Venture Capital in Taipei: Where to Find Funding for Your Tech Idea

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Skyline of Taipei highlighting the venture capital ecosystem

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The venture capital (VC) landscape in Taipei supports tech startups with challenges. It helped 2,000 out of 636,648 companies raise funds. Taipei has strong public initiatives, a robust talent pool, and key events to support tech entrepreneurs. Notable VC firms like 500 Startups offer mentorship and networking beyond funding.

Taipei's startup scene is thriving with innovative ideas and fresh startups, but most of them end up crashing and burning. Out of like 636K companies, only 2K have managed to score some VC money.

That's a harsh reality, but there's a new breed of venture capitalists stepping up their game to boost their chances of backing a winner.

Despite the challenges, Taipei's startup ecosystem is vibrant.

The city's got a solid talent pool, a supportive government, and a ton of resources like the Innovation & Incubation Center at the National Taipei University of Technology.

This vibrant environment is a breeding ground for the next big tech disruptions, and it's putting Taipei on the global map as a major tech innovation hub.

Taipei's government is going all-in to help startups thrive.

They're teaming up with heavy hitters like Taiwania Capital, a state-backed VC firm, to provide the support and funding these young companies need to turn their ideas into reality.

It's like a cheat code for success!

So, if you're a tech-savvy entrepreneur or just love keeping up with the latest trends, you gotta check out what's happening in Taipei's venture capital scene.

It's like a behind-the-scenes look at how this city is transforming itself into a global tech powerhouse. And if you need more details, check out these articles from Nucamp that dive deep into Taipei's thriving tech ecosystem.

Table of Contents

  • The Evolution of Taipei's Venture Capital Scene
  • Top Venture Capital Firms in Taipei
  • How to Approach Venture Capitalists in Taipei
  • Success Stories: Taipei Startups Funded by VC
  • Navigating Legalities: Understanding Taipei's VC Regulations
  • What to Look for in a Taipei Venture Capital Firm
  • Wrapping Up: Your Path To Venture Capital in Taipei
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Evolution of Taipei's Venture Capital Scene


The VC scene in Taipei has been poppin' off like crazy, making it a major tech hub in Asia. It all started with the government trying to boost the economy through tech companies, and they launched the National Development Fund back in the 70s to fund these newbie startups.

But things really took off in the 90s when private VC firms came into the game, bringing in a whole new wave of innovation and entrepreneurship. By the 2000s, Taipei was on the global radar, with investors from all over the world pouring in cash, showing that this city was a real contender in the tech world.

This boom has been well-documented by experts like Michael Thompson and Jennifer Lopez in their piece on Angel Financing in Asia Pacific, where they highlight the strong ties between Taiwan's tech industry and Silicon Valley.

Charles Jones also dives deep into Taiwan's Venture Capitalism, showing how the mix of innovation and capital is driving Taipei's VC activity.

Even the Carnegie Endowment has taken a look at the challenges and solutions to keep Taipei competitive in the global tech game.

Key Milestones:
  • 1979 - The National Development Fund launches, targeting tech sectors.
  • 1991 - Taipei's first private VC firm opens up, diversifying the funding options.
  • 2000 - Taipei's tech scene gains international recognition, attracting major foreign VC investments.

The Taiwan Venture Capital Association's data backs up this growth, showing that VC investments have more than tripled from 2000 to 2020, proving that Taipei's VC environment is thriving and evolving rapidly.

As one leading Taipei VC player put it,

"The transformation of Taipei's VC landscape has been mind-blowing, going from a small government-led initiative to a dynamic, globally recognized hub for tech innovation."

This evolution has not only brought in a variety of investments but has also created a kickass ecosystem for startups, making Taipei a super attractive destination for tech entrepreneurs worldwide.

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Top Venture Capital Firms in Taipei


Taipei's tech scene is straight fire, and it's all thanks to the mad VCs (that's venture capitalists for you) who be pouring stacks into these dope startups. We got some heavy hitters like AppWorks leading the charge, dropping over $150 mill across Asia.

They got a wild portfolio of over 400 startups under their belt. Real OGs like 500 Startups and SOSV are also killing it, investing in early-stage tech companies left and right.

SOSV's Chinaccelerator is a real G, focused on health, deep tech, and consumer sectors.

But it's not just about the cash. These VCs are hooking startups up with mentorship, networking, and access to global markets.

AppWorks has this sick 6-month accelerator program that teaches founders how to scale their operations worldwide. 500 Startups is famous for their hands-on approach, helping startups nail down their product-market fit and business strategy.

Real talk, Taipei's startup scene is blowing up thanks to these VCs.

Check this out:

"Thanks to pivotal funding and strategic guidance from local VCs, Taipei-based startups are not only flourishing domestically but also making significant inroads into international markets,"

That's how vital these VCs are.

So, if you're an entrepreneur tryna make moves in Taipei, you better know who the big dogs are and how they can help you level up.

How to Approach Venture Capitalists in Taipei


If you're looking to score some serious cash from the big-shot VCs in Taipei, you gotta come correct with a tight pitch and a solid network. It's all about playing the game smart.

First up, your pitch needs to be on point.

You gotta spell out the dope-ass solution you're bringing to the table and why it's gonna blow people's minds. Don't just talk about the product, though – rock some hard data on the market, the competition, and how you're gonna rake in the dough.

Treat these meetings like you're building a long-term relationship, not just asking for a handout.

According to this Venture Capital for Financing Technology in Taipei study, a killer pitch should include:

  • A clear problem statement and how you're gonna fix it.
  • Proof that your idea is already gaining traction, or at least a solid concept.
  • A breakdown of your target market and who's gonna be using your product.
  • Bios of your crew, showing off your relevant skills and achievements.

But it's not just about the pitch.

Networking is key if you want to get noticed by the Taipei VCs. Get your face out there at local tech events, meetups, and workshops. The Meet Global Tea Time event is a dope opportunity to connect with international investors, including those from the US.

You can also level up by joining tech incubators or accelerators like AppWorks or StarFab.

They'll hook you up with chances to meet potential investors through demo days or mentorship programs.

As one Taipei-based VC once said,

"In this city, it's not just about what you know, but also who you know. The right introduction can make all the difference."

So, get those connections tight with the tech community, and try to get some solid endorsements from established entrepreneurs or advisors who are tight with the VCs.

Play your cards right with a solid pitch and a strong network, and you might just score that sweet VC cash!

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Success Stories: Taipei Startups Funded by VC


Taipei's tech scene is thriving, and startups are succeeding thanks to the venture capital firms investing significant funds. Let me tell you about Picsee, a marketing platform that secured major cash from top VC firms like 500 Startups and SOSV. With that money, they enhanced their technology and expanded their reach, proving how VCs can drive startups' growth.

Gogoro is a company revolutionizing urban mobility with their electric scooters. After securing an investment round, they took their business global, cementing themselves as leaders in green tech.

These examples show how VC funding can transform Taipei startups:

  • Increased Market Penetration: Startups like Umbo CV used VC money to improve their products and tap into new markets, resulting in a massive boost in customers and revenue. Even local Taiwanese startups have been receiving funds from homegrown firms, showing how strong Taipei's startup scene is with local and international VCs supporting it.
  • Product Innovation: With VCs bankrolling them, companies like iKala, an AI-powered marketing platform, have been introducing cutting-edge products for a global audience, thanks to their enhanced R&D efforts. Investors are actively seeking tech startup opportunities, proving Taipei's environment is prime for innovation and growth.
  • Global Expansion: VC investment has been crucial for startups like Appier to expand worldwide, helping them establish a presence in multiple countries and diversify their market reach. Taipei's ambition to become a "Smart City" and its startup-friendly initiatives are setting the stage for more startups to follow suit.

The success of these startups is attracting even more VC interest to Taipei, creating a cycle of innovation and investment.

As the CEO of Gogoro said, "Venture capital is more than just money; it's a strategic resource that helps startups break boundaries and advance." This highlights how VC funding can be a game-changer for tech startups in Taipei, propelling them to new heights.

Navigating Legalities: Understanding Taipei's VC Regulations


Taipei's startup scene is on fire, but it ain't just about securing investors and pitching your idea. You gotta know the legal game too. The city's got a bunch of rules to protect everyone and keep things fair.

We're talking about laws like the Securities and Exchange Act, the Limited Partnership Act for Venture Capital Enterprises, and the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act.

These set the stage for how you operate, invest, and potentially exit once your startup takes off.

Navigating these regulations is crucial:

  • Securities and Exchange Act: Keeps things transparent and fair when it comes to issuing and trading securities.
  • Limited Partnership Act for Venture Capital Enterprises: Allows VC firms to operate as limited partnerships, giving them flexibility and benefits tailored for their industry.
  • Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act: Lays down the rules for mergers and acquisitions, making it easier for investors and startups to plan their exit strategies.

If you're from overseas, you'll also need to get approvals from the Investment Commission for various business activities, as outlined in the Doing Business in Taiwan: Overview.

Following these regulations isn't just about ticking boxes, it's about showing investors that you're legit and you know how to manage risk.

As one legal expert puts it, "Sticking to Taipei's strict VC laws not only smooths out your fundraising but also builds investor confidence in your governance game." It's a crucial part of making your startup attractive to VCs and unlocking that sweet, sweet funding.

Plus, the 2023 Investment Climate Statements: Taiwan highlights the city's efforts to keep improving the investment environment for foreign companies.

So, if you want to turn your tech dreams into reality, you better get familiar with these legal ins and outs.

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What to Look for in a Taipei Venture Capital Firm


Looking for that venture capital (VC) firm in Taipei to fuel your tech startup's growth? It's a real hustle, but you gotta understand the local VC scene and how your startup's vision vibes with potential investors.

Taipei's ecosystem is straight-up buzzing.

The Startup Ecosystem of Taipei City report shows it's a thriving community that's all about new ventures, especially in hardware & IoT, marketing & sales, and social & leisure sectors.

One key factor when picking a Taipei-based VC is their investment track record in your niche.

Data shows that firms with experience in your startup's specific tech area often bring mad guidance and networks, on top of the cash flow. For instance, the Taipei Tech Startup Association's report highlighted that successful tech startups usually teamed up with VCs that had a solid portfolio in tech sectors like AI, biotech, and green technology.

Another crucial factor is the VC's approach to risk and growth.

Taipei's top VCs are known for striking that balance between innovative, high-risk projects and those with a clear path to market scalability. It's all about that strategic flex, ya dig?

Alignment of vision and values is key.

Understanding a VC firm's ethos, as reflected in their mission statements and past collaborations, is essential. Like, David Williams, co-founder of a thriving Taipei fintech startup, said, "Finding a VC that shared our ambition for disrupting traditional finance was a game-changer." Shared goals between startups and investors? That's the recipe for sustained growth and mutual satisfaction.

And let's not forget the legal environment and how it impacts the venture capital industry.

A supportive legislative framework can seriously boost the growth of startups. It's all part of this complex landscape, ya feel me?

So, keep your eyes peeled for that perfect VC fit, and let your startup's vision shine! It's a grind, but the right VC partnership can take your tech game to the next level.

Wrapping Up: Your Path To Venture Capital in Taipei


We've been diving deep into the wild world of VCs in Taipei, and let me tell you, it's a real trip. This city's startup scene is on fire, and the VCs are fueling the flames.

With Taipei climbing the ranks in the Global Ecosystem Index, it's clear that local startups are getting more chances to turn their tech dreams into reality.


Know the Players: Taipei's got a mix of VC funds like the government-backed National Development Fund and private big dogs like AppWorks and CDIB Capital.

Last year, VC funding for tech startups in the city hit record highs, and with industry giants getting more pumped about investing, the climate for innovation is hotter than ever.


Get Your Hustle On: Before you hit up the VCs, make sure your pitch is on point, your business plan is solid af, and you've got a killer growth strategy.

Networking is key in Taipei, so get out there and schmooze at tech meetups, startup events like Meet Taipei, and entrepreneurship forums. Joining Nucamp's coding bootcamps could also score you some inside connections to the city's tech fam.


Learn From the OGs: Check out the stories of startups like Pinkoi and KKday that slayed the Taipei VC game and scored major funding. Their journeys, along with insights from other successful Taiwanese startups, show you how a killer value proposition and understanding the market needs can make all the difference.


Navigate the Red Tape: Get familiar with Taiwan's legal rules around venture funding to keep things smooth sailing. Key stuff to know includes the Foreign Investment Approval process and staying compliant with the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act.

Perks like the Taiwan Employment Gold Card and the Taiwan Entrepreneur Visa also help make the ecosystem more startup-friendly.

Bottom line, Taipei's VC scene is a goldmine for tech startups.

If you come correct with a solid plan, hustle hard in the community, and learn from the OGs who've already made it, you'll up your chances of scoring VC cash.

As the wise Lao Tzu said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." So take that first step and venture into Taipei's VC world with the ambition to crush it.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key strategies for finding venture capital funding in Taipei?

The key strategies for finding venture capital funding in Taipei include enhancing investor hit rates, supporting startup growth, partnering with state-backed venture capital firms like Taiwania Capital, and leveraging governmental support to foster an environment conducive to startup success.

What are the notable milestones in the evolution of Taipei's venture capital scene?

Notable milestones in the evolution of Taipei's venture capital scene include the introduction of the National Development Fund in 1979, establishment of the first private venture capital firm in 1991, and Taipei gaining international recognition in 2000, attracting significant foreign VC investment.

How can entrepreneurs approach venture capitalists in Taipei effectively?

Entrepreneurs in Taipei can approach venture capitalists effectively by meticulously preparing their pitch, showcasing the unique value proposition of their tech idea, understanding the market analysis, participating in local tech events and accelerators, and building strong networks within the tech community.

What are the success stories of Taipei startups funded by venture capital?

Success stories of Taipei startups funded by venture capital include Picsee and Gogoro, demonstrating how VC funding facilitated technological advancements, market expansion, increased market penetration, product innovation, and global expansion, contributing to the growth and success of Taipei-based startups.

What legal regulations should startups in Taipei consider when seeking venture capital funding?

Startups in Taipei seeking venture capital funding should consider legal regulations such as the Securities and Exchange Act, Limited Partnership Act for Venture Capital Enterprises, and Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act. Understanding foreign investment approvals by the Investment Commission is crucial to navigating the regulatory environment successfully.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible