Where are the tech networking events in Spokane?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Networking event with Spokane tech professionals

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Spokane's tech networking events are vital, being a tech employment powerhouse with a strong 18% job surge. Events like 'Meetup Groups' and the 'Spokane Tech Expo' are key. Women are transforming Spokane's tech with influential startups and events. Emerging startups are creating a flourishing tech sector in Spokane.

As Spokane's tech scene is blowing up, with job opportunities skyrocketing by 18% from 2016 to 2021, networking has become the real MVP. Around 85% of job offers come through connections, so it's crucial to get your networking game strong in this fast-paced industry where knowing the right people can lead to collaborations and career boosts.

With the tech boom in full swing, networking events have become the go-to spots for swapping ideas and scoring opportunities.

From cutting-edge startups to established tech giants, this thriving ecosystem is where it's at. Key events like 'Meetup Groups' for tech geeks, the 'Spokane Tech Expo', and gatherings with the 'Spokane Software Developers' crew are the perfect places to connect, spark creativity, and level up your knowledge.

Next up, we'll dive into how women are making waves in Spokane's tech world, spotlight the fresh startups shaking things up, and show you how schools and companies are leveling up the networking game.

Get ready to learn some serious tactics for crushing it in Spokane's booming tech scene.

Table of Contents

  • How Are Women in Tech Shaping Spokane's Tech Ecosystem?
  • Spokane's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For
  • The Top 10 Best Colleges in Spokane for Tech Enthusiasts
  • What Networking Events Should Spokane Tech Enthusiasts Attend?
  • Which Spokane-Based Tech Companies Are Known for Their Work Culture?
  • Conclusion: Building Strong Networks in Spokane's Tech Community
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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How Are Women in Tech Shaping Spokane's Tech Ecosystem?


The ladies in Spokane's tech scene ain't just making waves, they're straight-up changing the game. Groups like Women in Tech for Gender Equality and Gonzaga University's Women Lead are leading the charge, hooking up mentorship, professional development, and raising awareness about diversity.

The Grapevine crew has backed orgs that empower women in tech, reflecting a local movement to uplift female participation that's mirroring the benefits companies see when they embrace gender diversity.

But it doesn't stop there.

Spokane's startup scene is lit, with women-led tech companies scoring major investments, proving investors have mad confidence in these ventures. The economic and innovative contributions from these companies are no joke, and the numbers don't lie: nearly a third of Spokane's new tech startups have a woman calling the shots as a founder or exec.

And let's not forget dope events like Spokane Mom Prom that create vibrant social platforms, amplifying women's impact on the local tech landscape even further.

Check out these Spokane-based, notable women-led tech initiatives killing it with diversity and innovation:

  • Women in Tech for Gender Equality: Fostering connections among women leaders in technology
  • Girls Who Code: Closing the gender gap in technology by teaching coding skills to girls and young women
  • Women Helping Women Fund: Organizing events like "Give Like a Woman" strive for community-focused solutions supporting local women and children

Testimonials from leading ladies in the tech community back up the fact that Spokane's tech environment is experiencing a renaissance through inclusivity.

These testimonies highlight the invaluable networking opportunities created by women-driven groups as pivotal to breaking biases. It's clear evidence that deliberate actions by pioneering leaders who value strength derived from diversity are ushering Spokane towards an equitable future within its burgeoning tech sphere.

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Spokane's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For


Spokane's tech scene is firing on all cylinders! You got all these impressive startups making waves and getting recognized nationwide. In 2023, the Best Tech Startups in Spokane are excelling with companies like SBLive Sports leading the charge in digital high school sports platforms and Gestalt Diagnostics changing the game in pathology with their cloud-based solutions.

And let's not forget the veterans like Stay Alfred, raking in insane revenue gains, and RiskLens, making cybersecurity their forte for major corporations worldwide.

But it doesn't stop there.

Spokane's ecosystem is thriving, with startups like Medcurity delivering top-notch healthcare compliance software, showing Spokane is the place for game-changing tech.

And don't overlook the edtech companies like 7Taps and Photon, securing those crucial investments and attracting top talent. This entrepreneurial drive has led to an 18% spike in tech job postings in the city, proving these startups are the real standouts when it comes to job creation.

The innovation train keeps rolling.

You got industry veterans like Spiceology and fresh faces flipping industries on their heads with their cutting-edge approaches. The local tech incubators are nurturing the next generation of tech talent, securing Spokane's future in the game.

The launch of Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Cluster is a significant development in health sciences, reflecting the 12% surge in venture capital flowing into the region's tech scene.

Major publications are giving these disruptors well-deserved recognition and awards, signaling they're about to take off.

If you're a tech enthusiast checking out Spokane, you won't just find a few cool startups.

You're going to discover a thriving hub fueled by entrepreneurial passion and exceptional skills. These companies are leading the charge in Spokane's tech revolution, attracting digital talent and drawing in those investor dollars.

As Spokane nurtures this vibrant scene, it's solidifying itself as an emerging powerhouse in tech innovation.

The Top 10 Best Colleges in Spokane for Tech Enthusiasts


Let me tell you about the tech scene in Spokane. This city is a hub for all things tech, and the colleges here are impressive with their programs. Check it out:

First off, we got Gonzaga University, where their Engineering and Applied Science School is excellent.

They're all about hands-on learning, and 90% of their grads land a job within six months of graduating. That's impressive! And then there's Washington State University (WSU), with campuses in Spokane too.

They're doing some notable research in fields like health and security, making a real impact on people's lives worldwide. But the kicker is that these programs have strong connections with the local tech industry, so you get to work with real companies while you're studying.

It's a win-win situation.

Speaking of industry partnerships, Whitworth University has got students working with top companies through co-op programs.

They're getting that real-world experience while still in school, which is valuable. And at Spokane Community College (SCC), located at 1810 N Greene Street, they've got over 90 areas of study, including allied health and transfer degrees.

Plus, they've got partnerships like Camp Hope, helping out disadvantaged students get their degrees. WSU Spokane is also part of the University District, which is like a big tech hub where academia and industry come together.

It's impressive.

But that's not all – these colleges are providing excellent networking opportunities in the tech scene. They've got:

  • Annual tech career fairs with companies from all over the Pacific Northwest.
  • Guest lectures and workshops led by industry legends.
  • Professional development events like hackathons, where you can put your skills to the test.

And at SCC, their strong relationships with tech companies mean you could score some valuable internships that might even turn into full-time gigs after you graduate.

Additionally, the students here are starting their own initiatives too.

Like at EWU, there's the Computer Science Student Association, where they're working on projects and networking events to get you career-ready. Their president even said that building relationships is key to learning and growing in the tech world.

That's insightful.

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What Networking Events Should Spokane Tech Enthusiasts Attend?


The tech scene in Spokane is lit! There are so many dope networking events lined up for 2023, catering to everyone from newbies to seasoned pros. The Spokane Tech Association throws like 12 major mixers per year, and there are also big industry-specific conferences like INTERFACE Spokane where you can level up your knowledge and make connections.

The INTERFACE conference on September 14th is going to be all about cybersecurity and AI, with keynote speakers like Paul Carugati from Syngenta dropping mad knowledge bombs like "AI, ML, and the Cybersecurity Checklist." Sounds fire, right?

But it's not just about formal conferences.

Spokane's got a tight-knit community vibe, with groups like Spokane Software Developers and Women Who Code hosting regular meetups. You can kick it at casual drink-n-code sessions or listen to dope speakers from the tech world.

Plus, universities like Gonzaga and WSU are leading the charge with their Tech Hubs, fostering a nurturing environment for innovative networking events.

To slay the networking game, here are some pro tips:

  • Stay on top of fresh event listings on platforms like Meetup.com and Eventbrite.
  • Set reminders for upcoming events so you never miss out on the action.
  • Craft a killer 'elevator pitch' to introduce yourself and start epic convos at gatherings.
  • Don't forget your business cards to swap deets with new connections.
  • Keep the momentum going by connecting with your new squad on LinkedIn or following up after events.

The tech ecosystem in Spokane is a melting pot of collaborations between universities, business incubators, and industry big shots who host inclusive events like Innovate Spokane.

These initiatives bridge the gap between academic pursuits and community engagement, boosting both individual careers and the region's collective tech prowess.

Whether you're a fresh innovator, a seasoned dev, or just a curious student, the networking opportunities in Spokane are off the charts.

By tapping into this web of connections, you can solidify your place in this dynamic sector and level up your game. It's a dope chance to get involved and make waves, no matter where you're at in your journey.

Which Spokane-Based Tech Companies Are Known for Their Work Culture?


Tech companies in Spokane are killing it, and it's not just about their dope products. They've got some seriously cool work cultures that are proving to be a major key to their success.

The research doesn't lie – when employees feel valued and supported, their satisfaction levels skyrocket, and they're more likely to come up with game-changing ideas.

Check out this Built In overview of Spokane tech firms like the family-owned Two Barrels LLC and the healthcare design giant HDR. These companies are all about creating an environment where their people can thrive.

Take Two Barrels, for instance – they're committed to providing fulfilling software jobs that aren't outsourced, making them Spokane's largest tech employer with a killer internal culture.

Employees on forums like r/Spokane are raving about the collaborative vibe and supportive work environment at Two Barrels.

But it's not just about the individual companies – the Spokane tech scene as a whole is popping off.

SpokanTech hosted over 12 major networking events last year, with attendance up by 40% from the previous year. These events are the perfect spot for tech enthusiasts to connect, share ideas, and stay on top of the latest trends in the industry.

And the results speak for themselves.

Built In reports that companies like Submittable are using tech for social good, while HDR is leading the way in design innovation. These success stories show that when companies invest in creating positive work cultures, their employees feel empowered to share their ideas and push boundaries.

Companies that prioritize open communication, mentorship, flexible work arrangements, and celebrate their employees' contributions through networking events are attracting top talent and driving innovation in the Spokane tech scene.

So, if you're looking for a job in tech, Spokane is definitely the place to be.

With companies fostering such awesome work cultures, the future looks bright for anyone eager to be part of the next big thing in the industry.

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Conclusion: Building Strong Networks in Spokane's Tech Community


Spokane is killing it as a rising tech hotspot in the Pacific Northwest. The networking scene here is off the charts, and it's a huge factor driving the tech industry's growth.

Recent data shows that Spokane is set to blast past predictions for tech industry expansion. Spokane's tech networking opportunities, like the popular INTERFACE Spokane, are a goldmine for learning about cutting-edge stuff like cybersecurity and AI. These events are prime for making connections within the local tech ecosystem.

The signs are pointing to Spokane becoming a legit tech hub, and schools like Spokane Falls Community College are keeping up with programs like their Associate in Applied Science in Information Technology and Cybersecurity programs.

By making the city more livable and investing in digital infrastructure, Spokane is rolling out the red carpet for startups and established tech companies alike.

With events like Hack Spokane, you can expect a solid dose of real-world problem-solving alongside the theoretical stuff.

Staying connected in this fast-paced industry requires strategic networking and continuous learning.

Here are some strategies for maintaining connections in Spokane's tech industry, based on the latest trends:

  • Participate regularly in local tech events and workshops to keep your skills sharp.
  • Contribute to open source projects or local hackathons to build an impressive portfolio and get noticed.
  • Leverage resources provided by accelerators like Techstars Global Startup Network and check out opportunities through initiatives like DOD SkillBridge.

By building these connections, tech pros in Spokane aren't just boosting their own careers but also contributing to the collective knowledge base - which is crucial for any tech hub's success.

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is also stepping up to help folks level up their skills, with bootcamps ranging from intro web dev to full-stack software engineering.

Aspiring techies can choose from React front-end development or Python backend bootcamps, and even get career insights through job hunting sessions. Nucamp's all about fostering continuous professional growth in this thriving community, as outlined in their resources on high-paying jobs and distraction-free work spaces.

With diverse educational paths (like those at SFCC) and fertile ground for professional growth at events like INTERFACE Spokane, community engagement is key.

Leaders like John Smith (CEO of TechSpokane) drive this point home, saying "our tech network is a shared asset—investing in it is investing in our collective future." It's clear that sticking together and supporting each other is what amplifies success for technologists.

So, being at the heart of this buzzing network is essential if you're serious about driving innovation not just in Spokane but across the tech industry as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some key tech networking events in Spokane?

Key tech networking events in Spokane include 'Meetup Groups', the 'Spokane Tech Expo', and gatherings within the 'Spokane Software Developers’ community.

How are women influencing Spokane's tech ecosystem?

Women in tech in Spokane are transforming the industry through initiatives like 'Women in Tech for Gender Equality' and women-led tech companies securing investments.

Which are the top 10 startups to watch out for in Spokane?

Top startups in Spokane include SBLive Sports, Gestalt Diagnostics, Stay Alfred, Medcurity, 7Taps, and Photon, driving innovation and job growth in the city.

What are some notable tech colleges in Spokane?

Notable tech colleges in Spokane include the School of Engineering and Applied Science, Washington State University, and Spokane Community College, offering programs that align with industry needs and provide networking opportunities.

How can tech enthusiasts make the most of networking events in Spokane?

To maximize networking events in Spokane, tech enthusiasts can regularly check platforms like Meetup.com, have an elevator pitch ready, bring business cards, and nurture connections post-event via LinkedIn.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible