2 Inspiring Graduate Stories: Are you Ready for Your Own Transformation?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: March 27th 2021

2020 gave us challenges and those challenges will carry over into 2021.
Dwelling on them isn't going to change your situation, but you know what will? Taking Action.
I challenge you...to make 2021 the first year of the Nu you.

I'm confident you can do it. If you're reading this, you've already been considering it and that's the first step.
Let me tell you about Isaiah and Jason who took that step in 2020.

Isaiah Thomas

Previous Job: Project Manager
Current Job: Full Stack Software Engineer, Scout Financial

Isaiah Thomas was a project manager for a company that sold lighting fixtures.

Over time the work became too routine and he had no outlet for creative ambitions.

Then he had a bright idea: learn to code and make any kind of app.
Nucamp's part-time flexibility was crucial in leading him to register for the Full Stack + Mobile Development Bootcamp.
For Isaiah, it wasn't overly difficult, but it had its unique challenges and he appreciated the React Native section.
Then he did something BOLD and uncommon.
With no prior coding experience, he applied to LOTS of coding jobs in the MIDDLE of the bootcamp.
He heard "No" a lot, but he took notes and learned his weaknesses so he could improve.
BEFORE the bootcamp ended, he landed his first coding job as a Full Stack Software Engineer for Scout Financial.

He graduated and started his new job last month.

Jason Weyland

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Previous Job: High Rise Window Washer
Current Job: Junior Front-end React Developer, Stellar Software.

Jason Weyland worked in a lot of high places...fixing wind turbines and cleaning high rise windows.
The pay was okay, but the days were long when there was work, projects were inconsistent, and the job wasn't going anywhere.
He wanted something more grounded—something with more opportunity.
For Jason, Nucamp's affordability made the difference and in early 2020 he took Nucamp's Web Development Fundamentals. Then immediately after, he started the Full Stack + Mobile Development Bootcamp.
At first it seemed pretty easy, but after a few weeks into the Full Stack bootcamp, it grew challenging.
But Jason was DETERMINED and graduated in August.
He said "Nucamp definitely helped with the motivation to continue learning."
He spent time learning more code, he stayed on top of his job tracker, and he prepared more for interviews.
Just last month, he started his new career in tech by landing a job as a Junior Front-end React Developer for Stellar Software.

How about you, are you ready for the Nu you?


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.