Remote Tech Jobs: Can You Work Internationally from Johannesburg, South Africa?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Remote worker in Johannesburg looking at the city skyline

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Remote work in Johannesburg, South Africa has surged, with 65% of tech firms offering remote options in 2023. Challenges like power outages and time zone differences exist, but benefits include cost savings and global exposure. Legal and tax considerations are crucial, alongside networking and setting up efficient home workspaces.

Remote work has been increasing in Johannesburg, and it's becoming a significant development for tech professionals in the area. As of 2023, a significant 65% of tech companies in Johannesburg are embracing remote or flexible work, demonstrating that decentralized digital work is the new trend.

This trend is supported by the solid tech infrastructure in the region, with fast internet and a growing number of co-working spaces making remote work a viable option for many.

Johannesburg's appeal for tech professionals is boosted by a vibrant startup scene and the presence of major global tech players, opening up a world of opportunities for skilled workers.

However, remote work from Johannesburg is not without its challenges. You have to deal with frequent power outages and unstable internet connections at times, which can disrupt your remote work flow.

Additionally, the time difference with tech hubs like Silicon Valley means you have to be flexible with your schedule. Despite these obstacles, the benefits – saving on commute costs, better work-life balance, and the opportunity to tap into international job markets – often make remote work worthwhile.

As we delve deeper, you'll gain insights on navigating the intricacies of international remote work from Johannesburg, including legal advice, job hunting tips, and strategies for setting up an efficient home workspace, plus related Nucamp articles on landing U.S. tech jobs and more.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding International Remote Work from Johannesburg
  • Finding Remote Tech Jobs from Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Setting Up Your Home Office in Johannesburg
  • Networking and Community in Johannesburg
  • Navigating Taxes and Finances for Remote Workers in Johannesburg
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Understanding International Remote Work from Johannesburg


Let me break it down for you.

These days, a lot of people in Jozi are working remotely for companies overseas, and it's a pretty sweet deal. You get to do your job from the comfort of your crib without having to move abroad.

Talk about flexibility! But it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

When you're working for a foreign company, you gotta stay on top of the legal stuff.

Different countries have different rules about employment, taxes, and worker's rights, so you can't just wing it. And with digital nomad visas popping up in spots like Mauritius and Cape Verde, South Africans have even more options to work abroad, but you gotta make sure you're following the visa and tax laws.

Another major thing is dealing with time zone differences.

If your boss is halfway across the world, you might have to work some weird hours to sync up with their schedule. It's all about getting familiar with the time differences and making it work.

To really slay this remote work game from Jozi, here's what you need to do:

  • Get clued up on the tax situation in both the company's country and South Africa. Bowmans Law has some insights on the tax pros and cons of remote work.
  • Negotiate your terms with your employer, so you're both on the same page about working hours, availability, and communication.

And don't sleep on the tech tools.

Scheduling apps and real-time collaboration software can be game-changers for working across time zones. As one Jozi remote worker put it, "It's all about being flexible and communicating clearly, so you can be part of the global team, no matter where you're based." With the right mindset, tech, and legal savvy, you can crush this international remote work thing from the heart of Jozi.

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Finding Remote Tech Jobs from Johannesburg, South Africa


Finding that sweet remote tech job from Jozi can be a whole vibe, but you gotta play your cards right. First up, get your setup on lock - solid internet and a dope workspace, ya dig? Once that's sorted, hit up sites like this one to get the lowdown on prepping for that remote life.

Next, scope out the prime spots for scoring those dollar-paying remote gigs, like We Work Remotely,, and FlexJobs.

Jozi been landing international tech roles through these bad boys.

Don't sleep on LinkedIn either. That global network is clutch for not just finding jobs but getting a read on the companies hiring remote.

And make sure your resume is on point - highlight those remote skills like being self-motivated, a communication boss, and a time management king. That'll make you stand out like a sore thumb.

But it ain't just about the online grind.

Get out there and network at local tech meetups and forums in Jozi. That's where you'll find the real gems - job opps and insider tips on nailing those applications.

Take it from Thabo M., that software dev who landed a sweet gig with a European startup by staying persistent and putting himself out there on Twitter and GitHub.

At the end of the day, securing that remote tech job from Jozi is all about prepping yourself for the remote lifestyle, leveraging the right online platforms, tailoring your application to show off those remote-ready skills, and tapping into the local and online tech communities.

Stay grinding, stay networking, and that international remote role will be yours in no time.

Setting Up Your Home Office in Johannesburg


Setting up a dope home office in Jozi ain't just about picking out some furniture. It's about optimizing your space for maximum grind and comfort. Check it, the guide on Creating the Ultimate Home Office breaks it down - essentials like an ergonomic chair and a well-sized desk are key for keeping your posture on point and chilling comfortably during those long grinds, straight up boosting your productivity and health.

And don't sleep on innovative storage solutions, those can help keep your space organized and clutter-free, crucial for staying focused and efficient. Implementing strategic storage and ergonomic furniture can seriously level up your productivity, with like 70% of remote workers reporting an improvement with an ergonomic setup.

When it comes to connectivity, a vital component with Jozi's varying network coverage, ensuring a solid internet setup is crucial. With power outages being a thing, having backup solutions like a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) unit becomes a must-have to protect your work progress and expensive electronics.

Investing in home office essentials that enhance comfort and efficiency, like laptop stands for eye-level screen viewing and cozy couches for breaks, can also elevate your working experience.

And creating an ambient workspace with elements that promote wellbeing, like plants for fresher air and a better mood, and appropriate lighting, which can seriously influence your productivity levels.

A productive workspace design also considers the importance of high-speed internet and adequate climate control to maintain an optimal working temperature, crucial for Jozi's diverse climate.

Ensuring these elements are locked in can transform your home office in Jozi into a productivity powerhouse and a wellbeing sanctuary, paving the way for a successful remote working experience.

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Networking and Community in Johannesburg


Gotta talk to you about something super important if you're a remote worker in Joburg. You know how hard it is to find a decent tech job these days, right? Well, 85% of tech jobs are filled through networking! Crazy, right?

That means you gotta be out there, mingling with the right people and making connections.

Don't just sit on your couch all day scrolling through job boards (not that there's anything wrong with a little couch time, ya feel me?). Joburg has some dope tech events coming up in 2024, like the IT & Technology Events, the TECHSPO Johannesburg 2024, and the Tech In Business Summit (TIBS) 2024.

These are the places to be if you wanna meet the big dogs in the industry and maybe even score some sweet networking opportunities.

But hey, networking isn't just about showing up to events (although that's a good start).

You also gotta get involved in online communities like "Tech Johannesburg" on LinkedIn and the "Johannesburg Tech Workers" Slack channel. These places are gold mines for:

  • Networking: Job listings tailored to the Joburg tech market
  • Education: Webinars and online workshops on the latest tech trends
  • Community: Discussion forums where you can ask questions, debate, and share knowledge with your fellow tech peeps

It's not just about who you know – it's about who knows you, ya dig? If you want to make it in the remote tech game in Joburg, you gotta put yourself out there.

Get involved in these local events and online communities, contribute to the conversations, and let people know you're a force to be reckoned with. It's not just about your individual career growth; it's about building a strong, supportive community for all the remote workers in Joburg.

Together, we can turn this city into a tech hub that'll make Silicon Valley jealous. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start networking, my friend!

Navigating Taxes and Finances for Remote Workers in Johannesburg


Let's talk about the grind of taxes and finances for remote workers in Jozi working for international companies. First up, tax obligations are a whole thing for Jozi residents, whether you're chilling at home or working from a beach in Bali.

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) wants a piece of your global income, no matter where you're earning it from. So, if you're remotely working for a company in, let's say, the US, you gotta declare that cash in SA. But don't stress, South Africa has double taxation agreements with many countries, which could mean less tax for you.

Plus, there are some proposed changes affecting non-resident employers to make sure they're playing by SA's tax rules.

It's a good idea to hit up a tax professional to help you navigate this maze.

Next up, managing your money and currency conversion can be a real headache when you're working internationally.

The Rand (ZAR) is always fluctuating against other currencies, so you gotta be strategic:

  • Get a multi-currency bank account to minimize the hit from exchange rates.
  • Keep an eye on exchange rates and convert your earnings when the rates are favorable.
  • Invest in a solid currency conversion app or tool to track real-time data and make informed decisions.

Finally, let's talk about handling those international payments.

As a Jozi remote worker, you'll want to:

  1. Pick payment platforms with lower fees and competitive exchange rates; popular options are PayPal, Wise (formerly TransferWise), and Revolut.
  2. Consider the turnaround time, some platforms might process your transactions faster than others.
  3. Be aware of the tax implications of international transfers and how they impact your overall income.

As one fellow Jozi remote worker put it,

"Keeping up with currency trends and using tech to manage my finances has been a game-changer."

It's all about being proactive and resourceful with your money.

And don't sleep on platforms like Snaphunt, they've got global business knowledge and financial expertise that could help you out.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What percentage of tech firms in Johannesburg have embraced remote or flexible work arrangements?

As of 2023, an impressive 65% of tech firms in Johannesburg have embraced remote or flexible work arrangements.

What are some of the hurdles of pursuing remote work from Johannesburg?

Challenges of remote work from Johannesburg include frequent power outages and occasional internet unreliability, as well as time zone differences with principal tech centers like Silicon Valley.

How can individuals based in Johannesburg navigate legal considerations in international remote work?

Johannesburg-based employees engaging in international remote work must navigate different countries' employment laws, tax obligations, and employment rights, which can vary significantly from South African laws.

What platforms are recommended for finding remote tech jobs from Johannesburg?

Platforms like, FlexJobs, and leveraging LinkedIn's global network are recommended for finding remote tech jobs from Johannesburg.

How can remote workers in Johannesburg set up a productive home office?

Setting up a productive home office in Johannesburg involves choosing essential furniture like ergonomic chairs and desks, ensuring a robust internet setup, and creating an ambient workspace that promotes well-being and productivity.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible