The Path from Freelancer to Dream Job is Like Juggling Torches

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: February 6th 2023

career change from freelance editor to dream job with coding bootcamp

Invest in Self-Improvement and Reinvent Your Career by Learning to Code

As a part of the Nucamp team, it's always interesting to hear about the journey that individuals have taken to get to where they are today.

And this bootcamp graduate's story is no exception.

Before attending Nucamp, Wanyoung Kim worked as a freelancing editor, which, while fulfilling, was only part-time and didn't provide a stable income.

Like trying to juggle three flaming torches while riding a unicycle – it can be exciting at times, but it's not the most stable career path.

Wanyoung’s desire to learn new skills and potentially switch to a more stable career led her to consider a coding bootcamp.

When I asked Wanyoung how she decided on Nucamp she said after some research and comparison, Nucamp’s part-time program that allowed her to continue working while learning was what ultimately won her over.

It was like finding the golden ticket to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory – the perfect combination of flexibility and structure (but with a lot less chocolate and song-and-dance numbers).

Wanyoung enrolled in the Full Stack Bootcamp and graduated in November 2021.

Throughout the program, Wanyoung particularly enjoyed the self-paced structure of the bootcamp and appreciated the support and guidance of her instructor, particularly during the more challenging modules.

Having a personal cheerleading squad kept her motivated.

Wanyoung even surprised herself by enjoying the back end module, which she hadn't expected since she preferred front end after a workshop she had taken previously.

Even though she never thought she'd be a fan, it ended up being one of her favorite parts of the program.

After graduation, Wanyoung found freelance work as a UI/UX designer, fulfilling contracts for various projects.

Her job search approach consisted of advertising her resume on multiple job search sites including LinkedIn and Indeed.

Wanyoung continued to use her new coding skills while fulfilling short-term contract jobs and applying for full-time openings.

Eventually, Wanyoung landed a full-time position as a Web & UX/UI Designer.

She had finally found the perfect puzzle piece to complete her career puzzle!

Wanyoung enjoys the company culture and the opportunity to continue learning and expanding her skills.

One thing that Wanyoung discovered about herself through this journey is the importance of believing in herself and not giving up, even when things get tough.

Like a trusty umbrella on a rainy day—it may not always be sunny but having a positive attitude and determination can help you weather any storm.

Wanyoung also emphasized the value of doing some self-exploration before committing to a bootcamp, whether that be through free workshops or online resources, to get a sense of whether coding is the right fit.

You want to be fully invested in the long-term commitment it takes to learn a new skill like coding.

For those who are considering attending a bootcamp, Wanyoung recommends setting aside the time required to fully immerse oneself in the program and do some self-study.

I mean, you can't just show up on a marathon race day expecting to win without putting in the necessary preparation.

And for those who have already started a bootcamp, Wanyoung advises not to get discouraged and to reach out to instructors and peers for support.

As always, it’s inspiring to hear about those who are willing to take a risk and invest in their own education and career development, and Wanyoung is no exception.

Her dedication and perseverance have paid off, and Wanyoung is now happily employed in a field that she is passionate about.


Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.