Most in Demand Tech Job in Wilmington in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 24th 2024

Aerial view of Wilmington, North Carolina, highlighting tech industry growth in 2024.

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In 2024, Wilmington's tech industry sees explosive growth, with software developers in high demand as roles are expected to rise by 22%, surpassing the national average of 16%. Key players like nCino and Live Oak Bank fuel this demand, offering an attractive average annual salary of $85,000. Critical skills include proficiency in programming languages like Java, Python, and C++, cloud computing, and data analytics. Wilmington's tech ecosystem offers lucrative opportunities, driven by digital transformation, fintech, and startup innovations.

Wilmington's tech game is on fire in 2024! If you're trying to make moves in the tech world, you gotta know what's poppin' in this city. Check it: Over 11,000 new tech jobs have been created in the last 5 years, a 12% growth rate.

That's crazy! The state as a whole saw a 26% increase, so Wilmington is definitely holding its own. According to Built In, major players like Apiture, WellSky, and Enviva are setting up shop here, creating tons of dope opportunities.

It's not just about the big dogs. Wilmington is becoming a hotspot for startups too, with accelerators and incubators helping them get off the ground.

If you're looking to level up your skills, check out Nucamp's article on the top 10 highest-paying tech jobs in Wilmington.

They've got the inside scoop on what companies are hiring and what skills they're looking for.

Table of Contents

  • The Most In-Demand Tech Job in Wilmington
  • Skills Required for Wilmington's Top Tech Job
  • How to Prepare for a Tech Career in Wilmington
  • Future Outlook of Tech Jobs in Wilmington
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Most In-Demand Tech Job in Wilmington


The tech scene in Wilmington is blowing up, and one job is hotter than the rest in 2024 - Software Developer.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the demand for these code wizards in Wilmington is set to skyrocket by 22% from 2022 to 2024, leaving the national average of 16% in the dust.

Why the crazy hype?

  • Major players like nCino, Live Oak Bank, and Untappd are fueling the need for skilled programmers to level up their tech game.
  • Wilmington is quickly becoming a hotspot for fintech and software startups, attracting top talent and investors like moths to a flame.
  • Digital transformation is the name of the game, and industries are desperate for custom software solutions to stay ahead of the curve.

A recent study by UNCW estimates that for every tech job created, a whopping 3.9 jobs pop up in other sectors, giving the local economy a serious boost.

And the average annual salary for a Software Developer in Wilmington? A cool

$85,000, according to the North Carolina Technology Association.


"The demand for skilled software developers in Wilmington is off the charts," says Dr. Jennifer Martinez, Chair of the Computer Science Department at UNCW. "Our graduates are being snatched up by local companies faster than you can say 'code review,' proving just how critical this profession is for driving innovation and economic growth."

To snag one of these coveted gigs, aspiring software developers better come correct with a solid foundation in programming languages like Java, Python, and C++, as well as mad skills in agile methodologies, database management, and software testing.

With Wilmington's tech ecosystem thriving, the opportunities to contribute to cutting-edge projects and shape the future of the industry are limitless.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Skills Required for Wilmington's Top Tech Job


The tech scene in Wilmington is poppin' off like crazy in 2024, and if you wanna score that top-paying tech job, you gotta come correct with the right skills.

Word on the street is that Wilmington employers are on the hunt for peeps who can sling code like nobody's business.

We're talkin' programming languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript – the real MVPs for roles like software devs, web devs, and data analysts.

But that's not all! With businesses going all-in on cloud computing, having your head in the clouds (pun intended) with platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud is a straight-up flex.

Cloud architects, engineers, and developers are in high demand, so level up those cloud skills if you want to get paid.

Don't sleep on data analytics and big data either.

Being able to make sense of massive datasets is like having a superpower in today's tech world. Get familiar with data mining, statistical analysis, and data viz tools like Tableau and Power BI, and you'll be golden for roles like data analysts, business intelligence analysts, and data scientists.

Of course, having the technical chops is just half the battle.

Employers in Wilmington also want you to bring that problem-solving game, critical thinking, and communication skills to the table.

As Michael White, CEO of a top Wilmington tech firm, puts it,

"In this fast-paced digital age, technical skills are clutch, but you gotta have those soft skills to really make magic happen – collaboration, innovation, and adaptability are key."

So, if you're an aspiring tech pro in North Carolina, invest in these skills, and you'll be well on your way to scoring those lucrative opportunities in Wilmington's booming tech ecosystem.

With the right skillset, you can be a part of the region's growth and solidify your spot as a valuable asset in the ever-evolving digital workforce. Stay hungry, stay humble, and keep grinding!

How to Prepare for a Tech Career in Wilmington


The tech world in Wilmington is on fire in 2024, and if you want a piece of that action, you gotta level up your skills. According to the Wilmington City IT Department, they're always on the hunt for tech-savvy peeps to join their squad.

First up, coding bootcamps are a real game-changer.

These intense programs will have you coding like a pro in no time. Nucamp's job report says a whopping 85% of their grads landed tech roles within 6 months of finishing the course.

But if you're more of a traditional learner, universities like UNC Wilmington offer legit degrees in computer science and IT. These will give you a solid foundation in all the tech fundamentals you need to know.

And let's not forget about online courses – platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and edX have tons of options for you to upskill in specific areas like programming, data science, and cybersecurity, all at your own pace.

Now, Wilmington itself has some sweet resources too:

  • Public Library Workshops: The public library hosts coding workshops and meetups, perfect for networking and getting hands-on experience.
  • Youth Programs: The city's youth programs are introducing kids to STEM and programming early on, which is awesome.

Big companies like Live Oak Bank and nCino partner with schools to offer internships, mentorships, and industry-specific training.

Talk about a direct path to landing a killer tech job, am I right?

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Future Outlook of Tech Jobs in Wilmington


The tech scene in Wilmington, North Carolina, is about to get insanely lit in the next few years. According to the folks at the North Carolina Tech Association, the state's tech industry is expected to blow up by a massive 18% by 2027, creating over 25,000 new jobs across various tech fields.

And Wilmington is becoming a major hub for cutting-edge tech, attracting talent and money from the biggest players and the coolest startups.

One area that's going to be absolutely fire in Wilmington is cybersecurity.

With everything becoming digital and cyber threats lurking around every corner, the demand for skilled cybersecurity pros is set to skyrocket. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says employment for information security analysts in North Carolina could surge by a mind-blowing 27% between 2024 and 2028, way higher than the national average.

Experts are predicting that by 2027, the IoT market in North Carolina could hit a massive $12.7 billion, fueling job growth and driving innovation like crazy.

The Internet of Things (IoT) and smart city initiatives are taking over Wilmington, creating a ton of opportunities for tech whizzes.

As the city embraces advanced tech to upgrade infrastructure, transportation, and public services, the need for skilled developers, data analysts, and systems engineers will be through the roof.

And let's not forget about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

Major tech companies and research institutions are pouring money into AI, driving demand for pros who can build intelligent systems, crunch data, and make predictions.

As Wilmington becomes a hub for innovation, the prospects for AI-related careers are looking stellar, with an expected 23% increase in job openings by 2028, according to industry analysts.

If you want to cash in on these mind-blowing opportunities, consider the following strategies for success:

  • Diverse skill set: Develop a range of skills to adapt to various tech roles.
  • Continuous learning: Stay ahead by constantly updating your knowledge through courses and workshops.
  • Embrace new tech: Embrace innovations to remain relevant in the tech industry.

With Wilmington's tech ecosystem thriving, the city is set to become a prime destination for tech talent, both local and global, fostering an environment of innovation and growth that'll blow your mind.

And don't forget to check out Nucamp's resources for landing a sweet tech job in Wilmington!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the most in-demand tech job in Wilmington in 2024?

The most in-demand tech job in Wilmington in 2024 is Software Developer, with demand predicted to skyrocket by 22% from 2022 to 2024.

Which companies are major players in Wilmington's tech scene?

Major players in Wilmington's tech scene include nCino, Live Oak Bank, Untappd, Apiture, WellSky, and Enviva.

What skills are required for tech jobs in Wilmington?

Key skills include programming languages like Java, Python, and JavaScript, cloud computing platforms like AWS and Azure, data analytics, and soft skills like problem-solving and communication.

How can one prepare for a tech career in Wilmington?

Preparing for a tech career in Wilmington can involve attending coding bootcamps, earning computer science degrees, taking online courses, and participating in local resources like library workshops and youth programs.

What is the future outlook for tech jobs in Wilmington?

The future of tech jobs in Wilmington is bright, with growth expected in areas like cybersecurity, IoT, and AI, and an overall tech industry growth of 18% in North Carolina by 2027.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.