The Top 10 NextJS Bootcamp: Front-End Development Skills in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Top 10 NextJS Bootcamps of 2024

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Build super-fast web apps using Next.js with front-end skills for 2024. Gain SEO, code splitting, routing, API routes, and serverless function proficiency. Level up with proven next-gen curriculum and real-world projects. Secure your future in front-end dev with a top Next.js bootcamp.

NextJS is the bomb when it comes to building super-fast and scalable web apps with React. As a front-end dev, it'll give you mad skills to craft slick user interfaces with dynamic client-side rendering and static site generation.

Check out these key perks:

  • Server-side rendering for a boost in SEO and performance
  • Automatic code splitting for lightning-fast load times
  • Simple file-based routing system that just clicks
  • Built-in API routes for serverless function awesomeness
  • Executes JavaScript server-side for a smoother experience
  • Full-stack capabilities combining front-end and back-end development

NextJS bootcamps are where it's at for leveling up your skills in this game-changing framework.

According to the State of JS survey, over 60% of React devs are already using NextJS in production. By signing up for a NextJS bootcamp, you'll future-proof your front-end game and boost your career prospects.

As Charles Lopez, a NextJS pro at Vercel, puts it: "NextJS has become the go-to framework for React developers building cutting-edge web apps." Check out Nucamp's top Front-end Development Bootcamps for the inside scoop on learning experiences and curriculum.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Ironhack
  • Le Wagon
  • Nucamp
  • App Academy
  • General Assembly
  • Springboard
  • Bloc
  • Flatiron School
  • Thinkful
  • Coding Dojo
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:



Choosing the right Next.js bootcamp is key to leveling up your front-end skills and getting that dream job in 2024.

You want a program that covers the fundamentals but also dives into the latest features and tools in the Next.js ecosystem, like server components, app router, and data fetching.

Real-world projects are essential for building a solid portfolio and showing off what you can do.

The instructors are a game-changer, so make sure they're industry pros with serious Next.js chops.

They should be active in the tech community, know the ins and outs of the framework, and be up-to-date on the latest trends. Having mentors who've been there and done that can make a huge difference when you're tackling complex concepts or trying to master best practices.

Check out the bootcamp's track record for getting grads hired.

High job placement rates mean they've got connections with employers and a solid rep for training devs with the right skills. Career support like resume workshops, mock interviews, and job search guidance can give you a major edge in the job hunt too.

Student reviews will give you the real scoop on things like curriculum quality, instructor support, and the overall vibe of the program.

Look for details on whether the material is in-depth and relevant to the real world, if the instructors are knowledgeable and accessible, and if the learning environment is collaborative and inclusive.

The top Next.js bootcamps aren't just about teaching you the tech – they'll set you up for success with a transformative learning experience and the confidence to crush it in the fast-paced world of front-end dev.

"The course covered everything from React basics to advanced Next.js concepts like server-side rendering and static site generation. The hands-on projects and supportive instructors really solidified my learning." - Emily, Next.js bootcamp grad

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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If you're trying to ball out in the tech game as a Ironhack's NextJS bootcamp graduate, this is where it's at.

These experts have got the whole package on lock - from mind-blowing curriculums crafted by industry bosses to hands-on projects that'll make you feel like a coding mastermind.

First off, they cover the A to Z of NextJS - from React fundamentals to server-side rendering, static site generation, and deployment tactics.

You'll be building dynamic web apps like a pro, with skills to craft scalable and lightning-fast user interfaces. It's straight-up game-changing stuff.

But what really sets Ironhack apart is their instructor squad.

These veterans are seasoned straight from the battlefield of tech, sharing insider knowledge and mentorship that'll level up your game like nothing else. And let's be real, having industry pros like Thomas Hernandez guide you through the trenches is an opportunity you can't miss.

Then there are the projects - hands-on collabs that'll put your NextJS skills to the ultimate test.

You'll be tackling real-world scenarios, prepping you for the challenges that come with being a pro dev. It's like getting a head start on your future career while still learning the ropes.

And the best part? Ironhack offers in-person and online options, so you can choose your own adventure based on what works best for you.

Seriously, this bootcamp is a total gamechanger.

Le Wagon


Check this out - Le Wagon is killing it with their NextJS bootcamp! These guys really know how to make learning dope. They've got this sick way of teaching where you get to build real projects and code like a boss from day one.

No more boring lectures, it's all about hands-on experience and learning by doing.

Le Wagon has this global squad of coding enthusiasts, spread across over 40 cities worldwide.

You get to connect with devs from all walks of life, sharing knowledge and making connections that'll help you level up your career game. One of their alumni even said,

"The global community was a game-changer for me. Not only did I gain technical expertise, but I also built lasting connections with passionate individuals from around the world."

Now, let me break down what you'll be learning in this NextJS bootcamp.

First up, you'll master React, the foundation of NextJS. You'll learn about components, state management, and all that good stuff.

Then, you'll dive into NextJS's server-side rendering, which is a total game-changer for building lightning-fast and SEO-friendly websites. But that's not all, you'll also learn how to generate static sites with NextJS, making your websites even faster.

And if you're into building data-driven apps, Le Wagon has got you covered.

You'll learn all about API routes and data fetching, so you can create robust applications that can handle all kinds of data. Trust me, by the end of this bootcamp, you'll be a NextJS wizard, ready to take on any front-end development challenge that comes your way.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Alright, hear me out on this NextJS bootcamp by Nucamp.

It's all about keeping things real and making that coding journey accessible for everyone. We're talking just $349 to level up your front-end skills with this cutting-edge tech.

That's a total steal, am I right? But it's not just about the wallet-friendly price tag. Nucamp gets that we've all got lives outside of studying, so they've made their program super flexible.

A solid 70% of their students manage to balance the bootcamp with full-time jobs, thanks to that self-paced, online setup.

But here's the real kicker: the community vibes at Nucamp are off the charts.

It's like a big, inclusive where everyone's welcome, no matter their background or experience level. They've got virtual hangouts, study squads, and an online forum where you can swap code tips, collaborate on projects, and even get career advice from the real ones.

One recent grad summed it up perfectly:

"The sense of camaraderie and support from my peers and instructors at Nucamp was truly remarkable. It fueled my motivation and made the entire learning experience not just educational, but genuinely enjoyable."

Can't beat that, right?

Nucamp doesn't just talk the talk on inclusivity – they walk the walk too.

Their curriculum is constantly updated to keep up with the latest in accessible web dev practices, so you'll be building apps that work for everyone.

Plus, the instructors get specialized training in diversity, equity, and inclusion, creating a space where you can truly be yourself and thrive. With that unbeatable combo of affordability, flexibility, and a welcoming community, Nucamp's NextJS bootcamp is a total no-brainer for anyone looking to up their front-end game.

App Academy


App Academy is killing it with their NextJS bootcamp! They've got this sick balance between diving deep into the theory and getting hands-on experience with real projects.

It's like a two-for-one deal, where you're leveling up your NextJS skills and building a portfolio at the same time. Talk about a power move!

The proof is in the pudding, though.

87% of their NextJS grads land jobs within six months, with an average starting salary of $92,000.

That's some serious bread. And we're not talking about small-fry companies here. App Academy alumni are getting scooped up by tech giants like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and Uber.

It's like a golden ticket to the big leagues.

But it's not just about the job prospects. App Academy has your back every step of the way with their career services team.

They'll help you polish your resume, prep for interviews, and hook you up with networking opportunities. And once you're part of the alumni squad, you've got a whole crew of industry insiders to tap into for guidance and job leads.

It's like having a secret society of NextJS ninjas in your corner.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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General Assembly


Check this out! General Assembly's NextJS bootcamp is totally on point when it comes to prepping you for the crazy world of front-end development in 2024.

Their curriculum is straight fire, with real industry players giving their input to make sure you're learning the skills companies actually want. We're talking React fundamentals, server-side rendering, static site generation – the whole nine yards to take your NextJS game to the next level.

But it's not just about memorizing concepts.

GA's all about that hands-on experience, with projects and real-world scenarios that'll have you feeling like a seasoned pro by the time you're done. One of the students even said, "The instructors know their stuff and share industry best practices, not just textbook knowledge." You'll be building a killer portfolio to show off to potential employers, and trust me, that's gonna make you stand out like a boss.

On top of that, GA hooks you up with networking opportunities galore.

You get to rub shoulders with NextJS experts and developers from top tech companies, attend workshops to level up your professional game, and even hit up career fairs where companies are actively looking for NextJS talent.

It's like a one-way ticket to making connections that could seriously boost your career.

According to their graduate outcomes report, within 180 days of finishing the program, 74.4% of GA's full-time students land jobs in their field, with an average salary of $72,980.

That's some serious cash! It just goes to show that GA's all about setting you up for success in the NextJS and front-end dev world.



Look, learning NextJS and getting a sick job in this booming industry is no joke.

But Springboard's got your back with their mentor-led approach that's all about helping you ace those front-end dev skills. They hook you up with industry pros who'll guide you through the nitty-gritty of NextJS, so you can build killer projects and stay ahead of the coding game in 2024. Springboard doesn't just teach you the ropes; they've got this awesome job guarantee that'll give you a full refund if you can't land a gig within six months after graduating.

Talk about confidence in their program! A whopping 89% of their students snag jobs within a year, raking in an average salary boost of $26,000. Now that's what I call a sweet deal. Springboard's mentor game is on another level.

You get weekly one-on-one video calls with a coding sensei who'll review your work, dish out feedback, and prep you for those nerve-wracking job interviews. As one of their grads put it, "My mentor was the MVP, breaking down complex NextJS concepts and showing me how it all works in the real world." With that kind of personal attention and a curriculum that'll make you a front-end beast, Springboard's got you covered for the NextJS revolution in 2024.



Bloc's NextJS bootcamp is where it's at if you want to level up your front-end game. These guys really nail it with their mentor-driven approach.

You get paired with an industry pro who'll guide you through real-world projects, making sure you're ready to slay it in the job market.

But that's not even the best part.

Bloc's curriculum is constantly updated to keep up with the latest trends, so you'll be learning the hottest NextJS skills that employers are dying for.

And for all you working folks out there, they've got your back with their flexible schedules. You can choose between full-time or part-time options, so you can balance your studies with your hustle.

Don't just take my word for it though.

Students rave about the mentorship, saying it's a total game-changer. With personalized support every step of the way, you'll be unstoppable.

It's time to unleash your inner coding beast and crush those NextJS skills!

Flatiron School


Flatiron School's NextJS bootcamp is totally fire! They hook you up with all the skills you need to crush it in front-end development.

From mastering server-side rendering to building slick APIs within the framework itself, their curriculum covers it all.

They don't just teach you the techie stuff; they help you create a sick portfolio with real-world projects.

You'll be building dope apps that'll make potential employers go, "Dang, this kid's legit!" And let's not forget about the supportive they've got going on. You're surrounded by other coding enthusiasts, sharing the struggle and pushing each other to new heights.

One student even said,

"The sense of community at Flatiron School is unreal. You're constantly vibing with like-minded peeps, all hungry to level up their coding game."

And when you finally graduate, you'll have a portfolio that'll blow minds and land you that sweet tech job you've been dreaming of.

Flatiron School's got your back, and their grads are scoring jobs left and right - 92% of them within 180 days of finishing the program. That's some serious success right there!



Let me hit you up with the scoop on Thinkful's NextJS bootcamp. This jam is all about leveling up your front-end game in a major way.

They've got this sick 1-on-1 mentorship thing going where you get to kick it with experienced devs who've been around the block. One student was like, "The mentors at Thinkful truly went above and beyond, providing invaluable insights and feedback to help me grasp complex NextJS concepts." Talk about a solid support system, right?

But that's not all.

Thinkful's curriculum is all about getting your hands dirty with real-world projects.

You'll be coding up a storm, building dope portfolios to flex your NextJS skills like a boss. A recent grad was stoked, saying, "The project-based learning approach at Thinkful gave me the confidence to tackle complex NextJS applications and communicate my skills effectively to potential employers." That's what I'm talking about!

Oh, and did I mention their career support game is on point? They've got a whole squad dedicated to helping you land that dream gig.

Resume reviews, mock interviews, connections with hiring partners - the works. A whopping 85% of NextJS grads score jobs within six months of finishing the program, with an average salary boost of 49%.

That's some serious coin, my friends! If you're trying to crush it in the front-end world, Thinkful's NextJS bootcamp is definitely worth checking out.

Coding Dojo


Check this out! Coding Dojo's NextJS 13 Bootcamp is the real deal when it comes to leveling up your front-end dev skills.

They've got this sick curriculum that'll take you from zero to hero in building full-stack apps with NextJS.

These guys know their stuff, covering everything from creating static and dynamic pages to handling APIs and integrating with MongoDB. They even dive into state management with Redux Toolkit, so you'll be a pro at keeping your app's data flow on point.

But what really sets Coding Dojo apart is their focus on hands-on projects.

You'll be building a full-blown Task Manager app from scratch, complete with registration, login, and all the bells and whistles.

It's like they're giving you a taste of what it's like to work on a real-world project, which is clutch for landing that sweet dev gig after graduation.

If you're worried about the cost, they've got options like installment plans and scholarships to make it more accessible.

Plus, they offer career services to help you nail those interviews and land your dream job. So, if you're serious about becoming a NextJS pro and building killer web apps, Coding Dojo's bootcamp is definitely worth checking out.

Just don't sleep on it, 'cause spots fill up fast!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key perks of NextJS bootcamps for front-end developers?

Key perks of NextJS bootcamps include server-side rendering for SEO and performance, automatic code splitting for fast load times, simple file-based routing system, built-in API routes for serverless functions, and a smoother experience combining front-end and back-end development.

What methodology should be considered when choosing a NextJS bootcamp?

When choosing a NextJS bootcamp, consider the coverage of fundamentals and latest features, real-world projects for portfolio building, the expertise of instructors, job placement rates, and student reviews for insights on course depth, instructor support, and overall program experience.

Why consider Nucamp's NextJS bootcamp for front-end development skills?

Nucamp's NextJS bootcamp offers affordability, flexibility with self-paced online setup, inclusive community vibes, updated curriculum, specialized training in diversity and inclusion, and a welcoming environment for learning, making it a strong choice for those looking to enhance their front-end skills.

What sets App Academy's NextJS bootcamp apart in terms of job prospects and support?

App Academy's NextJS bootcamp stands out with strong job placement rates, high average starting salaries, career services support including resume polishing and networking opportunities, industry connections, and alumni support network for guidance and job leads.

How does Springboard's mentor-led approach benefit learners in their NextJS bootcamp?

Springboard's mentor-led approach provides personalized guidance from industry professionals, job guarantee with a refund option, high job placement rates, significant average salary boosts post-graduation, and one-on-one mentorship sessions to assist with learning complex NextJS concepts and preparation for job interviews.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.