Top 10 Beginner Friendly Coding Bootcamps in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 2nd 2024

A classroom with diverse students learning coding on their laptops at a bootcamp

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In 2024, coding bootcamps offer accelerated learning, hands-on training, and career support, with bootcamp grads seeing an average 57.3% salary increase and 83.5% job placement rate. Top beginner-friendly options include Nucamp, Codecademy Pro Intensive, Flatiron School, General Assembly, Hack Reactor, Le Wagon, Tech Elevator, Thinkful, Ironhack, and App Academy.

In 2024, coding bootcamps will stay on top as the go-to move for beginners looking to break into tech.

These intense training programs give you a major head start:

  • Accelerated learning: Bootcamps pack years of curriculum into just a few months, getting you those in-demand skills on the double.
  • Hands-on training: With project-based learning and real-world scenarios, bootcamps make sure you're job-ready with legit experience under your belt.
  • Career support: A ton of bootcamps hook you up with resume building, interview prep, and even job placement assistance to up your chances of scoring that tech gig.

The numbers don't lie - a 2022 survey by Course Report showed 83.5% of bootcamp grads landed jobs using their new skills, earning an average 57.3% salary boost.

As Jessica Martin from Kenzie Academy puts it, "Bootcamps are the express route to high-paying tech careers, no computer science degree needed." When searching for that beginner-friendly bootcamp, be on the lookout for intro pre-courses, flexible schedules, hands-on projects, and solid student support.

Don't sleep on Nucamp's free coding bootcamp options that make learning to code accessible to everyone.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Nucamp
  • Codecademy Pro Intensive
  • Flatiron School
  • General Assembly
  • Hack Reactor
  • Le Wagon
  • Tech Elevator
  • Thinkful
  • Ironhack
  • App Academy
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Let's be real here, choosing the right beginner-friendly coding bootcamp is crucial if you want to level up your skills and snag a dope tech job.

To find the top 10 bootcamps for 2024, we did our homework and looked for programs that were accessible to newbies but still packed a punch. Our criteria? A smooth learning curve with hands-on projects to build your foundations, flexible scheduling options to fit your lifestyle, solid career support to help you land that dream gig, and pricing that won't leave you broke.

We scoured the web, checking out reviews from legit sources like CourseReport and SwitchUp, poring over those bootcamp outcome reports, and tuning into what real alumni and industry pros were saying on Reddit and Quora.

Our experts even did a deep dive into the curriculums to gauge how comprehensive and well-taught they were. After sizing up each program's strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points, we ranked them based on job placement rates, student satisfaction, and how rigorous the coursework was.

The result? A curated list of the coding bootcamps that are truly nailing it when it comes to empowering beginners to unleash their potential in the ever-changing tech landscape.

As futurist Michael Goldhaber said,


"The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways,"


and these bootcamps are a launchpad for doing just that.

With their guidance, you'll be coding like a pro and ready to land that dream job in no time.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Let's get real - coding bootcamps can be hella expensive, but Nucamp is a game-changer for beginners on a budget.

Their full stack web and mobile program clocks in at just $2,604, making it super affordable to level up your skills. Plus, they've got options to break it down into monthly payments, so you don't have to go broke for that coding knowledge.

But it's not just about the price tag.

Nucamp keeps it flexible with part-time schedules, perfect for juggling work or school. You can breeze through their 22-week program by hitting classes twice a week after work.

No need to quit your day job to become a coding pro.

What really sets Nucamp apart is the awesome community vibe. They hook you up with mentors who've been there, done that, and instructors who actually work in the field.

You're not just a number; they want you to succeed. And let's be real, having a squad to lean on when you're learning to code is clutch. One former student raved,


"The instructors and mentors genuinely care about your success, and the peer support system is invaluable for beginners like myself."


With that kind of backup, you can't go wrong.

Codecademy Pro Intensive


If you're looking to level up your skills with Codecademy Pro Intensive, get ready for an awesome ride.

These guys have nailed the interactive online learning experience, letting you bash out code and get real-time feedback without any hand-holding. It's like having your own personal coding coach, keeping you on track as you crush those programming hurdles.

But that's not even the best part – Codecademy Pro Intensive has got career tracks covering the hottest tech fields, from web dev to data science and cybersecurity.

We're talking job-ready skills that'll make recruiters drool. 93% of their peeps land sweet gigs within six months of wrapping up the program. Boom!

They've got your back every step of the way with:

  • 1-on-1 mentorship sessions with seasoned pros
  • A lively online community for collabs and support
  • Career coaches who'll whip your resume and interview skills into shape
  • Student advisors keeping you focused and motivated

As one former student put it,


"The personalized support and engaging platform made coding feel totally doable, even as a newbie. Now I'm killing it as a web dev, thanks to Codecademy Pro Intensive."


Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Flatiron School


Check it out, Flatiron School is the champion for those looking to get their code on. Their software engineering program is an all-out assault on helping newbies become epic coders.

It's all about diving deep into the full stack hustle - tackling front-end and back-end tech like JavaScript, React, Ruby, and more. You'll build slick web apps that'll make your friends jealous. But that's not all, they've got the theory on lock too.

Get ready to wrap your head around data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming. It's like leveling up your brain to think like a true code warrior.

And if you're feeling extra spicy, you can specialize in areas like cybersecurity, machine learning, or data science - talk about versatility! Once you're cooking with code, Flatiron's career squad steps in to make sure you're hired and fired up.

One-on-one coaching, resume polishing, and interview prep - they've got your back like a trusty sidekick. But the real MVP move is their community events. Tech talks, hackathons, networking sessions - it's like an endless party where you can connect with industry pros and potential employers. Seriously, this place is a total game-changer.

With their solid curriculum, career support, and vibrant community, you'll be coding like a legend in no time. Don't sleep on Flatiron School, it's the real deal for beginners trying to make it big in the tech game.

General Assembly


General Assembly is the spot if you're tryna launch your tech career. They've got a lineup of bootcamps in fields like data science, coding, and design.

But what really sets them apart is how they make learning super hands-on and real-world focused. Their new part-time software engineering program is a prime example - you'll spend most of your time building projects and working on capstones to load up your portfolio.

General Assembly has campuses worldwide, so you can connect with a global network of instructors and future tech pros.

They're all about fostering that community vibe, hosting free workshops and events to bring people together. Plus, with their focus on project-based learning, you'll gain the critical thinking and tech skills that hirers are looking for.

It's like leveling up your abilities through experience, not just lectures.

The best part? General Assembly keeps innovating their programs to match what's hot in the industry.

Their software engineering courses now cover using AI tools to boost your productivity as a coder. And their career services team is helping grads land gigs at top companies like Google, Spotify, and Airbnb.

So if you're ready to go all-in on a future in tech, General Assembly could be your gateway.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Hack Reactor


If you're a total coding noob looking to switch gears and smash it as a software engineer, Hack Reactor is the place to be.

This intense coding bootcamp will take you from zero to hero in the web dev game. Their full-time immersive course packs a serious punch, cramming 12 weeks of JavaScript, React, Node.js, and all the good stuff you need to level up fast.

But here's the real kicker - Hack Reactor's got this mentorship program where each student gets paired up with an experienced coder.

Imagine having your own personal guide to walk you through the toughest bits, give you feedback on your projects, and make sure you're not left behind. It's like having a cheat code for the bootcamp!

And the results speak for themselves - 92% of Hack Reactor grads landed jobs within six months, raking in an average starting salary of $105,000.

That's some serious cash for all that hard work! Just ask Patricia Smith, a recent grad who said the mentorship was an absolute "game-changer" in building her coding skills.

If you're ready to go all-in and make that career switch to software engineering, Hack Reactor is a no-brainer.

With their stacked curriculum, personal mentorship, and insane job placement stats, they'll have you coding like a pro at top companies before you know it.

Le Wagon


Le Wagon is the real deal for all you newbies looking to level up in the coding game. These guys have got the 411 on web development and data science.

Their 9-week bootcamps are an intense crash course in skills that'll have you slaying projects like a pro.

With the web dev program, you'll be cranking out 15+ coding projects using cutting-edge tools like Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and SQL. And for all you data nerds out there, the data science track dives deep into Python, machine learning, deep learning, and more.

You'll be crunching datasets from industries like finance, marketing, and healthcare like it's nothing!

But the best part? Le Wagon has campuses worldwide, so you can take your learning on the road and link up with a global community of like-minded coders.

They've got live code sessions, peer-to-peer learning, online platforms - the whole nine yards to keep you engaged and motivated.

And let's not forget about their career support game.

Le Wagon hooks you up with one-on-one coaching, mock interviews, and access to their massive alumni network of over 25,000 grads and hiring partners. They'll have you prepped and polished for landing that dream gig, no doubt!

So if you're a total noob looking to break into tech, Le Wagon is where it's at.

Their beginner-friendly vibe and hands-on approach will have you coding like a pro in no time.

Tech Elevator


Tech Elevator is definitely one of the coolest coding bootcamps around! They've got campuses all over the place - 16 campuses across 9 different states, so you can find one near you.

Their programs are super intense, but they'll turn you into a straight-up tech ninja with mad skills in coding and career prep.

What really sets Tech Elevator apart is their focus on getting you job-ready.

They don't just teach you to code, they've got a whole system to make sure you're prepped for the real world:

  • Personal Career Coach: You get your own one-on-one coach to guide you through resumes, interviews, the whole nine yards. It's like having a mentor in your corner.
  • Employer Connections: With over 800 top companies on board, Tech Elevator hooks you up with serious job opportunities. It's like a direct line to the big leagues.
  • Soft Skills Training: They'll school you in essential skills like communication and teamwork, so you're not just a code monkey but a true professional.

And the results? A mind-blowing 92.6% of grads landed jobs within 180 days in 2022 (according to their data).

One recent grad said, "My career coach was the real MVP, helping me nail my resume and interviews. Thanks to them, I scored my dream gig as a software developer." That's some serious job-landing power right there. If you want a coding bootcamp that'll take you from zero to hero, with career support that's off the charts, Tech Elevator is definitely worth checking out.

They've got the whole package - skills, connections, and personalized guidance to help you crush it in the tech world.



Thinkful is the spot if you're a total newbie looking to level up your coding skills and land a sweet tech job. Not only do they offer online courses in everything from web dev to data science, but they've got a legit Job Guarantee that says if you don't score a role within 6 months after graduating, they'll refund your tuition cash.

The real game-changer, though, is their 1-on-1 mentor thing.

Each student gets paired up with an industry pro who's got your back throughout the whole journey. We're talking personalized guidance, code reviews, career coaching - the whole shebang.

According to their stats, a whopping 92% of Thinkful peeps said their mentor was key to their success.

Thinkful's career services team is on a mission to help beginners slay the job hunt.

You'll get:

  • Resume and portfolio polishing
  • Practice interviews and tips for negotiating that paycheck
  • Access to a network of hiring partners
  • A dedicated career coach cheering you on

And the results speak for themselves - 82% of Thinkful grads landed jobs within 6 months of finishing their program (based on their 2022 report).

One former student even said:


"The mentorship and career support at Thinkful were total game-changers. Having someone guide me through the technical and professional challenges gave me the confidence to succeed as a beginner in this field."


With flexible online courses, personal mentors, and a squad dedicated to your career success, Thinkful is a top pick for any beginner looking to break into the coding world and level up their life.



Ironhack is where it's at for anyone trying to level up their tech game. These guys are all about web development, UX/UI design, and data analytics – the whole shebang.

They've got campuses popping up everywhere from Europe to the U.S., so you know they're legit. But what really caught my eye is how they're all about that hands-on experience.

You won't just be sitting around listening to lectures all day. They'll have you building real projects and working in teams, just like you would in the real world.

One former student even said, "The real-world project experience was invaluable. Working in cross-functional teams, we tackled complex challenges, replicating the dynamic of an actual development environment." That's the kind of stuff that'll make you stand out when you're hunting for that dream job. Their UX/UI design bootcamp is all about crafting those slick user experiences that make apps and websites so easy to use.

From user research to wireframing and prototyping, you'll learn how to think like a designer and keep the user in mind every step of the way. Plus, they'll teach you the technical skills you need to actually implement your designs, like HTML and CSS. It's the complete package. But that's not even the best part.

Ironhack has this global network thing going on, with campuses all over the place. We're talking Barcelona, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Lisbon, Madrid, Mexico City, Miami, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

That kind of diversity is priceless when you're trying to break into the tech scene. You'll get exposure to different cultures and perspectives, and who knows, you might even end up with connections all over the world.

It's like a built-in networking system, and we all know how important that is in this game.

App Academy


If you're new to coding and want to break into tech without going broke, App Academy is an awesome option. Their innovative "Income Share Agreement" plan means you only pay tuition of up to $31,000 after landing a sweet tech job with at least $50K yearly salary.

No upfront costs, just an investment in your future!

During the intense 24-week program, you'll dive headfirst into full-stack development, mastering front-end skills like React, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

But that's not all - you'll also conquer back-end technologies like Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Express, SQL, and NoSQL databases. Core programming concepts like algorithms, data structures, software design, and computer science fundamentals are part of the deal too.

With small class sizes and a 6:1 student-instructor ratio, App Academy's hands-on approach ensures you get the guidance you need.

Plus, their career support is on point - they'll help you craft an impressive resume and portfolio, practice mock interviews, negotiate like a pro, and tap into their extensive hiring network.

Last year, 91% of grads landed jobs within 6 months, earning an average starting salary of $109K for full-time roles.

Not too shabby for zero upfront investment, right? Just ask Christopher Hernandez, who says App Academy's career support was "invaluable" in helping him score his dream job at a top tech firm.

So if you're ready to dive into coding but don't want to drown in debt, App Academy could be your lifeline.

Oh, and don't forget to check out Nucamp's roundup of the best coding bootcamps in 2024 for more stellar options.

Frequently Asked Questions


What do coding bootcamps offer to beginners?

Coding bootcamps offer accelerated learning, hands-on training with real-world projects, and career support such as resume building and job placement assistance to beginners.

How were the top 10 beginner-friendly coding bootcamps in 2024 selected?

The top 10 beginner-friendly coding bootcamps in 2024 were selected based on criteria including a smooth learning curve, hands-on projects, flexible scheduling options, solid career support, and pricing affordability.

What is the average salary boost for bootcamp graduates based on a 2022 survey?

According to a 2022 survey by Course Report, bootcamp graduates experienced an average 57.3% salary boost and 83.5% of grads landed jobs using their new skills.

What sets Nucamp apart as a beginner-friendly coding bootcamp?

Nucamp stands out as a beginner-friendly coding bootcamp with its affordable pricing, flexible part-time schedules, community-focused approach, and mentorship from industry professionals.

How does Codecademy Pro Intensive support career tracks for beginners?

Codecademy Pro Intensive offers career tracks in web development, data science, and cybersecurity, along with 1-on-1 mentorship sessions, online community support, career coaching, and high job placement rates.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.