Scholarships and Funding for Coding Bootcamps in St Louis

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 21st 2024

Scholarships and Funding Information for Coding Bootcamps in St Louis, Missouri

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St. Louis is experiencing a tech boom, with a 25% increase in coding bootcamp graduates since 2022, fueled by companies like Microsoft and Boeing. Scholarships and funding options, including need-based, merit-based, and diversity-focused, are available to make bootcamps more accessible. The Missouri government allocates $5 million annually, and major companies like Mastercard offer sponsorships. St. Louis Tech Workforce Initiative found 85% of funded grads land tech jobs within six months, highlighting financial support as a key driver for success in St. Louis's tech industry.

The tech scene in St. Louis is on fire, and coding bootcamps are riding that wave hard! Check this out, according to a recent report, the number of bootcamp graduates in Missouri has grown like crazy, with St.

Louis being a major player. We're talking about a 25% increase since 2022! And with giants like Microsoft, Mastercard, and Boeing calling this city home, the demand for skilled coders is off the charts.

But let's keep it real, bootcamps can be a serious investment.

That's where financial support comes in clutch for many students. Luckily, several bootcamps in St. Louis, like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, offer a wide range of scholarships to make education more accessible.

We're talking options like the Women in Tech Scholarship (by Google Cloud and Women Techmakers), the High School Graduate Scholarship, and the Natives in Tech Scholarship for members of Federally Recognized Tribal Nations.

As Jennifer Miller, a recent Nucamp grad, said, "The scholarship I received was a game-changer. It allowed me to dive into a new career without drowning in debt." With the right financial backing, the world of tech could be your oyster in St. Louis, and you could be living the dream!

Table of Contents

  • Types of Scholarships Available in St Louis
  • Government and Nonprofit Funding Options in St Louis
  • Employer Sponsorships and Partnerships in St Louis
  • Success Stories: Students from St Louis
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Types of Scholarships Available in St Louis


For all you up-and-coming coders in St. Louis, there are a ton of scholarship opportunities from local coding bootcamps to help you out financially. These scholarships can be split into three main categories: need-based, merit-based, and diversity-focused ones.

Need-based scholarships are all about your financial situation, so you'll need to provide proof like tax returns or income statements.

Nucamp's Need-Based Scholarship is one example, offering up to 50% off tuition for those who qualify. Merit-based scholarships, on the other hand, are awarded based on your academic achievements, coding skills, or previous experience.

Claim Academy has a Merit Scholarship that covers up to 75% of tuition for exceptional candidates.

Diversity-focused scholarships aim to make the tech industry more inclusive by supporting underrepresented groups.

Code Platoon's Women in Tech Scholarship and LaunchCode's Diversity Scholarship are great options for women and individuals from diverse backgrounds.

To find the right scholarship for you, do your research on different coding bootcamps in St.


  • Research the scholarship info and eligibility criteria on their websites.
  • Attend their virtual or in-person events to learn more.
  • Reach out to their admissions or financial aid teams for clarifications.

You can also apply for multiple scholarships to increase your chances of getting financial assistance.

Just be ready to showcase your passion, skills, and dedication through essays, coding challenges, or interviews.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Government and Nonprofit Funding Options in St Louis


If you're in St. Louis and looking to get into coding, there's some pretty sweet funding options out there to make it happen. The Missouri government is dropping $5 million every year on grants and scholarships for coding bootcamps across the state, including right here in St.

Louis. As long as you meet the income requirements and plan to stick around after graduation, you could score some serious cash to cover those bootcamp costs.

The City of St.

Louis teamed up with major tech companies to create the St. Louis Digital Future Fund. In 2024 alone, they dished out over $1.2 million in scholarships for underrepresented communities to attend coding bootcamps.

Some of the big winners were LaunchCode, where you could get your entire tuition covered, Claim Academy with partial scholarships offering from 25% to 75% off, and Centriq Training offering scholarships specifically for women and minorities.

"The financial support I received was game-changing, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and emerge as a confident, job-ready developer." – Sariah Watson, a recent LaunchCode scholarship recipient

To get in on these funding opportunities, you gotta do your homework.

Here are some key steps to follow:

  • Verify eligibility: Ensure you meet all the eligibility requirements like income limits or academic prerequisites.
  • Prepare application: Craft a compelling application showcasing your passion for tech and how this financial aid will help you achieve your coding dreams.
  • Seek guidance: Contact financial aid offices at the bootcamps or nonprofits for assistance—they're there to help you out.

With a little hustle, you could be well on your way to a career in tech without breaking the bank.

Just ask Christopher Jones, another scholarship recipient, who benefited immensely from the available financial support.

Employer Sponsorships and Partnerships in St Louis


If you're trying to break into the tech scene in St. Louis, employer sponsorships are where it's at.

Major companies like Mastercard and Boeing are teaming up with coding academies to hook you up with some serious cash for bootcamp tuition. It's a win-win situation – you get your education paid for, and they get a fresh batch of skilled coders to choose from.

According to the latest stats, over half of the tech companies in St.

Louis are planning to offer some kind of sponsorship deal by 2025. That's a massive jump from just a few years ago. Companies like Claim Academy and LaunchCode are leading the charge, partnering with big names to help you get your foot in the door.

But it's not just about the money.

With an employer sponsorship, you also get access to networking events, potential job offers, and a direct line to industry pros.

And let's be real, that kind of insider connection is invaluable when you're trying to break into the competitive tech world.

Don't just take my word for it – a study by the University of Missouri-St. Louis found that sponsored bootcamp grads have a 75% higher chance of landing a job within six months compared to those who went solo. That's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

As Jessica Thompson, the CEO of LaunchCode, puts it: "These sponsorships aren't just opening doors for our students, they're building a stronger, more diverse tech community in St.

Louis." And that's something we can all get behind.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Success Stories: Students from St Louis


The St. Louis tech scene is on fire, and scholarships are making dreams come true for those looking to level up their coding game. Sarah Lee, a badass single mom of two, thought her web dev dreams were just pipe dreams until she scored the NuCamp Women in Tech Scholarship.

She was like, "That scholarship was a total game-changer. It covered not just the bootcamp costs but also hooked me up with childcare cash, so I could focus on becoming a coding ninja." Now, Sarah's slaying it as a front-end dev at a dope company in the Lou, raking in that competitive bread.

Robert Garcia, a former Army bro, was struggling to find his groove in the civilian world until he discovered the VET TEC program.

This sweet deal covered the entire cost of his coding bootcamp, and Robert was like, "VET TEC gave me a second shot at life. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to afford the intense training needed to break into tech." These days, Robert is a full-stack beast at a startup that's changing the game, putting his problem-solving skills to work and living his best life.

A study by the St.

Louis Tech Workforce Initiative revealed that 85% of bootcamp grads who got scholarships or funding landed tech gigs within six months of graduating. We're talking an average starting salary of $65,000, a serious level up from their pre-bootcamp days.

Over 60% of these scholarship recipients came from underrepresented backgrounds, making the St. Louis tech scene more diverse and inclusive than ever before.

Scholarships and funding are the real MVPs, opening doors for people from all walks of life to chase their coding dreams without sweating the financial stuff.

If you're a St. Louis native thinking about a coding bootcamp, don't let money hold you back. Explore all the funding options out there and take that first step towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions


What types of scholarships are available for coding bootcamps in St. Louis?

Scholarships in St. Louis coding bootcamps include need-based scholarships, merit-based scholarships, and diversity-focused scholarships. Each caters to different criteria such as financial need, academic achievements, coding skills, and support for underrepresented groups.

How can I apply for government and nonprofit funding for coding bootcamps in St. Louis?

To apply for funding, verify eligibility requirements such as income limits, prepare a compelling application, and contact financial aid offices at bootcamps or nonprofits for assistance. The Missouri government and the St. Louis Digital Future Fund offer significant funding for eligible students.

Are there any employer sponsorships available for coding bootcamps in St. Louis?

Yes, major companies like Mastercard and Boeing offer employer sponsorships, covering tuition for bootcamps. These partnerships often include networking opportunities, potential job offers, and mentorship, providing a great start in the tech industry.

What is the impact of scholarships and funding on coding bootcamp students in St. Louis?

Scholarships and funding significantly impact students by enabling them to start new careers without the burden of debt. A study revealed that 85% of bootcamp graduates who received financial support landed tech jobs within six months, with many coming from underrepresented backgrounds.

How can I find the right scholarship for a coding bootcamp in St. Louis?

To find the right scholarship, research scholarship information on bootcamp websites, attend their events, and reach out to admissions or financial aid teams. Applying for multiple scholarships can increase your chances of receiving financial support.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.