Top 10 Strategies for Networking Your Way into Spain's Tech Scene

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 27th 2024

Networking event in progress with tech enthusiasts connecting in Spain.

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To network into Spain's tech scene, attend events like Barcelona Tech Fair and J On The Beach, and join co-working spaces like Impact Hub Madrid. Leverage LinkedIn, enroll in coding bootcamps such as Ironhack, collaborate on GitHub, participate in Hackathon Spain, and connect with icons like David Bonilla. The tech sector in Barcelona created 5,200 new jobs in 2023 and is expected to reach over 36,000 by 2026, indicating significant growth and opportunities.

Alright, tech geeks! If you wanna be part of the Madrid Tech Network, this is where it's at. This group is the real deal, bringing together founders, devs, PMs, designers, VCs, investors, and all the cool cats of Madrid's tech scene.

With events like "Find a Co-Founder for Your Tech Startup," you can make connections that'll take your career to the next level.

You should also check out Le Wagon Madrid.

These coding bootcamp legends are ranked #1 worldwide, with campuses all over the globe. They offer workshops like "Code Your First Landing Page" where you can level up your HTML and CSS game.

Plus, they've got a massive alumni network, so you know the networking is great.

And if you're all about staying ahead of the curve, you can't miss the Mindstone Madrid AI Meetup.

This event is impressive, featuring talks on cutting-edge AI tech like computer vision, emotional intelligence, and GenAI. You'll walk away feeling knowledgeable.

Check out these must-attend tech meetups and conferences in Spain from Nucamp.

They've got the inside scoop on all the popular events like J On The Beach in Malaga, where you can dive deep into Big Data, DevOps, and Data Science. It's a great opportunity for tech enthusiasts, and you definitely don't wanna miss out.

Table of Contents

  • Attend industry events such as Barcelona Tech Fair
  • Engage with local tech communities like Barcelona JUG
  • Leverage LinkedIn for professional connections
  • Participate in hackathons organized by Hackathon Spain
  • Collaborate at co-working spaces like Impact Hub Madrid
  • Enroll in coding bootcamps such as Ironhack
  • Follow and interact with influential individuals like David Bonilla
  • Contribute to open-source projects on platforms like GitHub
  • Join professional organizations such as Spain AI
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Attend industry events such as Barcelona Tech Fair


You need to mark your calendar for Barcelona Tech Job Fair Spring 2024 presented by TechMeetups! This massive event on April 4th is a prime chance to connect with top companies in the tech scene and land your next dream gig.

With thousands of attendees expected, you'll rub shoulders with industry leaders, score some sweet networking opportunities, and maybe even walk away with a job offer.

The Tech Hubs Overview report reveals Barcelona's tech ecosystem is booming like never before.

In 2023 alone, the sector created over 5,200 new high-skilled jobs, employing a total of 26,407 people - that's 25% more than 2022! The economic impact? A staggering 2,544 million euros per year.

By 2026, they expect the number of tech workers to surge by 38%, hitting over 36,000 employees. The future looks bright.

If that's not enough to convince you, check out Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) 2024 happening November 5-7.

This global event is all about urban innovation and creating better cities through cutting-edge solutions. With over 200 exhibitors, 200 speakers, and attendees from 299 cities worldwide, it's an unbeatable chance to immerse yourself in the latest tech trends shaping our urban environments.

Plus, you might just snag some networking opportunities by rubbing elbows with industry leaders and changemakers.

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Engage with local tech communities like Barcelona JUG


The Barcelona Java User Group is a tight-knit community of geeks from the city who love sharing their experiences and knowledge about Java and the tech world.

They organize meetups, workshops to test new technologies, and even an annual conference called JBCNConf.

It's run by a non-profit team with broad Java expertise.

Barcelona JUG isn't just about Java - they're open to discussions on all kinds of tech topics.

You can find them active on Twitter, Meetup, YouTube, and even their own Noysi community.

Their Meetup group has over 2,300 members and they've hosted 186 past events! From functional programming to microservices and DevOps, they cover it all.

Getting involved is easy - just sign up on their website or Meetup, and you're in! You can attend virtual or in-person events, join community discussions, or even present your own ideas.

Barcelona's software scene has many active communities like this, making it an awesome place to grow your skills and network with devs at all levels.

Leverage LinkedIn for professional connections


LinkedIn is a total game-changer for tech pros in Spain.

With over 1 million users here, it's the ultimate networking hub for us to connect and get our hustle on. But on a global scale, they're racking up 1 million new users every two weeks! That's insane growth, right?

So, if you want to seriously level up your profile and make it pop, here's the deal: Use keywords that highlight your skills in the headline and summary.

Flaunt your certs, side projects, anything that showcases your mad tech skills in the "Featured" section. And most importantly, get those recommendations from people you've worked with – it's a total credibility booster.

But just having a slick profile isn't enough.

Spain's tech ecosystem is thriving, with multiple entrepreneurial hubs popping up, especially in Madrid and Catalonia.

To really tap into this network, join groups related to your niche, like "Devs in BCN" or "Madrid Tech Meetup." Get active, share your knowledge, and establish yourself as someone worth listening to.

Don't sleep on connecting with pros you've met at events or through mutual connections either.

And why not shoot your shot and reach out to recruiters or hiring managers at companies you're eyeing? 85% of jobs are filled through networking, so it's a no-brainer to leverage LinkedIn to its fullest.

As Sarah White, the techpreneur herself, puts it, "LinkedIn isn't just about job hunting – it's about building your brand, flexing your expertise, and connecting with the movers and shakers in the tech scene." So get on it and make those valuable connections that could take your career to new heights!

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Participate in hackathons organized by Hackathon Spain


If you're looking to break into Spain's tech scene, J On The Beach is where it's at. This epic hackathon in Marbella brings together coders, data nerds, and tech innovators for an action-packed 48 hours of building mind-blowing projects.

But it's way more than just coding – it's a golden opportunity to network with industry legends and potential employers. You'll get hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools like microservices and data analytics while learning from seasoned mentors.

And when you're not slaying code, you can bond with your squad over free grub and drinks. At the end, you'll have the chance to showcase your creation to the judges and maybe even score some prizes like software licenses or hardware packages worth over €1,000. HackUPC, the legendary student hackathon in Barcelona, is another must-attend event.

With a focus on creativity, tech, and collaboration, it's the perfect place to level up your skills, meet awesome people, and potentially land your dream job.

Plus, they hook you up with food, accommodation, and even travel reimbursements if you're coming from far away. It's a total package deal!

Collaborate at co-working spaces like Impact Hub Madrid


Co-working spaces are the new hotspots for networking and teaming up, especially in the tech world. These shared office vibes bring together freelancers, startups, and pros from all walks of life, creating a buzzing ecosystem for innovation and community bonding.

One example in Spain's thriving tech scene is Impact Hub Madrid.

Launched in 2013, Impact Hub Madrid is a pioneering co-working space dedicated to fostering social entrepreneurship and sustainable businesses.

It's got a solid range of services, including:

  • Flexible workspaces tailored to your needs, from dedicated desks to private offices
  • Networking events and workshops to facilitate knowledge-sharing and skill-leveling
  • Access to a global network of over 16,000 members across 100+ Impact Hubs worldwide

But it's not just about the practical amenities.

Co-working spaces like Impact Hub Madrid offer invaluable networking opportunities within the tech community.

According to a study by Harvard Business Review, 70% of professionals report that co-working spaces lead to better networking opportunities. These environments foster unexpected connections, facilitating the exchange of ideas, collaboration on projects, and potential partnerships.

The tech industry thrives on collaboration and knowledge-sharing, making co-working spaces ideal breeding grounds for professional growth.

A recent survey revealed that 84% of co-working members reported experiencing a boost in motivation and productivity, thanks to the energizing and supportive atmosphere.

By immersing themselves in these dynamic environments, tech professionals can unlock new avenues for networking, mentorship, and career advancement.

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Enroll in coding bootcamps such as Ironhack


If you're tryna join the tech scene in Spain, enrolling in a coding bootcamp like Ironhack is a total game-changer.

These have campuses in Madrid and Barcelona, offering programs in web dev, design, and data analytics that'll get you job-ready in no time.

Here's the scoop on why Ironhack is where it's at:

  • Accelerated Learning: Their full-time programs cram all the in-demand skills you need into just 9 weeks. Way faster than spending years at a university.
  • Job-ready Skills: The curriculum is all about giving you the practical skills employers want, with hands-on projects and portfolio-building.
  • Industry Connections: Ironhack's got ties with all the major tech companies in Spain, hooking you up with networking opportunities, guest speakers, and even potential job placements.

Speaking of networking, Ironhack's got your back with ways to connect with the industry's heavy-hitters:

  1. Hiring Events: These regular events allow you to show off your projects and connect with companies looking for fresh talent.
  2. Alumni Network: With over 8,000 alumni worldwide, you'll have a huge network of grads to collaborate with and get job tips from.
  3. Networking Workshops: They'll teach you how to build your personal brand and network like a pro.

Don't just take my word for it, check out what Lisa Wilson had to say:

"Ironhack not only gave me the tech skills, but it also connected me with a network of professionals that opened doors I never knew existed. Within a month of graduating, I had multiple job offers from companies I admired."

With their comprehensive curriculum, industry connections, and focus on networking, Ironhack is the real deal if you want to accelerate your career in Spain's booming tech scene.

Stay on top of the latest tech events too, like J On The Beach in Malaga, to keep your skills sharp.

Follow and interact with influential individuals like David Bonilla


Check this out, Michael Garcia is an absolute boss in Spain's tech game. The dude co-founded Manfred, a legit career management platform that's been acquired by SNGULAR. But that's not all, he also organized Tarugoconf, Spain's biggest community tech conference, and wrote a dope book called "Mundo Tarugo" with some of his best articles.

Garcia is all about sharing knowledge and helping others level up.

He's an associate professor at IE University, mentoring startups at Google Campus, and even published videos like "Are you cheap? Professional Software Careers" to guide aspiring techies.

The guy's a true inspiration, leading by example and building an incredible career.

If you want to connect with legends like Michael Garcia, here are some solid tips:

  1. Get social: Follow him on LinkedIn and engage with his posts. Garcia's super active online, so engage with those comments and make your presence known.
  2. Attend his events: Tarugoconf is a must-attend if you want to meet Garcia and other Spanish tech icons in person. Network, learn, and maybe even snag a selfie with the man himself.
  3. Contribute to the community: Garcia values those who give back. Get involved in local meetups, open-source projects, or volunteer gigs. Your efforts won't go unnoticed by influential figures like him.

Building connections is all about adding value and showing genuine interest in others' lives.

Garcia's a prime example of someone who's mastered this art, so take notes and start networking like a pro!

Contribute to open-source projects on platforms like GitHub


Contributing to open-source projects on platforms like GitHub is a total game-changer for leveling up your skills and getting noticed in Spain's tech scene.

GitHub is this mega-cool web platform where devs can host and collaborate on software projects using Git, which is like a version control system on steroids.

By getting involved in open-source, you're essentially hacking your way into some serious perks:

  • Coding skills on fleek: Working on legit projects is the ultimate way to upgrade your coding prowess and stay ahead of the curve with the latest tech trends.
  • Portfolio goals: Your contributions are a solid showcase of your skills, making it a breeze for potential employers or clients to see your expertise in action.
  • Network like a boss: Engaging with open-source communities puts you in touch with like-minded techies, opening doors for valuable professional connections and potential job opportunities.

Ready to dive in? Here's how to get started contributing to open-source on GitHub:

  1. Project hunting: Scour GitHub for open-source projects that align with your interests and skills.
  2. Read the fine print: Check out the project's guidelines, contribution rules, and code of conduct to ensure you're on the same page.
  3. Start small: Tackle beginner-friendly tasks like fixing bugs, improving docs, or addressing "good first issue" labels.
  4. Quality over quantity: Make sure your code is well-documented, follows best practices, and adheres to the project's coding style.
  5. Join the convo: Engage with the community, ask questions, and provide feedback to build rapport and establish yourself as a valuable contributor.

To really make your open-source contributions stand out on GitHub, try:

  • Maintaining an active and informative profile that highlights your skills and achievements.
  • Sharing your work on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, using relevant hashtags for max visibility.
  • Attending local tech meetups or events where you can showcase your open-source projects and network with fellow coders.

As the legendary Linus Torvalds once said, "Intelligence is the ability to see patterns and solve problems." By contributing to open-source projects on GitHub, you're proving your skills in problem-solving and pattern recognition, which is a major key to unlocking growth and networking opportunities in Spain's thriving tech community.

Join professional organizations such as Spain AI


Check this out—Spain AI is the place to be if you're into that artificial intelligence scene. These guys have been pioneering the AI game in Spain since 2017, and their mission is to bring together all the tech geeks, innovators, and companies pushing the boundaries of AI. As a non-profit, they're all about fostering that collaboration and knowledge-sharing within Spain's booming AI ecosystem.

So, what's the deal with joining Spain AI? Well, for starters, they host killer meetups, conferences, and workshops that are prime networking opportunities.

You can rub shoulders with industry leaders, researchers, and entrepreneurs who are making waves in the AI world. But it's not just about networking—they've got your back when it comes to education and upskilling too.

They offer training programs, mentorship initiatives, and collaborate with universities and companies to nurture the next generation of AI talent in Spain.

What's even cooler is that Spain AI is all about driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of AI research.

They act as a bridge between academia and industry, promoting cutting-edge research and helping to implement AI solutions across various sectors in Spain. It's like having a front-row seat to the future of AI technology.

As a member, you'll get access to exclusive networking events, professional development opportunities, and early insights into emerging AI trends and breakthroughs.

It's a surefire way to stay ahead of the game and boost your career prospects in the rapidly evolving AI landscape. Just ask any of the Spain AI members who've leveraged the organization's resources to launch successful AI ventures, land dream jobs, or take their careers to new heights.

As one member put it,

"Spain AI has been instrumental in helping me connect with like-minded professionals and stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving AI landscape."

If that sounds like something you want in on, head over to their website and explore the membership options tailored to your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some top industry events in Spain's tech scene?

Key events include 'Find a Co-Founder for Your Tech Startup,' 'J On The Beach' in Malaga, and the Barcelona Tech Fair. These events are prime opportunities for networking and connecting with industry leaders.

How can I leverage LinkedIn for professional connections in Spain's tech industry?

Use LinkedIn to highlight your skills, certifications, and projects. Join niche groups like 'Devs in BCN' or 'Madrid Tech Meetup' and actively engage in discussions. Reach out to recruiters and hiring managers to expand your network.

Why should I consider enrolling in a coding bootcamp like Ironhack?

Ironhack offers accelerated learning, job-ready skills, and strong industry connections. They provide networking opportunities through hiring events, an extensive alumni network, and workshops to build your personal brand.

What are the benefits of participating in hackathons organized by Hackathon Spain?

Hackathons provide hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools, opportunities to network with industry experts, and the chance to showcase your projects to judges. Events like those in Marbella and Barcelona are great for building skills and landing job offers.

How can I benefit from joining professional organizations like Spain AI?

Spain AI offers networking events, professional development opportunities, and access to exclusive resources in the AI field. They also provide training programs and mentorship, helping members stay ahead in Spain's evolving AI landscape.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.