Best Tech Jobs That Pay $100k to $200k a Year in 2024 and How To Land One

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Best Tech Jobs That Pay $100k to $200k a Year in 2024 - United States

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Discover the best tech jobs in 2024 paying $100k-$200k. San Francisco boasts $162K-$183K for Software Developers, whereas NYC offers Data Scientists up to $200k. Seattle's Cybersecurity Specialists earn $156K on average. Improve your skills, network, and tailor your resume to land these high-paying roles.

Hey, if you're like me and aiming for that big tech money in 2024, you've gotta know where the real high-paying jobs are at. After digging into some fresh research on $100k-$148k IT roles, it's clear there are some hot options to chase.

Software developers and engineers are still killing it, with salaries ranging from $100k to a whopping $200k annually if you play your cards right. But data scientists are also crushing it, potentially raking in between $120k and $190k per year in data-driven hubs.

And with cybersecurity threats on the rise, skilled pros in that field can earn $100k to $170k, especially in places like Seattle. If you're ready to level up your career and chase those $168k-$212k tech salaries in 2024, better start sharpening those coding skills and checking out Nucamp's top job guarantee bootcamps.

Table of Contents

  • Software Developer Roles
  • Data Scientist Opportunities
  • Cybersecurity Specialist Positions
  • Tips for Securing High-Paying Tech Jobs
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Software Developer Roles


Alright, so you wanna make some serious cash in the tech game? San Francisco is where it's at for software developer roles raking in $200K or more.

This city is a total hot spot for both tech giants and up-and-coming startups, which means insane job opportunities. Check this out – data from Glassdoor shows software engineers in San Fran can easily score salaries between $148K to $201K per year, with the top dogs earning way over $200K.

The biggest tech players like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Salesforce are all scooping up mad talent and dishing out fat paychecks for software developer roles.

We're talking average salaries ranging from $162K all the way up to $183K for those Google engineers. But it's not just the big names – San Fran has a ton of $200K software gigs at startups and smaller companies too.

No matter if you're a full-stack wizard, front-end guru, back-end master, mobile app magician, or software architecture pro, there are high-paying opportunities all around this city.

The demand for skilled software developers is just insane here, which drives up those salaries. So if you're looking to seriously level up your career and bank account, San Francisco is definitely the place to be in 2024.

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Data Scientist Opportunities


New York City is where it's at for the hottest data science jobs that'll have you raking in the big bucks! We're talking salaries from $100k to $200k in 2024, and the opportunities just keep on coming.

NYC is like the promised land for anyone trying to make it in data science, with job postings skyrocketing by 21% in the past year alone, according to the Computing Technology Industry Association.

You can't just waltz in and expect to land one of these high-paying gigs.

You gotta have the skills to pay the bills. We're talking skills in statistical analysis, machine learning, data mining, and coding like a boss in Python and R. Plus, you better be a pro at visualizing data with tools like Tableau and Power BI. O'Reilly Media's survey spills the tea on the top skills NYC data scientists need in 2024:

  • Machine Learning (92% want it)
  • Statistical Modeling (87% need it)
  • Data Visualization (83% gotta have it)
  • Big Data Platforms (79% can't live without it)
  • Natural Language Processing (71% are all over it)

And let's not forget about education, 'cause most of these companies want you to have a Master's degree in Data Science, Computer Science, or something just as quantitative.

Elizabeth Moore, the big cheese at NYC Data Science Academy, said it best:

"The demand for data scientists in New York City is skyrocketing across industries like finance, healthcare, and tech. Professionals equipped with the right skills can command salaries well into the $200k range."

So, if you're looking to score one of these high-paying data science jobs in NYC, you better start prepping now!

Cybersecurity Specialist Positions


Seattle is straight fire for landing a sick cybersecurity job in 2024! We're talkin' average salaries of $156K a year, which is way higher than the national average of $132K. The pay range is insane too - from $64K all the way up to $211K! Can you say cash money? But don't sleep on it, the competition is real.

You gotta have that paper (degree) and killer cybersecurity skills like ethical hacking, risk management, and network defense.

Certifications like CISSP or CEH will make you stand out too. And let's be real, problem-solving and communication are a must when you're dealing with high-stakes cyber threats.

The biggest players in Seattle are hiring hard, like Microsoft, Amazon, and T-Mobile, offering six-figure salaries for the right candidates.

So if you're looking to secure the bag in cybersecurity, Seattle is where it's at in 2024. Just make sure you bring your A-game and be ready to grind!

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Tips for Securing High-Paying Tech Jobs


Landing a sick tech gig that rakes in $100k to $200k in 2024 ain't no joke. You gotta play your cards right and hustle hard to stand out from the pack. Here's the 411 on how to secure that bag:


Build a Rad Portfolio: Employers dig real-world experience, so put together a dope portfolio flaunting your coding projects, data analysis work, and anything that showcases your mad skills.

This tangible proof of your talents is a major flex that'll make you stand out.

2. Never Stop Learning: The tech game is always evolving, so you gotta stay on top of the latest trends, tools, and coding languages.

Level up by earning certs, attending workshops, or taking online courses to expand your expertise.

3. Network Like a Boss: According to the stats, "85% of all jobs are filled through networking." So get out there and connect with professionals at industry events, join organizations, and link up on platforms like LinkedIn.

This opens doors to those hidden job opportunities.

4. Tailor Your Resume: Don't just send out a generic resume. Customize that bad boy for each job you apply to, highlighting the specific skills and experiences the role needs.

Use keywords from the job description to optimize for those applicant tracking systems.

5. Flaunt Your Soft Skills: Tech skills are crucial, but employers also want to see that you can communicate effectively, solve problems, and collaborate like a champ.

During interviews, showcase examples of when you've flexed those transferable soft skills.

According to CIO's breakdown of in-demand tech roles, skills like Python, Java, React for developers, SQL and machine learning for data gigs, and cloud security and ethical hacking for cybersecurity are what'll help you rake in the big bucks.

So, level up your tech game, network like a boss, and sell yourself hard.

Combine those technical chops with continuous learning, a killer resume, and strong soft skills, and you'll be on your way to landing one of those high-paying $100k tech jobs in 2024.

The bag is yours for the taking!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the best tech jobs that pay $100k to $200k a year in 2024?

In 2024, the best tech jobs that pay between $100k to $200k annually include software developers, data scientists, and cybersecurity specialists.

Where are software developer roles with high salaries available?

Software developer roles with high salaries ranging from $162k to $183k can be found in cities like San Francisco, where tech giants and startups offer lucrative opportunities.

What skills and qualifications are needed to become a data scientist in NYC?

To become a data scientist in NYC and earn between $100k to $200k in 2024, individuals need skills in machine learning, statistical modeling, data visualization, big data platforms, natural language processing, and preferably a Master's degree in Data Science or related field.

Where can cybersecurity specialists find high-paying positions in 2024?

Cybersecurity specialists can find high-paying positions in cities like Seattle, where average salaries are $156k a year, with a pay range from $64k to $211k. Key skills include ethical hacking, risk management, network defense, and certifications like CISSP or CEH.

What are some tips for securing high-paying tech jobs in 2024?

To secure high-paying tech jobs in 2024, individuals should build a strong portfolio, continuously learn and upgrade skills, network effectively, tailor resumes for each job application, and showcase both technical and soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and collaboration during interviews.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.