Securing Web Applications: Best Practices for Developers

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Graphic representation showing the process of securing web applications

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Web app security is crucial due to targeting attacks, averting financial losses, GDPR compliance, and customer trust. Developers must integrate security early, adopt secure coding practices, and use robust security testing tools to ensure operational integrity and reputation. Stay updated and vigilant against evolving threats.

Web app security is a big deal these days. Like, last year, around 70% of all security breaches were targeting web apps. And we're not just talking about some small change here.

These hacks can cost companies millions of dollars on average. Not to mention, they can also get slapped with hefty fines for not following regulations like GDPR.

But it's not just about the money.

If a company gets hacked, most customers won't trust them anymore. Like, 81% of people said they'd stop using a company's online services if they got breached.

That's a huge hit to their reputation and customer loyalty.

  • Developers are the key to avoiding these financial losses and keeping customers happy. ‐
  • They gotta make sure their code is secure from the start, and keep an eye out for any new threats throughout the app's life.

With all the new ways hackers are trying to break in, developers need to stay on top of their game.

They gotta integrate secure coding practices early on, and keep updating their skills as new threats emerge. This ain't just a recommendation. It's a necessity if they want to keep their business running smoothly and protect its reputation.

We'll dive into the specifics of these best practices later on. But the bottom line is, developers gotta embrace security as a core part of their job.

It's not just about writing code, but writing code that can withstand the ever-changing threat landscape. That's the only way businesses can stay safe and keep their customers' trust in the long run.

Table of Contents

  • Common Vulnerabilities in Web Applications
  • Secure Coding Practices
  • Security Testing for Web Applications
  • Case Study: How Major Companies Secure Their Web Applications
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Common Vulnerabilities in Web Applications


Let's talk about web apps and why they can be a real pain if you're not careful. The OWASP Top 10 is like your trusty sidekick, keeping you updated on the baddest security risks out there.

And trust me, these risks ain't no joke. We're talking about stuff like Broken Access Control, where anyone can just waltz in and do whatever they want, Cryptographic Failures, which can expose your data like a trashy reality show, and Insecure Design, which is like building a fortress out of papier-mâché.

Just ask the folks at Qualys about that Windows Remote Desktop Services vulnerability and other nasties on their top 10 list.

It's a harsh reminder that you gotta stay on your toes.

But don't worry, there are ways to keep your web app game tight. You gotta validate those inputs like a bouncer at a hot club, use strong authentication protocols that make Fort Knox look like a lemonade stand, and encrypt your data like it's a state secret.

And don't forget to tackle those Security Misconfigurations and Vulnerable and Outdated Components, because those are like leaving the front door wide open for the bad guys.

Over 43% of businesses have already been hit by web app security incidents, and that's some serious financial and rep damage we're talking about.

SQL Injection and Data Exposure are like the boogeyman, always lurking in the shadows, ready to ruin your day.

So, here's the deal: embed security into your development process like it's your BFF, automate threat detection like a boss, and keep those third-party risks on a tight leash.

And if you're running a high-traffic site, watch out for XSS threats like they're the plague. Stay up-to-date with mitigation strategies from the OWASP API Security Top 10, because that's your bible for web dev security.

The threat landscape is always changing, so you gotta stay fresh and align with the latest security standards. It's not just a suggestion, it's a must if you want your web app to stay legit and trustworthy.

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Secure Coding Practices


Securing your code is not a trivial matter these days. The OWASP Guide lays down some crucial rules you must follow if you want your web apps to stay safe from those malicious actors.

Check it out:

  • Input validation is key to stopping SQL injection and XSS attacks, which are like the bread and butter for these cyber criminals.
  • Do not neglect authentication. Weak passwords are a hacker's dream come true, and they're responsible for a significant number of breaches.
  • Error handling is crucial too. You do not want to expose sensitive information, do you? That's like giving the bad actors a free pass.
  • Stay on top of those updates and patches. Many breaches could have been avoided if people had applied the patches.

The bottom line is,

"The best time to secure your app is when you're building it."

Keep up with the latest secure coding techniques, use those security frameworks, and stay aware of the threats out there.

Incorporate static and dynamic analysis tools, and you'll be coding effectively while keeping those hackers at bay. It's a commitment, but it's worth it to keep your apps secured.

Security Testing for Web Applications


Security testing is a big deal when it comes to building web apps, especially since 77% of web apps have at least one security issue, according to Veracode. Effective security testing helps you find and fix potential breaches to keep your users' sensitive data safe.

There are several key security testing methods you should know about:

  • Find potential security flaws with Static Application Security Testing (SAST).
  • Simulate real-world attacks using Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST).
  • Combine SAST and DAST for integrated analysis with Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST).
  • Expose vulnerabilities through controlled cyberattacks with Penetration Testing.

There's a step-by-step guide that shows you how to incorporate these tests into your web development process.

You start with SAST to analyze your code early on, then move to DAST to simulate attacks on your live app. IAST combines SAST and DAST for a thorough real-time analysis.

Penetration testing is like a controlled cyberattack to reveal actionable security flaws. Seamlessly embedding these practices into the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) helps developers catch and fix security vulnerabilities efficiently, making your web apps more secure.

Of course, you'll need some tools to get the job done.

Check out these security testing tools:

  • Use OWASP ZAP to identify vulnerabilities in your web app.
  • Perform static code analysis with Fortify.
  • Scan your apps at different stages using Veracode.

With microservices becoming more popular than monolithic architectures, security testing is even more critical.

As Synopsys says,

"in the face of intensifying software attacks, advanced security testing tools that merge with developers' operations are indispensable; they are foundational for a company's endurance."

Following industry-standard security practices is the way to go if you want to protect your web apps from the latest threats.

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Case Study: How Major Companies Secure Their Web Applications


In this fast-paced cybersecurity game, major companies are straight-up hustling to keep their web apps locked down tight against all the shady threats out there.

Take Forcepoint, for instance – they're killing it by seamlessly blending on-premise and cloud security, which is a total must-have in today's hybrid computing world.

Google's also on that grind with their Google Cloud Security Scanner, an in-house tool that's all about relentless vulnerability scanning, making it way harder for any security breaches to go down.

And let's not forget about Amazon's web security domination with AWS Shield – this comprehensive DDoS protection service is like a ninja, instantly detecting and shutting down threats to keep everything secure.

The big dogs in the industry are crushing it by following some serious security practices: encrypting everything end-to-end to keep data locked up tight, consistently patching systems to stay resilient, and using advanced AI and Machine Learning threat detection tools to spot trouble before it even happens.

Regular security audits are also a must-have, creating a continuous loop of assessing and improving their defenses.

The latest buzz is all about containerization, which isolates apps to minimize the attack surface area – some companies are reporting a massive 70% reduction in potential exposure.

As one top security analyst from a major enterprise put it,

"In this digital maze we're living in, being careless can straight-up ruin everything. Our commitment to full-on security isn't just smart – it's absolutely essential for keeping our brand credible and thriving."



Are you ready to jump into the wild world of web app security in 2023? It's a whole new ballgame out there, and we gotta stay on top of our game. The cybersecurity scene is constantly changing, and new threats are popping up left and right.

But fear not, we've got your back with some badass best practices straight from the pros at OWASP and other industry heavyweights.

They've updated their guidelines with the latest and greatest techniques to keep your web apps locked down tighter than Fort Knox.

  • Data Encryption: You gotta keep your data safe, bruh. Use HTTPS to encrypt that sh*t, protect your keys with a hardware security module (HSM), and make sure your database is configured properly. Don't let your data get snatched while it's chillin' or on the move.
  • Regular Software Updates: Keep your apps, including AD FS and WAP servers, updated with the latest security patches. Those new vulnerabilities are no joke, and neglecting updates is like leaving your front door wide open for hackers.
  • Access Control: Gotta keep those unauthorized peeps out, ya dig? Follow the least privilege principles, enforce multi-factor authentication, and have some killer authorization procedures in place. And don't forget to differentiate your access policies for intranet and extranet, like Microsoft's security squad suggests.
  • Vulnerability Assessments: Stay on top of those weaknesses, bruh. Do regular security audits, penetration testing, and use real-time scanning tech to catch those vulnerabilities before they catch you.

But that's not all.

You gotta keep learning about the latest cybersecurity threats, like the ones covered in Nucamp's dope bootcamp training.

These attackers are getting smart, using AI to craft some seriously convincing fake messages. To fight back, you gotta adopt some dynamic, constantly evolving security protocols, like zero-trust architectures.

"In the face of these ever-shifting threats, rigorous application of security practices and a dedication to ongoing learning are the keystones of a solid web app security strategy," says an industry expert who knows their sh*t.

Real talk, every layer of your web app could be a potential vulnerability, so you gotta stay on top of your game with a comprehensive, informed approach to security.

It's not just recommended; it's a must, bruh.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Why is web application security crucial for developers?

Web application security is crucial for developers to avoid financial losses, regulatory repercussions, and maintaining customer trust.

What are some common vulnerabilities in web applications?

Common vulnerabilities in web applications include broken access control, cryptographic failures, insecure design, security misconfigurations, vulnerable components, SQL injection, and data exposure.

What are some secure coding practices for developers?

Secure coding practices for developers include input validation, robust authentication systems, effective error handling strategies, prioritizing regular updates and patching, and utilizing security frameworks.

How can developers conduct security testing for web applications?

Developers can conduct security testing for web applications through methods like Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST), and Penetration Testing.

How do major companies secure their web applications?

Major companies secure their web applications by employing data encryption, regular software updates, access control measures, vulnerability assessments, proactive security audits, and adopting containerization strategies.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.