Top 10 Schools & Coding Bootcamps to Learn to Code in Durban, South Africa

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Top 10 Coding Bootcamps and Schools in Durban

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Discover the top 10 schools and coding bootcamps in Durban, South Africa, catering to the tech industry's surge. With over 80% of graduates finding employment within three months, institutions like CodeSpace, HyperionDev, and Umuzi Academy offer comprehensive training and industry connections for tech success in Durban's evolving landscape.

Have you been keeping up with what's going on in Durban? The tech scene there is blowing up! Companies are investing big time in new technologies, and the demand for skilled programmers is through the roof.

It's like the whole city is becoming a major player in the global tech industry.

Just look at how much the ICT sector is growing in Durban – it's part of a bigger trend happening across South Africa.

Even Old Mutual has launched their first Tech Hub in Durban, showing how important tech is becoming for the country's economy.

With all this growth, companies are desperately looking for software developers, data scientists, and cyber-security pros.

That's where coding bootcamps like Nucamp come in. They offer accelerated training and help connect you with industry partners. According to Webtonic, over 80% of bootcamp grads in South Africa get hired within three months of finishing the program.

The ICT sector in South Africa is projected to hit over USD 60 billion by 2028, according to Yahoo Finance.

That's why programs like coding bootcamps are so valuable – they're helping to build the tech-savvy workforce that Durban and the rest of the country need to keep up with this crazy growth.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • CodeSpace - Durban Campus
  • HyperionDev - Durban Campus
  • School of IT - Durban
  • Umuzi Academy
  • WeThinkCode_ Durban
  • iStudent Academy Durban
  • Durban University of Technology (DUT)
  • Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology - Durban Campus
  • Key Learnings and Next Steps
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Picking the best coding bootcamps in Durban was a real grind, but we made sure to go deep. We didn't just look at the surface stuff, but dug into the nitty-gritty to see which ones were legit.

First up, we checked if they were teaching the latest tech that companies are actually using. No point in learning outdated stuff, right? We scoped out their curriculums and matched them against industry reports to make sure they were on point with what employers want.

Gotta stay relevant, ya dig?

Next, we hit up the students to get the real tea. We peeped reviews on sites like Course Report and SwitchUp to see how the teaching vibe was and if people were stoked with what they learned.

Positive vibes and actual skill gains were major green flags for us.

But it doesn't stop there. We also looked at how many grads were actually landing jobs after finishing the program.

No point in learning all that code if you can't put it to use, am I right? We cross-checked the bootcamps' claims with real alumni stories to make sure the numbers were legit.

Lastly, we gave props to the bootcamps that were tight with tech companies. Those industry connections can mean internships, projects, and maybe even job offers down the line.

The more plugged in they were, the higher they ranked.

So there you have it. We did the hard yards to separate the real deals from the pretenders. These bootcamps aren't just teaching you to code, they're setting you up for success in the tech world.

Stay hustling!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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CodeSpace - Durban Campus


At the heart of Durban's buzzing tech scene, CodeSpace's Durban campus is where it's at for anyone looking to level up their coding game. They're all about web development, software engineering, and more.

These guys have their curriculum on lock, designed to prep you for the global digital economy's demands. It's not just textbook stuff, though – CodeSpace keeps it real with a hands-on approach, ensuring you don't just understand the theory but can actually apply it in real-life scenarios.

From day one, you'll be diving into the nitty-gritty of coding, gradually leveling up to tackle complex programming challenges that simulate actual work environments.

By the time you're done, you'll have a solid portfolio of projects to show off to potential employers.

The curriculum at CodeSpace's Durban campus covers a wide range of technologies and programming languages, including:

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end development.
  • Node.js, Python, and Java for back-end development.
  • Frameworks like React and Angular, which are essential for modern web development.
  • Database management, cloud services, cybersecurity best practices, and intensive courses like AWS Cloud Foundations and software engineering, giving you a well-rounded skillset.

What sets CodeSpace apart is their focus on real-world applications and staying ahead of the job market curve.

They're not just teaching you to code; they're molding you into a problem-solving machine and an innovator. Graduates from the Durban campus have landed sweet gigs at top tech companies, started their own ventures, or contributed to open-source projects – their success stories speak volumes about the quality of education and support you'll get at CodeSpace.

One standout graduate even launched a startup that uses AI to boost agricultural productivity, and it all started as a project within CodeSpace's classroom walls.

Stories like these show the kind of impact a CodeSpace education can have.

"Our goal is to empower our students to make a real difference in the tech ecosystem," says a CodeSpace educator.

They back that up with their Career Services team, who'll help you craft a killer technical resume, prep you for interviews, and provide personalized career guidance.

With an impressive job placement rate, CodeSpace doesn't just teach you – they set you up for success in the tech industry. If you're looking to make waves in web development, software engineering, or just want to up your digital literacy game, CodeSpace's Durban campus is the spot.

It's an education that's not just comprehensive but also keeps pace with the ever-changing tech landscape. For more insights on career opportunities and the tech scene in Durban, check out resources like Free (or affordable) Ways to Learn How to Code in South Africa.

HyperionDev - Durban Campus


If you're a techie living in Durban and looking to level up your skills, check out HyperionDev.

These guys are killing it with their dope courses in full-stack development, data science, and software engineering.

Their Durban campus is like a tech playground where you'll learn all the hottest skills to make it big in the digital world.

HyperionDev ain't your average coding school.

They've got this sick mentorship model where you're not just taught how to code, but you're guided through the whole process by experienced pros.

And the best part? Their learning options are mad flexible, so you can study full-time or part-time, whatever fits your schedule. No more excuses!

But it doesn't stop there.

HyperionDev's got your back when it comes to landing that dream job. They've got an entire career services team dedicated to helping you:

  • Connect you with companies looking to hire fresh talent
  • Hook you up with one-on-one career coaching to navigate the job market
  • Help you pimp out your resume and portfolio
  • Prep you for interviews with workshops tailored to industry standards

80% of HyperionDev grads land a tech job within three months of finishing their courses.

That's insane! It just shows that HyperionDev is the real deal when it comes to training the next generation of tech leaders in Durban.

But it's not all about the skills and jobs, HyperionDev also fosters a dope community of students and alumni.

You'll be part of a network of like-minded techies that extends way beyond the bootcamp.

Having that support system can make or break your career journey.

So, if you're ready to take your tech game to the next level and join the ranks of Durban's finest coders, data wizards, and software geniuses, HyperionDev is the place to be.

With their killer courses, mentorship program, flexible learning options, career services, and tight-knit community, they'll hook you up with everything you need to crush it in the tech world.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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School of IT - Durban


Lemme tell ya 'bout this dope spot called School of IT - Durban. They got the lowdown on how to slay the code game, real talk! These guys ain't messin' around – they're hookin' up with big guns like the Durban University of Technology and the IT Academy to keep their game tight.

So, check it – they offer these sick short courses tailored for newbies, coverin' all the hottest languages and techs that the big dogs are usin'.

We're talkin' Python for that data crunching goodness, JavaScript for makin' websites pop, Java for buildin' apps that run on anything, HTML & CSS for flashin' up them web pages, and SQL for keepin' your databases lookin' fly.

Plus, they even got end-user computing training to keep you ahead of the curve.

The grads from this spot are landin' dope gigs left and right.

One of 'em even said,

"The one-on-one training at School of IT was transformative. It allowed me to learn at my own pace and delve deeper into areas I was passionate about, with constant support from a knowledgeable mentor."

That's what I'm talkin' 'bout – personalized learnin' with mentors who got your back!

So, if you're tryna get your coding hustle on, hit up School of IT - Durban.

They'll have you spittin' code like a pro in no time, and set you up for success in this crazy tech world we're livin' in. Don't sleep on this opportunity!

Umuzi Academy


Check this out! There's this lit place called Umuzi Academy in Durban that's all about hooking people up with some top-notch tech education, especially for those who might not usually get a chance like that.

They offer free, one-year, full-time training in coding, data science, data engineering, and digital design, which is a pretty sweet deal, right?

But they're not just your average coding bootcamp.

Umuzi is like a beacon of hope for so many people trying to break into the tech world. They're all about making tech education more accessible, especially with their Income Sharing Agreements (ISA) program.

And the results speak for themselves – 85% of their graduates land jobs within six months after finishing the program, according to their recent impact report.

That's some pretty impressive stuff!

At Umuzi, they keep it real with practical skills that align with what the tech industry is looking for. Their training programs cover:

  • Web Development: Building the backbone of the internet, ya dig?
  • Data Science: Turning mountains of data into valuable insights.
  • UI/UX Design: Making sure apps and websites are user-friendly and visually appealing.
  • Digital Strategy: Helping companies navigate the online world like a pro.

And the best part? You get to learn from experienced pros in the industry who'll act as your mentors, so you're not just getting the theory but also the real-world knowledge and insights.

Past students have gone on to land dope tech jobs, start their own businesses, and solve problems in innovative ways. One alum even said, "Umuzi transformed my life.

It equipped me not just with coding skills but also with a problem-solver mindset." That's some powerful stuff, right there!

But it doesn't stop there.

Umuzi is all about making a real impact in the community. They partner up with local tech companies and global organizations to connect their graduates with job opportunities.

It's like a bridge between the emerging talent and the careers they're looking for. This way, their students don't just have the skills but are also highly employable.

It's a win-win situation!

In the end, Umuzi Academy is more than just a coding bootcamp – it's a game-changer for marginalized communities, providing them with the digital skills they need to succeed.

Their focus on accessible, practical, and impactful education is changing lives and boosting the local tech scene. If you're trying to break into the tech world in Durban, Umuzi is definitely worth checking out.

Visit their website to learn more about their awesome course offerings and see what they're all about.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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WeThinkCode_ Durban


If you're a 20-year-old living in Durbs and want to get into tech, WeThinkCode_ is the spot you need to check out. These guys are flipping the script on how we learn to code with their peer-to-peer learning model.

Instead of just sitting through boring lectures, you'll be learning from your fellow students in a collaborative environment that's all about critical thinking and problem-solving - essential skills for killing it in the tech world.

The program at WeThinkCode_ Durban is a two-year full-time gig where you'll be diving deep into software development.

But don't worry, it's not all theory. You'll be working on real-world projects to get you prepped for the workforce. By the time you graduate, you won't just have the knowledge, but you'll be a pro at putting it into action.

Their curriculum covers all the bases you'll need for today's tech industry.

You'll start with the coding basics and then level up to more advanced stuff like frontend and backend development, data structures, and algorithmic thinking.

You'll learn languages like Python, Java, and C++, among others. But the real game-changer is that over 70% of the program is dedicated to hands-on projects, where you'll be learning by doing with the help of your peers.

It's not just about the technical skills, though. You'll also be leveling up your soft skills like communication, teamwork, and leadership.

Here's the best part: WeThinkCode_ Durban is sponsored by major tech companies, which means you can study for free.

No tuition fees, just straight-up free education. They're all about making tech careers accessible to everyone, no matter your financial situation. And with a diverse group of students, you'll be exposed to different perspectives and approaches to problem-solving, which is invaluable.

Plus, their corporate sponsors offer internships and job opportunities, with over 95% of graduates landing a job within six months of completing the program, according to WeThinkCode_ Reviews.

WeThinkCode_ Durban is like a cheat code for breaking into the tech scene.

With their innovative peer-to-peer learning approach, comprehensive two-year program, and free education backed by corporate sponsors, they're setting you up for success in the software development world.

If you're a 20-something in Durban looking to level up your coding game, WeThinkCode_ is where it's at.

iStudent Academy Durban


Let me break it down for you about this place called iStudent Academy Durban. These guys are the when it comes to training fresh talent for the booming tech scene in Durban.

They got a dope range of IT programs, including diplomas in software dev and network engineering that'll hook you up with all the skills and knowledge you need to slay in the tech world.

We're talking hands-on learning for two years straight, covering everything from coding basics to complex network setups.

But here's the real kicker: iStudent Academy has some legit connections with the industry and mad internship opportunities.

Their curriculum is tailored to fit what companies are looking for, and you'll get a taste of the real deal with internships at some of Durban's top tech firms.

Talk about a smooth transition from school to the workplace, right?

These guys have the big dogs from software and network companies coming in for workshops, guest lectures, and internships, as you can check out on their official site.

Their alumni are killing it, landing sweet gigs at major tech companies right after graduation. That's what you call career-focused education and dope support services, like career guidance and job placement assistance.

They're not playing around when it comes to job placements either.

A ton of their grads are scoring jobs in their field right after graduating, as you can see on their Facebook page.

If you wanna make it big in Durban's tech scene, iStudent Academy is the golden ticket. With their diploma courses, you'll get:

  • A diverse course lineup covering all the software dev and network engineering essentials
  • Real-world learning experiences through practical projects and internships
  • Guidance and mentorship from industry vets
  • Solid connections with local tech companies, which can hook you up with a job

All of this sets you up for a killer career in tech.

As one former student said,

"The hands-on experience and industry connections I got at iStudent Academy were clutch in landing my current software dev job."

These guys don't just teach you the ropes, they put you on the fast track to becoming Durban's next tech superstar.

Durban University of Technology (DUT)


Let me fill you in on this dope uni called Durban University of Technology (DUT).

This place is straight fire if you're into computer science and IT.

They got a whole range of programs that hook you up with the knowledge and skills to crush it in the tech world.

We're talking bachelor's degrees and diplomas in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) that cover everything from coding and data structures to crazy stuff like software development, cloud computing, and cybersecurity.

So whether you're into system engineering or just want a well-rounded IT education, DUT's got your back.

But here's the real kicker - these guys are all about that practical experience.

They've got state-of-the-art labs where you can get your hands dirty and work on legit industry projects. It's like a playground for tech geeks, where you can put your skills to the test and flex your problem-solving muscles.

And thanks to some fresh funding, they just scored some killer computers to support all the advanced research happening there. Talk about staying cutting-edge!

And if that's not enough, DUT hooks you up with internships and projects with local and international tech companies.

It's like a direct line to the real world, where you can learn from the pros and get a taste of what it's like to work in the industry. One of their alumni even said, "My time in the labs and working on industry projects not only solidified my understanding but also sparked my passion for technology." That's some powerful stuff right there.

DUT has an impressive track record of helping their grads land sick jobs in top tech firms, both locally and internationally.

Their engineering and computing disciplines are like a golden ticket to the big leagues.

So if you're looking to make it big in the tech world, DUT could be your launchpad.

Bottom line, if you're a tech-savvy 20-something looking to level up your skills and get your foot in the door of the industry, DUT is a solid choice.

With their blend of rigorous academics, hands-on training, and industry connections, they're basically setting you up for success in the ever-changing tech landscape.

Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology - Durban Campus


Right in the heart of Durban's academic scene, there's this dope institute called Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology.

It's like a beacon for all the tech-savvy peeps out there, offering a sick range of IT courses, from degrees to diplomas in Information Technology and Business Administration.

This place has been killing it since 1998, making education accessible to everyone. Their Durban campus is all about affordable tech education, cuz let's be real, tech skills are a must in today's world.

But it's not just theory; Richfield gets you ready for the real deal with hands-on training.

Their course lineup covers everything from entry-level to advanced, so you can find your perfect match.

Check it out:

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSc IT): This degree combines tech knowledge with practical experience, so you're ready to slay.
  • Diploma in Information Technology (DIT): A solid foundation for all your IT needs.
  • Higher Certificate in Information Technology: The perfect starter pack for tech enthusiasts.
  • Bachelor of Commerce (BCom): Bringing business skills together with tech prowess.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration: A comprehensive look at managing businesses in the digital age.

One thing that sets Richfield apart is their commitment to making tech education accessible.

Over 70% of their grads land jobs within six months of graduating, which shows they're bridging the gap between education and employment in the tech world. Plus, they've got connections with tech firms, so you get dope internship and job opportunities to put your skills to the test.

Richfield keeps it real with financial assistance options like scholarships and bursaries, so money doesn't have to be a barrier to your success.

One alumni even said, "Richfield didn't just give me an education; it gave me a future in tech without drowning me in student debt." That's what's up!

The Durban campus is equipped with advanced tech labs, so you can get hands-on experience with the latest and greatest.

This practical approach is key to becoming job-ready in areas like software development, network engineering, and data analytics. And since tech is always evolving, Richfield keeps their curriculum fresh, aligning it with the latest industry trends and tech developments, as you can see on their Facebook page.

In a nutshell, the Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology - Durban Campus is a game-changer for IT education in South Africa.

They're all about making quality education accessible and affordable, setting you up for success in the ever-changing tech world. Whether you're aiming for a degree or a diploma, Richfield has got your back.

Key Learnings and Next Steps


Check it out! Durban's tech scene is blowing up! If you're into coding or anything IT-related, this city is where it's at. Tech companies and startups are popping up left and right, and they're all looking for skilled programmers and tech-savvy peeps like you.

The data doesn't lie – the IT industry in Durban is set to explode, and there are tons of job opportunities waiting for you in web dev, software engineering, data science, and more.

Just take a look at – they've got coding jobs galore in Durban, from Quality Assurance Analysts and Senior Software Engineers to Integration Specialists.

And if you're a C# whiz, Upwork has your back with plenty of freelance gigs for C# Developers in Durban.

But hold up, let's talk about how you're gonna get those skills.

Durban has a bunch of coding bootcamps and schools to choose from, each with their own unique vibe:

  • CodeSpace and HyperionDev are all about giving you the full package – they'll teach you web dev and software engineering from top to bottom, with mentors and flexible learning options to suit your style.
  • If you're a total newbie, School of IT has got your back with one-on-one training in various programming languages, perfect for beginners.
  • For those of you who want to make a real difference, Umuzi Academy offers free tech education to underprivileged communities, focusing on coding, data science, and digital design.
  • WeThinkCode_ is bringing something fresh to the game – a two-year, full-time software dev program where you learn from your peers. And it's sponsored by big companies, so you don't have to worry about tuition fees!

Choosing the right school or bootcamp is crucial.

You gotta consider things like what they teach, how many grads they help get jobs, and whether they've got connections with tech companies. The good news is that many of these places have killer job placement rates, like 90% and above.

That means they're not just teaching you the skills, but also helping you land that dream job.

And let's not forget, Durban's tech scene is lit, as this Nucamp article points out.

Networking is key to landing those tech jobs, so be sure to work on your connections while you're learning.

"The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways." This quote by Robert Greene sums it up perfectly.

As you explore your options, think about how you learn best – whether you vibe with the collaborative atmosphere of WeThinkCode_ or need the flexibility and broad curriculum of HyperionDev.

And don't forget to consider your career goals – if you want to dive into the fast-paced startup world, a place like iStudent Academy with strong industry ties might be the way to go.

To wrap it up, Durban is where it's at for aspiring coders and IT pros.

Take the time to find the right fit for your learning style and career ambitions, and you'll be well on your way to a dope career in tech.

Frequently Asked Questions


What factors were considered in selecting the top coding bootcamps and schools in Durban?

The selection process considered curriculum relevance, student reviews, job placement rates, and partnerships with tech companies.

What are some key programming languages and technologies covered by CodeSpace's curriculum in Durban?

CodeSpace covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Java, React, Angular, database management, cloud services, and cybersecurity best practices.

How does Umuzi Academy in Durban empower individuals from underserved communities?

Umuzi Academy offers zero-cost, comprehensive training in coding, data, data engineering, and digital design, with a focus on practical skills and mentorship from industry professionals.

What sets WeThinkCode_ Durban apart from other coding institutions?

WeThinkCode_ emphasizes a peer-to-peer learning approach, a two-year full-time study program focusing on software development, and a corporate sponsorship model that enables free tuition and job placement.

How does iStudent Academy Durban support its students' transition to the tech industry?

iStudent Academy offers profound industry liaisons, internship opportunities, career-focused education, and comprehensive support amenities to enhance job preparedness and employability.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Dive into an overview of the tech sector in Durban, highlighting its key players and emerging startups.

  • Understanding the average costs associated with tech education in Durban can help you plan your learning journey more efficiently.

  • Gain insights into the impact of AI and ML innovations on Cape Town's tech industry and beyond.

  • Explore the various educational pathways available for launching a successful tech career in Johannesburg.


Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible