How to Transition from a Non-Tech Job to Tech in Johannesburg, South Africa

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A vibrant tech scene in Johannesburg, South Africa, illustrating a path from non-tech to tech careers

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Discover how Johannesburg, South Africa, is a tech hub with dynamic opportunities in fintech, healthtech, and more. Transitioning requires showcasing leadership, adaptability, and creativity. Boost your chances with coding bootcamps and networking events aimed at bridging the gap between non-tech and tech roles for a thriving career.

Johannesburg in South Africa is where it's at when it comes to cutting-edge tech, not just locally but across the whole African continent. In 2024, this city's tech game is off the chain, with a dope ICT sector and some seriously rad startups like those featured by Founders Factory Africa.

Johannesburg is on a mission to be a digital powerhouse, attracting major investments and buzz to its innovation hubs like the Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct.

This focus on bridging the digital divide has spawned a ton of startups, making Johannesburg a key player in fintech, edtech, healthtech, and more. The city's booming tech scene is a goldmine of opportunities for aspiring techies, and it's all about embracing diversity and unique skills.

If you're looking to switch careers and dive into tech, Johannesburg is where you wanna be. Embrace your strengths, jump on educational opportunities like Nucamp's coding bootcamps, and network like a boss – that's the key to unlocking a dope tech career in this African city.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Your Value and Skills
  • Learning Opportunities in Johannesburg
  • Networking in Johannesburg's Tech Community
  • Creating a Tech-Friendly CV
  • Preparing for Interviews in the Tech Industry of Johannesburg
  • Landing Your First Tech Job in Johannesburg
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Learn where to find the most influential tech meetups and events in Johannesburg to enhance your networking opportunities.

Understanding Your Value and Skills


Listen up 'cause I'm about to drop some real talk on you. Switching from a non-tech gig to a tech role in Jozi might seem like a massive deal at first, but don't sweat it.

The tech scene in this vibrant city is starting to recognize the value of having a diverse skill set.

According to the latest market analyses, communication, problem-solving, and project management are like the holy trinity of transferable skills that tech companies in Jozi are thirsty for.

A study by the Tech Talent South Africa Report showed that 70% of tech firms in Jozi rate soft skills as equally or more important than technical skills. That's a major opportunity for peeps coming from non-tech backgrounds to make the leap into tech roles.

Some of the non-tech skills that are mad valuable in Jozi's tech industry include:

  • Leadership: The ability to lead teams and projects to the promised land.
  • Adaptability: Quickly adjusting to new technologies and workflows like a chameleon.
  • Creative Thinking: Bringing innovative solutions to complex problems like a boss.

The CEO of a top tech startup in Jozi summed it up perfectly: "In our rapidly evolving tech landscape, the ability to learn and adapt is priceless.

We value the diverse perspectives that professionals from non-tech industries bring to our team." Companies across the board are actively seeking candidates who can bridge the gap between technical and non-technical realms.

According to the Johannesburg Tech Skillset Index (2022), candidates who demonstrate strong non-technical competencies are 30% more likely to score a job in the tech industry compared to those with a narrow technical focus alone.

Emphasizing these skills on your CV and during interviews can significantly boost your chances of making a successful career pivot into Jozi's thriving tech scene.

For practical guidance on this transition, the Short guide to transferable skills offers actionable tips on how interpersonal, planning, and organization skills are crucial.

Additionally, for a deep dive into the tech ecosystem, the South Africa - Information Technology report outlines the varied opportunities within Jozi's tech market, emphasizing the demand for those proficient in cloud-based services, cybersecurity, and e-commerce software.

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Learning Opportunities in Johannesburg


Jozi's tech scene is blowing up! If you're looking to break into the tech game from a non-tech background, there's a ton of coding bootcamps, tech courses, and workshops to get you started.

In 2024, Jozi's gonna be hosting some dope coding bootcamps to suit whatever vibe you're going for. Whether you're down for intense full-time programs like HyperionDev and WeThinkCode_ (which is free for 2 years, by the way), or you prefer part-time and flexible options like Umuzi Academy's free one-year paid coding learnerships, there's something for everyone.

But picking the right program is key for your success in the tech world.

Here's what you should keep in mind:

  • Check out the curriculum: Make sure it covers the tech and programming languages you're interested in. Some bootcamps specialize in web and app dev, data science, and more.
  • Consider the learning format: Do you want an in-person, immersive experience or the flexibility of online learning? Some like WeThinkCode_ are fully online with in-person code clinics and mentors, giving you the best of both worlds.
  • Look into post-bootcamp support: Find programs with solid career services and networking opportunities in Jozi's tech ecosystem. Good post-bootcamp support can seriously boost your chances of landing a job.

But Jozi's tech scene isn't just about coding bootcamps.

There are tech workshops and courses covering everything from basic programming to specialized fields like AI and data science. The Gauteng Provincial Government even offers free digital skills training sessions for tech enthusiasts at all levels.

Choosing the right educational path in Jozi isn't just about the course content, but also the network and opportunities each program opens up.

As one local tech recruiter put it, "The value of a coding bootcamp isn't just the skills you learn, but the doors it opens in Johannesburg's burgeoning tech community." It's this mix of education and networking that makes Jozi an exciting place to launch your tech career transition.

Networking in Johannesburg's Tech Community


Joburg's tech scene is legit It's a hot spot for innovation and opportunities, so networking is a must if you wanna make moves from non-tech roles. Getting involved in the local tech communities and events can put you on the fast track to success.

We've got dope events like AI Expo Africa, TECHSPO Johannesburg, and all sorts of tech conferences that showcase the variety and vibes of our tech scene.

These events are the perfect place to learn, share ideas, and connect with like-minded peeps and industry bosses. There are also niche events like the Johannesburg International Women's Day (IWD) 2024 focusing on tech, and the always lit Cyber Security Summit, so you can explore different areas of tech.

Joining tech communities, both online and IRL, is another smart move. Facebook groups like "Tech Startups Johannesburg" and LinkedIn's "Johannesburg IT Network" are hubs for sharing opportunities, insights, and resources.

Plus, co-working spaces like JoziHub foster a collab culture, often hosting hackathons and incubator programs. Events like the Marketing Tech Gathering 2024 and other Eventbrite-listed tech events in Joburg give you a chance to dive deep and network in specialized fields.

For you newbies trying to make your entrance into Joburg's tech scene, here's what you need to do:

  • a) Networking: Attend at least one tech networking event monthly to explore diverse areas from data science to cybersecurity.
  • b) Community Engagement: Join relevant online forums and utilize platforms like and Eventbrite to stay updated on upcoming tech gatherings.
  • c) Visibility: Demonstrating your enthusiasm and skills through personal projects can significantly elevate your visibility within these communities.

Bottom line, building connections and constantly learning are key to navigating and killing it in Joburg's tech industry.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Creating a Tech-Friendly CV


If you're trying to hop on that tech wave in Joburg, you gotta switch up your CV game. They're not looking for some boring list of jobs – they want to see what you can actually do.

First things first, slap a dope objective on there that shows you're all about that tech life.

Then hit 'em with a Skills section where you flex your coding muscles and show off those soft skills like teamwork and problem-solving.

But here's the real money-maker: the Projects section.

This is where you show off any cool stuff you've built, whether it's a personal project or something you contributed to on GitHub. Trust me, hiring managers in Joburg are all about that hands-on experience.

Don't forget to talk about any tech courses or bootcamps you've done, especially if they were in Joburg.

That's a major flex.

And when it comes to the layout, keep it clean and professional. Use bullet points and bold text to make it pop. As one recruiter put it, "How you present your skills and projects says a lot about how you approach work." So, make it count.

At the end of the day, it's all about showing them you're a tech-savvy boss who can bring the heat.

So, get that CV looking fresh and watch those job offers roll in!

Preparing for Interviews in the Tech Industry of Johannesburg


If you're looking to crush those tech job interviews in Joburg, you gotta be on point with both your tech skills and your soft skills. It's all about striking that perfect balance.

Sure, you need to know your coding languages, frameworks, and tools like the back of your hand.

But don't sleep on those soft skills either. Employers in Joburg are all about candidates who can communicate effectively, work well in a team, and solve problems like a boss.

Be ready to answer questions like:

  • How do you stay updated with the latest tech developments? - Show 'em how you're always learning and networking.
  • Describe a difficult problem you solved in a previous project. - Flex your analytical skills and creativity.
  • How do you prioritize your tasks in a project with tight deadlines? - Prove you've got that time management game on lock.
  • What's your greatest weakness and how are you working on it? - Honesty and self-awareness go a long way.

It's not just about the solution, though.

You gotta be able to explain your thought process and how you approach problem-solving. And don't forget to have some real-life stories ready to demonstrate your leadership, conflict resolution, and adaptability skills.

When it comes to the technical side, make sure you know the specific tech they're looking for, whether it's Python, Java, or any other tools and frameworks.

But don't just tell 'em, show 'em! If you've got a portfolio or projects that showcase your skills, make sure to bring them up during the interview.

And remember, interviews are a two-way street.

Ask questions about their tech stack, project methodologies, and team culture. It shows you're genuinely interested and a good fit for the role.

So, keep your tech game strong, but don't forget to bring those soft skills to the table too.

With that perfect combo, you'll be unstoppable in Joburg's tech job market.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Landing Your First Tech Job in Johannesburg


Trying to land your first tech gig in Jozi, the tech capital of SA? It's all about that hustle. You gotta play the game smart, network like a boss, and show off your mad skills.

Check this out:

According to, Jozi is where it's at with over 35% of SA's tech talent.

Big names like Microsoft and IBM are killing it here, and startups are popping up left and right. Get involved in the local tech scene, hit up meetups and conferences to connect with your peeps and potential employers.

And don't sleep on LinkedIn. Use it to flex your tech projects and get in on industry convos.

Speaking of projects, that's your golden ticket. OfferZen says devs in SA usually land a job within a month, so the demand is real.

Your projects are like a showcase of your skills, problem-solving abilities, and that you're always hungry to learn. When you're applying, make sure your CV and cover letter highlight:

  • Your dope personal projects, detailing the tech you used and problems you solved.
  • Any open-source contributions or active participation in coding communities. says a lot of companies in Jozi are going remote, so you gotta bring your A-game online too.

Polish that digital presence, keep it professional, and let your skills shine through. In the end, landing your first tech job in Jozi's tech scene is all about networking, owning your online presence, and flexing those personal projects.

Do it right, and you'll be unstoppable in this vibrant city.

Frequently Asked Questions


What skills are valuable when transitioning from a non-tech job to tech in Johannesburg?

Skills like leadership, adaptability, and creative thinking are valuable when transitioning from a non-tech job to tech in Johannesburg. Soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and project management are also highly sought after in the tech industry.

What are some examples of non-tech skills important in Johannesburg's tech industry?

Leadership skills to drive teams, adaptability to new technologies, and creative thinking to innovate solutions are examples of non-tech skills important in Johannesburg's tech industry.

How can coding bootcamps and tech courses in Johannesburg help with a career transition to tech?

Coding bootcamps and tech courses in Johannesburg offer opportunities to learn relevant technologies, programming languages, and skills essential for a tech career. They also provide networking opportunities within Johannesburg's tech ecosystem.

Why is networking important when transitioning to a tech role in Johannesburg?

Networking is crucial when transitioning to a tech role in Johannesburg as it provides opportunities to learn, share, and connect with industry professionals and leaders. Joining tech communities, attending tech events, and engaging online can open doors in Johannesburg's tech landscape.

What should be included in a tech-friendly CV for job hunting in Johannesburg?

A tech-friendly CV for job hunting in Johannesburg should highlight relevant skills, projects, and educational background related to the tech industry. Emphasize practical experience, tech-related courses or bootcamps attended, and showcase hands-on tech abilities to attract tech employers.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible