Why this College Student Enrolled in our Full Stack Coding Bootcamp

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: January 12th 2023

Coding bootcamp helps software engineering student

The Nucamp experience from Cody Lillywhite's perspective

How would you feel if you spent thousands of dollars on a degree to find out your skill set wasn’t up to par with internship requirements?

The pressure of needing to take care of your family but not getting the experience you needed from your classes closing in around you like a vice, making you feel trapped and uncertain about your future.

Maybe you’re not a software engineering student, but you are curious if earning a certificate for a fraction of the time and cost is worth it—you’re not alone.

Well, Cody Lillywhite is in the unique position to tell you about both experiences, as he supplemented his degree by attending Nucamp’s Full Stack Bootcamp.

Getting a software engineering degree is no small task, and it completely took the wind out of Cody’s sails when he realized his university’s curriculum alone wasn’t enough to get his foot in the door.

A lack of confidence in his applied skills left Cody looking to fill in the gaps his degree left behind.

Cody was looking for ways to gain practical experience and build a portfolio to help him secure an internship.

His goal was to specialize in front end development so he could flex the artistic talents he enjoyed using most.

At first Cody tried teaching himself React and Node and even started a few projects but became lost in a tutorial abyss.

Cody then turned to a coding bootcamp for an accountability life raft.

He chose Nucamp because of its flexibility and lower cost, as well as its focus on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js).

During the bootcamp, Cody found the instructors to be helpful and engaging, and he appreciated the hands-on approach to learning.

He particularly enjoyed the workshops on Redux with React, which was the most challenging but also the most rewarding.

Despite some initial doubts from friends and family, Cody committed to the bootcamp and was able to complete it while also finishing his degree.

Cody started his job search on Handshake, a platform similar to LinkedIn but for college students with a focus on introductory jobs.

He landed a role as a tutor at his college which brought him through the completion of his degree.

Then Cody used LinkedIn to secure his current position as a Front End Web Developer at Hire My Sub roughly 5 months after graduating from Nucamp and 2 months after finishing his degree.

Overall, Cody found that attending a coding bootcamp like Nucamp was a valuable experience that helped him gain the skills and experience he needed to break into the tech industry.

If you're looking for a structured and supportive learning environment to help you pursue a career in tech, a coding bootcamp like Nucamp could be a great option for you.

“I think Nucamp is a great way go because of the flexibility, affordability, and the tech stack. If you need the accountability like I did, it will help you.”


Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.