about turning out industry leaders. Just ask any of their former students – they've got this whole academics-meets-industry thing on lock.

If you're looking to level up your tech game, definitely check out City University's School of Technology & Computing and see what they've got going on.

7. North Seattle College


At North Seattle College, you can score a Computer Science degree that's not only top-notch but also affordable and inclusive.

Their curriculum is covering everything from the basics like Introduction to Computer Programming to the advanced stuff in their new Bachelor of Science program.

Their tuition rates are way cheaper than those fancy four-year schools, so people from all walks of life can get their hands on some quality tech education. Plus, they even landed a $3 million grant from Amazon, which is great!

They've got different paths for you to choose from.

You can get prepped for a smooth transfer to universities like the University of Washington, or you can go hands-on with their Information Technology program.

No matter what you're aiming for, they've got your back, whether it's a job straight out the gate or setting you up for that transfer.

Here's the real highlight though - North Seattle College is all about that support.

They've got this Computer Science Academy specifically for first-gen students and those from underrepresented communities. But it doesn't stop there - they've got career counseling, tutoring centers, and all sorts of resources to make sure you're good to go.

It's like they've created this whole ecosystem to help you level up your tech skills and get that support network. With their focus on both technical skills and real-world support, North Seattle College is the place to be if you want to make waves in Seattle's booming tech scene.

8. Seattle Central College


Let me break it down for you about Seattle Central College. This place is all about teaching you the ins and outs of computer science, but with a real-world twist.

Their Computer Science - Associate of Science program is a seven-quarter ride (around 1.75 years) that'll get you prepped in programming languages like Python and Java.

By the time you're done, you'll be ready to tackle gigs like software development and network administration.

But that's not all. Seattle Central also has this inclusive tech education vibe going on.

They offer programs like the Information Technology: Software Development Certificate and Bachelor's degrees.

They've got specialized tracks like Mobile Product Development and Programming too, so you can stay on top of the market demands and open up more career opportunities for yourself.

And if you're looking to level up your game, they've got connections with four-year universities, so you can smoothly transition and pursue further studies or jump into fields like web design or systems administration in Seattle's booming tech scene.

It's no wonder Seattle Central isn't just about the tech grind.

They're all about creating a diverse and welcoming atmosphere for everyone. It's a forward-thinking place that'll not only give you the knowledge but also help you make connections with the local industry.

When you graduate from here, you'll be ready to slay in a city that's at the forefront of tech innovation.

9. Bellevue College


At Bellevue College (BC), their Computer Science degree is all about keeping you flexible and ready to succeed in the ever-changing tech world.

They don't just feed you theory, but also hook you up with hands-on experiences like senior projects to get you prepped for the real deal.

BC has got your back whether you're looking to transfer or go straight for a Bachelor's, like their Data Analytics program.

They've got connections in fields like finance, healthcare, and gaming, so you've got options. And the best part? Their curriculum is constantly evolving to keep up with industry needs and what students actually want to learn.

They're all about catering to different tech realms, especially the hot stuff happening in Seattle's tech scene.

Speaking of Seattle, being so close to tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon means BC students can score sweet internships to put their skills to the test.

Their grads have a solid track record of landing great jobs in the industry. BC knows how to bridge the gap between class and the real world, hooking you up with career advice that'll actually be useful.

They've even got a CS Student Advisory Board to help build that community vibe, and professors like Dr. Fatma Cemile Serce who bring their expertise from working with big names like NSF.

BC hosts career fairs where you can rub elbows with potential employers, and they've got career advancement assistance to make sure you're ready to succeed in Seattle's tech scene after graduation.

It's all part of their mission to link education with real-world opportunities, and they've got the progressive mindset to make it happen.

10. Olympia College - Seattle


Let me tell you about Olympia College - Seattle and why it's the bomb for studying Computer Science.

Their curriculum is fire, designed to give you all the practical tech skills you need to slay in today's digital job market. They don't just hit you with theory; they're all about that hands-on approach to learning, just like The Evergreen State College.

Olympia College wants to empower you to shape the future of tech. Over 60% of your class time is dedicated to getting your hands dirty with projects and lab work.

But that's not all.

Olympia College has tight connections with industry players, so their curriculum is always up-to-date with what employers are looking for, just like Seattle University's Computer Science Degrees.

And they don't just talk the talk - 100% of their projects are sponsored by companies, so you're getting real-world experience from day one. Olympia College is all about keeping you connected to the thriving tech scene in Seattle.

And if you're already working or have other commitments, they've got your back.

Olympia College offers flexible part-time degree options, so you can balance your studies and life like a pro, just like the supportive community at Saint Martin's University.

Almost 40% of their students are part-time, so you won't be alone.

But it's not all work and no play. Olympia College hosts annual hackathons and coding contests, just like the engagement opportunities at places like South Seattle College's Northwest Wine Academy.

It's a great way to flex your creative muscles and meet other tech enthusiasts.

And when you're ready to take that next step into the job market, Olympia College has your back with a solid support system, just like the career guidance at Tacoma Community College.

You'll get career counseling specifically for tech jobs, mentorship from industry leaders, and job fairs that'll help you land that dream gig. Olympia College isn't just about teaching you the skills; they're dedicated to helping you advance your career and fully immersing you in Seattle's vibrant tech scene, giving you real job prospects and opportunities for professional growth.

Concluding Thoughts on Computer Science Education in Seattle


Seattle is like the tech capital of the world, and if you wanna get into computer science, this city has got your back. The University of Washington is killin' it with an 84% graduation rate, and they're always working on the latest and greatest in tech.

Plus, they've got connections with all the major companies, so you'll be set up for success.

But if you're more of a small class kinda person, Seattle University's Computer Science Department has got you covered.

They're all about that personal attention, and they'll hook you up with a sweet job at places like Amazon or Microsoft. And let's not forget Seattle Pacific University, where they mix in some liberal arts with their tech courses, so you'll be a well-rounded badass.

If you're looking for a more hands-on approach, Northeastern University's Seattle campus has co-op programs that'll let you get your feet wet in the real world.

Or if online is more your vibe, City University of Seattle has got online programs for international students and working folks.

And for those on a budget, North Seattle College has affordable options without skimping on quality.

Seattle is constantly evolving and staying ahead of the curve when it comes to tech, so the computer science education here is always on point.

With job growth rates higher than the national average, you'll be set up for success in fields like AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. So if you wanna be a part of shaping the future of tech, Seattle is the place to be.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key metrics reflecting the growth of Seattle's tech industry?

Seattle's tech job listings have increased by 20%, signaling sector growth. Over 90% of local computer science grads find employment or pursue further education within six months post-graduation.

How was the methodology for ranking universities offering Computer Science degrees in Seattle refined?

The methodology incorporated faculty reputation, student satisfaction, research output, graduation rates, and industry connections to assess and rank universities in Seattle for their Computer Science programs.

What experiential learning opportunities are provided by universities in Seattle for Computer Science students?

Students can engage in ongoing tech projects, experience hands-on learning, and collaborate with industry leaders to bridge the gap between academia and the tech industry.

How does Seattle University differ in its approach to Computer Science education?

Seattle University integrates ethical considerations into technology, emphasizes real-world experience, and fosters a commitment to responsible tech innovation.

What differentiates the Computer Science program at City University of Seattle?

City University of Seattle aligns its curriculum with industry demands, provides diverse learning modes, and offers tech industry synergies for a market-relevant education.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible