What Kind of Tech Internships Are Available in Spokane?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Student engaging in a tech internship in Spokane

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Spokane's tech internships range from software engineering to financial reporting, with companies like Swire Coca-Cola and Itron offering opportunities. Software development internships have seen a 30% increase, IT support roles are up by 20%, and UX design internships have surged by 25%. Interns often secure full-time positions.

The tech scene in Spokane is booming! It's a gold mine for scoring sweet internships that can kickstart your career in the tech world. On Indeed, you'll find a diverse range of gigs, from coding to logistics and financial reporting.

Major players like Swire Coca-Cola and Itron are offering dope internships to keep up with the high demand. It's a prime opportunity for students and grads to put their classroom knowledge to the test in the real world.

But that's not all! You can also tap into specialized programs like MultiCare's training opportunities, where they'll prep you for healthcare tech roles and even hook you up with a job after.

These internships have been a game-changer for Spokane's economy, opening doors for full-time employment left and right.

Nucamp's coding bootcamps are also on board, helping their students score internships and apprenticeships.

Organizations like Greater Spokane Incorporated are doing their part too, running programs to bridge the gap between education and industry needs.

In short, Spokane's intern game is on fire! It's not just a stepping stone for your career; it's a vital part of keeping the city's economy thriving.

So, get out there and secure that bag!

Table of Contents

  • Types of Tech Internships Available in Spokane
  • Finding Tech Internships in Spokane: A Guide for Students
  • What to Expect from a Tech Internship in Spokane
  • Interviews with Tech Interns: Gaining Real Insights in Spokane
  • The Impact of Tech Internships on Spokane's Economy
  • Maximizing Your Tech Internship Experience in Spokane
  • Conclusion: Kickstarting Your Tech Career in Spokane
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Types of Tech Internships Available in Spokane


Spokane's tech scene is poppin' off! With internship opportunities left and right, it's clear the city's becoming a major player for up-and-coming tech talent.

We're talking a huge variety of internships from coding to design. Software dev internships have seen a massive 30% spike in listings just last quarter, according to job board data.

You'll get hands-on experience with languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript, working in agile environments. Companies like Two Barrels even offer paid summer internships where you'll tackle real projects – talk about putting theory into practice!

That's not all.

IT support entry-level roles are growing by around 20% year-over-year. These gigs will sharpen your troubleshooting and network management skills, which are essential in today's tech world.

And let's not forget about the 25% rise in UX design internships. Spokane's all about creating slick, user-friendly products that look as good as they perform.

Tech marketing and sales internships are also on the rise.

Companies want interns who can slay digital marketing strategies, analyze data, and work with customer relationship software – the bread and butter for modern marketers.

Of course, there's been some debate about unpaid internships and whether they're really worth it for learning and career growth.

Here's the rundown:

  • Software Dev Internships: A whopping 30% more postings focused on coding languages and hands-on agile experience.
  • IT Support Roles: Snag those network management skills with a 20% year-over-year boost.
  • UX Design Opportunities: A 25% increase in creating functional and visually stunning products.
  • Tech Marketing/Sales Internships: Combining traditional marketing savvy with digital know-how.

As one tech bigwig from Spokane put it: "The city's diverse range of tech internships gives students an invaluable chance to shape their future careers." These gigs aren't just about building skills – they prove Spokane's committed to fostering a well-rounded tech workforce.

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Finding Tech Internships in Spokane: A Guide for Students


Check it out! The tech scene in Spokane is lit for all you future geeks out there, and the right resources are key to scoring those fire internships. Local job boards are a goldmine, like the City of Spokane Valley listing all sorts of open gigs, including internships in engineering and stuff.

There's also platforms like Handshake that hook you up with internship openings through your college's connections.

Networking is where it's at. Hit up events like the Washington State Department of Transportation's Internship Program to get the inside scoop on dope career opportunities.

Eastern Washington University is teaming up with tech giants to bring in a ton of intern roles. The collab between schools and the tech world is crucial, ya dig? Even Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is dropping knowledge on how to strategize your search, whether it's comparing bootcamps vs. degrees, corporate internships at places like Nordstrom and PepsiCo, or gigs focused on conservation with the US Forest Service.

The key is to stay proactive, as one current intern at a top Spokane tech company said, "You can't just sit around waiting for opportunities to come to you." With all the new job listings, university connections, and intern-friendly events, those who hustle and use all the resources available are gonna kill it in Spokane's booming tech world.

What to Expect from a Tech Internship in Spokane


Let me tell you about these dope tech internships in Spokane. You'll be doing all kinds of cool stuff like coding, fixing systems, and working on design projects to get that user experience perfect.

The internship programs cover everything from techie accounting tasks to office support roles, so you'll get a well-rounded experience.

But the best part? You'll have mentors who've been in the game for a while, and they'll show you the ropes, breaking down complex tech concepts so you can really understand them.

It's like having your own personal guide to the tech world.

These internships aren't just about learning, though. They're a solid path to scoring a full-time job.

Around 60% of interns end up getting hired by the same company after their internship. Places like Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) offer paid internships that could lead to a career there.

They really invest in developing new talent, which is dope.

One former intern said, "The mentorship during my Spokane tech internship created a definitive trajectory for my career aspirations." They got hands-on experience that turned theory into real-world skills.

It's like a cheat code for leveling up your tech game.

So, if you're looking to gain some serious tech knowledge and potentially land a job in the process, these Spokane internships are definitely worth checking out.

It's a chance to learn from the pros and get your foot in the door of the tech industry.

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Interviews with Tech Interns: Gaining Real Insights in Spokane


Let me break it down for you about the intern scene in Spokane. It's like a goldmine of chances to level up and learn some mad skills. In this up-and-coming tech hub, you get to grow and face challenges that'll turn you into a straight-up pro ready for the future.

Just ask the interns from Gonzaga's School of Engineering & Applied Science. A whopping 85% of them say they gained essential technical and professional skills that'll boost their careers.

A 70% majority were working on legit projects that directly impacted company operations. Talk about making a real difference!

For many of these Spokane interns, the internship was a highway to a full-time gig.

50% of them scored job offers after their internship. But the real key to success? Mentorship. 95% of the success stories credit solid mentoring.

Props to internships like Project Lead The Way (PLTW) that offer flexible schedules to balance school and work.

That's a major advantage that supports not just work-life balance but also a smooth transition into the workforce.

Mentorship goes beyond just academics, though.

It plugs you into the whole tech community. One intern at Dell Technologies talked about how inspiring it was to work with colleagues who opened doors for career development opportunities.

These stories prove that Spokane has a solid support system for nurturing its up-and-coming talent pool. As one participant put it, "The mentorship I received was nothing short of transformative..." That's how seriously Spokane takes preparing its workforce.

They hook you up with cutting-edge tech skills and embed you into the local tech ecosystem.

The Impact of Tech Internships on Spokane's Economy


The tech scene in Spokane is blowing up, and internships are the key to making it big. Companies like Spokane Sports are hiring interns for all kinds of roles, from event management to social media strategy.

These gigs aren't just temporary – they're your ticket to a future in the tech industry. Here's how:

  • You get real-world experience that's way more valuable than just sitting in a classroom.
  • Companies get to check you out and groom the next generation of tech superstars.
  • It's a never-ending cycle of learning and adapting, which is crucial for staying ahead in the tech game.

And it's not just about internships.

Programs like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp are giving you the skills you need to rock these internships and set you up for success.

Thanks to these initiatives, unemployment rates have been dropping. As D. Patrick Jones from Eastern Washington University puts it, "Internships create a ripple effect of opportunities for students and experienced pros alike." With tons of internships across various industries, Spokane is a hotbed of real-world experience and tech education.

It's predicted that tech jobs will surge by 15% in the next decade, so get on board now and ride the wave of Spokane's economic future!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Maximizing Your Tech Internship Experience in Spokane


Tryna make the most out of your tech internship in Spokane? That's a whole vibe, and it can seriously shape your future career moves. The key is setting clear goals you can actually measure, just like the folks at the Advanced Manufacturing program at Spokane Valley Tech keep preaching.

They'll teach you how to slay at project management and even help you pimp out your resume with all the dope skills you've got. A LinkedIn survey says people who set goals are 10 times more likely to crush it than those who don't.

Start by figuring out the skills and roles you wanna master. To really stand out, go the extra mile and bring some fresh ideas to the table – 85% of supervisors dig interns who think outside the box.

And don't sleep on networking – 80% of jobs get landed through connections, and Spokane's tech meetups are the perfect spot to link up.

Here's the game plan:

  • Scope out internships with Spokane's growing tech scene, like the ones at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL), known for their innovative work in electric power systems.
  • Hit up the academic advising squad at spots like Spokane Community College (SCC)'s counseling department to make sure your education game plan lines up with your career goals.
  • Level up with some extra certifications tailored to the tech fields, offered by legit local institutions.

If you mix that ambition with a strategic plan of attack in Spokane's promising tech landscape, your internship experience is gonna be fire, and you'll be setting yourself up for a killer tech career.

Conclusion: Kickstarting Your Tech Career in Spokane


Check it out! We've been digging into the sick tech internship scene in Spokane, and let me tell you, it's legit. These gigs are the ticket to kickstarting your career in tech.

Big names like Nordstrom and even the US Forest Service are offering dope internships that'll hook you up with real-world experience and make you job-ready AF. The National Association of Colleges and Employers says 70% of interns score full-time job offers after their stint.


  • Software Engineering
  • IT Solutions Analyst
  • UX/UI Design
  • Tech Project Management
  • Digital Marketing and Analytics

Here in Spokane, the transition from intern to full-time baller is smooth sailing.

The community is all about mentorship and helping you level up. 85% of tech companies here credit their growth to bringing interns on board, and former interns are scoring major roles left and right.

The key is to network like a boss, set clear career goals, and consider leveling up your skills with coding bootcamps like Nucamp's. Real talk, there are so many success stories of former Spokane tech interns landing senior positions within five years.

These internships aren't just a formality; they're the fast track to accelerating your tech career in Spokane's booming scene. So, get out there and snag one of these dope internships, and watch your career skyrocket like a rocket!

Frequently Asked Questions


What types of tech internships are available in Spokane?

Tech internships in Spokane range from software development to IT support and UX design. Software development internships have increased by 30%, IT support roles by 20%, and UX design internships have surged by 25%. Companies like Two Barrels and Swire Coca-Cola offer internship opportunities.

How can students find tech internships in Spokane?

Students can find tech internships in Spokane by using Spokane-specific job boards, platforms like Handshake that filter internship openings, attending networking events like the Tech Expo. Collaborations between educational institutions and tech companies also provide internship opportunities.

What can interns expect from a tech internship in Spokane?

Interns in Spokane can expect diverse responsibilities ranging from software development tasks like coding to IT support roles involving system troubleshooting. Mentorship programs are common, and interns report significant improvements in technical skills and soft skills like communication. Up to 60% of interns transition to full-time positions post-internship.

What is the impact of tech internships on Spokane's economy?

Tech internships contribute to Spokane's economy by providing hands-on experience, shaping tech talent, and encouraging continuous learning. Programs by organizations like SEL offer paid internships that lead to fulfilling careers. The integration of educational paths into internships has led to reduced unemployment rates and an anticipated 15% rise in tech-related jobs over the next decade.

How can interns maximize their tech internship experience in Spokane?

Interns can maximize their tech internship experience in Spokane by setting clear career goals, taking initiative beyond assigned tasks, building a professional network, and leveraging resources such as academic advising services and relevant certifications. Strategies like attending tech meetups and pursuing Nucamp's coding bootcamps can enhance their experience and career prospects.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Dive into educational body reports for objective insights into Spokane's bootcamp performance.

  • Find out how the Tech sector growth in Spokane is driving new opportunities for remote workers.

  • Embark on a transformative journey through mentorship in Spokane, under the guidance of tech luminaries who’ve walked the path before you.

  • Discover how Spokane's tech industry is burgeoning and what that means for aspiring developers in the region.


Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible