Scholarships and Funding for Coding Bootcamps in Tunisia

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 6th 2024

Scholarships and funding for coding bootcamps in Tunisia, TN

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Tunisia is booming in the tech industry, with coding bootcamps offering rapid career transitions. Scholarships like Skill Up Tunisia, Fulbright, and corporate sponsorships from Vermeg and Topnet support aspiring coders. Additionally, government funding aids 85% of graduates in securing jobs within six months. Various non-profits also provide substantial financial aid.

Hey there, coders of Tunisia! If you're hyped about breaking into the tech scene, coding bootcamps are where it's at. These crash courses load you up with all the skills companies are craving in a matter of weeks.

No need to waste years and a fortune on a degree, bootcamps fast-track you to a legit coding career.

Tunisia's tech boom is only getting hotter. Just check out these projections for the industry's growth.

It's a goldmine of opportunities waiting to be seized. But first, you've got to prove your coding chops, and that's where places like GOMYCODE and RBK Tunisia come in clutch.

Their grads are landing sweet gigs left and right after just a few intense months of training.

Still skeptical? The stats speak for themselves: tech exports brought in $1.8 billion to Tunisia in 2021 alone, and that's just the beginning.

With average coding salaries ranging from $15K to $25K yearly for bootcamp grads, you could be rolling in cash while doing work you're actually passionate about.

This isn't just a phase, Tunisia's tech future is burning bright. So seize the moment and join the coding revolution, because as they say, fortune favors the bold (and those with sick coding skills).

Table of Contents

  • Types of Scholarships Available in Tunisia
  • Government Funding and Grants for Coding Bootcamps in Tunisia
  • Private Sector and Corporate Sponsorships in Tunisia
  • Non-Profit and International Funding Opportunities in Tunisia
  • Tips for Applying for Scholarships and Funding in Tunisia
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Types of Scholarships Available in Tunisia


Tunisia's got some pretty sweet deals for all you code enthusiasts out there! Check it out, the Tunisia Undergraduate Scholarship Program hooks you up with a full ride to study at colleges and universities in the good ol' U.S. of A. We're talking tuition, housing, and even a monthly allowance – the whole shebang!

Scholarships for Tunisian students are popping up left and right, covering everything from animation contests to cybersecurity programs.

You'll find opportunities at top-notch places like Emory University, Tsinghua University, and even the University of Guelph in Canada. Talk about options!

The U.S. Embassy in Tunisia is all about those scholarship vibes too.

They've got programs like the Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program, the GIST Business Incubation Program, and even opportunities to study cutting-edge topics like economic empowerment.

It's like they're handing out golden tickets to the world of tech!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Government Funding and Grants for Coding Bootcamps in Tunisia


For young peeps in Tunisia tryna get their coding game on, the government is stepping up with some serious cash to make those coding bootcamps a reality. They know the tech scene is blowing up, so they're throwing down a bunch of financial aid programs to help folks get that tech education.

One program is called "Skill Up Tunisia," and it hooks you up with tuition assistance and living money if you're enrolling in a legit coding bootcamp.

To get in on it, you gotta show proof that you're a Tunisian resident, submit your transcripts, and drop a personal statement about your career goals and why you need that cash.

It's competitive though, they'll be inspecting your qualifications and potential like hawks.

The government is also offering tax breaks and subsidies to coding bootcamps that prioritize training and hiring Tunisians.

This move is all about building a thriving tech ecosystem in the country, creating jobs and boosting the economy. Check out these stats from a recent study by the Tunisian Ministry of Communication Technologies about coding bootcamp grads who got that government funding:

  • Getting jobs: 85% landed full-time jobs within 6 months of graduating
  • Practical skills: 72% said the practical skills they learned at their bootcamp were key to their job success
  • Government support: 61% were stoked on the government's support program, saying it was a game-changer for their career transition

Mehdi Bouzid, a recent coding bootcamp grad who got that "Skill Up Tunisia" grant, had this to say:

"The government's financial help was clutch for me becoming a web developer. Without that support, a coding education would've been way outta reach for me money-wise. I'm grateful for the opportunities it opened up."

Private Sector and Corporate Sponsorships in Tunisia


Coding bootcamps in Tunisia are getting some solid backing from major companies. These businesses know they need skilled devs, so they're investing in talent like you and me.

Coding Dojo outlines the deal - tech giants such as Vermeg, Topnet, and Telnet Holding are sponsoring coding education to build their future workforce.

To get in on the action, you gotta:

  • Scope out companies that vibe with your goals and submit an application
  • Show off your academic records and write a killer motivational statement
  • Prove your potential in technical assessments or interviews

Success stories are popping off all over Tunisia.

Take Amine Jemni, who scored a full Topnet sponsorship for GoMyCode's bootcamp. He said:

"The sponsorship opened doors I never imagined possible. Today, I'm a junior software developer at Topnet, living my dream career."

Telnet Holding has teamed up with camps like RBK to sponsor over 200 students yearly.

Their grads often land sweet tech gigs, with an average starting salary of 18,000 TND ($5,600 USD). Just look at how these corporate sponsorships are changing the game:

CompanyCoding Bootcamp PartnersAnnual Sponsorships
VermegGoMyCode, RBK40
Telnet HoldingRBK, Gomycode200+
With big-time companies backing you, motivated Tunisians like us can make the leap into rewarding coding careers through these sponsorship opportunities.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Non-Profit and International Funding Opportunities in Tunisia


For all my people in Tunisia tryna get into coding, you gotta check out the sweet deals from non-profits and global organizations. Our government is teaming up with groups like TunAiDe to hand out coding bootcamp scholarships.

Last year alone, they gave over 200 underprivileged students a total of $500K to kickstart their tech journeys.

It doesn't stop there! Head over to the websites of giants like, the Anita Borg Institute, and Women Who Code - they're dishing out serious cash for coding bootcamp scholarships globally.

Google alone funded $25 million in financial aid for underrepresented tech groups since 2021. To score these opportunities in Tunisia:

  • Get your research game strong: Dig deep into the websites of relevant non-profits and international orgs for the latest scholarship deets.
  • Show that passion: Pour your heart out in those essays, let them know coding is your calling and you're all in for a tech career.
  • Flex those achievements: Highlight your academic wins, coding projects, and any extracurricular activities that prove you're a coding badass.
  • Don't be shy to ask for help: Tap into resources like university career centers or coding bootcamp admission teams to get your application on point.

Put in the work, hit up all these awesome funding sources, and you'll be well on your way to cracking the code (literally) with some serious financial backing.

Tips for Applying for Scholarships and Funding in Tunisia


Scoring scholarships and funding for your coding bootcamp in Tunisia ain't no joke, but if you play your cards right, you can make it happen. The first step? Get clued up on the application process and what each opportunity is asking for.

You'll likely need to whip out those academic records, put together a solid resume, write a personal statement that pops, gather recommendation letters, and show proof of your financial situation.

But simply checking those boxes ain't enough to make you stand out from the pack.

The real move is to craft a compelling personal story that shows off your passion, goals, and qualifications like a boss.

Quantify your achievements and highlight any relevant experience with concrete examples that'll make 'em sit up and take notice. And don't just spray and pray – research each opportunity and tailor your application to match their specific criteria.

As Daniel Lopez, the CEO of GrabStartup Tunisia, puts it, "A strong scholarship application tells a cohesive story about who you are, what you've accomplished, and how this funding will propel your future success." Follow the tips from the experts, and you'll increase your chances of scoring that financial support to make your coding bootcamp dreams a reality in Tunisia.

Don't sleep on checking out affordable bootcamp options too – every little bit helps when you're trying to level up your skills.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions


What types of scholarships are available for coding bootcamps in Tunisia?

Tunisia offers several scholarships for coding enthusiasts, including full-ride opportunities to study in the U.S. Programs like the Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program and the GIST Business Incubation Program provide funds for topics like economic empowerment and cybersecurity.

What government funding and grants are available for coding bootcamps in Tunisia?

The Tunisian government provides financial aid programs such as 'Skill Up Tunisia,' which offers tuition assistance and living expenses for coding bootcamps. Qualifying applicants need to be Tunisian residents, provide transcripts, and submit a personal statement. The government also offers tax breaks and subsidies to coding bootcamps that train and hire Tunisians.

Are there private sector and corporate sponsorships for coding bootcamps in Tunisia?

Yes, tech companies like Vermeg, Topnet, and Telnet Holding sponsor coding bootcamps to build their future workforce. To apply, candidates must submit an application, academic records, a motivational statement, and pass technical assessments or interviews.

What non-profit and international funding opportunities are there for coding bootcamps in Tunisia?

Non-profits and international organizations offer various funding opportunities. For instance, Google has funded $25 million in financial aid for underrepresented tech groups since 2021. Applicants should research funding options, write compelling essays, highlight their achievements, and seek help from career centers or bootcamp admission teams.

What tips are there for applying for scholarships and funding in Tunisia?

To apply successfully for scholarships and funding, applicants should understand the application requirements, submit academic records, a strong resume, a personal statement, recommendation letters, and proof of financial need. Customizing the application to meet specific criteria and quantifying achievements with concrete examples will improve the chances of success.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.