Highest Paying Tech Companies in Viet Nam

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 7th 2024

Skyline of Viet Nam with tech company logos representing the highest paying tech companies.

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Vietnam's tech industry is booming, with Vietnamese tech startups receiving $529M in funding in 2023 and major players like Viettel and FPT driving $148 billion in revenue in 2022. High salaries are fueled by intense competition for talent, with software developers earning $12,000 to $36,000 annually. Giants like Netflix and Boeing are eyeing Vietnam, with the digital economy projected to reach $18 billion by 2025.

Check it, Vietnam's tech scene is totally blowing up! This place is becoming a massive tech powerhouse in Southeast Asia.

Just take a look at the numbers - in 2023, Vietnamese tech startups raked in $529M in investments, even with the global economic slowdown. That resilience is insane! Healthcare and Education sectors saw record-breaking funding too.

With major players like Viettel and FPT leading the charge, Vietnam generated $148 billion from IT in 2022 alone. Companies are going all-in on cutting-edge tech like Cloud Computing, AI, and Blockchain for real.

Plus, giants like Netflix and Boeing are eyeing Vietnam for expansion and partnerships. The government is fully backing this digital revolution with major initiatives.

By 2025, Vietnam's fintech market alone is projected to hit $18 billion! With a young, hungry workforce and investor confidence still high, this tech boom is just getting started.

Surf over to Nucamp's guides on top-paying tech roles and landing a sick gig to get in on the action!

Table of Contents

  • Top Highest Paying Tech Companies in Viet Nam
  • Factors Influencing High Salaries in Viet Nam's Tech Industry
  • How to Get Hired by Top Tech Companies in Viet Nam
  • Future Outlook of Viet Nam's Tech Industry
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top Highest Paying Tech Companies in Viet Nam


The average salary for a Software Engineer in Vietnam is around $15,860, but some companies are paying way more than that! The tech scene in Vietnam is seriously leveling up, with top dogs like Vietnam Airlines, Viettel, and Vinamilk offering some insane salaries.

We're talking pilots making over $100K a year and managers at companies like Vietinbank and PVN raking in around $50K annually. But when it comes to the tech world, the real MVPs are companies like NFQ Asia, SmartOSC, and Trusting Social.

These guys topped the list of best IT companies to work for in 2024, based on employee reviews and satisfaction ratings. They're not just paying well, but also investing in creating an awesome work culture and environment for their techies.

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Factors Influencing High Salaries in Viet Nam's Tech Industry


Check this out, the tech scene in Vietnam is blowing up right now! Companies are dropping mad cash to get the best people on board.

With all the foreign investors like Samsung and Intel setting up shop here, they gotta offer competitive salaries to attract top talent. According to Vietnam Briefing, foreign direct investment in the tech sector hit $1.1 billion in 2021, a 25% jump from the previous year.

That's some serious money flowing in!

But it's not just the foreign companies driving up the pay. The demand for skilled tech workers is through the roof! TopDev estimates that by 2024, Vietnam will need over 1.2 million IT pros to keep up with the growth.

That means companies are bending over backwards to attract and keep the best developers, analysts, and cybersecurity experts. We're talking average salaries of $12,000 to $36,000 for software devs, $15,000 to $30,000 for data analysts, and $18,000 to $48,000 for cybersecurity specialists.

That's some serious coin!

The government is also playing a big role in this tech boom. They're offering tax breaks, cutting red tape, and investing in tech education to lure more foreign companies here.

With all the competition for talent, salaries are skyrocketing, making Vietnam a prime spot for high-paying tech jobs.

So if you're looking to cash in on this tech gold rush, now's the time to level up your skills and join the action!

How to Get Hired by Top Tech Companies in Viet Nam


If you're gunning for a sick gig at one of Vietnam's top tech firms, you gotta bring your A-game. Sure, having those technical chops like coding wizardry and knowledge of the latest tools is crucial, but that's just the beginning.

Those companies are looking for the whole package – people who can not only sling code but also communicate effectively, think outside the box, and play well with others.

The hiring process ain't no walk in the park, though.

You'll have to navigate a series of challenges like online assessments, coding tests, and face-to-face interviews where they'll grill you on both your technical know-how and your soft skills.

And don't even think about slacking on those critical thinking and problem-solving abilities – they're high on the wish list.

But if you manage to impress the socks off 'em, the rewards are sweet.

We're talking competitive salaries, awesome benefits, and the chance to work on some seriously cutting-edge projects. Just remember, it's not just about what you know; it's about how you present yourself and your passion for the game.

So, if you're ready to level up your career, start polishing that portfolio, networking like a boss, and never stop learning.

Oh, and don't forget to do your research on the company's culture and values – that's how you show 'em you're a perfect fit. As Christopher Garcia from VNG Corporation said, they want innovators with a fire in their belly and a drive to make a real impact.

Show 'em what you've got, and that dream job could be yours!

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Future Outlook of Viet Nam's Tech Industry


Vietnam's tech scene is blowing up in a major way. By 2024, we're talking about a market size of $52 billion, which is totally insane! The key driving forces behind this tech revolution are the government's focus on building a solid ecosystem, the rise of startups, and foreign investors seeing the potential.

But it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

One major issue is the shortage of skilled pros in hot fields like AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. To tackle this, the government is pushing STEM education and vocational training programs.

And let's not forget about the need for tight cybersecurity measures and data privacy laws as the industry expands rapidly.

Even with these challenges, the opportunities in Vietnam's tech industry are insane.

According to reports, the digital economy could hit $52 billion by 2024, fueled by sectors like e-commerce, online travel, and digital media. And let's not overlook the booming startup scene, which is attracting tons of investment and driving innovation.

On the global stage, Vietnam's tech industry is making serious waves, especially in software outsourcing and digital services.

In fact, it ranked 8th in the 2021 Global Services Location Index by AT Kearney, cementing its position as a prime destination for tech companies looking for skilled talent at a lower cost.

As the industry matures, major players like FPT Software and VNG Corporation are set to become international powerhouses, solidifying Vietnam's place in the global tech landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some of the highest paying tech companies in Viet Nam?

Some of the highest paying tech companies in Viet Nam include Viettel and FPT. Other major companies like Vietinbank and PVN also offer substantial salaries, with roles like pilots making over $100K a year and managers earning around $50K annually.

What factors are influencing high salaries in Viet Nam's tech industry?

High salaries in Viet Nam's tech industry are influenced by foreign direct investment from companies like Samsung and Intel, a growing demand for IT professionals, and government incentives such as tax breaks and tech education investments. The tech sector received $1.1 billion in foreign direct investment in 2021, a 25% increase from the previous year.

How can you get hired by top tech companies in Viet Nam?

To get hired by top tech companies in Viet Nam, you need to demonstrate strong technical skills, effective communication, and teamwork abilities. The hiring process usually involves online assessments, coding tests, and face-to-face interviews. Researching company culture and values, networking, and continually updating your skills are also crucial steps.

What is the future outlook of Viet Nam's tech industry?

The future outlook of Viet Nam's tech industry is very promising, with a projected market size of $52 billion by 2024. Key drivers include government initiatives, the growth of startups, and increasing foreign investment. The industry faces challenges such as a shortage of skilled professionals and the need for enhanced cybersecurity. Despite these, Viet Nam is becoming a global hub for software outsourcing and digital services.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.