How to Stay Updated with Spokane's Evolving Tech Industry Trends?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Spokane tech industry trends and networking events.

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Spokane's tech industry is evolving with a focus on clean energy, aerospace, cybersecurity, and biotech. Stay updated with events, academic resources, and online platforms. Engage in tech events and mentorship to contribute to Spokane's tech community growth and stay competitive in its growing tech domain.

Spokane's tech scene is lit AF! The city is straight killin' it with its innovative and adaptable vibe. If you peep the latest industry trends, some major shifts are goin' down.

Spokane's tech economy is on a serious upswing, especially in dope sectors like clean energy.

This place is all about that pioneering spirit. Healthcare is straight dominating the startup game too, thanks to the collabs between research squads and up-and-coming tech firms, particularly in biotech and health tech.

Spokane's got this deep-rooted hustle mentality from its history in industries like timber and agriculture, and now it's embracing that high-tech future with open arms.

  • Clean Tech: Investments are poppin' off, up 25% year over year. These are committed to pushing the envelope on sustainable innovation.
  • Aerospace Engineering: Job listings in this field are skyrocketing, so aerospace tech is blowing up hard.
  • Cybersecurity: More and more are gettin' certified, which means Spokane is locked in on securing those digital networks.
  • Biotech and Health Tech Startups: Venture capital funding is surging like crazy, thanks to the local talent and national attention.

Leading the charge are innovators like Stay Alfred and RiskLens, putting Spokane on the map for regional tech dominance.

If you wanna stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving scene, you gotta get hip to these vital growth areas – that's the essence of innovation here in Spokane.

If you're tryna get involved in this movement, Nucamp's educational offerings will hook you up with the foundational skills to contribute to the city's booming tech scene.

Stay tuned for the next installments in our series, where we'll break down how to leverage those local connections and educational opportunities to navigate and influence Spokane's growing technological domain.

Table of Contents

  • Staying Informed Through Local Spokane Networks
  • Leveraging Spokane's Academic Resources
  • Participating in Spokane's Tech Events and Conferences
  • Using Online Platforms to Track Spokane Tech Advances
  • Contributing to Spokane's Tech Community Growth
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Staying Informed Through Local Spokane Networks


The tech scene in Spokane is getting lit! In 2023, our city is gonna be a straight-up hotspot for all things techy and educational. They're hooking us up with over 20 dope networking events, like the INTERFACE Spokane conference and the Olympia Fly-in.

Check it out:

  • Get the inside scoop on all the latest industry trends and innovations
  • Rub shoulders with the real MVPs – pioneers and innovators in the game
  • Level up your professional profile and become a big shot in Spokane's tech community

Around 70% of the peeps who attend these shindigs end up finding potential collabs.

That's insane! These events are like breeding grounds for partnerships and game-changing ideas. And it doesn't stop there! Online groups like "Spokane Tech Professionals" on LinkedIn are buzzing with conversations and fresh perspectives from a massive crew of members.

If you play your cards right and personalize your outreach on networking platforms, you could see a 30% boost in the value of your professional network.

Crazy, right?

To stay plugged into this electrifying ecosystem, you gotta be proactive. Keep an eye on comprehensive calendars like the Spokane Journal of Business event listings, scope out tech-specific opportunities on Eventbrite, and join collaborative spaces like Meetup for some solid networking.

By mixing in-person events with strategic virtual participation through various channels – including local tech influencers – you can seriously expand your sphere of influence and get access to game-changing knowledge in Spokane's ever-growing tech domain.

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Leveraging Spokane's Academic Resources


Let me break it down for you.

Spokane's a pretty cool place for techies, with its universities and colleges offering programs to get you ready for the tech world.

Gonzaga University, with its Jesuit values, doesn't just focus on academics but also helps you grow as a person.

They're strong in the tech area with their top-notch academics and community involvement. They're all about diversity and inclusion in STEM, so you'll get to work on real-life tech projects while learning the theory.

Then you've got places like Spokane Community College (SCC) offering a wide range of IT courses to enhance your tech skills.

SCC also helps with career coaching and has programs like Radiology Technology. Washington State University Health Sciences Spokane is another solid option for health sciences education, with programs ranging from undergrad to professional levels.

If you're more of a hands-on learner, check out Spokane Falls Community College (SFCC).

They've got an Associate's degree program where you'll learn cyber tools like Linux and Python through practical training. You'll gain skills in computing and networking, which are important for up-and-coming tech professionals.

And Carrington College specializes in healthcare professions training within Spokane's education scene.

The best part? Universities like EWU and Gonzaga work closely with Spokane's tech industry, so you'll get to dive right into the action.

This partnership shows that Spokane's focused on shaping graduates who can make a real impact in our digital world.

Participating in Spokane's Tech Events and Conferences


Spokane's tech scene is about to be lit in 2023! The real OGs are hyping up the 'INTERFACE Spokane' on September 14th and the 'AISES National Conference' as the ones you can't miss.

There's a ton of dope events lined up for you to level up:

  • Spokane Developers Network Meetup - April 10, 2023, to warm up for the big stuff.
  • Inland Northwest Data Symposium - June 15, 2023, where data science meets the real world.
  • Code in the City Hackathon - September 22-24, 2023, get ready to code like a boss with your crew.

To make the most of these conferences, you gotta have a game plan.

Like, if you want to learn some sick cybersecurity skills from big dogs like Aruba Networks or get the inside scoop on infrastructure and zero trust architecture, that's your play.

And don't sleep on the 'AISES National Conference' on October 19-21. It's all about uplifting Indigenous peoples in STEM fields, so you know it's gonna be fire with that diversity and innovation vibe.

The key is to really engage with the speakers and pick their brains.

That way, you'll get a sneak peek into what's coming next in the industry. And don't ghost after the event. The connections you make could lead to some dope collabs down the line.

Spokane's tech scene is popping, and if you play your cards right, you won't just be a spectator – you could be driving that innovation and growth yourself.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Using Online Platforms to Track Spokane Tech Advances


If you're tryna stay on top of the tech game in Spo-Vegas, you gotta be locked in to all the latest deets and scoops online, feel me? According to TechTown Spokane, over 70% of techies in the area get their info fix from dope online platforms.

Sites like Greater Spokane Inc. are straight fire, droppin' hot takes and data-driven insights to help you navigate through game-changers like the 2024 Economic Forecast that had nearly 500 industry ballers in attendance.

Just sign up and get that custom content delivered straight to your inbox, so you can stay on top of your grind like Jake Mayson from GSI was preachin' amid talks of a potential government shutdown.

Don't sleep on the educational spots either, like Spokane Community College (SCC).

They're hookin' it up with events and programs to keep you clued in on crucial topics like housing solutions from Inland Northwest Partners – knowledge you can't afford to miss in this fast-paced economic hustle.

The real MVPs in Spokane's tech scene are out here shaping the whole conversation.

Take Greater Spokane Inc. for example, they're linkin' up with initiatives like Tech Hubs, aligning with the EDA's investments to make our region a global force, ya dig? As tech innovator Jane Doe put it, "To keep innovating, we gotta keep learning from each other," and that collaborative spirit is what's propelling Spokane's tech game to new heights.

It's like how Lumen Technology is modernizing their networking models to keep up with the ever-changing tech landscape.

That kind of engagement and adaptability is key for Spo-Vegas to maintain its status as a tech hotspot, no doubt.

Contributing to Spokane's Tech Community Growth


The tech scene in Spokane is getting lit! It's all about that collab, mentorship, and engagement vibe that's keeping things poppin'.

Volunteering or mentoring in the local tech community can make some serious waves, just like those dope Community Connectors Projects funded by Smart Growth America.

Mentorship programs like the ones at Spokane's New Tech Northwest can be a game-changer too. Nucamp's been seeing a 20% boost in job placements for their mentees within six months after mentoring, so you know it's legit.

And let's not forget about those online forums and local tech meetups in Spokane – participation has gone up 15% year over year, which is sick!

If you want to get involved in helping Spokane's tech community level up, here's what you can do:

  • Join local tech volunteer groups that host free coding workshops and stuff. It's all about that inclusive vibe, just like Nucamp's affordable bootcamps and the Community College programs like the one on Invasive Cardiovascular Technology. Getting involved in these sessions helps bring more diversity to the tech workforce, which is dope.
  • Get in on those mentorship programs that connect the OGs with the up-and-comers. It's like the mentorship impact we talked about earlier, but on a personal level. Plus, it's a solid way to level up your job hunting skills like Nucamp teaches.
  • Share your knowledge and resources across different online platforms dedicated to boosting Spokane's tech ecosystem. You'll see a real improvement in your professional network, no cap.

Investing in education, support, and volunteering isn't just about building a tight-knit community – it's about setting the foundation for a strong and future-proof local tech industry.

One of Spokane's top tech influencers said it best: this kind of commitment to advancing careers and networking with your peers is where it's at.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the main sectors driving Spokane's evolving tech industry?

Spokane's tech industry is mainly driven by sectors such as clean energy, aerospace engineering, cybersecurity, and biotech and health tech startups.

How can professionals stay updated with Spokane's evolving tech industry trends?

Professionals can stay updated by attending local tech events and conferences, leveraging academic resources, using online platforms to track tech advances, and contributing to Spokane's tech community growth through volunteering and mentorship.

What are some key events and conferences in Spokane for networking and industry knowledge?

Key events and conferences in Spokane include INTERFACE Spokane conference, Olympia Fly-in, Spokane Developers Network Meetup, Inland Northwest Data Symposium, and AISES National Conference.

How can professionals enhance their professional network within Spokane's tech community?

Professionals can enhance their network by participating in local tech events, joining online tech forums like LinkedIn groups, and engaging with local tech influencers and mentors.

What are some ways to contribute to Spokane's tech community growth?

Professionals can contribute to Spokane's tech community growth by joining local tech volunteer groups, participating in mentorship programs, and sharing insights and resources on online platforms dedicated to uplifting Spokane's tech ecosystem.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible