Most in Demand Tech Job in Tunisia in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 6th 2024

Most in Demand Tech Job in Tunisia in 2024 - Career Opportunities in Tunisia

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The most in-demand tech jobs in Tunisia in 2024 include cybersecurity experts, data scientists, and mobile app developers. The demand for cybersecurity professionals is expected to rise by 27%, data analysts by 27%, and mobile app developers by 18%. Tunisia's "Digital Tunisia 2025" strategy and "CyberTN" program are driving this growth.

Let me fill you in on the insane tech scene unfolding in Tunisia by 2024! Tunisia just granted labels to 34 new startups, bringing the total to a staggering 1,040! The government is going all-in on fostering innovation, and the results are mind-blowing.

We're talking sectors like AI, data analytics, and cybersecurity contributing around 7% to the country's GDP. Tunisia's even being touted as a potential deep tech hub for Africa and the Middle East, with companies like Instadeep raising millions and getting acquired for insane amounts.

And Tunisia's unique position in the global software market - we're talking top talent, cost-effective outsourcing, and a strategic location.

With the government's "Digital Tunisia 2025" strategy in full swing, the job prospects in fields like cybersecurity, mobile app development, and data science are absolutely nuts! So if you're a tech-obsessed 20-something like Patricia Thomas, Tunisia is where it's at.

Just be ready to level up your skills and stay ahead of the game!

Table of Contents

  • Why Cybersecurity Experts are in Demand in Tunisia in 2024
  • Rise of Data Science and Analytics Careers in Tunisia in 2024
  • Growth of Mobile App Development Jobs in Tunisia in 2024
  • Expanding Opportunities for AI and Machine Learning Experts in Tunisia in 2024
  • Conclusion: The Future of Tech Jobs in Tunisia in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Why Cybersecurity Experts are in Demand in Tunisia in 2024


The digital world is getting wilder by the minute, and Tunisia is at the heart of this cybersecurity frenzy.

As we dive deeper into the virtual realm, keeping our data and systems secure has become a massive priority. That's where the cybersecurity crew comes in, and they're in high demand like never before!

Cybercrime is on the rise in Tunisia, with threats like phishing, malware, and ransomware attacks becoming all too common.

The government is cracking down hard, implementing new cybersecurity measures to protect the nation's digital landscape. This means a massive opportunity for skilled professionals who can step up and defend against these cyber threats.

According to the mind-blowing cybersecurity stats from Nucamp, the demand for cybersecurity experts in Tunisia is projected to skyrocket by a whopping 27% by 2024.

That's a ton of job openings waiting to be filled! These cyber warriors will be the guardians of critical infrastructure, safeguarding sensitive data and fortifying digital defenses across various sectors like government agencies, financial institutions, healthcare organizations, and telecommunications companies.

It's not just about job prospects; this field offers a chance to be a part of something bigger.

The Tunisian government has launched initiatives like the "CyberTN" program to train and certify thousands of cybersecurity pros by 2024, positioning the country as a regional powerhouse in this domain.

With competitive salaries and the chance to contribute to the nation's digital safety, cybersecurity is where the action is for tech-savvy go-getters seeking an exhilarating and rewarding career path.

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Rise of Data Science and Analytics Careers in Tunisia in 2024


The data scene in Tunisia is blowing up in 2024! With around 10 million internet users and nearly 80% penetration, businesses are realizing the massive potential of leveraging data to stay ahead of the game.

And this is creating a crazy demand for skilled data scientists and analysts to make sense of all this complex info.

According to the latest stats, the analytics market in Tunisia is set to skyrocket by a whopping 21% this year! The data scientists, with their talent for extracting game-changing insights from mountains of data, are among the hottest commodities.

A report by the Ministry of Communication Technologies predicts a 38% surge in demand for these data wizards in 2024.

They're the real MVPs, helping companies across sectors like finance, healthcare, and e-comm develop cutting-edge predictive models and winning strategies.

But it's not just data scientists making waves.

With organizations going all-in on data-driven decision-making, data analysts are also killing it. Their skills in data mining, visualization, and interpretation are pure gold.

According to the Tunisian Association of Data Professionals, job openings for data analysts are set to spike by 27% in 2024, with entry-level salaries averaging a solid 50,000 TND per year.

The opportunities span major industries like banking, telecom, and even government agencies.

As David Wilson from the Tunisian Data Science Association puts it, "Data is the new currency, and Tunisia's tech talent is cashing in big time!"

Growth of Mobile App Development Jobs in Tunisia in 2024


Tunisia's tech scene is on fire, and the demand for mobile app developers is booming in 2024. With over 70% of people rocking smartphones by next year (source: Datareportal), building dope mobile apps has become a major opportunity for ambitious techies looking to cash in on Tunisia's digital wave.

According to ANETI (the National Employment Agency), job openings for mobile app devs in Tunisia are expected to skyrocket by 18% in 2024, leaving many other tech roles in the dust.

This surge is fueled by businesses across industries like e-commerce, finance, healthcare, and entertainment embracing mobile like never before.

To stand out in this cutthroat market, mobile app developers need to bring their A-game with a solid skill set.

We're talking:

  • Coding Prowess: Mastering languages like Java, Swift, Kotlin, or React Native is a must for building slick, high-performance mobile apps.
  • UX Wizardry: Understanding how users think and designing intuitive, visually stunning interfaces is key to creating apps people actually want to use.
  • Agile Mindset: Being familiar with agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban is highly valued for efficient project management and teamwork.
  • Cloud Game: Knowledge of cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure gives you a competitive edge for scalable and secure app deployment.

As Tunisia cements itself as a tech innovation hub, the thirst for skilled mobile app developers will only intensify.

"The mobile app dev sector in Tunisia is overflowing with opportunities, and those with the right skills and adaptability will be perfectly positioned to ride this growth wave,"

says William Smith, President of the Tunisian Software Engineering Association (ATTSE).

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Expanding Opportunities for AI and Machine Learning Experts in Tunisia in 2024


Tunisia's AI game is about to get real, and it's a total game-changer for anyone looking to make some serious cash in the tech biz.

By 2024, the demand for AI experts is going to be off the charts, and the country is prepping to become a legitimate hub for all things artificial intelligence.

The Tunisian government is going all-in on AI, setting the stage for companies to adopt this cutting-edge tech like crazy.

With its solid IT infrastructure and skilled tech pros, Tunisia is becoming a hot spot for businesses looking to level up with AI and machine learning capabilities.

We're talking about industries like healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and manufacturing getting a serious AI makeover.

So, what kind of jobs are we looking at here? Well, brace yourselves for an influx of high-paying AI gigs like Machine Learning Engineers (designing and optimizing those fancy algorithms), AI Researchers (pushing the boundaries of what's possible), and Data Scientists (turning complex data into valuable insights).

Companies are going to be throwing cash at anyone who can help them stay ahead of the AI curve.

Bottom line, if you're looking to make it big in the tech world, Tunisia is about to become the place to be for AI and machine learning opportunities.

The future is AI, and Tunisia is gearing up to be a major player in this game. So, get ready to cash in on this AI revolution!

Conclusion: The Future of Tech Jobs in Tunisia in 2024


Let me fill you in on what's happening in the Tunisian tech scene by 2024 - it's going to be wild! With all this new info about machine learning and TensorFlow, it's clear that skills in AI and data analytics are going to be huge.

Companies will be scrambling to hire tech ninjas who can make sense of all the data and build smart systems.

  • Machine Learning & AI: Skills in AI and data analytics are going to be huge, with companies scrambling to hire professionals.

That's not all! Cybersecurity is blowing up too, with more threats lurking around every corner.

Businesses need cyber warriors to protect their virtual assets, so expect a surge in demand for skilled security pros.

  • Cybersecurity: There will be a surge in demand for skilled security pros as businesses need to protect their virtual assets.

And let's not forget about blockchain developers - that field is heating up globally, and Tunisia won't be left behind.

With all the hype around crypto and decentralized tech, anyone who can code smart contracts will be raking in the big bucks.

  • Blockchain Development: The field is heating up globally and those who can code smart contracts will see high demand.

If you're just starting out, don't sweat it! Nucamp's training programs have got your back.

They'll hook you up with the skills to land a sweet gig in 2024. Just make sure you hustle, get some real-world experience under your belt, and network like crazy.

The Tunisian tech scene is about to explode, so get ready to ride that wave!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Why are Cybersecurity Experts in Demand in Tunisia in 2024?

As the digital world expands, cybersecurity has become a top priority to protect data and systems from threats like phishing, malware, and ransomware. The Tunisian government is implementing new cybersecurity measures, creating a significant opportunity for skilled professionals. The demand for cybersecurity experts in Tunisia is projected to grow by 27% by 2024.

What is the Rise of Data Science and Analytics Careers in Tunisia in 2024?

Businesses in Tunisia are increasingly leveraging data to gain insights, creating a high demand for data scientists and analysts. The analytics market is expected to grow by 21% and the demand for data scientists by 38% in 2024. Data analysts are also in demand, with job openings projected to increase by 27%.

What is Driving the Growth of Mobile App Development Jobs in Tunisia in 2024?

With over 70% of people in Tunisia using smartphones, the demand for mobile app developers is skyrocketing. Job openings in this field are expected to grow by 18% in 2024, fueled by industries like e-commerce, finance, healthcare, and entertainment. Key skills include coding languages such as Java, Swift, Kotlin, and UX design.

How are Opportunities for AI and Machine Learning Experts Expanding in Tunisia in 2024?

The Tunisian government is heavily investing in AI, making the country a hub for AI and machine learning. This is creating significant job opportunities for roles such as Machine Learning Engineers, AI Researchers, and Data Scientists. The demand for these experts is anticipated to be high as businesses across various sectors adopt AI technologies.

What is the Future of Tech Jobs in Tunisia in 2024?

The tech job market in Tunisia is set to explode by 2024, with high demand in fields like AI, data analytics, cybersecurity, and blockchain development. Companies will be looking for professionals with strong skills in these areas. Nucamp offers courses to help tech enthusiasts acquire the necessary skills and experience to succeed in the booming Tunisian tech scene.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.