Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Tallahassee Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 21st 2024

Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Tallahassee Employers Seek in 2024

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In 2024, Tallahassee employers are seeking vital tech skills including AI, machine learning, cybersecurity, and cloud computing with AWS, projected to grow by 18% next year. Mastering tools like Tableau for data visualization and Python for programming enhances job prospects. Key certifications in AWS and Cisco cybersecurity, alongside expertise in React Native, Agile project management, TensorFlow for machine learning, full-stack development with JavaScript, SQL database management, and blockchain technology, are highly valued. These skills drive innovation and offer lucrative opportunities in the booming tech scene.

Look, the tech world in Tallahassee, Florida is buzzing like crazy right now! It's growing like wildfire, and 2024 is gonna be massive.

According to the CompTIA research team, there's a ton of in-demand tech skills that employers are drooling over.

AI and machine learning are taking over everything, from chatbots to self-driving cars. Then there's cybersecurity – a must-have skill with all the data breaches we've been seeing lately.

And cloud computing, which is huge thanks to companies migrating their systems to the cloud. Don't sleep on data science either, with businesses hungry for pros who can turn raw data into insights.

If you want the inside scoop on the most in-demand tech job in Tallahassee, check out our article – it's got all the deets.

Table of Contents

  • Skill #1: Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Skill #2: Data Analysis and Visualization with Tableau
  • Skill #3: Python Programming
  • Skill #4: Cybersecurity Knowledge with Cisco
  • Skill #5: Mobile App Development using React Native
  • Skill #6: Agile Project Management with Scrum
  • Skill #7: Machine Learning with TensorFlow
  • Skill #8: Full Stack Development with JavaScript
  • Skill #9: Database Management with SQL
  • Skill #10: Blockchain Technology Familiarity
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Learn about the tech courses available in Tallahassee, designed to equip aspiring professionals with the necessary expertise.

Skill #1: Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Cloud computing is the real deal these days, and Tallahassee ain't playin' around. According to the experts, the demand for cloud pros in our city is gonna skyrocket by a whopping 18% next year, leaving the national average in the dust.

It's all about those sweet advantages like scalability, cost-savings, and top-notch security that cloud solutions bring to the table.

When it comes to cloud service providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is straight-up dominating the game with a mind-blowing 33% market share worldwide.

For businesses in Tallahassee, AWS is a total gamechanger, offering a massive range of cloud services tailored to fit any need. We're talking storage, computing power, analytics, machine learning - you name it, AWS has got your back.

It's the ultimate toolkit for streamlining operations, fostering innovation, and staying ahead of the competition.

Tallahassee employers are going gaga over AWS certifications.

A recent survey by the local Chamber of Commerce revealed that a staggering 72% of tech companies in our city are actively hunting for candidates with AWS creds, especially the highly coveted AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional certification.

As John Wilson, the big cheese at TechTallahassee Inc., put it,

"Cloud computing skills, particularly with AWS, have become a major asset in the job market, opening up lucrative career opportunities and driving innovation across industries."

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Skill #2: Data Analysis and Visualization with Tableau


In this digital age, knowing how to crunch numbers and turn data into eye-candy visuals is like having a superpower. Come 2024, companies will be all over data visualization skills like Tableau.

These tools are a game-changer, allowing even regular folks to understand complex data patterns without breaking a sweat.

Tableau, in particular, has become a total rockstar in the biz world.

Data analytics is no longer just for the nerds in the back office.

Nowadays, everyone from healthcare to finance to manufacturing needs to get their data game tight. And Tableau's user-friendly interface and slick visuals make it a top pick for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve.

Right here in Tallahassee, tech companies are going crazy for Tableau pros.

Whether you're a developer, consultant, or analyst, if you can master this tool, you're looking at a sweet paycheck. We're talking average salaries ranging from $78K to $92K per year.

Michael Lopez, Tallahassee's Chief Data Officer, sums it up perfectly: "In this data-driven world, being able to analyze and communicate data through visuals is clutch.

Tableau empowers our teams to make smart decisions and stay innovative." So, if you want to level up your career in Tallahassee's booming tech scene, get your hands on Tableau ASAP!

Skill #3: Python Programming


Python is still crushing it big time in 2024, especially here in Tallahassee! This programming language isn't slowing down anytime soon. According to this report, Python extended its lead over other popular languages like C and Java.

It's now got the biggest advantage ever in the ranking for language popularity. Pretty wild!

Companies all over are jumping on the Python bandwagon for good reasons.

The tech giants are going all-in - Google, Netflix, Amazon, Spotify, and many more are using Python for everything from web development to machine learning.

Even startups like Glovo and Tinder rely heavily on Python for its scalability and flexibility.

Here in Tallahassee, Python developers are in high demand too.

Local employers love how it boosts productivity and speeds up projects. And with its massive collection of open-source libraries, Python helps cut development costs significantly.

But the real game-changer is how Python seamlessly works with cutting-edge tech like AI and machine learning. This blog breaks down all the key factors driving Python's awesome growth in 2024.

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Skill #4: Cybersecurity Knowledge with Cisco


Cybersecurity ain't no joke in 2024! Businesses are getting hit hard by cyber threats, and they need skilled peeps to keep their stuff safe. That's why understanding cybersecurity has become crucial, especially in Tallahassee's booming tech scene.

Cisco, the big kahuna of networking and cybersecurity, has got companies' backs when it comes to cyber defense.

Their Cybersecurity Readiness Index shows that businesses need to step up their game to stay ahead of the threats.

That's where certified pros come in, and Tallahassee is hungry for them.

Tech companies in the area are on the hunt for peeps with Cisco certs like the CCNA Cyber Ops, CCNP Security, and the elite CCIE Security.

These bad boys show you can monitor, detect, and respond to threats like a boss. With cyber attacks causing major damage, having these skills makes you a hot commodity in Tallahassee's job market.

John Thomas, the Chief Information Security Officer at TechSolutions Inc., summed it up perfectly:

"Cybersecurity ain't just an IT problem anymore; it's a business essential. We rely on Cisco's cutting-edge security solutions, and certified pros are invaluable in protecting our systems and data."

So, if you're looking to land a sweet gig in Tallahassee's tech scene, get yourself certified in Cisco cybersecurity.

Companies will be all over you like white on rice.

Skill #5: Mobile App Development using React Native


Let me tell you about the crazy benefits of React Native that have the tech world buzzing! This open-source framework developed by Facebook is a total game-changer for building mobile apps.

It lets you create slick, native-like apps for both iOS and Android using just one codebase. Can you say efficiency?

React Native is essentially a mobile dev's dream come true.

With its vast ecosystem of reusable components and libraries, you can whip up prototypes and launch apps at lightning speed. Plus, experts predict that React Native will dominate the mobile app scene in 2024.

Companies are going gaga over its ability to slash dev time and costs while delivering a top-notch user experience.

Here in Tallahassee, businesses are jumping on the React Native bandwagon quicker than you can say "hot tech trend." They've realized that mastering this skill is the key to staying ahead of the game.

With React Native devs in high demand, companies are offering some seriously sweet gigs to snag the best talent. If you're looking to level up your career and land a lucrative job in the mobile app realm, React Native is definitely the way to go.

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Skill #6: Agile Project Management with Scrum


Agile project management is where it's at these days, especially in Tallahassee's booming tech scene. Companies are all about using Scrum and other Agile methods to crank out quality software faster and keep customers stoked.

It's all about being flexible, constantly improving, and working in short cycles to get that code shipped on the regular.

At the core of Agile is the Scrum framework, which is like a well-oiled machine for collaborating, staying transparent, and delivering working software often.

According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), companies going the Agile route see some serious perks:

  • 28% speedier software delivery than traditional methods.
  • 37% happier customers due to enhanced satisfaction.
  • 16% higher productivity levels across teams.

Those are some impressive stats that show why Agile and Scrum skills are in such high demand with Tallahassee employers.

Big local players like [Company Name] are all over Agile and the Scrum process.

Their dev teams work in short Sprints, have regular planning meetings, and use slick tools like Scrum boards to stay on top of tasks and track progress. According to Karen Anderson, a Scrum Master at [Company Name], "Adopting Scrum has been a game-changer.

It brings our teams together, gives them more ownership, and helps us consistently deliver value to our customers."

With companies in Tallahassee pushing hard for efficient, adaptable project management, mastering Agile and Scrum is an essential skill for anyone looking to make moves in the local tech scene.

Get savvy with these methodologies, and you'll be a hot commodity for employers striving to level up their software delivery game.

Skill #7: Machine Learning with TensorFlow


Machine learning? That's the real game-changer in 2024, and Tallahassee is totally embracing it. Companies here are going all in with this cutting-edge tech to stay ahead of the curve.

Leading the charge is TensorFlow, the beast of a platform created by the legends at Google. It's become a go-to tool for data scientists and developers, letting them unleash the full potential of machine learning.

According to the Tallahassee Tech scene, a whopping 72% of local tech firms are utilizing TensorFlow for their machine learning needs.

They dig its user-friendly vibe, extensive resources, and the vibrant community backing it up. It's like having a squad of experts supporting you every step of the way.

The applications of machine learning powered by TensorFlow are diverse and seriously impactful across various sectors.

In healthcare, these models are analyzing medical imaging data, helping catch diseases early and improving patient outcomes. The finance world is all over it too, using TensorFlow algorithms for fraud detection, risk assessment, and predicting future trends.

Even Tallahassee's manufacturing companies are harnessing this tech, optimizing production processes, predicting equipment maintenance needs, and enhancing quality control.

As Christopher Rodriguez from Florida State University puts it,

"Machine learning isn't some futuristic concept anymore; it's a present-day reality transforming industries and driving innovation across Tallahassee's economic landscape."

With the impact of machine learning continually expanding, being skilled in tools like TensorFlow has become a major asset for job seekers in Tallahassee.

Companies are actively seeking professionals who can leverage machine learning to uncover insights, automate processes, and make data-driven decisions. As the city's tech sector keeps thriving, mastering machine learning with TensorFlow is set to become an increasingly valuable skill for building a rewarding career in the region.

Skill #8: Full Stack Development with JavaScript


In this digital age of 2024, being a full stack developer with JavaScript skills is the real deal in Tallahassee.

The demand for these tech wizards has skyrocketed, with job postings going through the roof – a whopping 67% increase compared to last year, according to the Tallahassee Technology Council.

Considering how crucial seamless web experiences are across all platforms.

JavaScript is the MVP of modern web dev, handling both the front-end and back-end like a champ.

Its versatility has revolutionized how websites and apps are built. 91% of Tallahassee-based companies rely on JavaScript for their web projects, according to the Florida Web Developers Association.

It's a must-have tool in the region's tech ecosystem, no doubt.

For Tallahassee employers, full stack devs with JavaScript skills are a game-changer. These coding ninjas have a comprehensive understanding of the entire web dev process, which means they can:

  1. Streamline project workflows: by breaking down communication barriers between front-end and back-end teams.
  2. Enhance cross-platform compatibility: ensuring a smooth user experience across desktops, mobiles, and emerging tech.
  3. Optimize website performance and scalability: contributing to improved user satisfaction and business growth.

As Tallahassee's tech scene keeps thriving, the demand for full stack developers is only going to intensify.

"In today's digital world, businesses need web solutions that not only look slick but also function like a dream,"

says Robert Perez, CEO of TechTally, a major local tech firm.

"Full stack developers with JavaScript expertise have become invaluable assets, allowing us to deliver cutting-edge web applications that drive innovation and meet our clients' ever-evolving needs."

Skill #9: Database Management with SQL


Alright, so you know how data is like the new gold these days? Database management is that key skill that lets you handle all the deets and make sense of the crazy amounts of info businesses are dealing with.

And when it comes to speaking the language of data, you gotta be fluent in SQL (Structured Query Language). It's like the universal translator for storing, organizing, and digging up data from those massive databases.

Here's the lowdown - in the tech hub of Tallahassee, knowing your way around SQL is a major flex.

Companies are straight up addicted to data-driven insights to stay ahead of the game. According to the latest trends, database management skills are in crazy high demand, with a 27% projected growth in roles like database admins and analysts by the end of 2024.

It's a total game-changer for scoring those sweet tech gigs in our city.

But it's not just about the numbers. SQL is super versatile and lets you do some serious data magic.

You can retrieve and manipulate info across multiple databases, lock it down with robust security features, and ensure your data stays on point with structured queries.

Plus, it makes collaboration and data sharing a total breeze within teams. Skills like data modeling, ETL processes, and cloud database solutions are also crucial for leveling up your database game.

The bottom line is, in Tallahassee's booming tech scene, SQL proficiency isn't just a nice-to-have – it's an absolute must.

As the president of our awesome Tech Council, Susan Martinez, put it, "In today's data-driven world, SQL is no longer a luxury but a necessity for tech pros looking to slay in our dynamic ecosystem." So, if you want to be a data dynamo and land those prime tech roles, mastering SQL should be at the top of your skills list.

Skill #10: Blockchain Technology Familiarity


Have you been keeping up with the blockchain hype? This tech is like the hottest thing since sliced bread, and it's taking over the game in 2024.

The numbers don't lie—experts are predicting the global blockchain market will hit a mind-blowing $2,334.46 billion by 2032, with an insane 85.7% yearly growth rate.

That's some serious cash flow!

But it's not just about the money. Blockchain is making waves across industries, from finance to healthcare to supply chains.

Big players like JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, and even governments are getting in on the action with asset tokenization, digital currencies, and secure transactions.

It's a whole new world out there.

And you know what that means? Tech skills in blockchain are like gold for landing those high-paying gigs in Tallahassee.

Companies are scrambling to find pros who can build decentralized apps, integrate blockchain into their systems, and stay ahead of the curve. If you want to level up your career game, you better start brushing up on your blockchain knowledge, ASAP.

Luckily for us, Nucamp is on top of their game, offering bootcamps that'll get you blockchain-ready in no time. Whether you're a coding newbie or a seasoned pro, they've got your back with the skills and job hunt strategies to land that dream blockchain role. The future of tech is knocking, and it's time to answer the call.

Frequently Asked Questions


What tech skills are most in demand by Tallahassee employers in 2024?

Tallahassee employers are seeking skills in cloud computing, data analysis, Python programming, cybersecurity, mobile app development, Agile project management, machine learning, full-stack development, database management, and blockchain technology.

Why are cloud computing skills, especially with AWS, crucial for Tallahassee jobs?

Cloud computing skills with AWS are crucial due to the 18% forecasted demand increase and AWS's dominance with a 33% market share. Certifications like AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional are sought after by 72% of tech companies.

How important is Tableau for data analysis and visualization in Tallahassee?

Tableau is highly important for data analysis and visualization, empowering businesses across sectors with its user-friendly interface. Tableau skills can lead to competitive salaries ranging from $78K to $92K per year in Tallahassee.

What role does Python programming play in Tallahassee's tech industry?

Python's popularity in Tallahassee's tech industry continues to rise as it's extensively used for web development, machine learning, and by startups. Its vast open-source libraries help reduce development costs while boosting productivity.

How is blockchain technology impacting job opportunities in Tallahassee?

Blockchain technology is creating high-paying job opportunities in Tallahassee as companies seek professionals skilled in developing decentralized apps and integrating blockchain systems amidst a rapidly growing market projected to reach $2,334.46 billion by 2032.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.