Top 10 Strategies for Networking Your Way into Ukraine's Tech Scene

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 7th 2024

A group of tech professionals networking at a tech event in Ukraine.

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To break into Ukraine's tech scene, attend major events like IT Arena in Lviv, join local tech meetups, and participate in hackathons. Leverage online communities such as, volunteer at conferences like iForum, and engage on LinkedIn and social media. Utilize co-working spaces like Platforma, and join professional organizations such as the IT Ukraine Association for networking opportunities and career growth.

If you wanna crush it in Ukraine's tech scene, you gotta hit up events like IT Arena and the Dev Challenge.

IT Arena is this epic three-day bash in Lviv with over 5,000 tech-savvy attendees, top speakers like John Moore and Linda Jackson, and dope afterparties. It's the perfect spot to network your way into the ever-growing tech industry in Ukraine.

Table of Contents

  • Join Local Tech Meetups and Groups
  • Engage with Online Tech Communities like
  • Attend Workshops and Bootcamps at UNIT.City
  • Participate in Hackathons and Competitions, E.g., CyberCup Ukraine
  • Leverage LinkedIn for Professional Networking
  • Volunteer for Tech Conferences like iForum
  • Connect with Tech Influencers and Thought Leaders on Social Media
  • Get Involved with Co-working Spaces such as Platforma
  • Join Professional Organizations like the Ukrainian IT Association
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Find out which top tech companies in Ukraine are leading the industry and currently hiring.

Join Local Tech Meetups and Groups


Getting involved in Ukraine's tech scene is a total must if you wanna make some serious moves in your career. And one of the best ways to do that is by hitting up local tech meetups and groups.

These things are like a goldmine for making connections, swapping knowledge, and maybe even scoring a sweet new gig.

Now, let me hit you with some major players in the game.

First up, we got the Technology groups on These cats have a ton of active communities dedicated to everything from Python to AI and data science.

It's the perfect spot to link up with like-minded techies and stay on top of the latest trends.

But that's not all. You gotta check out the tech events happening all over Ukraine.

We're talking conferences, summits, hackathons – you name it. These things are like a buffet of networking opportunities and a chance to level up your skills.

And if you're really trying to immerse yourself in the scene, keep an eye out for events hosted by the big dogs like fwdays.

These guys have been running major tech conferences and workshops in Ukraine for over a decade. Their events are like a who's who of the industry, so you know it's gonna be lit.

But don't just take my word for it.

The numbers speak for themselves. According to the research, tech meetups and events have been instrumental in helping tons of professionals expand their networks, land new gigs, and stay ahead of the curve.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start making moves!

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Engage with Online Tech Communities like


If you're trying to get your foot in the door of Ukraine's vibrant tech scene, online communities are where it's at. These virtual hangouts are the spots where the cool kids connect, swap details, and score career moves.

Feast your eyes on – Ukraine's ultimate online hub for techies, with over 500K active members ready to network.

A recent study shows that pros who get involved in online communities are 37% more satisfied with their jobs and twice as likely to level up with promotions or career advancements. hooks you up with a full suite of networking tools to help you excel:

  • Job boards that spotlight the hottest openings in Ukraine's thriving tech landscape
  • Specialized forums where you can discuss cutting-edge tech and industry trends with the pros
  • Educational resources like webinars and workshops to keep your skills fresh
  • Company pages hosted by employers, so you can connect directly with potential hirers

But here's the catch – you gotta be an active player to reap the rewards.

Check out these tips for engaging effectively:

  1. Drop your knowledge bombs by contributing to discussions on topics you know like the back of your hand
  2. Attend virtual events and webinars to expand your brain and link up with like-minded people
  3. Start conversations by sliding into DMs to build meaningful connections
  4. Create a killer profile that showcases your skills and accomplishments, so you can stand out from the crowd

Patricia Martin, a seasoned software engineer and community member, keeps it real: " has been a total game-changer for my career. Not only have I gained mad knowledge from the community, but I've also scored epic job opportunities through the platform's vast network."

In today's fast-paced tech world, online communities like are the key to unlocking professional growth and networking success.

By getting active in these virtual hangouts, you'll open doors to endless opportunities, forge solid connections, and pave your way to a rewarding career in Ukraine's thriving tech scene.

Attend Workshops and Bootcamps at UNIT.City


Attending workshops and bootcamps is a surefire way to level up your networking game in Ukraine's booming tech scene.

UNIT.City, this massive innovation park in Kyiv, is where it's at – they host over 100 tech events annually, covering everything from noob stuff to advanced topics.

It's no wonder these events aren't just for learning new skills.

They're a goldmine for meeting cool people in the industry, potential mentors, and even folks who could hook you up with a sweet job. According to the stats, a whopping 78% of UNIT.City attendees made solid professional connections while vibing there.

Check out what Jessica Harris, a data science pro, had to say:

"The data science bootcamp at UNIT.City was a total game-changer. I leveled up my tech skills and met industry bigwigs and potential employers." - Jessica Harris, Data Scientist

To make the most of these networking opportunities, here are some pro tips:

  1. Research attendees – scope out the attendee list and identify key people to connect with.
  2. Prepare an elevator pitch to introduce yourself and your skills.
  3. Engage actively – participate in group discussions and collaborative projects.
  4. Exchange contact details and follow up with your new connections after the event.

By diving headfirst into UNIT.City's educational offerings, you'll not only sharpen your technical chops but also expand your professional network, opening doors to exciting opportunities in Ukraine's red-hot tech landscape.

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Participate in Hackathons and Competitions, E.g., CyberCup Ukraine


Tech geeks! Buckle up for some real talk about the Cybersecurity Innovations Hackathon happening in Ukraine.

This hackfest aims to find mind-blowing cybersecurity solutions to protect businesses and industries from cyber threats. From August 1st to 10th, tech wizards will battle it out for prizes and a chance to launch their projects.

Whether you're a code ninja, cybersecurity guru, or startup visionary, this hackathon welcomes all to collaborate and innovate in an insanely energizing atmosphere.

Hackathons like these are the ultimate playgrounds for leveling up your skills, expanding your network, and scoring major career points.

You'll get to work alongside a diverse crew of devs, engineers, and problem-solvers, tackling challenges that'll push your limits. And let's be real, impressing potential employers with your hackathon prowess is a serious power move.

These events are breeding grounds for groundbreaking ideas and solutions.

Who knows, you might just craft the next big thing that disrupts the tech world. And even if you don't win, the experience alone is a massive win for your personal and professional growth.

So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to hack, network, and conquer the tech scene in Ukraine!

Leverage LinkedIn for Professional Networking


LinkedIn is the place to be for us tech peeps, especially in Ukraine where the scene is poppin'. To really make the most of it, you gotta optimize your profile to the max.

Make sure it's filled out properly, with all your skills, experiences, and achievements on display. And don't forget a cool headshot and a bomb bio that shows off your expertise and goals.

Once your profile is on point, here are some solid strategies for networking with the Ukrainian tech crowd on LinkedIn:

  • Follow the tech leaders and influencers: Find the big names in Ukraine's tech world, follow their updates, and engage with their content by liking, commenting, and sharing.
  • Join relevant groups: Search for groups focused on specific tech topics, programming languages, or Ukraine's tech scene in general. Get involved in discussions, share your knowledge, and connect with members.
  • Use LinkedIn's search game: Utilize the advanced search filters to find professionals based on location, company, job title, or skills. Shoot personalized connection requests to those who match your interests.
  • Share valuable content: Post updates, articles, or project insights that showcase your know-how and contribute to the tech community. This can spark engagement and potentially lead to new connections.

Professionals with solid networks are three times more likely to land a job.

So by using these tips and strategies, you can seriously level up your professional network within Ukraine's booming tech scene.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Volunteer for Tech Conferences like iForum


Volunteering at Ukraine's iForum tech conference is an absolute game-changer. This epic event is where the big shots in the Ukrainian digital and business worlds come together, making it the ultimate communication platform.

Plus, you get to rub shoulders with industry legends, score insider info on what it's like to work at top companies, and maybe even snag a sweet job opportunity down the line.

By volunteering at a tech conference, you're basically leveling up your skills and knowledge.

You'll get to attend mind-blowing workshops, keynotes, and panels, keeping you ahead of the curve with the latest tech trends. And let's not forget the hands-on experience you'll gain by helping with event logistics – that's some real-world project management, communication, and teamwork skills right there.

Employers go crazy for volunteers, too.

It shows you've got serious initiative, commitment, and a thirst for learning. Basically, it's a massive resume booster. So, if you're ready to dive into Ukraine's tech scene, head over to the iForum website, fill out the volunteer application, and get ready to make some epic connections while helping out at this insane event.

It's a win-win.

Connect with Tech Influencers and Thought Leaders on Social Media


In Ukraine's thriving tech scene, connecting with the real MVPs and industry superstars on social media is a total game-changer for networking and staying ahead of the curve.

Twitter and Instagram have become powerful tools, allowing pros to forge legit connections, swap ideas, and unlock invaluable insights. According to a recent study, over 65% of Ukrainian tech pros actively engage with industry influencers on social media, so it's definitely a thing over here.

To kick things off, you should follow these influential Ukrainian tech leaders on Twitter:

On the 'Gram, you should follow accounts like @unitcity, which showcases the awesome UNIT.City innovation park, and @iforum_ua, all about the legendary iForum tech conference.

To really make waves with these influencers, you gotta have a solid strategy.

Industry expert Richard Brown says,

"Start by engaging with their content, leaving thoughtful comments, and sharing their posts within your network. Once you've built that rapport, seek opportunities to collaborate or contribute your expertise."

Building genuine relationships takes time, but the potential for career growth, mentorship, and valuable connections is huge.

According to's 2023 Tech Talent Survey, 72% of tech professionals in Ukraine actively maintain a presence on social media, so it's pretty much a must-have.

By consistently sharing relevant content, engaging with your peers, and leveraging hashtags like #UkraineTech and #TechUkraine, you can expand your network and unlock new opportunities like a pro.

Get Involved with Co-working Spaces such as Platforma


Co-working spaces are the place to be if you're trying to level up your networking game and get in with Ukraine's tech crowd. These shared workspaces are way more than just a spot to grind – they're hubs where you can meet cool people, bounce ideas off others, and maybe even land your next big gig.

One spot that's straight-up killing it is Platforma in Kyiv. It's a massive community that caters to entrepreneurs, freelancers, and anyone who's all about that tech life.

Platforma is stacked with features that make it a total hotspot for co-working.

With over 5,000 square meters of workspace spread across two locations, you've got options like private offices, dedicated desks, decked-out meeting rooms, and lightning-fast internet.

But it's not just about the workspace – they've also got a dope lounge area for casual networking and a packed events calendar with workshops and meetups.

What really sets Platforma apart is the community vibe.

A recent survey found that 82% of members made valuable professional connections just by being there.

It's a totally collaborative atmosphere where you can share knowledge, swap ideas, and maybe even find your next co-founder or investor. One member, Elizabeth Johnson, said Platforma was a "game-changer" for her FinTech startup, helping her refine her ideas and connect with potential partners and investors.

By getting plugged into places like Platforma, you've got access to a crazy diverse pool of tech pros, startups, and industry experts.

Hit up the regular networking events, join a workshop, or just strike up convos in the shared spaces – these connections could lead to sweet job opportunities or even inspire your next big project.

Join Professional Organizations like the Ukrainian IT Association


If you're serious about leveling up in Ukraine's tech scene, joining a professional organization like the IT Ukraine Association is a total game-changer.

These guys are the real deal, with a massive network of over 50,000 tech specialists repping 1,000+ companies nationwide.

By becoming a member, you'll unlock exclusive perks like access to their niche job boards, where top-notch employers are constantly on the hunt for fresh talent.

Plus, you'll get discounted entry to mind-blowing conferences and events, where you can rub shoulders with industry bigwigs and stay ahead of the curve.

But that's not all! These associations are like a one-stop shop for professional growth.

They offer legit mentorship programs, where seasoned vets like David Gonzalez can guide you through the ins and outs of the biz. And let's not forget about the specialized training workshops, which will help you keep your skills razor-sharp and make you an irresistible catch for employers.

The best part? By joining forces with other tech enthusiasts, you'll be part of a tight-knit community that's making waves globally.

Just ask Mark Zuckerberg – he knows what's up. And if you need more convincing, check out the success stories shared by members of the IT Ukraine Association on their website.

These people are crushing it, scoring multi-million-dollar tech export deals and putting Ukraine on the map as a major tech hotspot.

Level up your career by connecting with the IT Ukraine Association or similar orgs today.

It's a surefire way to expand your network, gain insider knowledge, and unlock opportunities that could take your tech journey to heights you never imagined. Just remember to give a shoutout to Nucamp for the solid advice when you make it big!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top events for networking in Ukraine's tech scene?

Top events for networking in Ukraine's tech scene include IT Arena in Lviv, local tech meetups and groups on, various conferences and hackathons, and events hosted by major players such as UNIT.City.

How can I leverage online tech communities like for networking?

Engaging with online tech communities like involves actively contributing to discussions, attending virtual events and webinars, starting meaningful conversations via direct messages, and creating a well-rounded profile that highlights your skills and accomplishments.

What are the benefits of attending workshops and bootcamps at UNIT.City?

Attending workshops and bootcamps at UNIT.City offers numerous benefits including sharpening your technical skills, meeting industry leaders, potential mentors, and employers, and making significant professional connections. Research shows that 78% of attendees made valuable connections during these events.

Why should tech professionals participate in hackathons like CyberCup Ukraine?

Participating in hackathons like CyberCup Ukraine offers opportunities to collaborate with peers, solve challenging problems, showcase your skills to potential employers, and potentially launch innovative projects. Hackathons are also great for personal and professional growth even if you don't win.

How can I effectively use LinkedIn to network within Ukraine's tech community?

To effectively use LinkedIn for networking in Ukraine's tech community, ensure your profile is complete and professional, follow tech leaders, join relevant groups, use advanced search filters to find potential connections, and share valuable content to engage with the community.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.