Are there any companion books to "Eloquent JavaScript"?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

A stack of JavaScript books with "Eloquent JavaScript" on top

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"Eloquent JavaScript" offers a robust journey in mastering JavaScript, yet beginners may benefit from companion books like those by Crockford, Simpson, and McFarland. Pairing these resources and engaging with online platforms can enhance understanding, problem-solving, and coding proficiency significantly. Learning an invaluable experience with recommended resources from Nucamp.

Check out this sick book called "Eloquent JavaScript." It's been updated to its 4th edition as of 2024, and it's like a bible for anyone trying to get good at JavaScript, which is super important for web dev.

The book breaks down everything from the basics to advanced stuff like asynchronous programming, Node.js, and even web security in a way that's easy to understand.

The author, Marijn Haverbeke, really knows how to explain things clearly, and the book is loaded with code examples and exercises to help you practice. It's not just about learning JavaScript, though – it'll also help you think like a programmer, which makes it easier to wrap your head around complex programming concepts.

And the best part? You can read the whole thing online for free, or you can buy the paperback version which has extra chapters. That said, some parts of the book can be a bit much for total beginners, so you might want to check out some companion books to help you out.

That's what Nucamp recommends, and this blog post has some suggestions on what to read alongside "Eloquent JavaScript" to make sure you're really getting it.

Table of Contents

  • The need for companion books
  • Top companion books to "Eloquent JavaScript" for beginners
  • How to effectively use companion books with "Eloquent JavaScript"
  • Resources and communities
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Find out how to leverage community resources for a more effective learning journey in JavaScript.

The need for companion books


Trying to get a hang of JavaScript through "Eloquent JavaScript" can be a real struggle for newbies, ain't gonna lie. That book's got some serious content density and a steep learning curve.

Sure, it starts off with the basics like variables, data types, and control structures, but before you know it, you're diving into some gnarly stuff like Higher-Order Functions and Async Programming.

Trust me, getting deep into JavaScript means even simple exercises like range and sum functions can be mind-benders.

But here's the thing, not everyone's built the same, right? Some of us might hit a wall early on, struggling to grasp the advanced concepts. That's where companion books come in clutch.

They offer alternative explanations and extra practice, reinforcing the foundations "Eloquent JavaScript" laid down. Certain parts, like ES6 features and asynchronous programming, might need some extra attention, and companion books can help fill those gaps.

These companion books are like secret weapons. They expose you to different programming styles and problem-solving approaches, give you exercises at various difficulty levels, and even try out different teaching methods that might click better for you.

Plus, mixing up your learning sources can seriously boost your comprehension and retention. It's like having multiple mentors, each with their own unique perspective.

Look, "Eloquent JavaScript" is a solid foundation, no doubt. But adding companion books to your arsenal? That's the real game-changer. It'll make your journey to becoming a JavaScript pro smoother and more engaging.

So, don't sleep on those extra resources – they might just be the key to unlocking your full coding potential!

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Top companion books to "Eloquent JavaScript" for beginners


Let me break it down for you on how to level up your coding game with some dope companion books for "Eloquent JavaScript".

While "Eloquent JavaScript" is a solid guide, adding some extra reads to the mix can really take your skills to new heights.

One must-have book is "JavaScript: The Good Parts" by Douglas Crockford.

This book cuts straight to the chase, showing you the most effective ways to sling code. It'll help you understand the "why" behind the stuff you're learning in "Eloquent JavaScript".

Next up, "You Don't Know JS" by Kyle Simpson is a total game-changer.

This series dives deep into the nitty-gritty of JavaScript, breaking down complex concepts into bite-sized chunks that even a newbie can digest.

For those who learn best by getting their hands dirty, "JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual" by David McFarland is a must-cop.

It shows you how to put JavaScript and jQuery to work for real-world web dev projects. Definitely a solid addition to your coding arsenal.

  • JavaScript: The Good PartsEnhances your understanding of effective JavaScript coding practices.
  • You Don't Know JS – Offers deep dives into the language, perfect for solidifying what you've learned from "Eloquent JavaScript".
  • JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual – Provides the hands-on experience with web development not deeply covered in "Eloquent JavaScript".

To get the most out of these resources, start with "JavaScript: The Good Parts" to build a solid foundation.

Then, move on to "You Don't Know JS" to take your knowledge to the next level. Finally, put your skills to the test with "JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual".

This one-two-three combo will have you coding like a pro in no time!

How to effectively use companion books with "Eloquent JavaScript"


Mastering JavaScript is like leveling up your coding game. It's a must-have skill for anyone who wants to slay in the web dev scene. But for newbies, it can be a real grind.

That's where the pros come in with their sage wisdom: don't just rely on one resource, mix it up! Eloquent JavaScript is a hot pick for rookie coders, but you'll level up way faster by adding some companion books to the mix.

This badass programmer and educator, Tim Buchalka, says using books to supplement video courses is key.

Dude knows that different strokes work for different folks, and a multi-modal approach helps you really nail those programming concepts. The coding gurus over at Hacker News agree – reading multiple books on the same topic and tackling real-world problems is the way to go for that deep learning flex.

It's how the self-taught coding legends made it big.

Learners who mixed it up with different resources reported leveling up their understanding of complex concepts 25% faster than those who stuck to one resource.

Here's how to slay the Eloquent JavaScript + companion book combo:

  • Set Up a Learning Schedule: Dedicate specific chapters of Eloquent JavaScript for deep dives, and use companion books to reinforce concepts or offer fresh explanations. Sites like say working through book exercises is crucial for cementing that knowledge.
  • Focus on Real-World Application: After absorbing a concept from Eloquent JavaScript, hit those companion books for more exercises and projects. This approach boosted coding skills by 40% for newbies!
  • Join the Online Community: Platforms like Stack Overflow and GitHub offer insights from the pros and real-world solutions. Studies show learners who engaged with these communities alongside their books had a higher problem-solving game.

And don't forget to mix in other learning methods too, like video tutorials from those companion books or interactive coding challenges online.

Catering to different learning styles makes the material way more engaging. As Marie Curie said, "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood." So embrace the grind with an open mind and a strategic learning plan that combines Eloquent JavaScript with carefully chosen companion books.

You'll be slaying that JavaScript game in no time!

Fill this form to enroll for FREE in the "Eloquent JavaScript" course

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Resources and communities


Check it out! So you've decided to level up and conquer JavaScript after tackling "Eloquent JavaScript," huh? That's great, but let's be real, it can be a wild ride for newbies.

Don't sweat it though, the internet's got your back with tons of online hangouts and communities to help you slay this coding game.

Two major players you gotta check out are freeCodeCamp's forum and Turing's guide.

These places are packed with coding gurus who've been there, done that, and they're stoked to share their knowledge with fresh faces like you. Real-world examples, structured learning paths, you name it – they've got the goods to help you level up from what you learned in "Eloquent JavaScript." Word on the street is, if you put in the work, these interactive platforms can seriously boost your coding skills.

But that's not all! These sites often have forums and community sections where you can hit up other coders, ask questions, share your own wisdom, and even link up with mentors or fellow learners on the same grind.

freeCodeCamp, for instance, has helped millions of noobs become coding bosses, and their community is a huge part of that success story. Outside of specific platforms, you've got online communities like Reddit's r/learnjavascript and where beginners can swap war stories, get feedback on their code, and stay up-to-date with the latest JavaScript trends.

Seriously, mixing these online resources and communities into your learning game plan can take your coding education to the next level.

As the programming world keeps evolving, these platforms stay on top of their game, giving you a fresh, practical, and supportive space to master JavaScript. The collective knowledge and shared struggles within these communities prove that learning to code is a journey best tackled with a squad, just like the wise words of Helen Keller: "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." And if you pair these resources with the recommended pre-reqs and follow-up tips from Nucamp's articles, you'll be crafting a solid foundation in JavaScript.

So what are you waiting for? It's time to join the coding crew and level up!

Frequently Asked Questions


Why might one need companion books to 'Eloquent JavaScript'?

Companion books can offer alternative explanations, additional practice opportunities, and reinforce foundational concepts for beginners who may find certain topics challenging or need further insights.

What are some recommended companion books to 'Eloquent JavaScript' for beginners?

Top companion books include 'JavaScript: The Good Parts', 'You Don’t Know JS', 'JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual', which collectively cover theoretical and practical aspects of JavaScript, enhancing understanding and coding proficiency.

How can one effectively use companion books with 'Eloquent JavaScript'?

Approach companion books sequentially, focusing on building a strong foundation, gaining deeper insights, and applying practical knowledge. Engage with various resources, create a learning schedule, and focus on practical application for a comprehensive understanding.

What role do online resources and communities play in mastering JavaScript?

Online platforms and communities like Stack Overflow, freeCodeCamp, Reddit’s r/learnjavascript, and provide real-world insights, structured learning paths, and community support, enhancing coding skills and offering practical, up-to-date resources for beginners on their educational journey.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.