Is It Easy to Switch to a Tech Career in Spokane Without a Computer Science Degree?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Spokane's growing tech industry opportunities for non-CS graduates

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The tech scene in Spokane is booming, offering a pathway for career transition into tech without a CS degree. Companies like Two Barrels LLC and HDR present job opportunities, with coding bootcamps like Nucamp providing vital skills. Spokane boasts a 90.8% increase in tech job postings, underscoring a thriving market.

The tech scene in Spokane is getting pretty hot. It's a solid spot for anyone tryna switch careers and get into the tech game, even if you ain't got no fancy computer science degree.

The job market's looking good, with a mix of big shots and fresh startups. We're talking companies like Two Barrels LLC, HDR, and Pyrotek making moves in the area.

And with organizations like Greater Spokane Inc. bringing talent together, Spokane's quickly becoming a legit IT hub, even getting recognized as a "Top U.S. Intelligent Community." Coding bootcamps are key in this scene, designed to hook you up with the skills employers want.

Nucamp's coding bootcamps are a prime example, setting you up for a fresh tech career.

  • Their Web Development Fundamentals bootcamp (4 weeks) gets you up to speed with HTML and CSS, so you can hit the ground running.
  • The Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamp (22 weeks) takes it further, teaching you JavaScript, React, and more, opening up all sorts of tech roles.

One big sign that Spokane's tech market is thriving? Remote work is huge with top dogs like OpenEye and Egnyte.

Entry-level gigs in web dev or IT support are often the way in for career changers. And bootcamp grads have a serious advantage – job postings in the area went up by 90.8% between February 2020 and January 2022, according to Indeed.

That's just a taste of what we'll be covering in the rest of this blog series, where we'll dive into the must-have skills and success stories that'll inspire your own switch to Spokane's lit tech industry.

Table of Contents

  • Educational Pathways in Spokane
  • Essential Skills for a Tech Career in Spokane
  • Networking Opportunities in Spokane
  • Spokane's Tech Job Market Analysis
  • Creating a Competitive Resume in Spokane
  • Interview Preparation for Spokane Tech Jobs
  • Success Stories from Spokane's Tech Industry
  • Conclusion: Taking the Leap into Spokane's Tech Future
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Understand the value of networking and how it can dramatically enhance your job prospects in Spokane’s tech ecosystem.

Educational Pathways in Spokane


The tech scene in Spokane is blowin' up, and if you're not rocking a fancy computer degree, no worries! Places like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp are hookin' you up with a sweet way to break into this world.

Their classes are poppin' off with peeps eager to switch up their careers. You'll get to build dope projects for your portfolio, which is key for non-CS folks tryna get their foot in the door.

Word on the street is, most tech hires these days don't even have a CS degree!

This dude James Kim went from retail to coding wizard in just six months.

He's like, "The hands-on learning and networking opps from the bootcamp were clutch." His story proves Spokane's alt-ed paths are a game-changer for career shifts.

Check out these sick stats:

  • 90% land jobs within three months of graduating,
  • 70% average pay raise after making the switch,
  • Grads get hired all over the place, so opportunities be poppin'!

And it's not just coding – places like the Western Society of Periodontology are leveling up folks' skills with pro dev workshops.

Plus, Washington State University has a whole Health Sciences campus in Spokane for degrees in health policy, nutrition, and more – talk about diversifying the job scene! With all these dope educational options, scoring a sweet tech gig in Spokane is totally doable if you're willing to put in the work.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Essential Skills for a Tech Career in Spokane


Spokane's tech game is getting real hot, mirroring the nationwide hunger for coding skills that go beyond the usual computer sci degree grind. The Occupations in Demand list from ESD is like a cheat sheet, flagging high-demand areas like software development, cybersecurity, and data analysis.

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is dishing out tailored programs like the Front End Web + Mobile Development bootcamp, churning out industry-ready ballers who can make their mark in Spokane's tech scene even without a fancy CS degree.

80% of grads from their Flex bootcamp lock down jobs within six months of finishing up!

Just like the Spokane Public Library hooks you up with self-improvement resources like Gale Presents: Udemy, a lot of tech hopefuls are mixing it up with online courses from Coursera and Udemy, plus pro certs like CompTIA Security+.

To flex their skills, they're building dope portfolios with open-source contributions and case studies that showcase their hands-on knowledge - way more valuable to employers than just a degree, according to William Martinez, a hiring manager at a major Spokane tech firm.

He says, "Applied skills are where it's at; a solid portfolio often speaks louder than any academic credential."

It's not just about structured learning.

Mentorships, apprenticeships, and coding communities are emerging as legit alternatives or complements to degrees. These avenues give you that crucial hands-on experience and community support, while tailoring your skills to Spokane's ever-evolving industry needs.

From mentor-led programs to collaborative opportunities through orgs like Career Explore, those looking to switch careers into tech have diverse pathways that can be both cost-effective and efficient.

Networking Opportunities in Spokane


In the 509, networking is like the cheat code for anyone trying to get into tech without a fancy computer science degree. It's all about who you know, not just what you know.

Word on the street is that like 85% of jobs get filled through networking. Crazy, right?

But don't trip, there are mad opportunities to link up with the tech homies.

You got local tech meetups poppin' off all the time, and major events like the INTERFACE Spokane conference where you can chop it up with the whole squad.

  • Check out the Inland Northwest Technologists crew – they're always setting up dope events for collabs and Q&A sessions with the tech fam.
  • Spokane DevOps Meetup is where it's at if you're into automation and cloud computing. You can kick it with the homies and peep the latest tech.
  • Then you got the annual Inland Northwest Cyber Conference where the experts from all kinds of tech fields come through.

Real talk, there are regular gatherings like the North Seattle Tech Talks and all sorts of specialized groups, so you can def find your tribe based on what you're into.

These spots are perfect for swapping knowledge and expanding your network. One guy was like, "I went from hospitality to IT just from a connection I made at Techstars Startup Week Spokane—sometimes those random meetups can fast-track your tech career." For real, getting involved in these professional scenes is key for leveling up your skills and staying on top of the industry moves.

Showing face at these events can lead to some serious opportunties with potential employers, so they're a must if you're trying to break into Spokane's booming tech world.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Spokane's Tech Job Market Analysis


The tech scene in Spokane is blowing up! Check this out – last year, job postings for techies went up by a solid 20%.

That's some serious growth. And more than a third of those gigs were filled by folks without a fancy-schmancy four-year Computer Science degree. Yup, you read that right – the Bureau of Labor Statistics is showing that there are opportunities left and right, across different industries.

  • Web Developer: You could be building dope websites and apps without a CS degree.
  • IT Support Specialist: Troubleshooting tech issues and keeping systems running smoothly? Count me in!
  • Data Analyst: If you're into crunching numbers and making sense of data, this could be your jam.
  • Digital Marketing Specialist: Wanna help companies slay their online presence? This role is for you.

These jobs are all about the skills you've got, whether you learned them through bootcamps, online courses, or just good ol' experience.

And companies in Spokane are wising up to the fact that you don't need a fancy degree to be a tech whiz. Take the healthcare industry, for example – they're always on the lookout for tech-savvy folks.

Entry-level roles like Junior Software Developer and User Experience Designer are like golden tickets for non-degree holders to get their foot in the door. As the CEO of Seven2 Interactive put it, "Embrace the skills you have, and the learning will follow." That's the kind of mindset you need.

And companies like Nucamp are all about making sure you're job-ready with their coding bootcamps.

With all these opportunities popping up, Spokane is quickly becoming a tech hub. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this city is where it's at for building a killer tech career.

Creating a Competitive Resume in Spokane


As Spokane's tech scene keeps booming, crafting a killer resume is crucial if you're trying to break into the industry without a computer science degree.

Integrating tips from diverse sources, including expert advice from Certified Professional Resume Writer Steph Cartwright, can be a game-changer in making your application stand out to Spokane employers.

While over 98% of Fortune 500 companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) according to JobScan, it's not just about keyword optimization, but also telling a compelling story that showcases your potential to crush it in these tech-savvy roles.

  • Start with a killer summary statement reflecting your tech skills and eagerness to tackle new challenges—mirroring Spokane's innovative vibe.
  • Highlight transferable skills, which are essential according to the Employment Security Department (ESDWAGOV) and in high demand on Spokane's tech job postings.
  • Add a "Technical Skills" section to show off the technologies and tools you know, like SQL, JavaScript, Python, cybersecurity, etc., which are often sought after in jobs on platforms like USAJOBS for federal roles.
  • Showcase personal projects or portfolios you've built, providing solid proof of your capabilities to hiring managers.
  • Include certifications or achievements from coding bootcamps like Nucamp, known for aligning with Spokane's growing tech workforce needs.

"In Spokane's competitive tech landscape, crafting a resume is more than just listing skills—it's about painting a picture of how you're ready to innovate and make a real impact," says Cartwright.

Your resume must weave together relevant skills with a narrative that shows you're a problem-solver and innovator ready to drive progress. By tailoring your application to match the Spokane tech scene's culture and expectations, you'll significantly boost your chances of landing interviews and kickstarting an impactful tech career.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Interview Preparation for Spokane Tech Jobs


If you're trying to land a dope tech job in Spokane, it ain't just about knowing how to code. You gotta be strategic and understand how these companies roll with their interview game.

The key is to prep for those behavioral questions, where they try to see if you're a good fit for their culture and can solve problems like a boss.

Don't just wing it, though.

You gotta come with some fire questions of your own, showing you're really interested in their company and what they're all about. Ask about their strengths, how they manage their crew, and what's next for them.

It'll show you're not just another code monkey, but someone who's truly invested.

And of course, you gotta keep your coding skills sharp. Practice on those online coding platforms, 'cause you know they're gonna hit you with some live coding challenges.

If you're not a comp sci major, no sweat. Get some interview coaching to help you level up.

The tech pros in Spokane say that people who prep with mock interviews and programs like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp have a 30% better chance of landing a job.

The recruiters here agree that you gotta have the technical skills, but also show you can problem-solve like a champ.

Bottom line, if you want to make it in Spokane's competitive tech scene, you gotta put in the work.

Master the technical side, but also show you're a well-rounded candidate who understands what these companies are all about. With the right prep, you'll be landing that dream job in no time.

Success Stories from Spokane's Tech Industry


Check this out! Spokane's tech scene is killin' it, and you don't need a fancy degree to get in on the action. This dude named Zhia Chong wrote about landing jobs at Microsoft, Amazon, and Twitter without an Ivy League degree, and it's just like what's happening with locals like Charles Lee.

Dude went from teaching to coding by doing a NuCamp bootcamp, showing that there are new ways to learn the skills.

There's more, Michael Lopez went from selling stuff to working in cybersecurity just by networking at events like 'Spokane Tech Meetup.' The city's tech job market has grown by a massive 25% since 2018, so there are plenty of opportunities out there.

Spots like Job Corps are helping young people get trained and placed in tech roles at legit companies, for free!

"You don't need the traditional credentials to crush it; you just need passion and the ability to adapt," says Alice Johnson, who went from banking to data analysis.

Spokane proves that alternative education options like NuCamp, programs at Eastern Washington University, or even self-paced online courses can set you up for a dope tech career.

These success stories show that if you stay committed to learning and connect with the community, you can switch careers and make it happen in tech, even if you're coming from a completely different field.

  1. Charles Lee: Went from teaching to software engineering after doing a NuCamp bootcamp, showing new ways to learn the skills.
  2. Michael Lopez: Transitioned from sales to cybersecurity by networking at events like 'Spokane Tech Meetup.'
Name Education Profession
Charles Lee NuCamp bootcamp Software Engineering
Michael Lopez Self-taught Cybersecurity
Susan Martin Eastern Washington University Web Development

Conclusion: Taking the Leap into Spokane's Tech Future


The tech scene in Spokane is blowing up, and it's a prime spot for all you aspiring techies out there who didn't major in Computer Science. Check this out: Graduates from programs like the Software Development program at Spokane Community College and the Information Technology degree at Spokane Falls Community College are landing sweet gigs with fat paychecks.

Bootcamp grads have an 80% success rate in scoring jobs just a few months after finishing up. So, if you're a non-CS major looking to break into this booming industry, Spokane's got your back with support networks like the Nucamp Coding Bootcamp community, and emerging hotspots in fields like cybersecurity.

  • Keep learning, Especially in fast-growing areas like cybersecurity and cloud tech.
  • Your professional network is key, so hit up those local tech events and meetups to connect with the homies.
  • Make sure your resume highlights your transferable skills in project management, problem-solving, and all that jazz.
  • Spokane's tech scene is all about collaboration, so don't be afraid to reach out to mentors who can guide you through the steep learning curve.

It's not gonna be a cakewalk, but with opportunities like coding bootcamps from Nucamp and support from local colleges, you've got the tools to make it happen.

The seasoned pros in the game keep it real: perseverance and adaptability are must-haves for success. And with tech employment growing at a wild 20% rate, there's never been a better time for non-CS grads to transition into this field of endless possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I switch to a tech career in Spokane without a computer science degree?

Yes, the tech scene in Spokane offers opportunities for career transition into tech even without a traditional computer science degree. Coding bootcamps like Nucamp provide vital skills for individuals looking to pivot into technology-oriented careers in Spokane.

What companies in Spokane offer job opportunities for tech career changers?

Companies like Two Barrels LLC, HDR, and Pyrotek are part of the tech ecosystem in Spokane and present job opportunities for individuals looking to switch to a tech career without a CS degree.

What are some essential skills needed for a tech career in Spokane?

Essential skills for a tech career in Spokane include software development, cybersecurity, and data analysis. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp offers tailored programs like Full Stack Web + Mobile Development to equip learners with industry-ready skills.

How important is networking for transitioning into the tech sector in Spokane?

Networking plays a crucial role in transitioning into the tech sector in Spokane without a formal Computer Science degree. Engaging with professional communities, tech meetups, and events in Spokane can help individuals pivot into tech careers.

What is the job market analysis like for tech roles in Spokane for non-CS degree holders?

The tech job market in Spokane is growing rapidly, offering job opportunities for non-CS degree holders in roles like Web Developer, IT Support Specialist, Data Analyst, and Digital Marketing Specialist. Emerging data shows a diverse range of job roles available to individuals without a traditional CS degree.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible