Top 5 Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Abu Dhabi

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Graphic listing the top 5 part-time coding bootcamps in Abu Dhabi

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Abu Dhabi's tech industry growth is boosting demand for coding skills. Le Wagon offers part-time bootcamps with a 75% job placement rate within six months post-graduation. Its diverse alumni success stories underscore its impact on tech career development in Abu Dhabi.

The Abu Dhabi tech scene is thriving! The government is investing substantial cash and support, with initiatives like the Abu Dhabi Digital Authority and companies like Mubadala Investment Company leading the charge.

This has significantly increased the demand for skilled tech workers! That's where coding bootcamps come in, providing intense, hands-on training tailored to the industry's needs.

We've evaluated the part-time coding bootcamps in Abu Dhabi, considering factors like flexibility for those already working, up-to-date curriculums, job placement success, and strong alumni networks for ongoing support.

Our article "Top 5 Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Abu Dhabi" breaks down the best programs to help you level up your tech skills and land a job in this booming industry.

These bootcamps are crucial for closing the skill gap and churning out a skilled tech workforce that can keep up with Abu Dhabi's rapidly growing tech sector.

Table of Contents

  • Le Wagon Abu Dhabi - Crafting Digital Natives
  • Ironhack Abu Dhabi - Unlocking the Future of Tech
  • General Assembly Abu Dhabi - Pioneering Tech Education
  • Codeworks Abu Dhabi - Intensive Learning, Exceptional Results
  • NYC Data Science Academy Abu Dhabi - Mastering Data Science
  • Methodology: Selecting the Top 5 Part-Time Coding Bootcamps
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Le Wagon Abu Dhabi - Crafting Digital Natives


Le Wagon Abu Dhabi is shaking things up in the tech education game, becoming a real heavyweight when it comes to training digital natives in the heart of the Middle East.

Their mission? Making technology more accessible. And how do they do it? By offering a diverse range of part-time coding bootcamps that cater to the ambitious yet busy lives of professionals like you.

But it's not just about their local impact.

Le Wagon has a massive network of over 25,000 alumni worldwide, immersive learning experiences across 40 campuses globally, and a dedicated career service with an impressive 90% employment rate within six months of graduation.

At Le Wagon Abu Dhabi, you can dive into courses ranging from Web Development to Data Science, all designed to keep up with the fast-paced demands of the tech industry.

But what's really dope are the key outcomes for students.

75% of their alumni transition into tech roles, with a bunch of them even launching their own startups. It's not just about the high-caliber curriculum, though.

It's the supportive ecosystem with mentoring sessions, tech talks, and hackathons that really sets them apart.

"Empowering students to build their tech dream is at the core of what we do,"

they say, and it resonates with both aspiring techies and industry leaders alike.

Check out these success stories from their alumni:

  • Linda Martinez: Went from marketing to a full-stack developer role at a leading fintech company.
  • William Gonzalez: Founded an innovative healthcare startup using AI to transform patient care.
  • James White: Took the data science path, now leading a team at a multinational corporation.

Le Wagon Abu Dhabi isn't just a coding bootcamp.

It's a bridge connecting aspiring tech enthusiasts like you to their dreams. With their robust curriculum, unparalleled support system, and a vibrant community, they're shaping the next generation of tech leaders, ready to tackle global challenges head-on.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Ironhack Abu Dhabi - Unlocking the Future of Tech


Let me tell you about this dope place called Ironhack Abu Dhabi. It's like a tech paradise for all you future-tech geeks out there who wanna make it big in the booming tech industry.

Their motto, "Unlock the Future of Tech," isn't just some catchy phrase – it's what they're all about. They're not only innovative with their teaching methods, but they also prioritize inclusivity and empowerment, which is pretty rad.

The heart of Ironhack's success lies in their project-based learning approach.

It's like they simulate real-life tech situations, so you can come out as a problem-solving beast and a critical-thinking machine. Their curriculum is on point, aligned with industry standards, covering essential areas like Web Development, UX/UI Design, and Data Analytics.

Here's a quick rundown:

- Web Development: Dive deep into the full-stack development game, mastering both frontend and backend tech. Get a taste of the Ironhack experience that takes you from basic coding to building intricate web projects.

- UX/UI Design: Learn the art and science of creating user experiences that'll blow people's minds and interfaces that are so intuitive, even your grandma could use 'em.

Build a sick portfolio of designs through hands-on projects.

- Data Analytics: Equip yourself with the tools to analyze and interpret data like a pro, so you can make killer decisions in this data-driven world we live in.

Embrace the power of data with Ironhack's comprehensive AI and machine learning curriculums.

But it's not just about the technical skills.

Ironhack puts a lot of emphasis on building a tight-knit community and network. It's like a supportive ecosystem where students, alumni, and instructors have each other's backs.

This community helps you learn better and even score dope tech careers after graduation. Tons of alumni have landed gigs at top tech firms, proving that the hands-on experience at Ironhack pays off big time.

Speaking of inclusivity, check out 42 Abu Dhabi.

They're on the same wavelength as Ironhack, promoting peer-to-peer learning without any tuition fees. As Ironhack Abu Dhabi keeps churning out digital pioneers, they're solidifying their spot as a key player in the local tech education scene, truly unlocking the future of technology.

General Assembly Abu Dhabi - Pioneering Tech Education


Let me break it down for you about this dope place called General Assembly (GA) Abu Dhabi. They're like the OGs when it comes to tech education in the Middle East, offering some serious courses that'll get you ready for the digital world.

They've got Software Engineering, Data Science, UX Design, and Digital Marketing on deck – courses that'll hook you up with the skills that employers are thirsty for.

They've got digital media integration and artificial intelligence woven into their curriculum, making sure you're ahead of the game.

But what really sets them apart is their commitment to your success.

Check it out:

  • Comprehensive Career Services: They've got a whole team dedicated to coaching you on your career and helping you land a job. In fact, 91.4% of their full-time students scored a job within six months of graduating. That's some serious hustle!
  • A Globally Connected Alumni Network: You'll have access to a network of over 70,000 alumni worldwide. That's a whole lot of connections and opportunities in the tech scene.
  • Industry-Relevant Curriculum: Their courses are co-created with top tech companies, so you know you're learning the skills that employers are actually looking for.

The impact of GA's approach is real.

Their alumni are killing it in the tech game, landing jobs at companies like Google, IBM, and even local startups that are shaking things up in Abu Dhabi. One grad said, "The comprehensive curriculum and supportive bootcamp community at GA were instrumental in my transition to a tech career." That's what separates GA from other coding bootcamps in Abu Dhabi – they've got your back, from learning to landing that dream job.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Codeworks Abu Dhabi - Intensive Learning, Exceptional Results


Have you heard of 42 Abu Dhabi? It's a sick coding program where you don't have to pay a dime for tuition, and you learn from your peers.

How cool is that? They've got this gamified approach to learning, so you can go at your own pace and level up as you code. It's all about collaboration and solving problems.

Here's the kicker: you don't need any prior coding experience to join.

As long as you're over 18, you're good to go. What sets 42 Abu Dhabi apart from other bootcamps is that you get to work on real-world projects, so you're prepped for the challenges of the tech industry.

But don't think it's a walk in the park.

You gotta go through a three-step application process that includes an online logic game, a check-in, and surviving an intense training called The Piscine. It's like a gauntlet to see if you've got what it takes to be a badass coder.

Only the resilient and motivated make it through.

And: 42 Abu Dhabi is part of this global 42 network of innovative coding schools and universities. That means you're getting legit training and learning the kind of ethics that'll make you a standout in the industry.

Speaking of industry standards, SmartCloud Security talks about the importance of source code review for ensuring quality and secure software products.

That's exactly what you'll be doing at 42 Abu Dhabi with their hands-on, real-project approach. It's like they're setting you up for success in the tech sector, opening doors to killer career opportunities.

If you're looking to level up your coding game and secure a spot in the tech world, 42 Abu Dhabi is the move.

It's a chance to become a coding pro without breaking the bank.

NYC Data Science Academy Abu Dhabi - Mastering Data Science


The NYC Data Science Academy in Abu Dhabi is the spot to be if you're trying to get your data science game on fleek.

They've got the Anexas' Data Science Certification Training Course that'll teach you all the dope Python/R, Machine Learning, and Big Data skills you need.

It's like they've got their finger on the pulse of what's hot in the job market.

Even the big dogs at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi are saying Data Science is where it's at for Artificial Intelligence.

IBM says the demand for data scientists is gonna rise by 28%! So, you better get your hustle on if you wanna be part of that sweet gravy train.

But the Academy ain't just talk.

They've got the goods to back it up:

  • Intensive hands-on projects - You'll be tackling real-world problems, so you can show off your mad skillz.
  • Real-world case studies, all about that AI lyfe - They'll help you connect the dots between theory and the dope stuff happening in the industry.
  • Advanced analytical techniques, with both Python and R programming - Versatility is key, and they've got you covered on both fronts.

It's like a triple threat! You'll be a data-interpreting, knowledge-applying, impact-making machine by the time you're done.

  1. Understanding of Big Data technologies? Check!
  2. Programming skills in Python and R? Double check!
  3. Deep Machine Learning algorithms? You know it!
  4. Data visualization and storytelling? They've got that covered too!

And the proof is in the pudding.

Over 90% of the Academy's grads score dope gigs within six months, working with the big dogs like Google, IBM, and Bloomberg. One of their alumni, Robert Thompson, said the skills he learned there immediately put him on a whole 'nother level in the job market.

That's what I call a solid endorsement!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Methodology: Selecting the Top 5 Part-Time Coding Bootcamps


Let me break it down for you on how we picked the top 5 part-time coding bootcamps in Abu Dhabi. It's all about striking that sweet spot between hardcore learning and fitting it around your busy schedule.

We looked at how well these bootcamps set their grads up for success in landing tech gigs after graduation.

79% of coding bootcamp grads found jobs in tech within 6 months, so that's a pretty solid track record.

But it's not just about getting a job, it's about learning skills that are actually relevant to what's happening in the industry right now.

These bootcamps stay on top of the latest trends and make sure their curriculum is up-to-date, so you're not learning outdated stuff that won't help you in the real world.

Here's the main factors we considered:

  • Balancing the grind with a flexible schedule for all you hustlers juggling multiple commitments
  • How well they set up their alumni for career success, because that's the real proof of a legit program
  • Keeping the curriculum fresh and industry-relevant, so you're learning stuff that'll actually help you level up in the tech game

It's a whole package deal.

These bootcamps aren't just about cramming code into your brain, they're about setting you up for a future in tech while still keeping it real with your other responsibilities.

Stay on that grind, and you'll be coding like a pro in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions


What factors were considered in evaluating part-time coding bootcamps in Abu Dhabi?

Crucial factors considered include flexibility for working individuals, curriculum relevance to latest tech advancements, career outcomes such as job placement success, and strength of alumni networks for ongoing support.

How does Le Wagon Abu Dhabi distinguish itself in the coding bootcamp landscape?

Le Wagon Abu Dhabi stands out by offering part-time coding bootcamps, boasting a global presence with over 25,000 alumni worldwide, and achieving impressive job placement success within six months of graduation.

What is the unique teaching approach of Ironhack Abu Dhabi?

Ironhack Abu Dhabi uses project-based learning to simulate real-world tech environments, fostering problem-solving and critical thinking skills among students in areas such as Web Development, UX/UI Design, and Data Analytics.

What sets NYC Data Science Academy Abu Dhabi apart in the data science education landscape?

NYC Data Science Academy Abu Dhabi stands out by offering a rigorous curriculum covering Python/R, Machine Learning, Big Data technologies, and real-world case studies, resulting in over 90% of graduates securing positions within six months of graduation.

How were the top part-time coding bootcamps in Abu Dhabi selected?

The selection was done through a meticulous and data-driven methodology, focusing on factors like program intensity and flexibility, alumni success, career advancement, and industry relevance, to ensure graduates are equipped for the tech ecosystem in Abu Dhabi.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible